Sly Bald Guys Forum

Head Shaving, Grooming & Care => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: marshd1000 on February 16, 2007, 08:42:57 AM

Title: Laser Comb
Post by: marshd1000 on February 16, 2007, 08:42:57 AM
I was just watching Good Morning America and saw a story about a FDA approved product that will help regrow hair.  It is a comb that emits low level laser beams.  Supposedly it is not as effective as Rogaine or Propecia.  But it is supposed to work on men who are in the beginning stages of baldness after 6 months use.  I think it costs about $500.

Are there any people on this board that really would rather have their hair back instead of being sly, who would try this?

My thought is that anyone who is balding should try being sly first.  But if they are totally unhappy after shaving their head, then by all means, go try the laser comb or other things.   

As a balding man, I am glad I started shaving my head.  So you know where I stand!
Title: Re: Laser Comb
Post by: PigPen on February 16, 2007, 09:00:12 AM
I was just watching Good Morning America and saw a story about a FDA approved product that will help regrow hair.  It is a comb that emits low level laser beams.  Supposedly it is not as effective as Rogaine or Propecia.  But it is supposed to work on men who are in the beginning stages of baldness after 6 months use.  I think it costs about $500.

Are there any people on this board that really would rather have their hair back instead of being sly, who would try this?

My thought is that anyone who is balding should try being sly first.  But if they are totally unhappy after shaving their head, then by all means, go try the laser comb or other things.   

As a balding man, I am glad I started shaving my head.  So you know where I stand!

I think it's kind of ironic that they have a laser comb to encourage growth, but then there are also many, many places that advertise laser hair removal.
Title: Re: Laser Comb
Post by: ar3inc on February 16, 2007, 12:30:59 PM
I don't understand the extermes people will go to hide part of themselves. :-\
Title: Re: Laser Comb
Post by: PigPen on February 16, 2007, 01:04:44 PM
I hear ya AR
Title: Re: Laser Comb
Post by: Tyler on February 16, 2007, 01:32:40 PM
Heck, just start running your head through the scanner at the store everytime you go.
Title: Re: Laser Comb
Post by: Noner on February 16, 2007, 03:55:51 PM
I have an old Lazer TAg gun. I'm going to charg $25 dollars a half hour for me to shoot it at your head.

Title: Re: Laser Comb
Post by: PigPen on February 16, 2007, 04:09:16 PM
I have an old Lazer TAg gun. I'm going to charg $25 dollars a half hour for me to shoot it at your head.

For removal or growth?
Title: Re: Laser Comb
Post by: Noner on February 16, 2007, 04:11:22 PM
I have an old Lazer TAg gun. I'm going to charg $25 dollars a half hour for me to shoot it at your head.

For removal or growth?

Yeah, now there's some fortune cookie magic! You use a lazer to remove hair, but it can also be used to grow hair...........which means.............lazers are......................


Wow I love science.
Title: Re: Laser Comb
Post by: PigPen on February 16, 2007, 04:16:30 PM
I have an old Lazer TAg gun. I'm going to charg $25 dollars a half hour for me to shoot it at your head.

For removal or growth?

Yeah, now there's some fortune cookie magic! You use a lazer to remove hair, but it can also be used to grow hair...........which means.............lazers are......................


Wow I love science.

Will wonders never cease?
Title: Re: Laser Comb
Post by: Professor Melon on February 16, 2007, 05:07:47 PM
 >:( Too little too late. I'd rather stay bald than attempt another unlikely scheme to regain hair. Deus volt. The dome stays clean. Professor Melon
Title: Re: Laser Comb
Post by: Shiny on February 16, 2007, 05:27:02 PM
I considered the laser comb last summer when I first found out what was causing my bald patches but I couldn't find anyone (other than the company "testimonials") with any experience with it and wasn't ready to shell out that kind of doe for a chance at regaining my hair when it could grow back in full at any time.  Then the light bulb came on and I bin a shining example of shinyness ever since...   ;D
Title: Re: Laser Comb
Post by: spaceape48 on February 16, 2007, 06:56:21 PM
I like being sly, but at the same time I would love to have a choice over my baldness. I'll pass on the laser come, but if the day ever comes that there is some product or treatment that regrows hair, then I would likely take a gander at it. It's all or none for me.
Title: Re: Laser Comb
Post by: Slickdome on February 16, 2007, 10:02:51 PM
I like being sly, but at the same time I would love to have a choice over my baldness. I'll pass on the laser come, but if the day ever comes that there is some product or treatment that regrows hair, then I would likely take a gander at it. It's all or none for me.

