Sly Bald Guys Forum

Confidence and Success => Relationships/Dating => Topic started by: MagmaBabe on July 12, 2008, 11:18:55 AM

Title: LDR's... everyone has an opinion,
Post by: MagmaBabe on July 12, 2008, 11:18:55 AM
so what's yours? Do you think they can work? If not, why not?
Have you ever had one/known someone who has been involved in one/ or would you ever have one?
Was it successful?
am really interested in knowing what you guys think on this matter  :)


Title: Re: LDR's... everyone has an opinion,
Post by: FR8TRAIN on July 12, 2008, 12:36:49 PM
Well I've been involved in just one in my life. So therefore I have an opinion. I will tell you that maintaining a successful LDR is as tough as kicking nicotine. IMO. And now I'm about to kick nicotine...

Although my LDR lasted for nearly a year, in the end is was not successful. Though I agree that absence makes the heart grow fonder,  :@` extended absences are detrimental to a successful relationship. :x! IMO mainly due to the fact that you don't get to share mutual experiences during the absence. It is difficult when you each are living your life day to day separately without the ability to really share the events of eachothers day.

This may all sound like a big pile of horse sh!t. But then again it is just MY opinion.
Title: Re: LDR's... everyone has an opinion,
Post by: MagmaBabe on July 12, 2008, 12:54:49 PM
Well I've been involved in just one in my life. So therefore I have an opinion. I will tell you that maintaining a successful LDR is as tough as kicking nicotine. IMO. And now I'm about to kick nicotine...

Although my LDR lasted for nearly a year, in the end is was not successful. Though I agree that absence makes the heart grow fonder,  :@` extended absences are detrimental to a successful relationship. :x! IMO mainly due to the fact that you don't get to share mutual experiences during the absence. It is difficult when you each are living your life day to day separately without the ability to really share the events of eachothers day.

This may all sound like a big pile of horse sh!t. But then again it is just MY opinion.

it was what I asked for, so thanks fr8, I value your opinion  :)
Title: Re: LDR's... everyone has an opinion,
Post by: Razor X on July 12, 2008, 02:58:15 PM
I think it's working just fine, Magma, don't you?   :@` :@`
Title: Re: LDR's... everyone has an opinion,
Post by: MagmaBabe on July 12, 2008, 02:59:16 PM
I think it's working just fine, Magma, don't you?   :@` :@`

eh? you been drinking Razor?!!  ???  :D
Title: Re: LDR's... everyone has an opinion,
Post by: BaldRob on July 12, 2008, 03:03:54 PM
I think it's working just fine, Magma, don't you?   :@` :@`

Hmmmmmm... Razor and Magma?  Somehow, I don't see that...  :/O

Now BaldRob and Magma... that's a match made in heaven!!   :@` :@` How YOU doin'?  O:O
Title: Re: LDR's... everyone has an opinion,
Post by: Razor X on July 12, 2008, 03:07:49 PM
I think it's working just fine, Magma, don't you?   :@` :@`

eh? you been drinking Razor?!!  ???  :D

It's OK ... you don't have to pretend ... they'll be cool with it.  ;)
Title: Re: LDR's... everyone has an opinion,
Post by: MagmaBabe on July 12, 2008, 03:08:40 PM
I think it's working just fine, Magma, don't you?   :@` :@`

eh? you been drinking Razor?!!  ???  :D

It's OK ... you don't have to pretend ... they'll be cool with it.  ;)

deeeeee! deeeeee! deeeeeeeee!  :D
Title: Re: LDR's... everyone has an opinion,
Post by: Sgt. Pate on July 12, 2008, 03:11:37 PM

I've never had an LDR but I have been married for 36 years.  Exclusive commitment to your partner is what makes a relationship work.  If both parties are working toward always putting the other person first, in good times and in bad, (commitment) then both receive more than they could have ever demanded or even hoped for.  This is what keeps the relationship fresh and growing.

