Sly Bald Guys Forum

Discussions About Being Bald => To be or not be...Bald => Topic started by: NWTRNR on June 29, 2008, 09:50:12 PM

Title: You guys are a bad, bad influence :) -- I did it, I'm bald!
Post by: NWTRNR on June 29, 2008, 09:50:12 PM
Well... I did it. Ditched the wig and shaved everything bald today. Wow. Also, felt raindrops on my newly sly head tonight. Another Wow. Tomorrow should be an interesting day at work. Haven't run into anyone yet in the neighborhood. Family says the like it, although my young kids were a little unsure at first -- thought daddy looked "funny."

Will post a pic probably tomorrow. Thanks for all of your support and words of experience (

Here's to new-found freedom and a great new look. Hope it was a good decision -- in any case, too late now! :)


p.s. How long does it take for the skin color to balance out?
Title: Re: You guys are a bad, bad influence :) -- I did it, I'm bald!
Post by: BALDANDRE on June 29, 2008, 09:57:22 PM
Congrats at taking BACK your life!

Big step bro...but one I'm sure you'll remember as one of the best things you ever id for yourself...

WAIT until BALD becomes will find confidence you didn't know you had!

I'm happy to be a bald bad influence on ya! ;)
Title: Re: You guys are a bad, bad influence :) -- I did it, I'm bald!
Post by: Razor X on June 29, 2008, 10:03:38 PM
Congratulations!  I'm sure it's a huge improvement.   O0
Title: Re: You guys are a bad, bad influence :) -- I did it, I'm bald!
Post by: Jer on June 29, 2008, 10:10:26 PM
Congrats and well done!  You should also post a before pic up too, they are always good to see, if you like that is.

Now I'm wondering, if we're this bad of an influence on here, how bad are we going to be on each other and everyone around us in Chicago?
Title: Re: You guys are a bad, bad influence :) -- I did it, I'm bald!
Post by: nicolasraage on June 30, 2008, 02:30:15 AM
I'm glad you took a step to make yourself happy.

I'm sure the people who knew you wore a wig, will respect you more.  Those that didn't know should respect you as well, since they think you shaved a full head of hair.  Either way, they will realize you are not self conscious.

Good job, and good luck.
Title: Re: You guys are a bad, bad influence :) -- I did it, I'm bald!
Post by: Mikekoz13 on June 30, 2008, 04:41:08 AM
Good luck today!!! I'm sure most, if not all comments will be positive. Remember, don't get discouraged by negative comments.... it's a big change for those around you as well as you.
Title: Re: You guys are a bad, bad influence :) -- I did it, I'm bald!
Post by: MagmaBabe on June 30, 2008, 04:47:51 AM
Well done NWTRNR, post up a pic so we can see the newly sly you  O0

and good luck!!
Title: Re: You guys are a bad, bad influence :) -- I did it, I'm bald!
Post by: Rob on June 30, 2008, 05:05:13 AM
Congrats on the 'new you' and welcome to SBG's.  Hope you enjoy the sly life! 8)
Title: Re: You guys are a bad, bad influence :) -- I did it, I'm bald!
Post by: Paul on June 30, 2008, 05:10:52 AM
Congrats on taking charge of your life and living free.    O0
Title: Re: You guys are a bad, bad influence :) -- I did it, I'm bald!
Post by: PBurke on June 30, 2008, 05:14:38 AM
Title: Re: You guys are a bad, bad influence :) -- I did it, I'm bald!
Post by: OzPete on June 30, 2008, 09:56:48 PM
Congrats and welcome to SBG!
Title: Re: You guys are a bad, bad influence :) -- I did it, I'm bald!
Post by: zetaeffe on July 01, 2008, 04:46:48 AM
Congratulations!!  O0

Let us know how things went at work! am sure you got mostly positive
reactions... would be curious to hear how many guys at work already
knew you were wearing e a hairpiece...  ;)
Title: Re: You guys are a bad, bad influence :) -- I did it, I'm bald!
Post by: andrew on July 01, 2008, 04:56:42 AM
Congratulations NWTRNR !!!

I'm sure you're first day at work will be uneventful.  Your kids will come around ... 

