Sly Bald Guys Forum

Head Shaving, Grooming & Care => Trimming Your Head/Hair => Topic started by: RC The Uncola on January 02, 2007, 11:26:10 AM

Title: Not sure what to do with this thinning hair
Post by: RC The Uncola on January 02, 2007, 11:26:10 AM
what do you guys think.   it looks allright sometimes but sometimes uh noso alright
i cant seem to add more images to this post
Title: Re: Not sure what to do with this thinning hair
Post by: BaldRob on January 02, 2007, 11:38:08 AM
Hi and welcome NotBaldYet.

Balding and thinning is never an easy thing to deal with.  Your biggest challenge is to decide what you want to do.  Most of us here shave completely, some with a regular razor or headblade, some with an electric or clippers.

One good thing about a complete shave... you never have a "not so good" day!

Read through the topics and enjoy!
Title: Re: Not sure what to do with this thinning hair
Post by: Tyler on January 02, 2007, 11:44:05 AM
i cant seem to add more images to this post

You can click on Addtional Options when posting.  This will give you the ability to add more pics.  Or you can use the IMG tags if you have the pic hosted somewhere.

As for your hair.  It really does depend on what you feel most comfortable with.  If you're tired of playing the cover up game, then shaving with either clippers or a razor is the best way to go.
Title: Re: Not sure what to do with this thinning hair
Post by: Blagadan on January 02, 2007, 11:49:28 AM
Whatever you do don't try and hide it, in my opinion that always makes it look worse and you might even feel more self conscious then. 

Pre-emptive strike: My advice would be to shave it off, maybe just down to a number 2!  Worse case scenario you don't like it, it will grow back.
Title: Re: Not sure what to do with this thinning hair
Post by: Johnny on January 02, 2007, 04:17:05 PM
Your pic looks OK. Whenever I had my picture taken, you could definately tell that I had little up top. That is how I made the decision to get rid of it. Of course with the help of the guys at SBG.

Welcome to the neighborhood.
Title: Re: Not sure what to do with this thinning hair
Post by: PigPen on January 02, 2007, 04:33:24 PM
Your pic looks OK. Whenever I had my picture taken, you could definately tell that I had little up top. That is how I made the decision to get rid of it. Of course with the help of the guys at SBG.

I think we should use this as a testimonial..."I have seen the light..."

Just a thought anyway
Title: Re: Not sure what to do with this thinning hair
Post by: David on January 02, 2007, 07:47:41 PM
what do you guys think.   it looks allright sometimes but sometimes uh noso alright
i cant seem to add more images to this post

It's all about your attitude.     Keep in mind i'm bald my choice(8 weeks tommorrow) and i'm not going back.     But the way I view a bald head is that it's just a style, not an issue of feeling like the world around me is caving in.

Here's why I recommend anyone try it: 

1) If you hate it, hair grows back.

2)  You will realize there are so many extra benefits to being bald than just the look.    For example:   you can get up and go to work in the morning and don't have to mess with hair.   Also, no hat head(my hair always stuck out of that back part of every baseball cap) or bed head to have to restyle.   Your pillow touching your head feels nice and cold.    It also focuses attention on your eyes/smile.   

Plus think about the money saved.     No more hairbrushes, shampoos, haircuts, hair gel, or what not needed.    All you need is your razor/shaver of  choice, a shave gel/cream/lubricant, warm water, and aftershave.    Plus keep in mind monthly you pay for one haircut.  With shaving, you get many more shaves than one per month.
Title: Re: Not sure what to do with this thinning hair
Post by: David on January 02, 2007, 07:49:22 PM
Furthermore, you will become addicted to rubbing your smooth head because it feels so nice.   And you also start to care more about your appearance, in my case I have started wearing nicer clothes more often since shaving.

Title: Re: Not sure what to do with this thinning hair
Post by: Noner on January 02, 2007, 08:11:48 PM
what do you guys think. 

Well being a pro-head shaver site, most of us are obviosly going to tell you to shave your hair. The fact that you chose to post says to me that you are ready for a change. But only you can make that decision.

Take some time, look around at the site and then, look around at yourself. Do you want a change? Do you need a change? Once you answer those questions, then you can make the decision to shave your head, yourself. Don't let others make that for you.

