Sly Bald Guys Forum

Confidence and Success => Fitness/Diet => Topic started by: SBG Math Guy on March 25, 2009, 02:30:30 PM

Title: why to avoid red meat
Post by: SBG Math Guy on March 25, 2009, 02:30:30 PM
See this for yourself. 
I hope those red meat lovers don't get pissed at me.  I just wanted to share this.
Watch the video that comes up (has the info)

Title: Re: why to avoid red meat
Post by: BReady on March 25, 2009, 02:46:11 PM
Well, CRAP!  Thanks a lot SBG Math Guy...  Now I can't stop think about having steak tonight...  Mmmmmmmmmmm STEAK, with ground beef sprinkles on top..... wrapped in cow tongue....  uncooked...  :@` O0 ;D :/O :D !*u%e
Title: Re: why to avoid red meat
Post by: Cy on March 25, 2009, 03:13:17 PM
I love the taste of meat and could care less about whether it's good for me or not.

It's the mental imagery of cattle and pigs being slaughtered that really makes me want to go vegetarian.... like, this tasty piece of meat had a face a few days ago :(
Title: Re: why to avoid red meat
Post by: D.A.L.U.I. on March 25, 2009, 03:33:21 PM
The late Julia Child had a name for this sort, "Nutritional Nervous Nellies."  A properly cooked steak--, i.e. passed through a hot kitchen by a slow butler, and I don't mean the lean stuff to the point of tasteless either, that makes my mouth water, and while you're at it whip up a batch of bearnaise sauce to go with it, maybe a nice chunk of blue cheese too.  You might "exist" longer, but it's not the same as living longer.  A nice shiraz, some souffled potatoes and fresh asparagus would complete this meal. 

Enjoy your balsa wood if you will, just don't think I'm going to eat it. 
Title: Re: why to avoid red meat
Post by: BReady on March 25, 2009, 05:32:10 PM
A properly cooked steak--, i.e. passed through a hot kitchen by a slow butler, and I don't mean the lean stuff to the point of tasteless either, that makes my mouth water, and while you're at it whip up a batch of bearnaise sauce to go with it, maybe a nice chunk of blue cheese too.  You might "exist" longer, but it's not the same as living longer.

Man, I am hungry for a steak now...  Bad part is we don't have any steak in the fridge and tomorrow is pay/grocery day.

Title: Re: why to avoid red meat
Post by: schro on March 25, 2009, 06:07:39 PM
I had steak for lunch and I'm still alive 5 hours later....imagine that?  ???
Title: Re: why to avoid red meat
Post by: TheSlyBear on March 25, 2009, 07:02:42 PM
It would take a rather large man, probably armed, to take my Texas prime beef away from me.
Title: Re: why to avoid red meat
Post by: Jer on March 25, 2009, 07:09:42 PM
 ;D  I read this, then got in my truck and went to see a co-worker who is also a farmer.  I got my 4lbs of ground beef, 1 roast and 3 t-bones, my usual every 2 weeks.

I eat a lot of red meat, the only thing I do make sure of though is that it's always well done.  That's just a habit though since I worked as a clerk at Health Canada's Laboratory Centre for Disease Control.

I'm with Bear though, it'd take the same thing he said to keep me away from red meat!!!
Title: Re: why to avoid red meat
Post by: Razor X on March 25, 2009, 07:13:54 PM
Like most things, red meat is fine in moderation.  One can't eat chicken and fish every night.
Title: Re: why to avoid red meat
Post by: SBG Math Guy on March 25, 2009, 07:48:50 PM
Well ok then guys, have fun with red meat  O0

I don't eat red meat anyway.   I got a taste aversion a few years ago.   I used to love it but hey after
this video I am actually thinking it was a blessing to have the taste aversion.
Title: Re: why to avoid red meat
Post by: GASlick on March 25, 2009, 08:25:06 PM
Now I'm hungry!
Title: Re: why to avoid red meat
Post by: SBG Math Guy on March 25, 2009, 08:59:38 PM
lol GAslick you too?   Why you are you guys so much in love with red meat?  I love chicken and fish but red meat doesn't taste as good.  Well maybe the red meat I eat isn't good but come on red meat has to be overrated.
Chicken is the best. :)
Title: Re: why to avoid red meat
Post by: GASlick on March 25, 2009, 09:17:01 PM
I like a lot of food.  I eat red meat, chicken, pork, fish....and a lot of vegetables too.  I just like food!

A big ol' hunk of red meat and a can't do much better than that to me.
Title: Re: why to avoid red meat
Post by: champ007 on March 25, 2009, 09:28:52 PM
Ok, this Chinese looking chick states the research is on all red meat which includes pork???  Pork is the other white meat!! And what the hell is premature death?? is that like premature ejaculation?? Is their a mature death we should be considering??
So where do they expect the protein our bodies need come from... another pill or water additive? Beef also supplies the necessary creatine our muscles need....
So what does that tell me... I need to be eating MORE red meat because the idiots say not too!!!