Enjoy your new look and freedom.
Title: Re: You guys are a bad, bad influence :) -- I did it, I'm bald!
Post by: BlackJamesRackham on July 01, 2008, 11:09:46 AM
Congrats, man! Glad you've embraced the feeling of not having to worry about hair/hair loss
Title: Re: You guys are a bad, bad influence :) -- I did it, I'm bald!
Post by: herronm on July 01, 2008, 11:26:07 AM
See... what did we tell you?  I can't wait for the photos, be sure to post some before and after shots. 

That over all skin tone will depend on your normal coloring and the darkness of your shadow.  Give it some time, but go slowly.  Use sunscreen.
Title: Re: You guys are a bad, bad influence :) -- I did it, I'm bald!
Post by: TheSlyBear on July 01, 2008, 12:16:39 PM
Freedom from the tyranny of hair!
Title: Re: You guys are a bad, bad influence :) -- I did it, I'm bald!
Post by: PigPen on July 01, 2008, 01:17:48 PM
Congratulations and thank you. I pride myself on being a bad influence.
Title: Re: You guys are a bad, bad influence :) -- I did it, I'm bald!
Post by: BaldBen on July 01, 2008, 02:05:06 PM
Well... I did it. Ditched the wig and shaved everything bald today. Wow. Will post a pic probably tomorrow. Thanks for all of your support NWTRNR

Way to go NWTRNR. From your screen tag, you must be a weight trainer.
I don't know how someone involved in health and fitness could have worn a hair system for that length of time.

It must seem like a huge weight has been lifted off of your shoulders.
Best regards
and congratulations on your bald and bold decision,

Title: Re: You guys are a bad, bad influence :) -- I did it, I'm bald!
Post by: warhawk on July 01, 2008, 02:10:35 PM
nwtrnr:  congrats on ditching the rug & embracing your baldness.  keep us posted on all the reactions.  oh...and welcome 2 the sly fraternity.  hope U become an active member of the best forum on the internet. O0

Title: Re: You guys are a bad, bad influence :) -- I did it, I'm bald!
Post by: MagmaBabe on July 01, 2008, 03:11:32 PM
Well... I did it. Ditched the wig and shaved everything bald today. Wow. Will post a pic probably tomorrow. Thanks for all of your support NWTRNR

Way to go NWTRNR. From your screen tag, you must be a weight trainer.
I don't know how someone involved in health and fitness could have worn a hair system for that length of time.

It must seem like a huge weight has been lifted off of your shoulders.
Best regards
and congratulations on your bald and bold decision,


am I the only one that found that funny?!!  :XX
Title: Re: You guys are a bad, bad influence :) -- I did it, I'm bald!
Post by: PigPen on July 01, 2008, 04:19:55 PM
Well... I did it. Ditched the wig and shaved everything bald today. Wow. Will post a pic probably tomorrow. Thanks for all of your support NWTRNR
Way to go NWTRNR. From your screen tag, you must be a weight trainer.
I don't know how someone involved in health and fitness could have worn a hair system for that length of time.

It must seem like a huge weight has been lifted off of your shoulders.
Best regards
and congratulations on your bald and bold decision,


am I the only one that found that funny?!!  :XX

Mmmmmmmmmmm......I think so
Title: Re: You guys are a bad, bad influence :) -- I did it, I'm bald!
Post by: NWTRNR on July 02, 2008, 10:08:44 AM
Hey everyone -- as you can see now, I've added a photo of my new slyness to my profile! Will try to dig up a before here soon as well.

Well... so far, reactions have been either positive or neutral for the most part. The first adults I ran into were at my kids preschool. One of the directors there was like "boy -- I'm not going to your barber!" but actually is someone who goes sly from time to time. He mentioned then that it was time for him to do it too. Then asked me how often I do it. At first I thought he was talking about how often I shave it now  -- e.g. once a day, etc. then I got that he was actually wondering how often I go sly -- like I go back and forth or some such. Funny.

Next, at work, a couple of "oh wows" but by and large not too much. Someone said that I now remind them of some actor in a crime series but couldn't quite place it. I half-jokingly ventured "Kojak." Oh... one woman who works in the same building came down to see me about something -- walked into my office and went "OH -- excuse me I was looking for... OMG it is you! Why did you do that?" That was the closest thing to non-positive I've had so far.