I can see an LDR being a phase of the relationship but it's impossible to meet each others physical, emotional and spiritual needs LD!  O:O

I dunno if that helps to answer your question or not.
Title: Re: LDR's... everyone has an opinion,
Post by: JohnMont on July 12, 2008, 04:13:05 PM

I agree with Srgt.  LD can be a 'phase ' in a relationship; a necessary evil (i.e. of one person just CAN't give up a job while the other MUST move away to a new one);  but one that has to end eventually.  I don't thing there can be any such thing as a permanent LDR -- but I'm not sure if that's what you're asking.

PS ....   what was that whole thing with RazorX ? ? ?

Title: Re: LDR's... everyone has an opinion,
Post by: Timmay on July 12, 2008, 04:20:40 PM
I guess I have never had one of those either..I had to read a few post in here to figure out what the hell LDR even stood for lol.   What fr8train posted really threw me off because I thought he was talking about abstaining from having all together...either with some one or

maybe its a good thing I have never had  LDR because I wouldnt know how to go about doing it. lol
Title: Re: LDR's... everyone has an opinion,
Post by: FR8TRAIN on July 12, 2008, 04:30:01 PM
I wouldnt know how to go about doing it. lol

Well with the right or left hand ther Timmay! :*))
Title: Re: LDR's... everyone has an opinion,
Post by: TheTrucker on July 12, 2008, 04:57:39 PM
I'm a trucker so I don't know of any other kind :D
Title: Re: LDR's... everyone has an opinion,
Post by: PhilFromFR on July 12, 2008, 05:34:33 PM
MagmaBabe, you post is a real puzzler to me!
I did a little google searches and found : "LDR Industries - Always the Leader in Quality Plumbing Products" and then :
Office of Information and Public Affairs - March 4, 2008 Release #08-205
"LDR Industries Recalls Gas Connectors Due to Fire and Explosion Hazards"
 Aaah- Aaah... Could be it !

MB : "so what's yours? Do you think they can work? If not, why not?"
So MB got one of those gas connectors and wants to know if she can use it safely despite the recall.
So far, so good.
fr8train : "Although my LDR lasted for nearly a year, in the end is was not successful"
RazorX : "I think it's working just fine"

Two confirmations. I'm on track!

But then there is BaldRob post I cannot relate to my theory.
On the other hand, BalbRob could have a defective gas connector; massively leaking gas behind his back, explaining his post somewhat off topic!

sgt. Pate : "I can see an LDR being a phase of the relationship but it's impossible to meet each others physical"
But that's just the point of a gas connector : set a relation between two physical equipements. Unless, OF COURSE, it is defective !

So in the end, MB, my advice is  : get rid of your LDR at once : it is dangerous!

A little story from my past:
Once I had a colleague who was dating a nice girl living 100 km away. Everything was going well, they used their LDR gas connector once in a while and were very happy. Then they decided to use their connector more often and they got married, living together only the week-ends because of work. A year after, he moved to live permanently with his wife. I was invited for a week-end a few months later. A real nightmare : Their LDR connector was damaged beyond repair !
That's the problem with some LDR : they are fine for occasional use. But when you decide to use them permanently they sometimes tend to degrade rapidly. My friend got a divorce a few months  later...

No gas connector for me : I use induction cooking !

Title: Re: LDR's... everyone has an opinion,
Post by: MagmaBabe on July 12, 2008, 05:40:37 PM
Baldrob my love... do you have a defective gas connector?  :D
Title: Re: LDR's... everyone has an opinion,
Post by: BaldRob on July 12, 2008, 05:41:11 PM
But then there is BaldRob post I cannot relate to my theory.
On the other hand, BalbRob could have a defective gas connector; massively leaking gas behind his back, explaining his post somewhat off topic!

Well... I do not have a defective gas connector!  

Great post Phil!!!   O0 :*)) :*))
Title: Re: LDR's... everyone has an opinion,
Post by: MagmaBabe on July 12, 2008, 05:41:49 PM
MagmaBabe, you post is a real puzzler to me!
I did a little google searches and found : "LDR Industries - Always the Leader in Quality Plumbing Products" and then :
Office of Information and Public Affairs - March 4, 2008 Release #08-205
"LDR Industries Recalls Gas Connectors Due to Fire and Explosion Hazards"
 Aaah- Aaah... Could be it !

