Sly Bald Guys Forum

Discussions About Being Bald => Sly Bald Gals - Women's Corner => Topic started by: twistoffate on May 23, 2008, 09:11:55 PM

Title: Words of wisdom? - have a man I care about really devastated about going bald
Post by: twistoffate on May 23, 2008, 09:11:55 PM
I have four amazing brothers, all incredibly successful and attractive but one has been forced to shave his head (ultimate hair loss due to massive stress, emotional issues) and he is NOT dealing with it very well. Add that to going through a divorce, trying to sell a business, needing to lose a bunch of weight and well, this is a guy in a bad spot. I stay in touch with him daily, hoping to offer a shoulder and some objective counsel, but can you suggest anything, other than reinforcing that "chicks did bald guys" that I can share with him?

Title: Re: Words of wisdom? - have a man I care about really devastated about going bald
Post by: wpruitt on May 23, 2008, 09:13:19 PM
Send him here !!
Title: Re: Words of wisdom? - have a man I care about really devastated about going bal
Post by: twistoffate on May 23, 2008, 09:20:09 PM
That's the very first thing I did before even posting here - I really hope he finds support and encouragement on this site... I think what I've read so far is really genuine and could be just what he needs to embrace his new life.

Title: Re: Words of wisdom? - have a man I care about really devastated about going bald
Post by: nomad on May 23, 2008, 09:21:46 PM
There are alot of great guys here that are always here to help a brither out in need.
Title: Re: Words of wisdom? - have a man I care about really devastated about going bal
Post by: twistoffate on May 23, 2008, 09:27:31 PM
Do you think its appropriate for me to send him website links, books, products, stuff to help him know that its a positive thing for him versus being so down on himself? He was seeing someone pretty seriously during his separation and she broke it off right about the time he shaved his head - now he's convinced she left him because of the way he looks. I say if any female should leave a man because of that they really didn't know or love them enough in the first place and he's better off (of course my brother isn't in a place to want to hear that right now).
Title: Re: Words of wisdom? - have a man I care about really devastated about going bald
Post by: nomad on May 23, 2008, 09:33:21 PM
Send him on over.

If she left because of him shaving then its her problem not his.
Title: Re: Words of wisdom? - have a man I care about really devastated about going bal
Post by: warhawk on May 23, 2008, 09:38:39 PM
twistoffate:  welcome 2 the sly fraternity.  U R a very special sister in that U  R  seeking "help" 4 your brother.  as bill & nomad stated... send him over here & make sure he introduces himself in the INTRODUCTION section of the forum so that we can give him a proper welcome.  i hope & pray that he will B okay.  he's very lucky 2 have U as a sister. O0

Title: Re: Words of wisdom? - have a man I care about really devastated about going bal
Post by: twistoffate on May 23, 2008, 09:41:35 PM
Thank you for the reminder to send my brother to the 'introduction' section of the site - I'l be sure to do that and thank you for the compliment - that's what sister's are for :)
Title: Re: Words of wisdom? - have a man I care about really devastated about going bald
Post by: PBurke on May 23, 2008, 09:42:55 PM
send him over we will try our best to make him feel better. it usually works well. there are some great people here that have been there and have seen the light.
Title: Re: Words of wisdom? - have a man I care about really devastated about going bal
Post by: twistoffate on May 23, 2008, 09:46:36 PM
I really love your quote PBurke, really great. Its so surprising to be to hear the support in these postings - women are far too judgmental (most women) to allow themselves to be exposed to others this way - I'm really impressed with the level of communication on this site.
Title: Re: Words of wisdom? - have a man I care about really devastated about going bald
Post by: GASlick on May 23, 2008, 09:59:53 PM
Trust us.  Get him over here.  We'll take it from there.  I have never seen a bunch of guys look after their own the way we do.  We'll him him out.
Title: Re: Words of wisdom? - have a man I care about really devastated about going bal
Post by: twistoffate on May 23, 2008, 10:15:15 PM
Thank you all so very, very much. Consider yourselves officially in charge - I'm passing the reigns to you :)

Be safe, be happy, be loved.

Title: Re: Words of wisdom? - have a man I care about really devastated about going bald
Post by: PBurke on May 23, 2008, 10:27:11 PM
I really love your quote PBurke, really great. Its so surprising to be to hear the support in these postings - women are far too judgmental (most women) to allow themselves to be exposed to others this way - I'm really impressed with the level of communication on this site.

which one/ under the pic or under the frogs? thanks by the way
Title: Re: Words of wisdom? - have a man I care about really devastated about going bald
Post by: Timmay on May 23, 2008, 10:43:50 PM
Title: Re: Words of wisdom? - have a man I care about really devastated about going bal
Post by: twistoffate on May 24, 2008, 09:24:37 AM
I really love your quote PBurke, really great. Its so surprising to be to hear the support in these postings - women are far too judgmental (most women) to allow themselves to be exposed to others this way - I'm really impressed with the level of communication on this site.

which one/ under the pic or under the frogs? thanks by the way

Under the little frogs :)
Title: Re: Words of wisdom? - have a man I care about really devastated about going bal
Post by: north on May 24, 2008, 10:35:13 AM
Send him here! I know, it might be a little strange at first, sending someone to a website with all bald guys, talking about bald things, and being bald.
But every single guy on this site have a good (bald) head on their shoulders and are always willing to help.