Day 3 now, I'm feeling a bit more adept at the whole shaving thing. Had a few nicks and scrapes yesterday and day before, but today it feels very smooth. :)

I'm getting more and more used to it. Actually had a dream about it the other night. In my dream I had totally missed a whole patch of hairs while shaving and had apparently gone all day with it like that.

Oh, kids are totally fine too. My son said he wants to do it when he is older -- he's just 4.

Thanks again for all the continuing support and good advice guys (and one gal). Oh, and no, BaldBen, I'm definitely no trainer -- my screen tag is actually short for "Northwesterner" -- the region where I live :)
Title: Re: You guys are a bad, bad influence :) -- I did it, I'm bald!
Post by: Stu on July 02, 2008, 10:50:51 AM
NWTRNR, Dude you look awesome.  You're another guy who I just can't imagine with hair.  It looks so natural.  Congrats!
Title: Re: You guys are a bad, bad influence :) -- I did it, I'm bald!
Post by: blondeguy on July 02, 2008, 11:51:08 AM
Hey, you do look awesome.  That's a good look for you.  The reactions you got are similar to what I got last year.  Some people are briefly surprised, while most people actually seem indifferent.  The funny part of shaving your head is realizing how non-drastic it is to others besides yourself.  Anyone reading this who's still on the fence will see that we all go through the same hesitation, the same worry about reactions, and the same surprise at the world's acceptance.  It's liberating!
Title: Re: You guys are a bad, bad influence :) -- I did it, I'm bald!
Post by: BALDANDRE on July 02, 2008, 12:06:43 PM

Thanks again for all the continuing support and good advice guys (and one gal). Oh, and no, BaldBen, I'm definitely no trainer -- my screen tag is actually short for "Northwesterner" -- where I live :)

Nice really works for you and looks GREAT! O0

BTW where abouts do you live in the Northwest..

I'm in the Vancouver, Wa area.
Title: Re: You guys are a bad, bad influence :) -- I did it, I'm bald!
Post by: GASlick on July 02, 2008, 07:46:44 PM
Good job man!  Looks good on you.  My kids, 6 & 5, thought I looked a little silly too for a few days.

Title: Re: You guys are a bad, bad influence :) -- I did it, I'm bald!
Post by: FR8TRAIN on July 02, 2008, 08:20:55 PM
Again Scott, MARVELOUS! O:O O0
Title: Re: You guys are a bad, bad influence :) -- I did it, I'm bald!
Post by: champ007 on July 02, 2008, 08:25:32 PM
Congrats man, and thanks for pronouncing your name finally.
I must have sat here 20 minutes trying to figure it out..... my kid asked me if I was having a stroke!!  :P

Anyway, Sly suits you man. Your head will blend in time with the sun, just be careful because its like a babys butt right now, and you don't want it burnt. If your outside for a lenght of time use the sunscreen!  8)
Title: Re: You guys are a bad, bad influence :) -- I did it, I'm bald!
Post by: andrew on July 02, 2008, 10:00:30 PM
Looks great NWTRNR.   You made the right decision.   I'm glad to hear things went smoothly at work. 
Title: Re: You guys are a bad, bad influence :) -- I did it, I'm bald!
Post by: NWTRNR on July 02, 2008, 10:19:56 PM
Thanks for all of the very nice feedback. That definitely has helped in this transition. You sly guys rock, and I'm definitely getting more used to my new slyness. And too funny about trying to figure out what my screen name stood for...

Oh, and BaldAndre...we're virtually neighbors... I'm in Portland.

Well -- this weekend we will be bumping into extended family members so that should be fun. Hope you all have a great 4th of July -- at least the Yanks in this group. :)
Title: Re: You guys are a bad, bad influence :) -- I did it, I'm bald!
Post by: BALDANDRE on July 02, 2008, 10:27:38 PM

Oh, and BaldAndre...we're virtually neighbors... I'm in Portland.

Maybe we'll have a sly meeting someday...

when one of us crosses the river! ;)

Nice to see ya neighbor..ain't it nice it's finally summer!
Title: Re: You guys are a bad, bad influence :) -- I did it, I'm bald!
Post by: jerkNturk on July 04, 2008, 03:22:35 AM
Really suits you man. Good work.