MB : "so what's yours? Do you think they can work? If not, why not?"
So MB got one of those gas connectors and wants to know if she can use it safely despite the recall.
So far, so good.
fr8train : "Although my LDR lasted for nearly a year, in the end is was not successful"
RazorX : "I think it's working just fine"

Two confirmations. I'm on track!

But then there is BaldRob post I cannot relate to my theory.
On the other hand, BalbRob could have a defective gas connector; massively leaking gas behind his back, explaining his post somewhat off topic!

sgt. Pate : "I can see an LDR being a phase of the relationship but it's impossible to meet each others physical"
But that's just the point of a gas connector : set a relation between two physical equipements. Unless, OF COURSE, it is defective !

So in the end, MB, my advice is  : get rid of your LDR at once : it is dangerous!

A little story from my past:
Once I had a colleague who was dating a nice girl living 100 km away. Everything was going well, they used their LDR gas connector once in a while and were very happy. Then they decided to use their connector more often and they got married, living together only the week-ends because of work. A year after, he moved to live permanently with his wife. I was invited for a week-end a few months later. A real nightmare : Their LDR connector was damaged beyond repair !
That's the problem with some LDR : they are fine for occasional use. But when you decide to use them permanently they sometimes tend to degrade rapidly. My friend got a divorce a few months  later...

No gas connector for me : I use induction cooking !

that has got to be one of the best post's I've EVER seen on this forum  O0
thanks Phil!
Title: Re: LDR's... everyone has an opinion,
Post by: buuckkweet on July 12, 2008, 06:24:08 PM
Hi MagmaBabe!

LDRs DO work, but both parties have to really be committed to each other.

Mrs. buuckkweet and I were very close all through high school.  We wanted to get married as soon as we graduated.  Big problem.........She needed to take care of her Grandmother, and I went into the Army to help support my Mother. 
For 12 years, I only got to see her when I came home on leave.  The rest of the time we stayed close through phone calls, and mail.  We went through the trials and tribulations of being apart.  When I came home for good in April of 92, we fought, fussed, cussed, broke up and made up so many times it was just crazy!! :/O 
Sadly, my Mother and her Grandmother passed away on the same day, April 24, 1994.  It took both of us a long time to get all the legal and financial stuff taken care of.  On August 4, 1997 we got married and never looked back.  Now we take care of each other.  :@`

In our case, YES!  LDRs DO work!  But it took a lot of fussing & fighting, lots of break ups & make ups, and a bit of irony.

Title: Re: LDR's... everyone has an opinion,
Post by: babb4214 on July 12, 2008, 07:19:57 PM
What's your situation? I'm currently in an LDR, for over a year now and it's be 6 months since we've seen eachother. It's REALLY hard when it goes that long because it just seems like there's a big fight every other day or so because both people are frustrated to hell! So if you are in one, i TOTALLY know what you're going through.
In my opinion, i think they can work, but it definately takes more effort than a regular relationship. There has to be trust, and if there isn't, then it's NOT going to work. There can be a lot of paranoya (sp?) and definately arguments over STUPID little things that wouldn't normally be an argument.
SO... they can work, just a lot of the time it's a hassle and it gets tough. My suggestion is to visit as much as possible, and eventually, if it is possible, be near eachother and try out a normal relationship, just dont tie the knot right off the bat, because even though you think you really know the person, being away for any long amount of time, there could be things that you dont like... So take it slow and in stages, hope this helps.
Title: Re: LDR's... everyone has an opinion,
Post by: schro on July 12, 2008, 07:37:13 PM
Don't think an LDR would work for me.
When are you thinking about moving to NorCal, M-Babe?
Title: Re: LDR's... everyone has an opinion,
Post by: FR8TRAIN on July 12, 2008, 08:45:04 PM
Don't think an LDR would work for me.
When are you thinking about moving to NorCal, M-Babe?

