Sly Bald Guys Forum

Confidence and Success => Business/Work => Topic started by: buuckkweet on October 23, 2008, 08:23:46 PM

Title: I got Laid Off and I'm mad as hell!
Post by: buuckkweet on October 23, 2008, 08:23:46 PM
My Bald Brothers, the economic times have hit home for me.

At 2:30 this afternoon I was laid off from my seemingly secure management position at work today.  My boss could'nt give me a direct reason besides the fact that the decision came down from corporate.  B.S!!!!  They kept employees who don't know the job nearly as well as I do.  :Xo!

Hell Yeah I'm pissed!  But I'm not taking this crap sitting down! >:( 

By 5:30pm I've already filed for unemployment, and applied at 2 other places for employment.  Every door that is shut in your face means another is about to open.  I just have to find the right door.  I still can't believe that this happened, but it did.  Now it's time to find another great job and once again do my very best! O0   
Title: Re: I got Laid Off and I'm mad as hell!
Post by: SLYinKC on October 23, 2008, 08:34:54 PM
Hey, Buuckkweet.  I've been where you're at right now and your attitude is exactly right.  Just hang in there and keep your good attitude up. That is over half of the battle.

You'll be in my prayers.
Title: Re: I got Laid Off and I'm mad as hell!
Post by: andrew on October 23, 2008, 08:40:02 PM

I'm real sorry to hear about your getting laid off.  But, you've got the right attitude.  Get out there and dig up something better. 

I'm self-employed and have to find new clients on a semi-regular basis.  The hustlers find the work and the lazy ones get left behind.  Keep your attitude nice and positive and I'm sure you'll land a great job.

Go get 'em bro ...


Title: Re: I got Laid Off and I'm mad as hell!
Post by: BALDANDRE on October 23, 2008, 08:54:26 PM
So sorry to hear that...hang in there and keep your bald head held high!
Title: Re: I got Laid Off and I'm mad as hell!
Post by: Paul on October 23, 2008, 08:55:17 PM
Sorry to hear about bad news Buuckweet.   Keep emphasizing the positive and I'll keep ya in my prayers.
Title: Re: I got Laid Off and I'm mad as hell!
Post by: TheSlyBear on October 23, 2008, 08:59:27 PM
Sorry to hear that, guy! Keep your positive attitude and go find something even better!

P.S. Been there, and I know it sucks!
Title: Re: I got Laid Off and I'm mad as hell!
Post by: Razor X on October 23, 2008, 09:03:15 PM
I'm sorry.  I've been there, too and it's not a fun place to be.  Hang in there.
Title: Re: I got Laid Off and I'm mad as hell!
Post by: IRONHORSE on October 23, 2008, 10:50:55 PM

So sorry for the loss... I have been there before too, and to put it bluntly, it blows.
But, most importantly - you have your head in the right place.  You used this to work yourself into something better - and in the long run, you'll look back on this day and remember it as the day your life changed for the better! O0
Title: Re: I got Laid Off and I'm mad as hell!
Post by: joergHH on October 24, 2008, 12:32:07 AM
Sorry to read that. Best wishes for you!!

Title: Re: I got Laid Off and I'm mad as hell!
Post by: GASlick on October 24, 2008, 01:33:32 AM
Hang in there man.  Stay positive and look for the open doors.
Prayin' for you!
Title: Re: I got Laid Off and I'm mad as hell!
Post by: Brkeatr on October 24, 2008, 03:53:46 AM
Sorry to head that BW, hang in there buddy and am sure you'll end up with something even better....will keep you in my prayers.....
Title: Re: I got Laid Off and I'm mad as hell!
Post by: herronm on October 24, 2008, 06:13:13 AM
Buuckkweet, sorry to hear about you old job, you sound like you are in the right frame of mind.  Remember this, your old job is just like your old hair.  You can be better off without it.  More prayers coming your way.

Title: Re: I got Laid Off and I'm mad as hell!
Post by: wpruitt on October 24, 2008, 04:23:38 PM
Been there.  You are in my prayers
Title: Re: I got Laid Off and I'm mad as hell!
Post by: hammerdrill376 on October 24, 2008, 05:25:31 PM
Been there myself..Just keep your attitude focused on what you DO want and not what you DON'T want.  It's amazing how we can attract either one into our lives.
Title: Re: I got Laid Off and I'm mad as hell!
Post by: Mikekoz13 on October 24, 2008, 07:09:00 PM
I'm sorry to hear that BW. I'll be thinking about you and keeping you in my prayers also.
Title: Re: I got Laid Off and I'm mad as hell!
Post by: buuckkweet on October 24, 2008, 07:34:06 PM
Thanks so much for the prayers and support Brothers!  It is greatly appreciated. O0

Today wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be.  My main priority is taking care of Mrs. BW.  Getting financial affairs in order and job hunting were a close second. 