When you first get that razor in your hand, you should feel the excitment of going up the hill on a rollercoaster track. Tick, Tick, Tick. Tick and then you enjoy the ride.

If you have doubts, just watch the track for a little while and then decided if your getting on.

Dr. Noner

Man, I should write for Hallmark!
Title: Re: Not sure what to do with this thinning hair
Post by: Razor X on January 03, 2007, 07:56:13 PM
If  you're feeling especially brave, shave it.  Otherwise, just get it cut a little shorter.  You have a long way to go before you will be considered bald.  You should just get progressively shorter haircuts as the thinning and receding worsens. 

I wouldn't shave it just yet, unless you really want to.  Cut it a bit shorter, even if it exposes more scalp and enjoy having hair while you can.   Being bald is nothing to be afraid of, but once your hair is lost, it's not coming back and you'll be locked into that look forever.  Therefore, you might as well explore other options while you still have them.
Title: Re: Not sure what to do with this thinning hair
Post by: frostillicus123 on January 09, 2007, 10:32:14 AM
Brother Slick is the new comb over.

Slick it's not a hair style it's a life style.
Title: Re: Not sure what to do with this thinning hair
Post by: MC HammerHead on January 09, 2007, 11:30:22 AM
Noner writing for there's a THought!

You are getting some great advise on here.  The good news is for you is it will grow back. 

Funny, the person that talked me into actually shaving my head for the first time was my Barber of all people!  His point was the same as all of these guys : Quit fighting it ...go with it.  Of course it cut him out of a revenue stream but he is also one of my best friends.

The other thing that's cool about it now is that more people are doing it.  I was by no means a "pioneer" head shaver but, in the region of the country I live in (North Carolina) very few people had slick heads seven years ago.  Now I see guys every day with their head shaved.  (even back then I noticed it because I thought about it for along time before making the plunge).

Go with your gut on this thing...if it's saying go for it then do so.  If it's saying "start looking at hair club for men, spray on hair, comb over, hair transplants, rogaine, etc, etc" then I still suggest you shave it and quit having such thoughts...ha ha...just joking.  ...
Title: Re: Not sure what to do with this thinning hair
Post by: BigJeffrey on January 09, 2007, 07:15:02 PM
That's some sage like advice from MC Hammerhead.  Listen to your gut....then ignore it.  Come to think of it....if I applied that philosophy to my life i might stay out of some trouble....especially where the ladies are concerned..LOL. 

I really don't know of anyone who has shaved their head and regretted it.  I think most people will look good with a slick noggin.  Some people are shocked by their appearance without hair but you usually get over that and grow to love it.  And like everyone said, if you don't like it it will grow back.  Some of it anyway.

I, for one, urge you to break out the razor and discover the new and improved you.  I think you'll like what you see when you're done.
Title: Re: Not sure what to do with this thinning hair
Post by: RC The Uncola on January 11, 2007, 10:14:46 PM

Thanks for the advice everyone.  Yeah im pretty sure i'll shave it someday (probably wont like it like I like having hair).  Ive buzzed it really tight before and it looks allright.  Some people have told me i look good with shaved head. 

not sure if i dig the idea of going all the way sly .. but maybe better that than cringe when i see my hair in a mirror.  Anyway thanks for input everyone.  and ill post a follow up when it happens.

outie five
Title: Re: Not sure what to do with this thinning hair
Post by: RC The Uncola on February 04, 2007, 08:04:29 AM
making mental strides.... a virtual head shave from

Title: Re: Not sure what to do with this thinning hair
Post by: Tom McGarry. on February 04, 2007, 08:19:01 AM
Whats wrong with that, it looks prety good. Like David I am bald by choice and I love it, but as far as someone said that you'll love rubbing your smooth head, so will a lot of woman, and I'm sure you'll like that. But it is a personal choice, just be sure to know that this site and all the people on it are hear to give you tips and information, and support, if you need any of these just ask.
Title: Re: Not sure what to do with this thinning hair
Post by: Robmeister on February 04, 2007, 09:07:36 AM
making mental strides.... a virtual head shave from

There ya go....I did the same thing on

I think it looks much better, man...

Lemme tell ya .... my slick noggin ended up looking BETTER than the virtual rendering.  Probably will for you too.

I say GO FOR IT!!

