Author Topic: Asking a Familiar Question  (Read 10574 times)

Offline StillLurking

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Asking a Familiar Question
« on: May 26, 2017, 08:41:14 AM »
Hello, Forum,

Before I give any background as to why I’m asking, I'd like to pose a question that every new person seems to ask:  Which look suits me better?  Not to state the obvious, but the first photo is with longer hair, the second with a crew cut, and the third I'll call bald, but actually it’s with sides and back shaved, but the dark background obscures the hair on top of my head.  Also, opinions about the beard (none, goatee, fuller...) would also be welcome.

By the way, I had issues with my pictures when I tried to post this a week ago or so, so I will post the photos separately.

Offline StillLurking

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Re: Asking a Familiar Question
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2017, 08:42:14 AM »

Offline StillLurking

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Re: Asking a Familiar Question
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2017, 08:49:00 AM »
And here is the third:

Offline Magoo

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Re: Asking a Familiar Question
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2017, 02:21:30 PM »
I like the the first and second picture best. The fuller beard best. Which do you prefer?
If only all men lived by the "Golden Rule ."

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Re: Asking a Familiar Question
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2017, 07:10:20 PM »
Thank you for the input.  Actually, the second picture is a goatee; the first is fuller.  I have no real preference for my beard, other than something that would (If possible) make my face look more narrow.  (AKA - hide a few double chins!)

The "secret" issue I was dancing around is I've been wanting to be bald by choice for ages, but never did because so many are of the opinion, "If you have hair, it's foolish to get rid of it, since so many want it."  Or, "Wait long enough - it'll go on it's own."

I should explain why I kept my main point "secret" and danced around it.  I've been lurking long enough to know the answer to "Should I go bbc?" is: "Try it; if you don't like it, it will grow back in time."  So I didn't want to ask that.  Another question I didn't want to ask was "Would I look good bald?" because I know the answer to that is, "If you are happy that way, who cares what others think of your looks?" 

So I wanted too pretty much ask those questions in a less obvious way, to try to get a response less from the logical (though important) "How do I myself feel about it?"  I mean, I know that's what really matters in the end, but I was still looking for detached opinions, without the desire to offer encouragement influencing the opinion.  (I mean, I would usually welcome encouragement of any sort, but I sought a more clinical eye at this point.)

I hope that all doesn't sound too weird or crazy.  I mean, my urge to want to keep going shorter and maybe shave it is weird and crazy to me, but this seems to be the perfect "safe harbor" to be honest about it.

Offline slybeard

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Re: Asking a Familiar Question
« Reply #5 on: June 14, 2017, 09:22:50 AM »
Nothing weird or crazy.  There is nothing foolish about shaving a full head of hair.  Look how many guys shave a full beard, while many guys with sparse beards would love to have it.  You have been around, so you already know there are several BBC guys here.  When I first shaved, I was BBC, but since nature has since caught up with me. 

So here are my suggestions:

Your short buzz pretty much tells you what you would look like with a shaved head.  If you are thinking so hard on it that you post this question, you want to do it.  Just do it.

If you want you face to look thinner, grow a full beard.  keep the sides trimmed mid length, but let the chin/goatee area gain some length with a lower neckline than your first photo.  This will give you a longer looking face as well as hid the double chin and large neck.

Offline StillLurking

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Re: Asking a Familiar Question
« Reply #6 on: June 28, 2017, 12:04:15 PM »
Good advice; thank you.

I'm having most trouble with the beard, as I tried to sculpt it (around the cheeks and under the chin/neck) and it got all uneven on one side, then the other.  So I'm back to the goatee and plan to grow it out from there.  (I'm sure, with practice, I'll be able to trim better.)

I've finally decided the perfect time to shave my head is this Friday.  Since we have a long weekend, if I don't like it or want to wimp out afterwards, it will grow into a buzz by the time I get back to work (I have Monday off, we all have Tuesday off) on Wednesday.

In preparation, this past Monday (after letting it grow a week or two) I cut it myself to look like the third picture again.  (#2 on top, razor shaved sides and back.)  I've shaved the sides and back yesterday and today to get into the disciple of regular shaving.  Tonight I take the top down to a #1. 

If all goes to plan, I'll razor shave the whole thing Friday night, and finally start the "30 Days."  And I'll bet no one at work says anything, since it's been so short for a while.

That's my problem - I hate standing out or drawing attention to myself.  Thank goodness the bald look is more mainstream, at least from my cowardly point-of-view!

Offline slybeard

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Re: Asking a Familiar Question
« Reply #7 on: June 28, 2017, 01:03:01 PM »
Next time, give natural cheek lines a try.  Unless your beard grows all the way up to your eye balls, most guys can go natural with then, or only trim a handful of hairs that grow above the rest.  A rule of thumb for the neckline is to go about a finger's width above the Adam's apple.  Don't worry too much about getting it perfectly even - that is almost impossible. 

Good luck with the shave on Friday, and post pre-shave and post shave photos for us.

Offline Semi-Sly

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Re: Asking a Familiar Question
« Reply #8 on: June 29, 2017, 10:38:58 AM »
I am a barber.  My professional opinion is as follows:

- I think that you look very good with the high and tight crewcut.   the long hair and the long crewcut did nothing for you other than to make you look old!  The more skin you show on the sides, the better.  It is a very youthful and healthy look for you.
----  Having said that, if you have been thinking this long about shaving your head you must do it!  The craving is not going to go away!  I have a full head of hair but am BBC myself!  Many people tell me that I look better with at least some hair, (like your high and tight) but I love the feeling of getting and having a shaven head.  If I sometimes switch it up (growing a bit of hair for part of the year), I can do so and have done it from time to time.

----- When you do shave your head you absolutely must commit to the 39 day rule

As for the beard.  I am not a fan of beards in general and I do not understand why so many bald guys seem to think that they are necessary.  If you are blessed with a thick  luxurious beard that has great color - then grow one if you want to; but DO NOT grow a beard if your coverage is sparse or mousey grey!  AND, by all means, DO NOT shave the sides of your beard down low, (AKA chin strap).  It looks ridiculous.

So, in summary:
- I think you look best with a HNT crewcut
- But, I think that you have to shave your head and observe the 30 day rule or you will never know what makes you feel good
- If you feel you must grow a beard keep it to a goatee with very crisply shaved outline.

And  remember, my advice is worth every penny you paid for it!