Author Topic: Ugh, those damn genetics... PLEASE help  (Read 13212 times)

Offline MagmaBabe

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Re: Ugh, those damn genetics... PLEASE help
« Reply #30 on: August 09, 2007, 11:40:00 AM »
Andre, JDog is one complimentary good guy.

JDog is a great contributor here and has made your former bald home forum a much cooler place too since joining up three weeks ago. Reminds me of a lot of Dominic, with his enthusiasm and all.

BTW, What's going on with him/Would like to see him posting once in a while.

phew! all of a sudden it's got a hell of a lot hotter in here!!   ;D

am I missing something? who is Dom?!!
I am still determined to be cheerful and happy, in whatever situation I may be; for I have also learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends upon our dispositions, and not upon our circumstances ~  Martha Washington


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Re: Ugh, those damn genetics... PLEASE help
« Reply #31 on: August 09, 2007, 11:53:44 AM »
Actually Dom is fellow countrymen of yours....He's a cool guy I have befriended  from the other bald site and him have become friends out of the cyber world and will soon be a lot closer geographically...nice dude (and i've gotten him saying that in his English accent!)

He's originally a Yorkshire man, if I'm correct....Dom may show his mug here one day...

Yea, i used to "live" primarily over at the other site, I like both places...I didn't ever know we HAD to choose?!?

Oh, well ;)

Offline Chico D

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Re: Ugh, those damn genetics... PLEASE help
« Reply #32 on: August 09, 2007, 11:56:49 AM »
Thanks Andre, don't forget to post a pic when ya get faded up


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Re: Ugh, those damn genetics... PLEASE help
« Reply #33 on: August 09, 2007, 12:05:51 PM »
Thanks Andre, don't forget to post a pic when ya get faded up

Aww, Chico...come on really think I'd grow back my hair...I'm bowling ball smooth right now brutha..and bet your last cent that's the way my head will stay!

Bald is just too cool...and after 13 years I can safely make that statement...

Keep it smooth brutha...always! O0

Offline Itsonlyinmyhead

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Re: Ugh, those damn genetics... PLEASE help
« Reply #34 on: August 09, 2007, 12:57:26 PM »
Don't take anything anyone says personal, as the snide remarks come more from jealousy and them trying to make themselves feel better about thier own shortcomings. I noticed that I was getting ribbed the most by a friend who had a worse hairline than myself.

This is very true so just ride the comments, dont let them get to you. In my thinking its not something you can control so dont let it worry you. I was in  a similar situation to you when I was 17, my hair starting receeding at 15 and it did bother me abit but not really until it started to thin when I was 22, I started buzzing just before I was 24 about 3/4 months ago and am keeping it short, though I do get the odd occasional itch to shave it.

If I was in your situation-4 weeks before school I would definately shave it, because if it doesnt suit you then you can grow it back before school. Im only not shaving it at the moment because Im applying for new jobs and when I had it buzzed very low it made me look like abit of a sociopath (the comments from friends and family were I looked like a convict/psycho/thug/hard b*stard) and Im worried it will get the same reaction if I shave my head. I am planning on shaving it once I get a new job and setlle down into it though. 
  So after that rambling I would DEFINATLEY SHAVE IT.

Offline Scott

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Re: Ugh, those damn genetics... PLEASE help
« Reply #35 on: August 09, 2007, 10:53:33 PM »
17, your story is similar to many of us on here, so most of us can relate to what you're going through.  My advice is since school doesn't start for 4 more wks, why not shave it at least once to see how YOU like it, get out and get some sun (w/sunscreen of course) and once you return to school, you'll likely get a comment or 2 the first week, but after that it won't really matter anymore you know?  People will then move on to some other topic - that's how high school is.  You can always grow it back out after the first shave if you don't like it.  I know it's kind of a scary thing to do but look around this forum and you'll see that most everybody enjoys the SLY look and they don't look back!  Embrace what you've been given and who knows, maybe you'll start a SLY trend at your school?!  Good luck either way and keep us posted.


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