Hey Hey now!!!! What's up Schro? I see you're back from Mexico and ready to start some sh!t! :*)) O0
Title: Re: LDR's... everyone has an opinion,
Post by: schro on July 12, 2008, 09:00:32 PM
No sh*t starting here... too pooped to poop  :*))
Title: Re: LDR's... everyone has an opinion,
Post by: Jer on July 12, 2008, 09:17:16 PM
too pooped to poop  :*))

That's where a good laxative come in handy!  Take one and all you do is sit there and it just flows out effortlessly...    :*))
Title: Re: LDR's... everyone has an opinion,
Post by: FR8TRAIN on July 12, 2008, 09:17:55 PM
too pooped to poop  :*))

That's where a good laxative come in handy!  Take one and all you do is sit there and it just flows out effortlessly...    :*))
:*)) :*)) :*)) :*))
Title: Re: LDR's... everyone has an opinion,
Post by: Timmay on July 12, 2008, 09:35:07 PM
YOu mean NO GRUNTING AND GROANING?  What fun is that?  I love going to public bathrooms and pretend im sitting on the stool.  I will grunt really really loud.  One time I embarassed my 9 year old son and he walked out.  LOL
Title: Re: LDR's... everyone has an opinion,
Post by: Jer on July 12, 2008, 09:39:38 PM
With regards to the LDR, I tried it with an ex.  We were together for 5 months, then she got a job in Toronto, and I was still living in Ottawa at the time.  It wasn't that bad cause I was able to go down to see her on weekends and the 5hr drive didn't bother me.  2 months after she moved is when I got accepted for the job I'm in now, and so I I thought it was great cause where I am now is only 2 and a half hours from Toronto.  Things were good for the first month, but then it just got difficult with my schedule.  She worked a regular 9 to 5 gig Monday to Friday but what with my shift work it became quite difficult to see each other.  We talked about things and eventually came to an agreement that it wasn't going to work.  That was 3 and a half years ago, but to this day we remain best of friends.  In my case it didn't work but we mutually decided that being friends was for the best, and it was!

I think in my case it has quite a bit to do with the shift work, and how I can be called in and I HAVE to go.  I've been there 4 years now, and it seems as though most law enforcement jobs aren't conducive to lasting relationships.
Title: Re: LDR's... everyone has an opinion,
Post by: Razor X on July 12, 2008, 10:55:10 PM
YOu mean NO GRUNTING AND GROANING?  What fun is that?  I love going to public bathrooms and pretend im sitting on the stool.  I will grunt really really loud.  One time I embarassed my 9 year old son and he walked out.  LOL

TMI, Timmy.   g@@4
Title: Re: LDR's... everyone has an opinion,
Post by: J Digory on July 12, 2008, 11:45:51 PM
MagmaBabe, you post is a real puzzler to me!
I did a little google searches and found : "LDR Industries - Always the Leader in Quality Plumbing Products" and then :
Office of Information and Public Affairs - March 4, 2008 Release #08-205
"LDR Industries Recalls Gas Connectors Due to Fire and Explosion Hazards"
 Aaah- Aaah... Could be it !

MB : "so what's yours? Do you think they can work? If not, why not?"
So MB got one of those gas connectors and wants to know if she can use it safely despite the recall.
So far, so good.
fr8train : "Although my LDR lasted for nearly a year, in the end is was not successful"
RazorX : "I think it's working just fine"

Two confirmations. I'm on track!

But then there is BaldRob post I cannot relate to my theory.
On the other hand, BalbRob could have a defective gas connector; massively leaking gas behind his back, explaining his post somewhat off topic!

sgt. Pate : "I can see an LDR being a phase of the relationship but it's impossible to meet each others physical"
But that's just the point of a gas connector : set a relation between two physical equipements. Unless, OF COURSE, it is defective !

So in the end, MB, my advice is  : get rid of your LDR at once : it is dangerous!

A little story from my past:
Once I had a colleague who was dating a nice girl living 100 km away. Everything was going well, they used their LDR gas connector once in a while and were very happy. Then they decided to use their connector more often and they got married, living together only the week-ends because of work. A year after, he moved to live permanently with his wife. I was invited for a week-end a few months later. A real nightmare : Their LDR connector was damaged beyond repair !
That's the problem with some LDR : they are fine for occasional use. But when you decide to use them permanently they sometimes tend to degrade rapidly. My friend got a divorce a few months  later...