All or none is a good plan, Spaceape.  At this point, I'm pretty committed to none.  I'd probably use the laser to take off what's left, instead of trying to grow anything back. 
Title: Re: Laser Comb
Post by: Robmeister on February 17, 2007, 08:46:12 AM
Funny thing:

I was under the impression that I was 100% BBC....

Come to find out that--now that the bean is slick--I have about a 4 - 5 inch diameter patch of tan noggin on the back (slightly lower than the very crown).

And I can feel that when the rest of the bean is getting velcroish in between shaves...that area is strangely smoother.

LOL!!! I've been doing a combover of sorts without even one ever told me (not even my wife).   And I was never concerned enough to investigate.

I'm with Slickdome....I would lasor the rest off, before I would lasor any in.
Title: Re: Laser Comb
Post by: Noner on February 20, 2007, 09:21:20 AM
Bad news:

I help my head against the self-checkout scanner at the food store for 2 hours and no hair grew on my head.

Good news:

My teeth are really white
Title: Re: Laser Comb
Post by: Shiny on February 20, 2007, 09:51:41 AM
Funny thing:

I was under the impression that I was 100% BBC....

Come to find out that--now that the bean is slick--I have about a 4 - 5 inch diameter patch of tan noggin on the back (slightly lower than the very crown).

And I can feel that when the rest of the bean is getting velcroish in between shaves...that area is strangely smoother.

LOL!!! I've been doing a combover of sorts without even one ever told me (not even my wife).   And I was never concerned enough to investigate.

I'm with Slickdome....I would lasor the rest off, before I would lasor any in.

Funny thing:  I've been on a road trip for a couple of days and haven't shaved my head since saturday night.  Driving back yesterday, I was rubbing my head feeling all the stubble when I realize that I now have stubble almost everywhere.  There are just a couple of very small patches that are completely smooth.  I took a look in the mirror when I got back to the motel though and all the previosly bald patches are totally white so they still look bald (as stubble).  But I don't care.  I got such a good reaction from chicks (yes young chicks) in the bar on Saturday night, I'm stayin' sly man!
Title: Re: Laser Comb
Post by: MR. CLEAN on February 21, 2007, 05:15:44 PM
here's from a man that can grow a full head of hair: ITS BETTER TO BE SLY!!!  You stand out, you feel great when a cool breeze blows by on a warm day,  and you have nothing to worry about if your out on a date and a roaming electrical storm hits... whats it going to do, make your scalp stand on end?   :*))
It is better to be Sly and smooth... because there are very few feelings better than that of a beautiful womans fingers charting their territory all over your bald head!  Man, LIFE IS GOOD!  >:D
To all those who wish to hate, wish to call out chrome dome, or DR. EVIL... I say to thee: Don't hate me because I am Bald, Hate me because Your Girl knows I am slier than you will ever be!  Stick that in your Comb and Brush It.  :x!
The only thing I am Brushing is MY SHOULDERS OFF! 
Title: Re: Laser Comb
Post by: spaceape48 on February 21, 2007, 06:22:09 PM
Well said O0
Title: Re: Laser Comb
Post by: Robmeister on February 22, 2007, 08:12:45 AM
Well said O0

Here!...Here!...Mr. Cleanmeister!!! O0
Title: Re: Laser Comb
Post by: Professor Melon on February 22, 2007, 08:28:53 AM
 :/O Slickdome, you raise an intriguing possibility. Has anyone in the crew ever ascertained the cost of complete laser elimination of hair on the dome? I generally enjoy shaving, feeling totally smooth before facing the world, but there are times when I'm in a rush or not in the mood (generally later in the day), when being permanently slick seems enviable. Are there side-effects of laser hair removal? Thanks for any info, Professor Melon
Title: Re: Laser Comb
Post by: BaldRob on February 22, 2007, 08:45:03 AM
:/O Slickdome, you raise an intriguing possibility. Has anyone in the crew ever ascertained the cost of complete laser elimination of hair on the dome? I generally enjoy shaving, feeling totally smooth before facing the world, but there are times when I'm in a rush or not in the mood (generally later in the day), when being permanently slick seems enviable. Are there side-effects of laser hair removal? Thanks for any info, Professor Melon

