Author Topic: Cleaning house, anyone want some freebies?  (Read 2921 times)

Offline SlyCatCrossing

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Cleaning house, anyone want some freebies?
« on: August 06, 2016, 09:26:06 AM »
Between dialing in on what works for me and just trying to clean p the crazy amount of stuff I've acquired in the last year I figured I would see if anyone wanted some freebies to try out.  Just pm me with interest.

I've got a ton of Dorco 301 blades I can part with, they fall right in between derby and astra sp for me. Derbys never really worked out well and the astras are just so spotty.  I don't prefer the dorco 301 anymore but they do work very well for beginners and those with thinner hair.  I typically only use a blade one time and these would even do a decent job on my thick full hair but I found they weren't aggressive enough for me.  I do have only great things to say about Dorco's customer service which also played into my large purchase decision on those blades.

I have a few astra sp I can part with (about a tucks worth).  These are a universally loved blade but they were just so spotty for me.  Sometimes they would feel like a gillette silver blue (favorite blade so far) but other times they would feel like a derby (very rough) and I just prefer consistency in my blades.

I've also got some gillette nacet blades i don't use.  They aren't bad but I prefer different blades.  They give a great close shave but leave the skin feeling a little "hot" after each shave.

Last but not least, I've got barely used tubes of cremo cooling and every man jack unscented creams.  Both work great but I exclusively use brushes at home and barbasol for travel.  These are just sitting not getting used now.

If anyone is interested in any of these just let me know, I'll send them out for free. I would even be willing to put together some "samplers" of these blades.  I'd rather have these go to someone else then sit around until they probably get tossed out by me or my wife. PM with interest.

Bearded, Bald By Choice, and breathin' the Florida ocean air