Went to six factories and filled out employment applications.  Scheduling an interview Monday for a good paying production job. 8)

Keeping my fingers and toes crossed! :)

And YES!  I'm going to every interview BALD AND PROUD!!! O0 O0 O0

Title: Re: I got Laid Off and I'm mad as hell!
Post by: nomad on October 24, 2008, 07:46:59 PM
it sucks to forced to make  a changed but you've got the right attitude to make it better and move forward in your life

keep your sly head up and keep fighting O0
Title: Re: I got Laid Off and I'm mad as hell!
Post by: OzPete on October 24, 2008, 10:21:13 PM
Hang in there BW, something will turn up! O0
Title: Re: I got Laid Off and I'm mad as hell!
Post by: warhawk on October 24, 2008, 10:38:48 PM
hey bw:  just wanted 2 let ya know that i'll B praying 4 ya.  i hope everything will go your way.

Title: Re: I got Laid Off and I'm mad as hell!
Post by: Dome of Steele on October 24, 2008, 11:45:25 PM
Great attitude BW.  Don't sell yourself short and good luck with new employment!
Title: Re: I got Laid Off and I'm mad as hell!
Post by: DJ_Bald on October 25, 2008, 07:43:07 AM
That sucks man. Been there done that. What line of work are you in ?
Also...word to the wise....take taxes out of your unemployment...otherwise you REALLY get hammered come tax time.  Also...dont rush into the first job that wants to hire you. You should have 6 months of unemployment coming your way at about 527.00 per week (depending on your previous salary)--if you can survive on that then you can be a little pickier when choosing a new job.
Title: Re: I got Laid Off and I'm mad as hell!
Post by: Alexander215 on October 25, 2008, 04:47:32 PM
My Bald Brothers, the economic times have hit home for me.

At 2:30 this afternoon I was laid off from my seemingly secure management position at work today.  My boss could'nt give me a direct reason besides the fact that the decision came down from corporate.  B.S!!!!  They kept employees who don't know the job nearly as well as I do.  :Xo!

Hell Yeah I'm pissed!  But I'm not taking this crap sitting down! >:( 

By 5:30pm I've already filed for unemployment, and applied at 2 other places for employment.  Every door that is shut in your face means another is about to open.  I just have to find the right door.  I still can't believe that this happened, but it did.  Now it's time to find another great job and once again do my very best! O0   

If they don't have a valid reason and you have worked there for more than 3 months I would take them to court.
Title: Re: I got Laid Off and I'm mad as hell!
Post by: xnewyawka on October 25, 2008, 05:35:01 PM
Hey buuckk, sorry to hear about the bad news, but you've definitely got your head in the right place. Keep up the positive attitude, and it will take you through this.

Keep your smooth bald head held high.

Good things will come along for you.   O0
Title: Re: I got Laid Off and I'm mad as hell!
Post by: Brkeatr on October 25, 2008, 05:37:59 PM
My Bald Brothers, the economic times have hit home for me.

At 2:30 this afternoon I was laid off from my seemingly secure management position at work today.  My boss could'nt give me a direct reason besides the fact that the decision came down from corporate.  B.S!!!!  They kept employees who don't know the job nearly as well as I do.  :Xo!

Hell Yeah I'm pissed!  But I'm not taking this crap sitting down! >:( 

By 5:30pm I've already filed for unemployment, and applied at 2 other places for employment.  Every door that is shut in your face means another is about to open.  I just have to find the right door.  I still can't believe that this happened, but it did.  Now it's time to find another great job and once again do my very best! O0   

If they don't have a valid reason and you have worked there for more than 3 months I would take them to court.

That would do NO good unless your Civil Service or something.....there is a little thing in the law called EMPLOYMENT AT WILL and most places hire under that law....

Title: Re: I got Laid Off and I'm mad as hell!
Post by: Alexander215 on October 25, 2008, 05:50:17 PM
My Bald Brothers, the economic times have hit home for me.

At 2:30 this afternoon I was laid off from my seemingly secure management position at work today.  My boss could'nt give me a direct reason besides the fact that the decision came down from corporate.  B.S!!!!  They kept employees who don't know the job nearly as well as I do.  :Xo!

Hell Yeah I'm pissed!  But I'm not taking this crap sitting down! >:( 

By 5:30pm I've already filed for unemployment, and applied at 2 other places for employment.  Every door that is shut in your face means another is about to open.  I just have to find the right door.  I still can't believe that this happened, but it did.  Now it's time to find another great job and once again do my very best! O0   

If they don't have a valid reason and you have worked there for more than 3 months I would take them to court.