No gas connector for me : I use induction cooking !

Yes, indeed. That was a very inventive and FUNNY post. Oh man, I am still chuckling. Mostly because I actually DIDN'T know what an "LDR" really was until a few posts in. hahaha!

Long-Distance-Relationships should be limited to a phase, in my opinion. But no one should listen to my opinion, because I am not the one to get any advice for any sort of relationship. I suck at all things relation-ship related. SUCK! If you are planning on pissing off your significant other, then talk to me about ways to do it. I am very skilled at that, and I also have a knack for finding ways to nit-pic every little thing until there is no more happiness left.
All that said, I suggest you find out how they prefer the relationship to go and then demand the opposite. If they complain, follow up with some under-handed comments insulting their commitment. Or just make fun of them. That works, too. Seriously though, don't follow anything I would every advise in regards to love or relationships.

Title: Re: LDR's... everyone has an opinion,
Post by: MagmaBabe on July 13, 2008, 06:30:28 AM

I agree with Srgt.  LD can be a 'phase ' in a relationship; a necessary evil (i.e. of one person just CAN't give up a job while the other MUST move away to a new one);  but one that has to end eventually.  I don't thing there can be any such thing as a permanent LDR -- but I'm not sure if that's what you're asking.

PS ....   what was that whole thing with RazorX ? ? ?


thanks John, you and the Sarge.  :)
and as for that whole thing with Razor... you have as much idea as I do!!  :D
(like I said, I think he's on the sauce!!)

love ya really Razor! lol
Title: Re: LDR's... everyone has an opinion,
Post by: MagmaBabe on July 13, 2008, 06:34:02 AM
Don't think an LDR would work for me.
When are you thinking about moving to NorCal, M-Babe?

You did tell your wife we're just cousins, right?  :px
my bags are packed and I'm ready to leave.. just waiting for you to
give me the nod!   ;)
Title: Re: LDR's... everyone has an opinion,
Post by: Timmay on July 13, 2008, 07:14:10 AM
Ever heard the phrase "Kissin Cousins"  well around here with the Amish and all...kissing cousins and brother/sister is the norm.
Title: Re: LDR's... everyone has an opinion,
Post by: KeeperOfTheBeard on July 14, 2008, 11:10:27 AM
My wife and I met on the internet back in 1996 - the days of AOL dial up!  I posted to an AOL Scotland message board about finding a penpal in Scotland - male, female...didn't matter - just wanted a penpal.

My AOL name was CeltsRising and I got a reply to my post about three days later from someone named, "CelticRay".  We exchanged e-mails almost daily for about a month - and one day I signed off with my real name - Matthew.  I got a response with CelticRay's real name - Anne.

Turns out that she thought I lived in Scotland - I thought she lived in Scotland - and both of us were here in the States!  (her name by the way is the name of a Van Morrison song).

We sent each other little packages, actual letters - this went on for about 2 months before we spoke on the phone.  We wound up talking on the phone for about 7 months before we decided to meet - so I flew out to meet her - stayed for 10 days - then three months later I moved across country to be with her - and that was 11 years ago.

LDR can work if you want to make it work.
Title: Re: LDR's... everyone has an opinion,
Post by: BlackJamesRackham on July 14, 2008, 11:21:31 AM
That's a cool story, Matthew.

I was in an on and off relationship that mostly likely failed because of the distance. Distance definitely made it on and off, and that just messed it up. They can definitely work, but it takes a lot of effort and they hurt.
Title: Re: LDR's... everyone has an opinion,
Post by: FR8TRAIN on July 14, 2008, 12:51:22 PM
My wife and I met on the internet back in 1996 - the days of AOL dial up!  I posted to an AOL Scotland message board about finding a penpal in Scotland - male, female...didn't matter - just wanted a penpal.

