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Head Shaving, Grooming & Care => Trimming Your Head/Hair => Topic started by: jhickman on June 13, 2008, 01:04:06 PM

Title: Bearded baldies and the corporate world
Post by: jhickman on June 13, 2008, 01:04:06 PM
So I'm expecting a final interview at a big corporate insurance company in a week, and I'm not sure how they will like the beard with a bald head.  This will be my first big job in the corporate atmosphere and from what I've gathered, clean shaven is the best way to go, that or a goatee is acceptable.  I don't recall ever seeing anyone with a full beard in the corporate world.

Normally I'd wear it the way I want to, but I need this job lol.

Anyone have any experience with this?  Is it better to suck it up and go with a goatee or is a well trimmed beard acceptable?
Title: Re: Bearded baldies and the corporate world
Post by: Razor X on June 13, 2008, 01:09:07 PM
If it's a final interview, then you've interviewed with them before, so I assume your appearance passed the initial screening.   What kind of job/company is it?  Some positions are more flexible with respect to appearance than others.  Clean shaven used to be a must, but that's been relaxed most places nowadays.  Shaved heads and goatees are common in the corporate world.  I've only seen the full beard/shaved combo on the IT guys where I work.

If you get a chance, drive by the company and wait outside for a few minutes at lunchtime or the end of the workday and see what the employees coming out of the building look like.

Title: Re: Bearded baldies and the corporate world
Post by: Sly Red on June 13, 2008, 01:17:21 PM
I work in an IT environment.  They tend to be very casual and laid back.  To say I get away with a lot is a mild understatement.  Bald head, full beard, earrings.  To you I say suck it up and trim the beard down to a goatee and try to get the job.  Once you're in you can gauge what you can get 'away' with.  Then you can do the head tatts, long bushy beard,  0 Gauge earrings, etc . . .  8)
Title: Re: Bearded baldies and the corporate world
Post by: jhickman on June 13, 2008, 01:18:43 PM
That's a great idea, I'll go stalking on Monday lol.

Well I went in for a pre-employment test and only met with the secretary.  I passed that and went through a phone interview and am waiting to hear back for the final interview. 

The position is underwriting - autos for State Farm.
Title: Re: Bearded baldies and the corporate world
Post by: Razor X on June 13, 2008, 07:19:45 PM
I really don't think you'll  have any problem.  Your beard is trimmed and tidy and you look professional.  Facial hair used to be a big no-no in the corporate world, but I think that attitude is pretty rare nowadays.
Title: Re: Bearded baldies and the corporate world
Post by: GASlick on June 13, 2008, 07:47:00 PM
I agree with RazorX.  I think you'll be fine.  Your beard isn't scraggy and messy.
Title: Re: Bearded baldies and the corporate world
Post by: Robmeister on June 13, 2008, 07:51:09 PM

If you get a chance, drive by the company and wait outside for a few minutes at lunchtime or the end of the workday and see what the employees coming out of the building look like.

This is a good idea.

...suck it up and trim the beard down to a goatee and try to get the job.  Once you're in you can gauge what you can get 'away' with.'s not a big deal either's your what you have to do...yer not sellin' out by cleanin it up a little more than you normally would.

On the extreme side of the spectrum....there are people who are committed to asserting their "maverick" self (not that this is your situation, hickmeister) and have the attitude..."Well if they don't like me for who I am....."

absolutely REJECTING the notion of towing the company line....even a LITTLE bit.....just at the beginning.

They're still hittin the bricks.
Title: Re: Bearded baldies and the corporate world
Post by: Sly Red on June 16, 2008, 10:23:37 AM
'J', how goes the job search.  I was out for two months earlier this year, so I know what a drag it is.

Title: Re: Bearded baldies and the corporate world
Post by: Pshrynk on June 16, 2008, 10:27:08 AM
If you're REALLY worried about the beard....

Then shave it so it doesn't undermine your confidence.

It grows back  ;) 
Title: Re: Bearded baldies and the corporate world
Post by: Robmeister on June 16, 2008, 10:33:41 AM
If you're REALLY worried about the beard....

Then shave it so it doesn't undermine your confidence.

It grows back  ;) 

This is powerful right here !!

Now...not sure how it would work if you feel most confident going in with double nose piercings and a piece of barb wire connected to your upper lip.

But generally speaking...if the beard issue is causing concern...get rid of the concern so you can be as comfortable and poised as possible.
Title: Re: Bearded baldies and the corporate world
Post by: jhickman on June 16, 2008, 10:41:26 AM
Not exceptional at the moment, but thanks for asking.  I've been working temp jobs for a while now to make ends meet.  I had an interview the week before last and got offered the job, but the pay was lower than for the temp jobs I'm working and the work wasn't insurance related.