SBG Math Guy, I don't think you've had properly cooked red meat. It not overrated... sometimes overpriced but never overrated!!
PS.... ever been to a chicken processing plant?? You might think twice about the bird  ;)  Although it is funny when you pop their heads off and their bodies run around for a while after....  what can I say, raised southern!!  :)
Title: Re: why to avoid red meat
Post by: Razor X on March 25, 2009, 09:47:18 PM
l red meat has to be overrated.

Why does it have to be overrated?  It's all a matter of preference and I daresay that most people won't agree with you.
Title: Re: why to avoid red meat
Post by: R o b 6 on March 25, 2009, 10:08:48 PM
I saw the red meat headlines, too.

Of course, I grilled a beautiful, lean New York steak tonight and slapped some gorgonzola on it when it came off the grill. I split it with my wife and we had a big salad with oranges and spring greens, steamed brocolli, and some homemade pilaf. And a small glass of red wine. I’m of the “everything in moderation” mindset. Just as happy eating fresh fish, chicken, pork or vegetarian dishes. If you exercise and don't overindulge, it's all good.
Title: Re: why to avoid red meat
Post by: GASlick on March 25, 2009, 10:59:39 PM
......and Champ brings it on home!   ;D
Title: Re: why to avoid red meat
Post by: schro on March 25, 2009, 11:18:34 PM
I'm getting the distinct impression that all of us are saying the same thing without saying it.....variety is the spice of life.

The Lovely Mrs. Schro & I (plus both kids) love all sorts of different foods. I love the fact that both Nicole & Alex are not the typical picky kids....they are very adventurous when it comes to foods. They eat all veggies that we eat, love sashimi, steak, pork, salmon, chicken, etc. etc. etc. Plus, all different cuisines are fair game in Chateau Schro....mexican, thai, italian, american, chinese. It's all good.
Title: Re: why to avoid red meat
Post by: Mikekoz13 on March 26, 2009, 05:42:57 AM
I have only two rules about eating:

1) If you can put it on a plate and it's not moving too fast, I'll probably eat it (with the exception of item 2 below).

2) If it performed a pumping or walking function while it was alive I won't eat it (feet, hearts, kidneys, etc.)
Title: Re: why to avoid red meat
Post by: PigPen on March 26, 2009, 08:15:44 AM
I was raised in a ranching and farming family. Nuff said I believe......
Title: Re: why to avoid red meat
Post by: HoodooMan on April 20, 2009, 06:25:24 PM
i love red meat so much just seeing the cows in the field across the street makes my mouth water. as everyone said, in moderation is definately best. i could eat red meat every day though. nothing like a nice juicy prime rib with grilled mushrooms on top! leave that baby pink in the middle too!! :@`
Title: Re: why to avoid red meat
Post by: Scott on April 20, 2009, 08:24:12 PM
i love red meat so much just seeing the cows in the field across the street makes my mouth water. as everyone said, in moderation is definately best. i could eat red meat every day though. nothing like a nice juicy prime rib with grilled mushrooms on top! leave that baby pink in the middle too!! :@`

Title: Re: why to avoid red meat
Post by: GaryT on April 21, 2009, 08:57:47 AM
MEAT, MEAT, MEAT!! Gimme more..........

Now, I do regulate it to one red meat dish per week.

But, if we're camping or something, one of the requirements is that we buy a couple of steaks and have with really good Micro Brew. Oh  man we're not going camping for another month!!!!!

I figure God gave me insicors to rip and chew and pull apart. I'm not going to waste that cause I know that it's good and good for me!
Title: Re: why to avoid red meat
Post by: Rob on April 22, 2009, 07:29:19 AM
I love red meat, particularly Scottish beef: best meat in UK! as well as other meats, fish, veg: like someone else said, I just love FOOD! 8)
Title: Re: why to avoid red meat
Post by: Kratos on April 22, 2009, 08:48:57 AM
Red meat, is probably one of the greatest things in the history of the universe. I could live off steak alone.
Title: Re: why to avoid red meat
Post by: D.A.L.U.I. on April 22, 2009, 09:52:21 AM
Interesting how people obsess on what they eat.  Pork and chicken, world wide are the most popular forms of animal protein, yet the Jewish and Islamic religions prohibit pork!  There are loads of theories why the prohibitions exist.  Devote Hindus won't touch beef.  Yet the lowly chicken is the host of bird flu and is thought to harbor many other viruses that could cause pandemics--we're warned all the time about how it must be carefully handled.  Eggs can come precontaminated with salmonella--even w/ uncracked shells.  Logic, in our times, might ban chicken.  Lamb and beef both can harbor the vector that is thought to cause Mad Cow Disease. 