Title: Re: Not sure what to do with this thinning hair
Post by: Tyler on February 04, 2007, 12:16:04 PM
Do it, do it!  The rendering looks good.  I say go for it!
Title: Re: Not sure what to do with this thinning hair
Post by: Blagadan on February 04, 2007, 12:53:12 PM
I agree, it really suits you.  Take the plunge dude!  O0
Title: Re: Not sure what to do with this thinning hair
Post by: OzPete on February 04, 2007, 10:40:46 PM
Just do it!!  O0
Title: Re: Not sure what to do with this thinning hair
Post by: MagmaBabe on February 05, 2007, 12:06:53 AM
Hey, Notbaldyet...from a chica's point of view..
I think it really suits you, looking goooood!
Definitely go for it, it makes your eyes more noticeable and
you have really pretty eyes...   ;)
(It's the first thing most women notice when eyeing up the opposite sex...)
Title: Re: Not sure what to do with this thinning hair
Post by: ShinyHappyHead on February 05, 2007, 10:02:36 AM
making mental strides.... a virtual head shave from

Looks good!  I've never heard of  I just went there and didn't see the virtual shaved noggin tool.  A lot of great advice, so I'm just gonna wish you luck in whatever you choose to do.  Just try not to do the "Gallagher" thing and grow it long in the back like I did, circa '97:


And um, it was my driver's license picture, not a mugshot.      ;D
Title: Re: Not sure what to do with this thinning hair
Post by: Lullaby on February 09, 2007, 12:26:50 AM
wow, your renderings look fantastic. I say absolutely go for it.
Title: Re: Not sure what to do with this thinning hair
Post by: Professor Melon on February 09, 2007, 08:04:45 AM
 :) Dear NotBald Yet: Awesome projected pictures. The look suits you but you might want to wait a while, as RazorX suggested. There has been considerable discussion on this site about whether the sly look makes one look older or younger. In your case, it seems to me that it makes you look more adult, much less baby-faced than with hair. So, if you're toying with a more mature look, go for it. You've got the eyebrows, goatee, and bone structure to complement the slick dome. You can always let your hair grow back if you don't like it. My case was just the opposite, because my hair was thinning and my beard had gone white; shaving actually knocked ten years off my appearance. It's all a matter of which look makes you more comfortable and confident. This is the era for baldness, as so many guys have shaved their heads, yet the move still connotes boldness. Professor Melon
Title: Re: Not sure what to do with this thinning hair
Post by: dharhay on February 28, 2007, 04:08:53 AM
I have been bald on top for a while.  I still have hair on the sides around ears and at the back of the neck.  How can I have it styled?  Is the usual straight over the ears the best look.  I want to be modern and I do not want to shave my head.

Can any of you give any suggestions?  Thanks.

Title: Re: Not sure what to do with this thinning hair
Post by: Kajun on February 28, 2007, 04:27:33 AM
dharhay...there's not much style left in the horseshoe/monk ring ..the best thing to do with it is keep it as short as possible and maybe grow some side burns with it...thats about as in style as it gets at the moment .......i had the same thing last week...cept no sideburns.
Title: Re: Not sure what to do with this thinning hair
Post by: Robmeister on February 28, 2007, 06:49:39 AM
Welcome to the forum, dharhay.

I fully agree with Kajun.....these days, the modern thang to do with such advanced MPB is to shave smooth.

However, if you do not want to do that...the next best thing would be to keep it as short as possible....#3 clipper....maybe #2 or even #1.

I would at least begin contemplating--however remotely--the possibility of shaving smooth.  Play with the idea, drop the idea to friends, family, loved ones.   Not necessarily to get their approval...but to sorta work through the idea in yer own mind.  I got to the point where I was going to shave it no matter what anyone said.....then I did....but it was a process.

Check out my "process" near the bottom of the page here:

I personally have discovered a whole new and confident social persona and presence since I shaved 6 weeks ago.....and I have pretty full coverage of hair were I not shaving.   And I didn't necessarily have confidence issues before I shaved.

Stick around here and poke around the posting board...there's a lot of good info, good people and good fun.

Again, WELCOME!!
Title: Re: Not sure what to do with this thinning hair
Post by: Sgt. Pate on April 02, 2007, 08:09:52 PM
Dude... you look great shaved!   O0