Sly Bald Guys Forum

Confidence and Success => How To Be Successful => Topic started by: SBG Math Guy on January 20, 2009, 08:58:43 PM

Title: when the glass is half empty, take it as half full
Post by: SBG Math Guy on January 20, 2009, 08:58:43 PM
From time to time as humans we find things to be unhappy about.   In some of those cases the unhappiness really comes from our inability to tell the blessings of such events.   Consider a man with a glass of water that’s half filled.   One would tend to look negatively at the empty part, why isn’t there any water? 
Without the empty part one would not realize the cup is half filled!  Can you imagine if every time you had a glass of water, that it was full?   How would you realize how lucky you are to have any water?  The simple answer is by comparing it to the case where your glass is empty.    This indirectly means having a glass that’s half empty is indeed a blessing, doesn’t it?

An example.  I remember there was this lady on the Dr.Phil show about 2 years ago.  She could not get pregnant to have kids of her own.  But then she decided to try & adopt a child.   She was crying about how blessed she felt.  Why?  Because she said that it is because she could not have kids of her own that the adopted child came in her life (she loved him a lot!!!). 

An example, I tell you about me a bit.  When I was a child I didn’t have to wear glasses.  My eyes were really sharp.  As I hit age 12 or 13 I had to wear glasses.   Right now I don’t have to wear them all the time but I do if I want to for example watch tv or read something from far. 
I have to tell you, I would NEVER have thanked God for giving me sight if it were not for these beautiful glasses.  It's not that I am an ungrateful man but like most people I just never really "felt" how lucky I was to see things.  I now have to live with wearing my glasses for watching tv but when I don’t have my glasses on I realize that hey I can see without having to wear anything.   
So, the next time there is some negativity in your life, be sure to look for long-term benefits that you will get.   And feel it brothers. 
Title: Re: when the glass is half empty, take it as half full
Post by: Paul on January 20, 2009, 09:07:25 PM
What a positive and inspirational message Math Guy.  Thanks for sharing that.
Title: Re: when the glass is half empty, take it as half full
Post by: Timmay on January 20, 2009, 09:29:13 PM
cool, awesome.  We all always take things for granted.  It is time we all open our eyes a little bit.  For me going on mission trips to Haiti is a real eye opener.  I would encourage anyone and each and everyone of you in here , that if you ever get the opportunity to go on a mission trip to a third world country, DO IT.  DO IT RUNNING.  You will be blessed for a life time, guarenteed!
Title: Re: when the glass is half empty, take it as half full
Post by: Ghost1988 on January 20, 2009, 09:34:56 PM
cool, awesome.  We all always take things for granted.  It is time we all open our eyes a little bit.  For me going on mission trips to Haiti is a real eye opener.  I would encourage anyone and each and everyone of you in here , that if you ever get the opportunity to go on a mission trip to a third world country, DO IT.  DO IT RUNNING.  You will be blessed for a life time, guarenteed!

i was actually talking to my mom about this tonight. she told me that instead of always feeling depressed and sorry for myself about balding i should go on a trip to a 3rd world country or get a job at an old folks home where they are less fortunate and have a sad life. maybe that way i would come to realization that their are people out there with a lot worse problems and i would stop taking my life for granted.
Title: Re: when the glass is half empty, take it as half full
Post by: Tyler on January 20, 2009, 09:43:50 PM
You don't even need to go to a 3rd world country, just head down to your local rescue mission.  My family and I used to help at the mission every Thanksgiving and I can tell you that it made us a lot more thankful that night for the food we were eating.
Title: Re: when the glass is half empty, take it as half full
Post by: PBurke on January 20, 2009, 09:47:59 PM
having been born with spina-bifida, i count my blessings everyday. just the fact that i walk is amazing. almost all cases render people paralyzed if they survive past childhood. i have an achy back every single day of my life. but that is easy to deal with. i think of all the people that would give anything for "JUST" a backache. and it reminds me how fortunate i am. the only thing it has ever stopped me from doing is joining the military and doing sittups. i can live with that sacrifice. hair is very superficial. bald, balding, or hair down to your butt does not change the person you are inside. just like my scar on my back does not change who i am. all i can do is wake up every day and thank god for another day of being able to walk and have a normal life. as i get older (and wiser) i am learning to not take anything for granted. cause you just don't realize how easily it could all change, or be gone. basically what i am saying is, EMBRACE LIFE BRO. ENJOY EVERY MOMENT. and don't sweat some people that can't realize this.  CARPE DIEM!!
Title: Re: when the glass is half empty, take it as half full
Post by: Timmay on January 20, 2009, 09:48:11 PM
Thank You Tyler for mentioning that.  You are right, we have "third world neighborhoods" right here in our back yard.  Sometimes I feel guilty for going to Haiti, because we have such a need right  here in our back yards.  
Title: Re: when the glass is half empty, take it as half full
Post by: Ghost1988 on January 20, 2009, 10:01:49 PM
wow this is a deep topic. i feel bad now foreal  :'( lol. we need a subject change.
Title: Re: when the glass is half empty, take it as half full
Post by: Timmay on January 20, 2009, 10:04:35 PM
No no no, dont feel bad bro.  We are just trying to help you.  THis is therapy bro...THERAPY!  Thats what we are here for.
Title: Re: when the glass is half empty, take it as half full
Post by: Brkeatr on January 21, 2009, 03:41:14 AM
Provoking thoughts Math Guy, thanks for sharing that !!   O0
Title: Re: when the glass is half empty, take it as half full
Post by: Mikekoz13 on January 21, 2009, 04:39:00 AM
Nice message MathGuy!