My AOL name was CeltsRising and I got a reply to my post about three days later from someone named, "CelticRay".  We exchanged e-mails almost daily for about a month - and one day I signed off with my real name - Matthew.  I got a response with CelticRay's real name - Anne.

Turns out that she thought I lived in Scotland - I thought she lived in Scotland - and both of us were here in the States!  (her name by the way is the name of a Van Morrison song).

We sent each other little packages, actual letters - this went on for about 2 months before we spoke on the phone.  We wound up talking on the phone for about 7 months before we decided to meet - so I flew out to meet her - stayed for 10 days - then three months later I moved across country to be with her - and that was 11 years ago.

LDR can work if you want to make it work.

Matthew my Brother, that is a Lifetime original movie plot if I ever heard of one. And believe me I've heard several. That is wonderful!!! :@` They say that everyone has at least one good book in them just from life experience. I love it when couples, who appear to be genuinely in love, are asked "How did you two meet?" that there is truely a touching story behind it. O0

Thank you for sharing and showing us sceptics that an LDR can work. O0
Title: Re: LDR's... everyone has an opinion,
Post by: KeeperOfTheBeard on July 14, 2008, 12:58:41 PM
Thanks, Fr8  :)  I guess I should mention that I did live in Edinburgh for two years - so "technically" I did live in Scotland just before we met!  I was involved with a lass when I lived there - but that was on LDR that was never going to work.

We got married after living together for two years - and we honeymooned in Scotland for three weeks   :@`

By the way - I had to burst my wife's bubble - she wanted to run through fields of heather - I never had the heart to tell her that heather wasn't what she imagined it to be - try running through of field of short, pokey, evergreen shrubs....not exactly a field of flowers!

I will have to agree with what many have said - the LDR can work as long as it is only a phase in the relationship - ultimately you can love someone from afar - but you can never maintain it over distance and too much time because of unmet needs - both physical and emotional.

Title: Re: LDR's... everyone has an opinion,
Post by: Mikekoz13 on July 15, 2008, 05:12:42 AM
LDRs work great if the person you're in the relationship is someone you don't really like............ O0
Title: Re: LDR's... everyone has an opinion,
Post by: herronm on July 15, 2008, 07:24:28 AM
I had trouble with my live in girlfriend..we didn't have enough space between us.  It really depends on the people involved.  The distance should not be an issue, but some use it as an excue.

Title: Re: LDR's... everyone has an opinion,
Post by: Pshrynk on July 18, 2008, 04:24:46 PM
LDR's can work without a doubt -- it takes commitment, understanding, maturity and positive attitudes on BOTH parts to do so however.   

In the last 2 years of my wife's residency in med school -- she did some stints for a few mths at a time all over Canada while I stayed in Calgary.   

That was 8 yrs ago and we've been happily married for 5yrs last month.     :@`
Title: Re: LDR's... everyone has an opinion,
Post by: xnewyawka on July 22, 2008, 07:52:53 PM
too pooped to poop  :*))

That's where a good laxative come in handy!  Take one and all you do is sit there and it just flows out effortlessly...    :*))

This sorta sounds like we're talking about Timmay! lol.   ;)    ;D
Title: Re: LDR's... everyone has an opinion,
Post by: PeripheralxMvmnt on August 20, 2008, 12:08:04 PM
My wife is fram Brazil, and I met her here in virginia in dec 2006, and her visa ran out in mar 2007. We talked about and debated carrying on the relationship or just ending it and remember the fun we had. we decided to carry on with a 5,000 mile/other side of the equator/+2:00hr EST relationship. The hardest part of it all wasnt the immigration, the money, or the $2000 dollar long distance bill in one month (long story...). The hardest part was not sharing. We couldnt share good moments, bad moments, ourselves, anything. The only solace we had was the telephone and computer, and it gets really aggravating to try and "love" pixels and text.

Longer story short, we made it through, and got married in may 2008. So you get what you put into it.
Title: Re: LDR's... everyone has an opinion,
Post by: slyinglide on August 20, 2008, 09:38:39 PM
Man for a bunch of big ugly bald headed hard asses, you guy's  are nothin but deep down, die hard "ROMANTICS"   :@`