Its great for bald and balding guys to help them realize that they aren't the only ones going through what they are, and that it's not nearly as big of a deal as they think.
Title: Re: Words of wisdom? - have a man I care about really devastated about going bald
Post by: PBurke on May 24, 2008, 05:56:49 PM
I really love your quote PBurke, really great. Its so surprising to be to hear the support in these postings - women are far too judgmental (most women) to allow themselves to be exposed to others this way - I'm really impressed with the level of communication on this site.

which one/ under the pic or under the frogs? thanks by the way

Under the little frogs :)

thanks sweetheart. not even sure where i got that one. but it just rang true so i used it.
Title: Re: Words of wisdom? - have a man I care about really devastated about going bald
Post by: Mikekoz13 on May 27, 2008, 06:31:09 AM
This is a top notch Forum with top notch members. Send him on over.
Title: Re: Words of wisdom? - have a man I care about really devastated about going bal
Post by: J Digory on July 03, 2008, 12:59:20 AM
"Twistoffate", it's been a while since you first posted regarding the concerns you have for your brother, but I just wanted to chip in a little here.
It sounds like he has a whole lot on his plate right now, and it's likely that balding isn't his biggest concern, but it can really tear at you if you let it. My only real advice would be to not make a big deal out of it on your end. I'm certainly not accusing you of it, just pointing out that sometimes people wish to help out the ones they care about but only throw water onto a grease fire (it doesn't actually help...but makes it worse).
As an example: I am overweight and I know it. Sometimes I am a little more sensitive about it than at other times. It NEVER helps when people joke about my weight or insult me, but sometimes people try to act like I'm NOT big. It actually makes me feel worse about it, believe it or not. I know it doesn't directly relate...but the basic point in my whole post is that you should continue to treat your brother with love. Don't lie or baby him...he's a man. A man going through a whole lot, but he'll work it out. He's apparently got some great family! If his friends are half as good, he's in an even better place.

I hope your brother finds his groove.
Title: Re: Words of wisdom? - have a man I care about really devastated about going bald
Post by: mabull on July 11, 2008, 04:24:12 PM
First let me say that if his girlfriend left him cause he shaved his head tell him not to worry my wife and I got together cause of it so they are out there more than it seems. Second there is nothing in life to get really srtessed over life is life and there is nothing you can do except live it and live to the best of your ability. As for everything going on in his life if the rest of your family is as supportive as you then he has nothing to worry about cause family is the most important thing in the world and with family you can get through anything and accomplish anything.
Title: Re: Words of wisdom? - have a man I care about really devastated about going bal
Post by: Ghost1988 on September 29, 2008, 09:46:42 PM
i know youve been hearing this a lot but its the truth and the best solution. send him here. i was in the same situation as ur bro. im not completely balding but i have a bad receding hairline and its caused me HUGE emotional stress. i found this sight and everyone is in the same boat so they make you feel better about yourself. itll make his confidence skyrocket i GUARANTEE. it helped me A LOT!
Title: Re: Words of wisdom? - have a man I care about really devastated about going bald
Post by: Timmay on May 06, 2009, 11:45:09 AM
anyone notice that after PBurke called her Sweetheart, she vanished?  OK PBURKE WHERE ARE YOU HIDING HER AT?????
Title: Re: Words of wisdom? - have a man I care about really devastated about going bald
Post by: PeripheralxMvmnt on May 06, 2009, 02:36:39 PM
as a matter of fact, where did ALL of the female members go?  (all.... 4 of them. haha)
Title: Re: Words of wisdom? - have a man I care about really devastated about going bald
Post by: nomad on May 06, 2009, 03:50:49 PM
as a matter of fact, where did ALL of the female members go?  (all.... 4 of them. haha)

I plead the 5th as to what happened to one of them ::)
Title: Re: Words of wisdom? - have a man I care about really devastated about going bald
Post by: Jer on May 06, 2009, 03:52:54 PM
Hmmmm...  What ever would you be talking about Nomad?   :*)) :*))
Title: Re: Words of wisdom? - have a man I care about really devastated about going bald
Post by: stemikger on April 16, 2010, 04:45:32 AM
You have come to the right place.  These guys are the most supportive and nicest on the net.

Also, try to get your bro to go to counseling. One day at a time.