I honestly don't think that I would do laser hair removal on my skull for the following reasons:

1. I don't think that anyone really knows the long term effects of laser anything
2. Wouldn't be able to expose the chrome dome to the sun for several weeks/months
3. I'd honestly miss the morning ritual with the HeadBlade

Just my thoughts...
Title: Re: Laser Comb
Post by: PBurke on February 22, 2007, 05:20:29 PM
i am with you rob. when i feel like being lazy and not shaving i am the only one that notices. i do enjoy the whole process and i spend too much time outside to have to keep it covered like a classic car. don't feel like laser would be for me.
Title: Re: Laser Comb
Post by: Shiny on February 22, 2007, 06:39:41 PM
:/O Slickdome, you raise an intriguing possibility. Has anyone in the crew ever ascertained the cost of complete laser elimination of hair on the dome?

Ya I'll let someone else try that first!   ;D

But seriously here's a thought.  I'm still stuck on that damned shadow.  I like shaving (never thought I'd say that) but that damned shadow has to go!  I wonder if it would be possible to peroxide the scalp.  Really rub it in so as to remove all pigment from the hairshaft below the scalp?   :/O  Am I getting a little carried away or what?
Title: Re: Laser Comb
Post by: PhriendOfChrist on March 13, 2007, 09:24:28 PM
If you want to remove the shadow, just try some tweezers.   8)

As for me, I've been driving 85mph everywhere I go while holding the top of my head up against my side window.  I truly believe that if I get hit by enough police radar guns, my hair will begin to fill-in nicely.  (I figure their radar equipment is probably excellent).

I've been doing this for a week now, and I do feel that some of my follicles have come back.  (Though it might be too early to tell).  I'll keep you guys posted.

The bad news, of course, is that I now owe $2700 in traffic fines.
Title: Re: Laser Comb
Post by: half-shaved on March 13, 2007, 10:08:30 PM
I had a girlfriend a few years ago that told me she used to cut her brothers hair  conditioner with Nair and after 3 years it finally all fell out.
Title: Re: Laser Comb
Post by: Shiny on March 14, 2007, 07:53:44 PM
I had a girlfriend a few years ago that told me she used to cut her brothers hair  conditioner with Nair and after 3 years it finally all fell out.

WHOA!  What a bitz!  That sounds like something my sister would've done.   :x!
Title: Re: Laser Comb
Post by: WorldRallyFan on March 14, 2007, 08:38:02 PM
Wow! If she did that to her brother, I'd be worried of what'd she'd do to me! Wouldn't wanna end up another Bobbitt!!!      :*)) :*)) :*)) :*))
Title: Re: Laser Comb
Post by: MR. CLEAN on March 16, 2007, 06:03:25 PM
Dude, thats just funny right there  >:D :*))

Should that guy thank his sister for the gift of going sly?   fF##
Title: Re: Laser Comb
Post by: blondeguy on March 26, 2007, 08:11:44 PM
3. I'd honestly miss the morning ritual with the HeadBlade

Having been at this for just over a week now, I think I'd also miss the morning shave.  There's something satisfying about shaving that stubble down to smooth skin.  Especially now that I got a Headblade.
Title: Re: Laser Comb
Post by: MR. CLEAN on March 27, 2007, 04:36:18 PM
Bro, the morning shave is a welcome part of my day... Its like greeting the morning sun!  Some have their first cup of coffee, I have my morning Shave... Good Times, Great Oldies  O0
Title: Re: Laser Comb
Post by: froze on May 16, 2007, 03:40:28 PM
Laser beam on my noggin!!!
I have already killed enough brain cells!!!

Title: Re: Laser Comb
Post by: MR. CLEAN on June 02, 2007, 01:06:07 PM
Who needs them Branesell thing-ees anyway? a-hyuck  :D