Author Topic: Hoping this is just a rookie issue...  (Read 4274 times)

Offline Ruffnek

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Hoping this is just a rookie issue...
« on: May 15, 2015, 01:26:14 PM »
Every time I shave, I have hair left behind. I usually use my Headblade ATX with HB4 blades and Headslick. Once I'm done using the Headblade just like everybody says you're supposed to, I go back to feel and feel sandpaper instead of soft leather in spots. The only way to get it to go away is to hold the Headblade like a regular razor and use pressure in those areas, like you aren't supposed to do with a Headblade.

The hair is usually left around the ridges above both ears and in the very front above my eyes where the hairline starts. Most of the time I have to run in a certain direction to feel it and it's invisible to the eye but I have a touch of OCD and just KNOWING that it's there bothers me.

Also, I can shave at 15:00 while getting ready for work and by the time that my first break tools around at 19:30, I can feel hair in spots that I didn't feel it before, like it's already growing back. I assume this is what face shavers call the 'five o'clock shadow' but I'm not sure. Is this normal or does my hair just grow at a freakishly fast rate?

I also have what my wife has deemed to be goosebumps behind my ears where the bottom hairline starts.

Is all of this normal or am I just an odd duck? If it's normal, is there anything I can do about it that I'm not doing? Tech me great sly ones.


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Re: Hoping this is just a rookie issue...
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2015, 02:19:36 PM »
In the beginning, this happens to a lot of us...As for me, I usually lift a small handheld mirror and turn my back to the sink mirror just to see if I'm happy with what I see. As for the spots the HeadBlade misses (over the ears for example) I suggest just using a disposable to catch over those areas. FWIW, I primarily use a DE Safety razor to shave and get excellent results, but I use a HeadBlade if I am away from home and time is limited. As for the "goosebumps" at the nape of your neck, Bump Patrol sold in a blue bottle is excellent for clearing those up. One of my favorite tricks to do after a head shave is rub an ice cube all over my head before adding aftershave. It eases the sting of the aftershave some. I remember you said in your first post that your wife likes to shave your head. Could you have her check for missed spots, or is that one of the things "only a bald guy would understand" Feel free to PM me for some more tricks I've learned in my seven years as a headshaver.
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Offline Ruffnek

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Re: Hoping this is just a rookie issue...
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2015, 03:26:13 PM »
As I said, the spots are invisible, I just know they're there and can feel them when I rub my head. She shaves it and then goes over it with her hand to check for stubble, and then I go over to check for stubble and we go over it with either the Headblade, holding it like a normal razor and using some pressure, or we use the Mach 3 with light pressure.

Can the Bump Patrol be bought at Wal-Mart or other box stores or will I need to order it online?

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Re: Hoping this is just a rookie issue...
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2015, 04:17:48 PM »
Bump Patrol is definitely sold at Walmart and some drug stores like Walgreens have it too. Of course Walmart would be your cheapest option.

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Re: Hoping this is just a rookie issue...
« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2015, 10:31:36 AM »
I started shaving with a HeadBlade and had problems similar to what you are describing.  I never became really adept with a HeadBlade, so I switched to a Gillette Fusion.  I also use a double edge razor on occasions when I have more time. 

You should avoid using pressure on a razor because it will cause razor burn and other problems.  Try using a little pre-shave oil on your scalp to ease the friction.  Walgreen's sells it.

As to how fast hair grows, I don't know what others experience has been, but when I first started shaving, I could feel stubble in about three or four hours and by the end of the workday, I could really really feel the shadow.  Now, my hair seems to grow much more slowly (my wife has even commented on it) and what I have after 24 hours is what I used to have after about 12 hours. 

By the way, the smoothest, cleanest, longest-lasting shaves I get are when I shave right after a workout at the gym.  Don't know exactly why this is.

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Re: Hoping this is just a rookie issue...
« Reply #5 on: May 16, 2015, 11:29:16 AM »
The Headblade did not work out for me either.  Also, the spots you described are trouble areas for me as well.  The shape of my skull prevent a shave as close as I would like it in those areas.  In my early days of shaving, I would try and try to get it smooth and end up with razor burn, so I have just learned that it will not be as smooth at the other areas.  Multiple passes to get it smooth may be part of the reason for the bumps.

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Re: Hoping this is just a rookie issue...
« Reply #6 on: May 16, 2015, 05:43:29 PM »
The HeadBlade just doesn't work for everybody, especially those obsessed with getting their scalp perfectly smooth. I have tried it over and over and I just can't get a smooth shave out of it. I personally use a Schick Quattro, which I love. Gentle shave and very smooth.

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Re: Hoping this is just a rookie issue...
« Reply #7 on: May 17, 2015, 04:31:49 AM »
Try the head blade sport. it gives a closer shave than the ATX.

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Re: Hoping this is just a rookie issue...
« Reply #8 on: May 17, 2015, 07:18:10 AM »
HeadBlade also did not do well with me. I now use the Fusion Proglide.

I found that I have to use both hands when I shave. One works the razor while the other feels for stubble and pulls my scalp as taut as possible. When my skin is loose, the shave is not as smooth as I like.
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Re: Hoping this is just a rookie issue...
« Reply #9 on: May 17, 2015, 08:08:06 AM »
Headblade didnt work for me either.

Tried various blades but fell on the Mach 3 and love it.

You really need to make sure you lather well and 'Not' to go over any parts that have no lather on them. Do not go over the same spot again and again.

I use Bump Patrol. Love it! Witch Hazel is awesome too.

Offline Ruffnek

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Re: Hoping this is just a rookie issue...
« Reply #10 on: May 18, 2015, 04:54:10 PM »
My biggest problem is that I don't have the money to keep buying different things all the time, I have to stick with something. I'm sure that the irritation and razor burn are from going over and over to try to get smooth. The Mach 3 sensitive that I tried worked well, and I generally use it the catch what the Headblade misses. As much as I hate it, I think I may end up just having to accept that there will be sone that I can't get, which means a constant battle with my OCD.

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Re: Hoping this is just a rookie issue...
« Reply #11 on: May 19, 2015, 12:08:31 PM »
You are right, dont go over and over the same spots!! This will definitely cause you issues. Plus, only go over a spot when there is shaving cream on it!!

Give your head a rest. Use less product. Shave WTG, ATG x 2 and that should be enough. You may have to do a little tidying up but dont hurt your skin by constantly hitting it with a blade.

Good luck Friend

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Re: Hoping this is just a rookie issue...
« Reply #12 on: May 20, 2015, 06:12:02 PM »
I use a Merkur Progress and get a smooth shave, I got a decent shave from Gillette Pro Glide. I liked the pro glide for it's Springy hinge, it seems to help to take some pressure off if you are heavy handed.

As for slowing regrowth: I rinse my head with cold water in the shower then apply alum to by head and this has since slowed down my need to shave quiet a bit.

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Re: Hoping this is just a rookie issue...
« Reply #13 on: May 28, 2015, 08:07:34 PM »
Headblade didn't work for me. I have too much rugged terrain on my dome lol.

I do a wet shave...Weishi razor with Wilkinson Sword razors. If I missed anything I follow up with a disposable blade with a very light touch. Oh and Kiss My Face Mint Shaving Cream is the best lol.