And GREAT follow up comments guys.

As I've said on here before, my son Kody was diagnosed with a rare condition at 8 months of age. We were told that he would regress in his developement and that within months he would be wheelchair bound for the rest of his life. We were also told that he would become severely mentally handicapped and would have a low quality of life.
Those were the worst of days for our Family...... but we persevered and Kody is just fine..... a normal boy in every way...... except for some minor learning disabilities.
Do we care that he's almost three years behind in school???? Not even a little bit because he has been blessed with good health and a bright future.

From the darkest days comes the greatest hope.........
Title: Re: when the glass is half empty, take it as half full
Post by: Bensen on January 21, 2009, 11:20:25 AM
i know that phrase, it's a good one, often used in germany. ::)
Title: Re: when the glass is half empty, take it as half full
Post by: Boots on January 21, 2009, 07:41:04 PM
Good philosophy!

And not to belittle the subject, the engineer in me says the glass is too big.

Title: Re: when the glass is half empty, take it as half full
Post by: wpruitt on January 21, 2009, 08:03:03 PM
Most excellent post
Title: Re: when the glass is half empty, take it as half full
Post by: Paul on January 22, 2009, 04:05:03 AM
Most excellent post

Didn't realize that you were THAT   Bill.  Where's Ted? :*))
Title: Re: when the glass is half empty, take it as half full
Post by: Wil87 on January 22, 2009, 04:11:09 AM
Most excellent post

Didn't realize that you were THAT   Bill.  Where's Ted? :*))

Ha ha ha, most triumphent
Title: Re: when the glass is half empty, take it as half full
Post by: D.A.L.U.I. on January 22, 2009, 09:50:50 AM
This idea of others with more REAL problems than yourself has been especially relevant in New Orleans.  Other than the now world famous Lower Ninth Ward, many areas such as the Lakefront have seen people accept the loss of every physical thing including photos of their children, late parents, everything, lost.  They left w/ three days clothing and two days later that's all they owned except piles and piles of muddy waste.  They haven't stopped, they have gutted, rebuilt and now the fruits of their labors, and the help of countless wonderful people from all over the world who have grabbed a crow bar and helped these people, the neighborhoods of New Orleans are beginning to flourish once again.  I have no doubt that among the brothers there are many who have taken part in these efforts in one way or another.  You will never be able to understand the gratitude that the people of New Orleans feel for these people.  They reached out and helped those at a time when some would have had us abandon this great town.  Thanks,
Title: Re: when the glass is half empty, take it as half full
Post by: baldkorean on February 17, 2009, 11:15:54 PM
Good post MathGuy.. I like the way you think.

The world needs a lot more positivity - especially in these trying times.

We get so caught up in the daily grind, that we focus more on all the little things that are going wrong and lose sight of the big picture and all the things that we should be grateful for.  For example, hair :)  Too many people waste their time feeling insecure about hair loss, when they are otherwise healthy.  Life is a gift, and we should all count our blessings for each and every day.  I've known people who died young, and have also had some close experiences myself.  These things remind me that most of lifes problems are miniscule, and as they say, "it too shall pass"..   We should all strive to life to the fullest, and not take anything for granted.
Title: Re: when the glass is half empty, take it as half full
Post by: hammerdrill376 on February 18, 2009, 04:09:10 AM
Great post brother..reminds me of a line I read in "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill.

"Within every adversity is the seed of an equal or greater benefit."

Title: Re: when the glass is half empty, take it as half full
Post by: Papa Don on February 18, 2009, 06:56:15 AM
Great quote, Hammer!
Title: Re: when the glass is half empty, take it as half full
Post by: Michael on February 18, 2009, 10:27:44 AM
Nice Hammer!