My point is that Schro is right, variety not a blanket quasi-religious ban on eating certain things, particularly animal proteins, is the better way to treat these matters.  If you review the mediterranean diet, the Asian diet, etc., one common element--disregarding religious prohibitions, is that animal protein, in the sense of percentage of the total diet, is not as dominant--more of a flavoring.  As a result it isn't a steak, 50%, potatoes 35% green vegetables 15% diet as most Americans and some Europeans eat.  The other diets  add all vegetables, dried and fresh beans, rice, pasta--with and without eggs--so that there is a tremendous variety of food types, sources of protein and carbs--resulting in interesting and flavorful food that is good for you. 

This has been brought home to me by my daughter whose latest food fetish is "nothing w/ four legs" as it's base.  Fetishes aren't healthy and they're no fun to be around.  I try to vary my diet and consciously reduce the over all animal protein and add beans, etc. to balance my diet.  I have found that combined, beans and rice--think Cuban black beans and rice, New Orleans red beans and rice--provide a complete protein package equal to animal protein.  Great fiber, etc.  Let's get away from fetish, and into variety.
Title: Re: why to avoid red meat
Post by: GaryT on April 22, 2009, 10:57:37 AM
Ohhh man saintc!! We used to have some close friends that were from Cuba. Once a year they would do a huge pig roast with real cuban beans and rice and lots of expresso!!! 
Title: Re: why to avoid red meat
Post by: D.A.L.U.I. on April 22, 2009, 11:41:17 AM
Ohhh man saintc!! We used to have some close friends that were from Cuba. Once a year they would do a huge pig roast with real cuban beans and rice and lots of expresso!!! 

Find them now, let's go eat!  Ropas Viejas (sp?) w/ black beans and rice--my mouth is watering.  There are some great Cuban dishes, and a Cuban Sandwich--oh boy, I ready to eat.
Title: Re: why to avoid red meat
Post by: pixtaker on June 01, 2009, 01:32:35 PM
/snip "Why you are you guys so much in love with red meat?  I love chicken and fish but red meat doesn't taste as good.  Well maybe the red meat I eat isn't good but come on red meat has to be overrated.
Chicken is the best. :)"

I'm sorry but you obviously haven't eaten QUALITY beef.  Growing up in Nebraska we're spoiled by the grain-fed Prime that can be found in virtually every supermarket.

My father in-law is a farmer and gives the family a side of beef a couple times a year.  Nothing better than quality red meat....except FREE red meat!
Title: Re: why to avoid red meat
Post by: hollidae on June 25, 2009, 05:24:04 PM
Title: Re: why to avoid red meat
Post by: wpruitt on June 25, 2009, 07:56:58 PM
Inspired me to cook a beef roast tonight
Title: Re: why to avoid red meat
Post by: Robmeister on June 27, 2009, 08:36:31 AM
Sugar and over-processed foods are the main problem in America....

If someone's a vegitarian or a red-meat-ophobe....and they drink or eat tons of sugary stuff....I pity the fool.
Title: Re: why to avoid red meat
Post by: Stu on June 27, 2009, 10:02:42 AM
I just read through this entire thread and (1) it's funny as hell (2) I'm hungry.
Title: Re: why to avoid red meat
Post by: Rusty Shackleford on July 21, 2009, 07:33:23 PM
Funny thread, but I'll admit that I'm not a red meat fan.  I can eat a great tasting steak and get bored halfway through.  "Bored" is the best word I can use to describe it too and it's the only food I eat that does that to me. I also find meat a nuisance in things that often have it like pasta, soups, and chili.  $@y

One of the things I don't like about red meat is that if you don't get quality stuff you're bound to get a chunk with a piece of fat in it that feels like chomping down on a chunk of rubber.

Oh and don't get me started on ham.  Good grief that's some nasty tasting stuff!  Why people insist on ruining a perfectly good piece of chicken by stuffing a nasty chunk of ham into it?

And fish?  I can feel my stomach churning.  Sea invertebrates?  More like sea cockroaches (!

When I have control over what I eat it's always chicken or turkey, and I haven't gotten tired of either.  In fact I'm making some food with some cheap frozen chicken cubes right now.

Yea, you do.  You really do want to click on my link. :D
Title: Re: why to avoid red meat
Post by: PBurke on July 21, 2009, 09:59:59 PM
so i guess eating a steak with me would make you sick. i like mine rare. knock off his horns and wipe his nasty ass!
Title: Re: why to avoid red meat
Post by: on July 22, 2009, 07:54:42 AM
mmm.... Kobe beef :@`  A must-try at least once in your life.  Or tenderloin prepared by a renegade Jewish butcher.  Amazing.   O0