Author Topic: The good Lord made you and YOU are as Good as you Want to Be !  (Read 2467 times)


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The good Lord made you and YOU are as Good as you Want to Be !
« on: October 04, 2012, 09:22:18 PM »
Each and Everyone of us are created by God.

To often we listen to other people and are so worried what others think, and blow their pie hole about.  Now :  A word from a old man that has been around many years and went through alot of s**t, when I was young I was bullied, then one day it came to me in 7th grade .  I have had ,  enough of the BS.  So to make a long story short the fight after school I kicked some A** and found that I had many friends  ;) my life became MINE !   8)

I have raised my Hell , but have also learned that a true master of life is to Walk with Confidence, hold your head high, believe in your God.  And who care's what punks think.  But if the desire to bring it buy the weak  say BOOOOOO !!!!!!!And look crazy as hell.  Most of the time all ya see is A**hole's and Elbows, if not then TCB it! O:O

Thank You, Just Sayen.