Sly Bald Guys Forum

Discussions About Being Bald => To be or not be...Bald => Topic started by: ammo on May 18, 2008, 02:00:27 PM

Title: Should it stay or should it go?
Post by: ammo on May 18, 2008, 02:00:27 PM
Hello everybody, new member to the site - soon-to-be member of the bald elite.

So. I'm 22 years old, from England. I've had a 'high' forehead and slightly receding hair since the age of about 16. That was fine, but the straw that has broken the camel of my hair's back is the swift thinning that's been taking place at the front of my scalp since October last year.

Since then, I've tried keeping it long to disguise the thinness (completely impractical in British weather), having it cut longer in places to accomodate a combover of sorts, and I even went through a spell of not washing it, so as not to disturb any more loose hairs. Ridiculous, really, but whilst 'image' hasn't ever been that important to me, hairloss has taken over my brain in a big way. Whilst the transplants and drugs presumably work for some people (and, I must admit, they did appeal to me for a while), I know they're not the right way to deal with this. The 'right' thing for me, is to go sly.

So why haven't I made the leap yet? Family views (which I'm now ready to ignore), weather (it has been freezing over here) and lastly, the 'will I suit it' debate. I'm quite pale, and my skin gets irritated just shaving my chin etc, so I'm worried that my scalp is going to look like a raspberry if I go sly. I'm thinking that with a tan, and toning up a bit (I'm 6'3 and of a pretty broad build) I can carry it OK, but I don't want to shave it one evening and then have to go through weeks of work with my blotchy scalp covered in spots and scabs. So I'm wondering whether to take a 'sly holiday'. Take a couple of weeks off work to go abroad, get a tan, go sly, work out and, essentially, release the dome back in the UK once it's used to the blade.

Anyway, in essence, a long rambling post that's just getting it off my chest really. I don't really have anyone to talk about this with, so I guess I'm just looking to put it in perspective, and reading your stories on here has really opened my eyes that going bald needn't be the end - it's actually more of a new start.
Title: Re: Should it stay or should it go?
Post by: Razor X on May 18, 2008, 02:20:19 PM

 So I'm wondering whether to take a 'sly holiday'. Take a couple of weeks off work to go abroad, get a tan, go sly, work out and, essentially, release the dome back in the UK once it's used to the blade.

Sounds like you already know what you need to do.  If you can go on holiday for a while, that's a perfect time to shave your head -- it's always much easier to show off a newly-bald dome around people you don't know and will never see again.  Go for it; you won't be sorry that you did.  You don't sound like you're really happy with your appearance right now, and I can certainly relate.  You'll feel much better once the deed is done.  Don't let it go too long, because once your mind is made up to do it, you'll be preoccupied with it until it's done.
Title: Re: Should it stay or should it go?
Post by: Sgt. Pate on May 18, 2008, 02:23:31 PM
Welcome ammo!

Give being sly a try bro... I think you'll enjoy the freedom.  O0
Title: Re: Should it stay or should it go?
Post by: wpruitt on May 18, 2008, 02:41:17 PM
Welcome ammo.  If you are asking, then it should go !
Title: Re: Should it stay or should it go?
Post by: Paul on May 18, 2008, 02:44:58 PM
Welcome ammo.  Really sounds like you have made the decision to do the deed.  Do it, you won't be sorry and you'll find plenty of support from this great group of guys.
Title: Re: Should it stay or should it go?
Post by: tomgallagher on May 18, 2008, 03:20:32 PM
Welcome aboard ammo. Just step right up and do it mate.
Title: Re: Should it stay or should it go?
Post by: warhawk on May 18, 2008, 09:47:43 PM
ammo:  welcome 2 the sly fraternity.  glad that ya found us.  i say get a quality razor like the fusion, headblade, or mach3 & shave that noggin' smooooth.  U won't regret it.  Once... U do the deed or take the plunge... there will B no turning back!!! O0

Title: Re: Should it stay or should it go?
Post by: Mikekoz13 on May 19, 2008, 03:44:24 AM
Welcome AMMO! Razor gives some good advice. As for breakouts.... if you look thruy the threads you will see that there are products that many have used with great success.

Shave it, stand tall, and be proud!!!!
Title: Re: Should it stay or should it go?
Post by: Sooner Steve on May 19, 2008, 08:09:14 AM
Welcome Ammo.  Go for it.
Title: Re: Should it stay or should it go?
Post by: R o b 6 on May 19, 2008, 08:17:43 AM
Welcome, Ammo.
Sounds like it should go. Take a swipe at it and see if it works for you. My money's on "Yes," and that you'll end up keeping it that way. 
Title: Re: Should it stay or should it go?
Post by: joergHH on May 19, 2008, 02:54:12 PM
Welcome Ammo!

Maybe the slow way is the good way for you: Take a clipper and cut your hair shorter and shorter. When you arrive at #1 without guard you take a Headblade and shave the rest.

Good luck and do the ded!