Sly Bald Guys Forum

Discussions About Being Bald => To be or not be...Bald => Topic started by: Stray Dog on April 05, 2008, 02:18:09 PM

Title: Anyone suffering from folliculitis?
Post by: Stray Dog on April 05, 2008, 02:18:09 PM
Hey guys...

...newbie aka lurker for the past few weeks...

...I've been battling a bad case of candia folliculitis for the past few years and nothing seems to be working. Have any of you been diagnosed with this scalp condition? I've cut out sugars...I've done the clenses...anti-fungal treatments and nothing has worked, so unless there's a miracle cure then it'll be time to shave my full head of salt and pepper locks and go sly. I shaved it down last year for my dermatologist to do some tests on my scalp and it was a shocker to say the least. Once shaved, I had my worse fear come true - my head is less than perfect with my right side having an indented spot around the ear area. Much more noticeable than my left, but at this point in time, the pain and suffering is far worse than the imperfections.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.


Title: Re: Anyone suffering from folliculitis?
Post by: jusbnme on April 05, 2008, 03:22:10 PM
First off, a big welcome to you Stray Dog.  I wish I could give you some good feedback on your condition but I've never had anything like that.  There are a few guys on the site here that have had one kind of skin condition or other and by shaving greatly improved it.  I can say though that if you know for sure by shaving that it will help your condition, and even make it go away, I would definitely do it bro.  It's not worth suffering over anymore and being bald isn't bad at all.  Just read through some of the posts around here.  Definitely don't let the shape of your dome bother you.  Nobody has a "perfect" head shape or size.  Yes, there are going to be some guys that have a more rounded head than others but nobody's is perfect.  I have a few dents and lumps in my own.  Things like that are not as noticeable as you think.  It's just because you are not use to having your head exposed like that so it just makes you think these areas are sticking out to other people.  When in fact no one even pays it any mind.  Sorry I can't give you a more helpful insight on the actual skin condition but this is a great community of good people.  So stick around for support and keep us posted.  Good luck.   O0
Title: Re: Anyone suffering from folliculitis?
Post by: Stray Dog on April 05, 2008, 09:45:55 PM
Thanks, for your kind words of encouragement, Lance...

...this site is amazing - I don't think there's another site that's more supportive of the male gene pool than this one...

...I'm getting closer to anointing my cranium to Mr. Whal by way of a personal introduction through Johnnie Walker...

Title: Re: Anyone suffering from folliculitis?
Post by: Tyler on April 08, 2008, 11:17:28 PM
Stray Dog, I'm sorry I didn't see this thread earlier.  Like Lance said, there are a couple of guys here that have had scalp issues and have had relief from shaving.  Welcome to Sly Bald Guys!
Title: Re: Anyone suffering from folliculitis?
Post by: schro on April 08, 2008, 11:29:12 PM
Hey SD, I've suffered for something with the same initials..sebhorriec dermatitis.
I've gotten complete relief from it by going sly. Seems that removal of the hair has removed the cause of the itch and irritation.
When the air is drier in the winter, I sometimes get an irritation. But nowhere near where it was previously.

My wife can't stand the look on me (which is a bummer), but since I'm not scratching & digging at my scalp anymore, she knows & understands why I shave my head.

Hope you get relief from your scalp issues. But please, sober up before you shave the dome.
Title: Re: Anyone suffering from folliculitis?
Post by: Stu on April 09, 2008, 12:13:37 AM
Schro, I hope your wife comes around someday.  That pic of you and your son is just way too cool and bad a$$... how can you even compare that to your horseshoe look?

By the way, welcome Stray Dog.  Sorry to temporarily hijack your thread.  I hope the guys can help you with your scalp issues.
Title: Re: Anyone suffering from folliculitis?
Post by: fcb2001 on April 10, 2008, 10:24:29 AM
I should let you know that i did suffer from folliculitis, and it went away when i started to shave my head slick, but to let you know you will ave to shave your head on a daily basis, if i go three to four days without shaving, it comes back,
I personaly shave on a daily basis.
Before i started shaving i did see a dermitoligist, this was 4 years ago, he said nothing could be done, two weeks after that i started to shave my head, and i will be shaving my head for good.
Title: Re: Anyone suffering from folliculitis?
Post by: mojim on April 10, 2008, 04:25:34 PM
Dude, don't worry about the shape or imperfection with you dome we all have them...Search dome decor and you will see your not alone.... O0

By the way, Welcome to the site! O0
Title: Re: Anyone suffering from folliculitis?
Post by: Stray Dog on April 11, 2008, 04:59:38 PM
Hey SBG's...

...thanks for welcoming me to the site and for your words of encouragement! FCB, my dermatologist gave me the same speech - it's a shame that the doctors of dermatology aren't being proactive to find a cure for this problem. There are thousands of people around the world suffering from this condition.

I'll be shaving it off when I get back from my business trip to the Middle East.

Title: Re: Anyone suffering from folliculitis?
Post by: warhawk on April 11, 2008, 06:56:37 PM
stray dog:  i'm late but i welcome U  2 the sly fraternity.  glad that ya found us & glad that U will soon B "doing the deed".  jump in & join the fun by being an active member of the best site on the internet.

Title: Re: Anyone suffering from folliculitis?
Post by: fcb2001 on April 13, 2008, 06:49:52 PM
good to hear, youll fell better when you pull it off, i havent had a single problem with my scalp since i started shaving. Prepare for daily shaving like me.

Hey SBG's...

...thanks for welcoming me to the site and for your words of encouragement! FCB, my dermatologist gave me the same speech - it's a shame that the doctors of dermatology aren't being proactive to find a cure for this problem. There are thousands of people around the world suffering from this condition.

I'll be shaving it off when I get back from my business trip to the Middle East.

Title: Re: Anyone suffering from folliculitis?
Post by: bludger44 on April 16, 2008, 11:35:02 AM
Whats up Stray?

You know its funny you bring this up. I actually had similar issues with my head, and once i started shaving my head, it went away. I pray it doesn't return. It was actually one of my main concerns with head shaving. I was hoping my follicles wouldn't get infected everytime I shaved. I've actually been really paranoid about it, and it forces me to feel the back of my head numerous times a day to insure nothing is going wrong. So far, so good (knock on wood).
However, if I shave my face with a regular razor, I usually will develop some infected hair follicles. So since 2004, I've had to use an Andis T Liner to shave my face. Obviously, I don't get a slick feel on my face since I dont use a razor, but I kind of like the scruff and shadow.
But anyway, my point was, having a shaved head, even if you buzz it down with like a number 1 or 2 attachment, definitely helps. I think more air gets to the scalp and helps keep it a bit healthier. Good luck!
Title: Re: Anyone suffering from folliculitis?
Post by: Mikekoz13 on April 16, 2008, 11:48:11 AM
Welcome to the Forum Stray Dog! Sorry i missed when youoriginally posted. Sounds like you're problem may be solved just by keeping the noggin' smooth........