Sly Bald Guys Forum

Head Shaving, Grooming & Care => Head Shaving => Topic started by: jasonfieber on April 02, 2009, 01:51:28 AM

Title: Update on Laser Treatments
Post by: jasonfieber on April 02, 2009, 01:51:28 AM
Hey guys,

Haven't posted in kind of keeps me busy. Been unemployed for a couple weeks now, so I have some new found time on my hands.

Anyway, I posted a while back about how I purchased a laser hair removal package from American Laser Centers. I figured I'd come on and post an update since there isn't many people who do what I've engaged myself in. It's been almost exactly 2 years since I first purchased the package and got my first treatment. I paid for a one year package with a 2 year guarantee. I'm 1 year into the 2 year guarantee now so I really hope all my hair on my face and head is gone by the time it's up, but we'll see. Right now I'd say I have about 50-60 percent of my hair gone. The treatments have been going well, but they are kinda painful..more than they say they are. It's also taking a lot longer than they told me when they sold the package...they sold it as I'd have "cleanup" and "fuzz" after the first year to get rid of and that's where the guarantee comes in. It's more like a 3 year process overall. All in all, we'll see how it goes in the end but so far so skin also stays red for about a week after the treatment which is undesirable.

If I had to do it all over again, I guess I'd do it. There are definite downsides....but I just keep dreamin of the day I won't have to shave anymore. I did, however, leave a little hair under my lower lip for a soul patch. I do want some remnant of the days when I could grow hair and prove to people I didn't have alopecia or something.

If anyone has any questions let me know. Adios!
Title: Re: Update on Laser Treatments
Post by: warhawk on April 02, 2009, 03:08:56 AM
hey jason:  welcome back, brah!  glad that ya checked in on us.   i hope & pray that U find a job soon.  glad 2 know that the laser thing is slowly working out.  we appreciate the update.  keep us posted on your road 2 permanent smoooooothness. O0

Title: Re: Update on Laser Treatments
Post by: SLYinKC on April 02, 2009, 04:12:18 AM
Welcome back, Jason.  It's good to see you again.
Title: Re: Update on Laser Treatments
Post by: marty22 on April 02, 2009, 04:32:58 AM
welcome back. A lot more sly guys are into laser since u went into semi-retirement.
Title: Re: Update on Laser Treatments
Post by: Paul on April 02, 2009, 07:35:35 AM
Welcome back Jason.   Long time no hear.   And thanks for the update.
Title: Re: Update on Laser Treatments
Post by: sluggo on April 02, 2009, 09:04:46 AM
I appreciate the update as I am seriously considering taking the plunge. I am BBC and the shadow drives me the nuts...  :/O
Title: Re: Update on Laser Treatments
Post by: BALDANDRE on April 02, 2009, 02:03:04 PM
Awesome Jason...

Thanks for the update..and nice to see your bald mug again bro! O0
Title: Re: Update on Laser Treatments
Post by: DuffRyder17 on April 02, 2009, 02:17:12 PM
How many treatments into it until you noticed a reduction in your  shadow??
any other side effects?
Title: Re: Update on Laser Treatments
Post by: Tyler on April 02, 2009, 02:24:01 PM
If you don't mind telling us, what is the cost of your laser hair removal?
Title: Re: Update on Laser Treatments
Post by: marty22 on April 02, 2009, 04:17:28 PM
Ive heard prices from a to z. I paid $1,400 over 10 treatments. But I only had the top done and some sides and back. The inital was $250 up front. Im hearing  up to $3,000 on here for the whole scalp. WOW

Shadow reduction: different with me cause I have gray/white.  But 2-3 treatments really shocked the crap out of me.
Title: Re: Update on Laser Treatments
Post by: Some Guy on April 02, 2009, 07:10:12 PM
I've had 2 treatments so far and my shadow has reduced bigtime.  I'm paying $200 per visit with no commitment which is good since I also just lost my job.  I only need to have the back and sides done, nature took care of the top. 

Jason, you mention some disadvantages.  Can you elaborate?   Thanks.
Title: Re: Update on Laser Treatments
Post by: jasonfieber on April 02, 2009, 07:52:30 PM
If you don't mind telling us, what is the cost of your laser hair removal?

I paid 2,000 total. It was originally 2500, which I got on a pay plan for, but they offered to take 500 off if I paid in full about 3 months in and I took the offer.
Title: Re: Update on Laser Treatments
Post by: jasonfieber on April 02, 2009, 07:54:56 PM
How many treatments into it until you noticed a reduction in your  shadow??
any other side effects?

I noticed the most overall hair loss after the first treatment, but it was very spotty and left my hair with a tiger stripe pattern almost, from where the laser was most effective. Let me say this, I did have almost a full head of hair when I started this, so my experience may vary from yours...but I noticed a considerable difference in shadow after about the 6th treatment.
Title: Re: Update on Laser Treatments
Post by: jasonfieber on April 02, 2009, 08:03:40 PM
I've had 2 treatments so far and my shadow has reduced bigtime.  I'm paying $200 per visit with no commitment which is good since I also just lost my job.  I only need to have the back and sides done, nature took care of the top. 

Jason, you mention some disadvantages.  Can you elaborate?   Thanks.

Well one disadvantage would be the lengthy time of total treatments. It was sold as a 1 year package with a 2 year guarantee and after 2 years in I still have probably 40 percent of my hair or more. If I had known it was going to take 3 years or more to get rid of all my hair I would probably still do it, but an honest time frame would have been appreciated.

My skin gets very red and stays that way for about 24 hours. It has a slight pink tint to it for about a week which is very noticeable only in small areas where my skin is most sensitive, like the back of the neck.

The spottiness of the treatment is probably the biggest disadvantage. Something I probably knew going in, but something that I didn't really think about, was that the hair falls out in odd formations and groups. For the first year I had a very  noticeable "tiger stripe" type pattern to my entire head from where the laser was most effective due to hair growing in cycles. Not a big deal anymore, but that was something that was very unsightly for about a year. This may be more of a problem for me because I had most of my hair going into it and my hair is jet black. For someone with less hair or a lighter color may not have as much a problem.

The cost is a little prohibitive, but overall much cheaper than buying razors for the rest of your life.

Another problem is that I notice even in the areas that have "permanent" hair loss...the areas that have definitely been affected...these areas still get a little hair growth..what I would describe almost as peach fuzz. I can't really see it but I can definitely feel it...which really relegates my whole reason of getting this (not ever shaving again) as moot. I may take only a minute to swipe over my head and face every couple days when this is all done to get rid of that fuzz....but it's still the point of it. I really wanted to "never shave again" and I don't know if that's possible outside electrolysis. The little bit of peach fuzz isn't huge, but it does require shaving.

That's about all I can think of.

Thanks for all the warm welcome guys!!
Title: Re: Update on Laser Treatments
Post by: Some Guy on April 03, 2009, 07:27:28 AM
Wow thanks for the info.  I've noticed a bit of a "tiger stripe" on the back of my head as well and have a couple of small patches where the hair is still darker.  I have light brownish hair so it isn't too noticeable when I'm shaved. 
Title: Re: Update on Laser Treatments
Post by: DuffRyder17 on April 04, 2009, 06:26:19 PM
thanks for all the info, and we are def. glad to have you back.