Author Topic: security  (Read 2425 times)

Offline no1birdman

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« on: July 06, 2008, 06:52:58 AM »
Has  anyone after leaving the military did what we did and became mercenaries for a couple of years. This was 30 years ago and frowned upon but good money. Today they call it security and i know 2 lads who could not settle in civy street and are working in Irak as security guards earning about 400 pounds a day, How times have changed, then u were called dogs of war, to dat it is Security work.

Offline buddha

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Re: security
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2008, 08:55:23 AM »
Never in the military, but, a couple years after retiring from police work I received a recruitment package from one of the "contractors", either DynCorp or Blackwater, don't remember which one. The offer was $125K, tax free, for one year in country. About this time I heard about a former special ops guy from Denver PD with a lot of experience who retired and seized this "opportunity". He wasn't off the plane a week when he got splashed. I decided at that point that $125K would not give much pleasure to a dead man and decided I would stay home and enjoy my boring retirement. I am too old for that $h!t!
I think that in most cases former military does much better under the conditions as they exist in the Gulf. I think coppers are too inclined, by virtue of training, to hesitate at a point where they should be slinging lead and asking questions after the smoke clears.
"Certainly there is no hunting like the hunting of man and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it never really care for anything else thereafter."
Ernest Hemingway, On The Blue Water.

Offline skinhead002

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Re: security
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2008, 11:42:09 AM »
We had two officers quit my dept and one is with DynCOrp and the with BlackWater making(according them at least) more than you listed.

Its a rackett that angers me as a taxpayer and an Army officer.  If we ran our ARMY the way it should be, we would have the numbers of ground pounders we need. The need for Blackwater would be a hell of a lot less.  However, we've turned the US Army into a "corporate, kinder-gentler, gender-normed, dumbed-down, feminized, Mommie daycare" organization that doesnt have the sheer numbers of young grunts we need.  We blow hundreds of millions on too many family programs, single parent programs, HUGE bonuses now that have grown to the point where many Soldiers arw concentrated on dollars not about service at all. We now have "pay inverson" in the military where many subordinates now earn far more than their platoon and company leadership so we,re having people actually decline officer training programs.  Its nuts. All of it ties in together and has second, third, and fouth order effects. We lost two officers in my dept and had to spend thousands in taxpayer money to recruit, train, and develop replacements.  These two were veteran cops(over five years experience) and you dont grow those overnight.  However, its a major major market now for cops. Which organizations wind up short is the question.

Offline buddha

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Re: security
« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2008, 06:40:34 AM »
We had two officers quit my dept and one is with DynCOrp and the with BlackWater making(according them at least) more than you listed.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if the numbers have gone up. I got my brochure probably about '02-'03, so they are probably offering more now. I knew a copper who went to Bosnia under the same circumstances and pulled in $100K. From what I hear there are problems with the next of kin collecting in the event of one's demise.
"Certainly there is no hunting like the hunting of man and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it never really care for anything else thereafter."
Ernest Hemingway, On The Blue Water.

Offline no1birdman

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Re: security
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2008, 01:06:25 AM »
The problem with  using cops or conscripts   when you try to understand events like this, you are not a trained killer.  When you come to wiping out the whoever, you shrink back.  That's normal.  That is one of the things you have to train out of a soldier.

But when a soldier plans something like this, he doesn't flinch at the killing.  He just takes that into the plans like one more or one less egg in the omelet.  If he has to kill the enemy , it doesn't matter because sometimes he has to do that to win.  He's trained that way. 

The only thing that matters is the Objective.  Whatever a soldier has to do to win the Objective, that is what he has to do.    Well trained soldiers would do that if you ordered them to.  If they didn't, they weren't well trained