Author Topic: depression  (Read 8778 times)

Offline two70win

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« on: September 08, 2014, 06:19:19 PM »
 im currently 24 and have been losing my hair since about age 11. i have always worn a hat and i mean always worn a hat.....i abused drugs and alcohol from 13 through to about 19 years of age to numb myself and try make myself feel happy...but that didnt really work. i dont think my parents have seen my head for 15 years..... i buzzed my hair a couple years ago in hopes building up the confidence and trying to ditch the hat but i just cant seem to do it the idea of it makes me feel ill. my life seems to revolve around this stupid issue. wont so swimming wont go out with friends i get nervous just thinking if somebody said "take ya hat off".i have thoughts of suicide every day. but i am not going to hurt myself or others as i think onday ill grow a pair and get over it.
i hate feeling uncomfortable in my own skin. i dont no what it would be like to happy and care free.
the only time i do feel good is when im by myself in the wilderness completely alone but i still think in the back of my head what if sombody sees my head gleaming...
i dont wish to speak to a professional as i have a guns and they could take away my last bit of enjoyment from my life (hunting) by saying im a risk to myself and others because of depression. i dont really know what to do from here... would like to talk to some guys that have been in my position

~two70win~ :-\

Offline invaray

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Re: depression
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2014, 10:29:31 PM »
As an old guy that was once a young guy like you, I get what you are saying.

 You will get past this.

  So many things I used to worry about that now I don't at all. I currently like having no hair on my head. I shave it off have it shining bright Its my head after all.

Life is so short we are all only here for a little while and we can be our worst enemy. There is so much more to you than what is on or off your head.

  Take the time to figure out who you are, less about the hat. Its ok to wear a hat so that's ok but holding onto the hat is not giving you comfort its making you depressed. Your holding on to something you don't even like.

What is the worst that could happen if you take off the hat? People that like you will still like you many may think you look better without the hat. You owe it to yourself to find that out.

I hope you make sense of what I'm trying to tell you. No one is happy all the time it is ok to be sad sometimes. IT is OK not to be ok, because you will find out no one is ok they all have things that they are insecure about. The coolest person you know has problems and its ok we are all a work in progress. Realizing the problem is the first step to fixing it.
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Offline slymyke

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Re: depression
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2014, 11:29:21 PM »
Welcome, Two70Win!

You are not alone in how you are feeling.  Lots of guys have been in your shoes.  Some in greater degrees than others.  One day you will be able to look back at this time in your life and realize how insignificant hair really is.  Right now, I know that seems hard to imagine.  I encounter several people each day, and I can tell you honestly that there are so few guys who have hair that I would even think looks half way decent. 

You owe it to yourself to find the courage to just make a bold move and be the friend in the group that has a shaved or buzzed head.  The look has gotten pretty popular in many places and on television, so you wouldn't be doing anything they've never seen before.  Life is more fun if you can not take everything so seriously...roll with it, make your own bald jokes, laugh it off before anybody else can. 

It's sad that we have to wonder what other will say (because for some reason, there are always those who feel free to run their mouths with no filters). 

If you are not ready to buzz or shave your head, or to even go without a hat... that's okay.  Take your time.  Look around on this forum and feel free to ask questions.  We are on your side. 

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Re: depression
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2014, 05:20:07 AM »
I know that the thought of being "different" from the rest of the crowd (in your case, being balding versus hairy) is uncomfortable ... but it's really a matter of perspective.

There's a lot to be said for being different, being your own person. You'll learn more about yourself when you stop trying to match everyone else. When you are content and confident in yourself, you'll find you have plenty of people around you who like you for the real you. People who see past the outer shell, and there are a lot of them, are the ones worth being with.

Move at your own pace, but begin taking the steps. Today is another day lost if you don't move forward.
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Offline two70win

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Re: depression
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2014, 03:44:51 AM »
your guys words of incouragment do mean alot. i felt some weight lifted off my sholders once i had pu my thoughts on paper.. spending some time in the back yard to tan up this bad boy

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Re: depression
« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2014, 04:03:20 AM »
Welcome! You're among friends here.....feel free to come and vent anytime you need to. We're here to help in any way we can.
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Offline geeman

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Re: depression
« Reply #6 on: October 06, 2014, 05:49:23 AM »
some good advice already given... shaved/bald seems to be accepted nowadays.... especially on younger guys.... most look badass.... making the transition is the tough bit.... I'm guessing you want to be accepted for you.... with a shaved or buzzed head.... well... you can't get there from here.... you have to complete the journey.... that means DITCHING THE HAT OF DOOM! very little will happen... the ground won't shake... lightening won't strike... and the seas wont flood inland... (ok... this may happen but you losing your hat won't be the cause) sure you may get the odd comment, but they will cease pretty soon... and you without a hat, will be the "norm" longer you leave it.... the bigger deal you'll turn it into.... though I'm sure you realise, it's just you with the issue.... I hate to break it to you.... but no one really cares if you wear a hat or not.... if you always wore a blue jumper, like every day.... and you suddenly wore a red one... people would comment.... we're kinda programmed that way.... try it... the sooner you do... the sooner you can thank us and say those immortal words.... "why did I wait so long"

Offline Harry Bringle

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Re: depression
« Reply #7 on: April 20, 2015, 08:47:00 PM »
Did u consult with any dermatologist?If not,do it soon.
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Offline YoungSlyBaldGuy

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Re: depression
« Reply #8 on: April 20, 2015, 10:29:02 PM »
It's hard not to worry about what others think, but that's the only way to really live life. Own who you are. If people don't accept you for who you are and what you look like, don't worry about them - plenty of others will accept you.

When I started shaving my head, I completely changed my perspective on life. I had nothing left to hide. I was going to dance on the dance floor how I wanted, no matter if anyone else was dancing or not.

I was going to go up to the cute girls and ask them to dance and get their numbers.

I was going to choose to be happy with who I am and not be ashamed to get joy from all the simple things in life.

And I am. You've got to make the conscious decision to love life. It's easy to get stuck in a rut of despair.

Be you, and the rest will fall into place.



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