That would do NO good unless your Civil Service or something.....there is a little thing in the law called EMPLOYMENT AT WILL and most places hire under that law....

Is that American law or Canadian? Generally most employers here [Canada and it may just be my own province] gives you a 3 month grace period and after that they are hard pressed to fire you without reason. In fact I know plenty of people who have taken their former employers to court [sucessfully] because they were fired after that 3 month period without any reason whatsoever. A lot of call centres take advantage of this 3 month thing from what I hear.
Title: Re: I got Laid Off and I'm mad as hell!
Post by: Brkeatr on October 25, 2008, 06:39:40 PM
American.....Been through it years ago when someone in my family was fired because the new VP of the company didn't like them. Totally unfair and unjustified and we thought we had a good case until the attorney explained to us "Employment at Will". Was nothing we could do....... :(
Title: Re: I got Laid Off and I'm mad as hell!
Post by: Robmeister on October 25, 2008, 08:34:24 PM
Sorry to hear, man....

I've been there too.....actually looked at it as a BEGINNING not an OPPORTUNITY rather than's a pain in the ass though.

You've got the right attitude for channeling your ANGER  O0
Title: Re: I got Laid Off and I'm mad as hell!
Post by: buuckkweet on October 25, 2008, 09:21:51 PM
To be honest, I've been down this road a few times, and each time it stinks! :(

I have no intention of taking my former employer to court because it is a waste of valuable time that I can be using trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up. :D

The way I see it, they lost someone who knew the position better than anyone else.  Now a few people will have to grow up and learn the hard way what I was trying to teach them.  I'm no longer there to save the day and do the tough jobs that no one wanted to do. Their loss will be someone else's fortune.^-^

I'm not mad any more.  What is done, is done.  Now I've closed this 51/2 year chapter in my life and preparing for another, more profitable chapter. :)

Employment is funny like that.  With each ending, there is usually a new exciting beginning.....if you play it right! O0
Title: Re: I got Laid Off and I'm mad as hell!
Post by: Brkeatr on October 26, 2008, 04:24:13 AM
Atta boy BW, go get em bro, the world would be great if everyone could have your attitude !!  Good luck.... O0
Title: Re: I got Laid Off and I'm mad as hell!
Post by: hammerdrill376 on October 26, 2008, 05:05:53 AM
To be honest, I've been down this road a few times, and each time it stinks! :(

I have no intention of taking my former employer to court because it is a waste of valuable time that I can be using trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up. :D

The way I see it, they lost someone who knew the position better than anyone else.  Now a few people will have to grow up and learn the hard way what I was trying to teach them.  I'm no longer there to save the day and do the tough jobs that no one wanted to do. Their loss will be someone else's fortune.^-^

I'm not mad any more.  What is done, is done.  Now I've closed this 51/2 year chapter in my life and preparing for another, more profitable chapter. :)

Employment is funny like that.  With each ending, there usually a new exciting beginning.....if you play it right! O0

March 18th of this year I had a NASSSSTY parting of the ways with a company with whom I worked for over 9 years. I was angry, pissed, etc. but looking back now it was one of the best things that could have happened.
Title: Re: I got Laid Off and I'm mad as hell!
Post by: RockloudRockhard88 on November 06, 2008, 06:37:45 PM
yea dude i feel ya pain!!! when i moved back down to Jax FL i got a job right when i got here in a warehouse.... and when the economy went downhill guess what??? they let go alot of ppl including myself and they told us it was bc one of there major buyers quit buying from them so they were losing money which turned out to be true and i was pissed but what could i do expect keep my head high and get a new job right now i have 2 jobs... i work with my girlfriends father at a truck lot i do his computer work and then my other job is "dont laugh" Popeyes.. i hate that job but had to take it because it was the only other job that was hiring at the time but im trying to get this position at Costco here in Jax so hopefully that all works out....... but yea dude i def feel ya pain with the economy the way it is alot of things is messed up!!!!!!!
Title: Re: I got Laid Off and I'm mad as hell!
Post by: Timmay on November 06, 2008, 06:43:49 PM
Hope things are going well for you Buck....just hang in there.

Rockloud....dont be embarassed cause you work at Popeyes.  Like I have always said....there is a job out there for someone who needs a job.  Either it be flippin burgers at McDonalds or cleaning a parking lot.  YOu are doing what you ahve to do to survive.  I know if I was in a situation where I didnt have a job...and I mean no job no income...i would do what ever I could no matter that least until I could find a better paying job.