Sly Bald Guys Forum

Head Shaving, Grooming & Care => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: Mike on February 15, 2009, 03:28:56 PM

Title: "Sitting on the fence give you a sore crotch"
Post by: Mike on February 15, 2009, 03:28:56 PM
I was reading in a book today and one of the characters said "sitting on the fence give you a sore crotch" which got me to thinking about shaving. I have decided on when to shave my head. I am going to do it the weekend after next. The reason I am going to do it then is because I am going to be baby sitting all this week, then next weekend I will be house sitting again. Plus it is the first full weekend in March and I hope the snow will be melting by then.

 I need advice on what to do. So far I am going to use electric hair clippers and shave it all off. Then I was thinking about showering in hot water to soften the hair alittle. After that I was just going to use shaving cream and my Fusion.
 What else should I be doing, I saw something called headshed at the store the other day. Then there were all the headblade products there too. Should I shave with a headblade first or a normal razor? What about all the headlube products? I think I might try headlube glossy because I like the shiny look.

 Thanks for your suggestions.
Title: Re: "Sitting on the fence give you a sore crotch"
Post by: parksie on February 15, 2009, 06:49:18 PM
I would for sure pick up a bottle of Headshed.  Headshed is one of the best exfoliators that I have used it. It will soften up your skin and make the shaving process easier.  I would start off using the fusion it will get the job done without much risk of cutting yourself.  What kind of shaving cream or gel are you using?  The Headblade is a great tool for the job.. Thats what I use, but it takes a learning curve to it..  ;) If you use and cut yourself the first time you probably wont want to use it again... so go with the fusion at first
Title: Re: "Sitting on the fence give you a sore crotch"
Post by: Mike on February 15, 2009, 10:40:48 PM
Thanks. I have the normal shaving foam, I think its barbasol or something like that. I also have some gillete gel.
Title: Re: "Sitting on the fence give you a sore crotch"
Post by: PBurke on February 16, 2009, 12:28:06 AM
if i were you i would give the headblade products or the bald guyz products a try. both are exceptional products.
Title: Re: "Sitting on the fence give you a sore crotch"
Post by: TANK25 on February 16, 2009, 07:12:27 AM
I wouldn`t use the Headblade for your first time shaving.
Title: Re: "Sitting on the fence give you a sore crotch"
Post by: The Scottish Ambassador on February 16, 2009, 07:33:10 AM
I wouldn`t use the Headblade for your first time shaving.

Me neither
Title: Re: "Sitting on the fence give you a sore crotch"
Post by: aleutiancowboy on February 16, 2009, 08:13:03 AM
I would buy the Headshed because it will make shaving better. As for the rest I would just use what you've got on hand. Why go out and buy a bunch of stuff to shave your head with until you know for sure you are going to like it. Once you realize that the SLY look is the only way to go then you can buy other products to keep your new look going.
Title: Re: "Sitting on the fence give you a sore crotch"
Post by: D.A.L.U.I. on February 16, 2009, 08:24:41 AM
Fusion is the tool of choice IMO, but if you can get Headslick do so.  Otherwise I'd use gel, and plenty of hot water and soap or shampoo in the shower to soften it up.  TAKE YOUR TIME, it won't take long for you to learn the "grain" of your head and it can and does have a different direction all over the head.  Enjoy the freedom--it's going to be a really great experience as you've probably already gathered from the site. 
Title: Re: "Sitting on the fence give you a sore crotch"
Post by: Mike on February 16, 2009, 11:47:14 AM
I think I am going to do the 30 day test. So far my girlfriend oves the thought of me shaving, she likes bald heads so I know I have one person (other than myself) that will like it. I am going to the store some time this week to pick everything up. I think I will use my fusion the first time or two then try the headblade. My local Walgreens sells the headblade sport for cheaper than the website and they have a whole line of products that I think I will pick up anf try them out.

 Someone mentioned not shaving every day when I first start because of razor burn, what does everyone else think about that? I am getting excited because the snow is finally starting to melt so there is a sign of warmer weather so I can get some color on top.
Title: Re: "Sitting on the fence give you a sore crotch"
Post by: D.A.L.U.I. on February 16, 2009, 12:20:10 PM
For razor burn, that is to prevent it, use a shave balm, like Nivea Extreme, after you've wiped down w/ hydrogen peroxide or witch hazel.  No red spots, no burn. 
Title: Re: "Sitting on the fence give you a sore crotch"
Post by: Professor Melon on February 16, 2009, 12:52:27 PM
 O0 O0 O0 Ahoy, Michael. I think you have made a thoughtful choice. The hot shower is essenrtial to soften your stubble. I use Headslick shaving cream first, then an layer of Fusion gel, and the fusion. Headblade matte or glossy to finish. You're 9/10s of the way home because of your girlfriend's support. Let's see the results. All best, Professor Melon