In November I passed the first actuarial exam (for risk management) and have a math degree, but for some reason I'm having a hard to getting my foot inside the door at an insurance company.  My goal is to be an actuary, and I don't mind working my way up from the bottom.

I'm a great worker someone hire me!!  ;D O0

Red, how did your two month streak end?
Title: Re: Bearded baldies and the corporate world
Post by: Sly Red on June 16, 2008, 10:45:30 AM
I'm a consultant in IT, so eventually jobs just happen.  Are you open to relocation?  Chicago has lots of opportunities in your field.  Are you downstate?  I ask because you mentioned State Farm.

Title: Re: Bearded baldies and the corporate world
Post by: jhickman on June 16, 2008, 10:45:51 AM
If you're REALLY worried about the beard....

Then shave it so it doesn't undermine your confidence.

It grows back  ;) 

This is great advice, but I feel I'm in a catch 22.  I feel more confident with a beard, so I don't want to shave it and I think it looks better.  But I don't want to look 2nd rate at the interview lol.

It's not a huge deal, I'll probably just hack the thing off for a while and scope out the other employees like the previous posters suggested. 
Title: Re: Bearded baldies and the corporate world
Post by: Pshrynk on June 16, 2008, 10:52:17 AM
If you're REALLY worried about the beard....

Then shave it so it doesn't undermine your confidence.

It grows back  ;) 

This is great advice, but I feel I'm in a catch 22.  I feel more confident with a beard, so I don't want to shave it and I think it looks better.  But I don't want to look 2nd rate at the interview lol.

Flip a coin   :px
Title: Re: Bearded baldies and the corporate world
Post by: jhickman on June 16, 2008, 10:57:44 AM
Yes, I'm open for relocation.  I'm currently in Austin, Texas.  I love it here, but would move for a job.

Many actuaries work in Chicago or somewhere in the north east in the huge corporate offices.  I've applied to jobs around there and have two actuarial recruiters working for me, but haven't had anything concrete come up.  But I'm thinking positive and studying for the next exam.  It's just a matter of time.

I think I'll shave to the goat today come to think about it, wouldn't want a funny beard tan lol.
Title: Re: Bearded baldies and the corporate world
Post by: BlackJamesRackham on June 16, 2008, 11:47:57 AM
I'm a consultant as well, and I see plenty of bearded baldies. As for me, I rock a soul patch with my shaved head. Haven't had any issues yet.

And as others have said, it appears you keep your beard looking clean and neat, so it shouldn't be an issue. Good luck! Let us know how it goes
Title: Re: Bearded baldies and the corporate world
Post by: Sly Red on June 16, 2008, 11:52:23 AM
Hey James, are you a consultant in IT?  If so, is your organization full of headshaved, tatooed, pierced radical dudes?  Ah, my kind of people  O:O  I worked in IT in banking for a while and it was way too conservative.
Title: Re: Bearded baldies and the corporate world
Post by: BlackJamesRackham on June 16, 2008, 11:56:39 AM
Hey James, are you a consultant in IT?  If so, is your organization full of headshaved, tatooed, pierced radical dudes?  Ah, my kind of people  O:O  I worked in IT in banking for a while and it was way too conservative.

Not exactly IT. But based on your description of it, it sounds like the type of crowd I'd like to hang with! We're on the more conservative side, no visible tatts, no piercings, etc. Shaved heads work just fine...thank god!
Title: Re: Bearded baldies and the corporate world
Post by: Razor X on June 16, 2008, 12:16:09 PM

I feel more confident with a beard, so I don't want to shave it and I think it looks better. 

There's your answer.  If you've never had a shaved head and a clean shaven face at the same time, it can be a bigger adjustment than you think.  Takes some time to get used to.  Right before an interview might not be the best time to experiment with a change in your appearance.

I think it's better to interview for the job looking the way you intend to look once you're hired.  Trying to change your look after you get the job -- by shaving, growing, etc., etc. can be awkward because you're still not sure what's frowned on and what's not.  If you get hired with a beard, on the other hand, you know it's OK.

Facial hair is not a big deal these days,  unless it's untidy or trimmed into unusual patterns, neither of which is true in your case.
Title: Re: Bearded baldies and the corporate world
Post by: Tyler on June 16, 2008, 01:36:08 PM
Also, check jobs at this company as I know they wouldn't care about your shaved head with a beard.
Title: Re: Bearded baldies and the corporate world
Post by: marty22 on June 16, 2008, 04:34:19 PM
agreed. play it safe till you're in the door 6 months or so.
Title: Re: Bearded baldies and the corporate world
Post by: jhickman on June 17, 2008, 04:53:45 PM
Thanks for the advice fellas.  I'm going to follow your example and rock the goat for a while  >:D

Thanks for the link Tyler, I'll check it out.