Sly Bald Guys Forum

Confidence and Success => Relationships/Dating => Topic started by: Ghost1988 on March 16, 2009, 06:17:41 PM

Title: i need your guys opinions on this sticky situation
Post by: Ghost1988 on March 16, 2009, 06:17:41 PM
ok heres the story.........

remember about a month or so back when i had a double date and brought my duechbag friend along who stole my thunder and ended up takin my date (unintentionally according to him)? well about a week ago he went on a date with this other girl which ended up going horrible and she wasnt feeling him AT ALL. that night after the date i ended up messaging her on facebook comforting her about the bad date and everything, and letting her vent to me. we ended up talking for a couple days after that, then she started calling me to talk and we got closer. well as of today she REALLY has a thing for me and tells me all the time how sweet i am and how much different i am than my friend, and we have a date scheduled for tommorow night.

now my question is......should i feel bad about going on a date with a girl my buddy had/has a thing for? i mean isnt it a dude rule that you DO NOT talk,flirt,or pay any attention to your friends interest? i know he did the same type of thing to me but i feel like a dick of a friend to be getting so attached to this girl and going on a date with her.

he knows i talk to her and was pissed at first but now claims he doesnt care. i feel like hes just saying that and really does but i cant tell. hes also talking to 2 other girls at the same time so wtf? lol

whatta you guys think? go on the date with her or be a good friend and not?
Title: Re: i need your guys opinions on this sticky situation
Post by: Tyler on March 16, 2009, 06:24:17 PM
Don't feel bad at all.  Things obviously didn't work out with them and they are with you.  Tell him it was "unintentional."
Title: Re: i need your guys opinions on this sticky situation
Post by: DuffRyder17 on March 16, 2009, 06:34:08 PM
well I am a bros b4 hoes guy....
but dude F tha, go on the date.. I don't how good of a friend this guy is... but getting a few dates under you belt is a good way to get your sly swagger.'
congrats. goodluck
Title: Re: i need your guys opinions on this sticky situation
Post by: Rob on March 16, 2009, 06:35:29 PM
Yeah: go for it.  Your mate messed up, but it isnt your problem: that's life! 8)
Title: Re: i need your guys opinions on this sticky situation
Post by: nomad on March 16, 2009, 06:37:45 PM
I wouldn't feel bad at all bro there was no connection at all with them so go for it and like Duff said you need some dates under your belt brother
Title: Re: i need your guys opinions on this sticky situation
Post by: OzPete on March 16, 2009, 08:22:31 PM
Go on the date.  >:D
Title: Re: i need your guys opinions on this sticky situation
Post by: Sean25 on March 16, 2009, 08:58:03 PM
One date means nothing.  She's fair game my man.  If he gets mad about it then he's an idiot.  I agree with Duff about the bros before the ladies but one horrible date doesn't count.
Title: Re: i need your guys opinions on this sticky situation
Post by: andrew on March 16, 2009, 09:05:06 PM
Absolutely - go on the date.   His going after your date while you were double-dating was a very low move.   Although that date didn't go well for you, it still was a date with her.  Now, you're going on a second date.   He is still the one that was wrong.   You're simply going on a second date.

I'm not so sure he'd still be my friend ....   but, I hold grudges for a lifetime.

It sounds like just being yourself has gone a long way with this girl.   Have fun on the date....

Title: Re: i need your guys opinions on this sticky situation
Post by: 20, bald, and loving it on March 16, 2009, 09:20:00 PM
Go on the date.
Title: Re: i need your guys opinions on this sticky situation
Post by: TheSlyBear on March 16, 2009, 09:20:24 PM
Does he own her? No. Just because he's got an interest?

If she doesn't have interest, then she's a free agent -- as long as she's not leading him on or anything like that. As long as she's being up-front with the dude, you're free to make a move.
Title: Re: i need your guys opinions on this sticky situation
Post by: BaldMark on March 16, 2009, 09:29:39 PM
The guys are right go on the date!  It's not like your breaking up a marriage.  That is what dating is all about trying to find YOUR match. 
Title: Re: i need your guys opinions on this sticky situation
Post by: babb4214 on March 16, 2009, 09:37:31 PM
dude, go for it! number one, he did you dirty in the first place... PLUS... it's not like you are trying to get back at him or anything, and it seems like this girl is persuing you more than anything, so what that he was "interested" in her, he's got other intrests at the same time so what's the big deal? it's not like they were together by any means and she's not feelin him, so there's no guy rule broken....if he says he doesn't care, take his word for it and go for it anyways, if he does care and just says he doesn't, he's being a girl about it and needs to man up and say something. just my two cents.
Title: Re: i need your guys opinions on this sticky situation
Post by: schro on March 16, 2009, 11:12:18 PM
Go on the date, take pictures, and send them to your (soon to be former) friend.
Sorry, couldn't resist.

Seriously, good luck to ya.
Title: Re: i need your guys opinions on this sticky situation
Post by: nomad on March 16, 2009, 11:43:33 PM
Go on the date, take pictures, and send them to your (soon to be former) friend.
Sorry, couldn't resist.

Seriously, good luck to ya.

Schro got love it man that is too dam funny  :*)) :*)) :*))
Title: Re: i need your guys opinions on this sticky situation
Post by: Ghost1988 on March 16, 2009, 11:49:37 PM
Go on the date, take pictures, and send them to your (soon to be former) friend.
Sorry, couldn't resist.

Seriously, good luck to ya.

haha sounds like a good idea.
Title: Re: i need your guys opinions on this sticky situation
Post by: Mikekoz13 on March 17, 2009, 04:53:19 AM
Definetly go on the date Ghost. She has no interest in him so it doesn't matter what he thinks or wants.

My rule with my buds when I was dating was that I always talked to them before going on the date.... not to ask for approval but just to let them know so they wouldn't be blind sided.
Title: Re: i need your guys opinions on this sticky situation
Post by: marty22 on March 17, 2009, 06:17:21 AM
go for it!
Title: Re: i need your guys opinions on this sticky situation
Post by: PeripheralxMvmnt on March 17, 2009, 06:39:04 AM
sounds pretty unanimous, so im going to throw my  "dooo iiitttt" in there. haha.

good luck!
Title: Re: i need your guys opinions on this sticky situation
Post by: Papa Don on March 17, 2009, 07:48:35 AM
Do it!!!!
Title: Re: i need your guys opinions on this sticky situation
Post by: shaved on August 10, 2009, 01:07:35 AM
No it is not good to steal a mates g/f, but he started the whole thing off and didn`t care he did it to you, And as he stuffed up with this new girl and she was upset mean`t she didn`t want your mate, So you are not stealing off him as he did to you, So go for it and enjoy yourself.

Years ago I had a mates current g/f ask me to take her out, But as said to her ,No as i don`t take my mates girl. As i am true mate to the friends i have. And it should not be done.
But if he had dropped her and she asked then i would have picked her up as he didn`t want her
But best to pick up girls on your own as mates can get in the way, and you lose the girl to them.