Sly Bald Guys Forum

Discussions About Being Bald => Advantages and Disadvantages to being Bald => Topic started by: Clay on December 13, 2006, 10:36:29 PM

Title: Appearance???
Post by: Clay on December 13, 2006, 10:36:29 PM
One thing I think about now that I am bald, is the perception others have of me.  Not that I am overly concerned about opinions but I feel a shaved head gives off a 'hard' appearance.   I don't know if it's just a stereotype I am thinking about, but I would  like to look like the approachable and nice guy that I am.  :o)     

Also in the work world.  Are you perceived differently?  Or treated differently?

What are your experiences and thoughts?


Clay   ???

Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: Tyler on December 13, 2006, 10:42:58 PM
My friends tell me I look mean now that I shave my head, so I make a point to give people a smile if they make eye contact with me.

In regards to the work world, I get much more respect now than I did when I had hair.  Except for one instance in Texas I've had really positive reactions in the workforce.

What about you other guys?
Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: David on December 13, 2006, 11:38:17 PM
My friends tell me I look mean now that I shave my head, so I make a point to give people a smile if they make eye contact with me.

In regards to the work world, I get much more respect now than I did when I had hair.  Except for one instance in Texas I've had really positive reactions in the workforce.

What about you other guys?

I think the stern look with a shaved head definitely gives off the vibe you mean business, but in the work world that is a good thing.   

However, if you smile and let your eyes shine through, your natural kindness will shine through.   Furthermore, it is so much easier to smile/take pictures with a shaved head.   I have never smiled as good as that picture in my avatar in my life.      Part of that is confidence but the other is it just looks good.    I swear I have never been good at smiling or taking pictures in my life.   But in my avatar pic(taken last week at a place in a local mall) I look young but mature and the smile is the best it's ever been in my opinion.   

At first when I saw the pic in the avatar I thought my face was a bit wider than it usually looked at home, but by the next day when I went back to get my pics, I realized how good it looked, and that I looked young, hip and mature at the same time.  And the whole reason my face looked "wider" was because of how big a smile I had.   Which opens up my cheeks, which widens my face, and is a great thing.

Here's the ultimate beauty of being bald.   You transcend age gaps.    When I smile I still look like my young 23 year old self in a mature way.   But I when have the stern look going, I look like i'm older than my age, and someone who commands respect, imho.
Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: happyharry on December 14, 2006, 12:02:43 AM
That is a nice smile, David. :)

Anyway, regarding your question, Clay:

yes, reactions change when you go bald. People usually are a tiny bit intimidated.
But as David noted, you should just smile and let the fact that you're a nice guy shine through.

The contrast between a bald man looking intimidating, and that same bald man then smiling - that's
what makes an impression. At first, they (the others) are intimidated, then you smile, and they go like "phew, I'm so glad he's a nice guy. Yeah...he's nice! I like him". And people are usually grateful to get that comfort, that you're not a bad guy, after all. And the affinity they have for you then, that couldn't be achieved if you had hair - not through such a simple gesture such as smiling, anyway. A bald man can win a lot of points when he smiles - an advantage over people with hair...

Use it well, and use it only to aid the forces of good.... ;D

Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: ar3inc on December 14, 2006, 01:56:04 AM
I always had people say I look mean or anger with or without hair.  I like Tyler, force myself (when I want to be inviting) to smile when I catch people looking at me, or just approach others and hoefully show that I'm not as mean as  they thought I would be.
Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: Robmeister on December 14, 2006, 05:40:32 AM
I had the exact same concerns when I first joined this forum.  Luckily, with these fine dudes on here you don't have to wallow in your own uncertainty.  My picture here ain't "me" at all.  I'm not the bouncer, wrestler, Hell's Angel type at all.  I had to borrow these shades from my wife.  I have prescription glasses and have these big ol' unstylish shades I wear over them.

I'm more like the attached pic (see the big ol' shades)

Here are the highpoints of my bald bruddas that are key.

if you smile and let your eyes shine through, your natural kindness will shine through.....Here's the ultimate beauty of being bald.   You transcend age gaps.

you smile, and they go like "phew, I'm so glad he's a nice guy. Yeah...he's nice! I like him"....the affinity they have for you...that couldn't be achieved if you had hair...A bald man can win a lot of points when he smiles - an advantage over people with hair...

Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: happyharry on December 14, 2006, 05:53:22 AM
Amen to that, brother.
Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: BaldRob on December 14, 2006, 06:18:28 AM
I don't know if people put me in the "bald stereotype"...  because I'm always smiling!   ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: Professor Melon on December 14, 2006, 06:54:41 AM
 ;D Welcome, Clay. Harry's insight, as usual, is right on the mark. My own six-week experience of being bald is overwhelmingly positive. Among academics, especially women academics, there is a generally admiring perception because I had the gumption to do such a decisive and unconventional thing. Smiling is vital if you're in a profession/position that depends on interaction with others, as teaching certainly does. But I would not put down the rhetorical usefulness of a scowl coming from an intimidating bald guy, when it's needed. Since Christmas is fast upon us, I have been doing more shopping than usual: I've noticed better service and more respect as a bald customer than I had with hair. Even snotty, bored teenage clerks  address me as "sir" more often than before. Being hairless, forces others to look into your face; if that face is smiling and animated, it will inspire a positive, accepting response. Welcome aboard. Professor Melon
Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: Noner on December 14, 2006, 09:10:43 AM
I do the smile thing as well.

When I'm pissed off at work in my suit, I look like lex luthor about to launch a missle against superman. People that see me avoid eye contact when I am "in a hurry" so I make it a point to smile to let them know that no missles will be launced today.

Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: Noner on December 14, 2006, 09:11:20 AM
I know not everyone here wears a suit to work, but I always get a different reaction when I wear one. With my shaved head they look at me like I'm in secret service. Happen when anyone else wears suits?
Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: Tyler on December 14, 2006, 09:33:13 AM
I know not everyone here wears a suit to work, but I always get a different reaction when I wear one. With my shaved head they look at me like I'm in secret service. Happen when anyone else wears suits?

Yeah, especially if I wear my black suit.  The first Christmas party I went to bald I was wearing a black suit, white collard shirt, no tie.  A couple people accused me of dressing like the guy on Transporter.  Luckily I don't have to wear a suit very often, but I will be wearing one tonight.

An interesting story along the lines of your comment.  I was in NYC during UN week and was staying at the Roosevelt along with a couple of foreign dignitaries.  The place was crawling with secret service and other security folk.  They would stop everyone comiing in the door to search them and their bags to make sure there weren't any weapons on them.  Though, I would never get stopped; they'd just wave me through.  I was talking to one of the main secret service guys a couple days later and it turns out they thought I was one of the undercover guys  8).  I guess they thought this because I was always talking to hotel security, but I was just friends with the guys after practically living in the hotel for 4 months.  This happens to be the same week I had my head shaved at the Art of Shaving barbershop.
Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: chadoweasel on December 14, 2006, 09:33:27 AM
I think it actually gives people one LESS thing to make assumptions on, and that is the thing that bothers some people. They find it harder to put you in a stereotype. I mean...all shapes, sizes, ages, and colors of people can can go with the bald head. Think of all the hair looks that actually DO get you stereotyped: Mullets, comb-overs, mohawks, long, short, parted in the middle, parted on the side, straight, curly, clean, neat, messy, greasy.....these are looks that people see and with them try to assume your age, lifestyle, job, music taste, intelligence, marital status, sexual preference, and on and on. Take those "haired" folks and shave it all off, and people no longer know how to read them or what category to put them in.

Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: Tyler on December 14, 2006, 09:46:35 AM
I think it actually gives people one LESS thing to make assumptions on, and that is the thing that bothers some people. They find it harder to put you in a stereotype. I mean...all shapes, sizes, ages, and colors of people can can go with the bald head. Think of all the hair looks that actually DO get you stereotyped: Mullets, comb-overs, mohawks, long, short, parted in the middle, parted on the side, straight, curly, clean, neat, messy, greasy.....these are looks that people see and with them try to assume your age, lifestyle, job, music taste, intelligence, marital status, sexual preference, and on and on. Take those "haired" folks and shave it all off, and people no longer know how to read them or what category to put them in.

It's interesting you make that point.  In the Stanford Prison Experiment they shaved the "prisoners'" heads to take away their individuality.

Do you think shaving your head makes you more or less of an individual?
Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: chadoweasel on December 14, 2006, 11:39:04 AM
I don't think it changes individuality. I know I am not defined by my hair or lack thereof.

I do believe it takes quite a strong individual to initially shave it off  :) So I may say it takes MORE of an individual when its his first time. After shaving it though, its pretty easy to keep it that way...haha.
Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: David on December 14, 2006, 12:00:15 PM
I don't think it changes individuality. I know I am not defined by my hair or lack thereof.

I do believe it takes quite a strong individual to initially shave it off  :) So I may say it takes MORE of an individual when its his first time. After shaving it though, its pretty easy to keep it that way...haha.

Personality defines individuality, not hair at least to me.    That is what makes each of us different.
Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: ar3inc on December 14, 2006, 12:32:56 PM
The military has done countless studies the subject of hair's association to identity.  Based on my interpretation of how I heard those studies, I believe a person choosing a hair style is an extension of his/her identity and when that choice is not there the person will lose some identity.  So if a person chooses to shave their head, it makes them more individualistic, if they had no say in the decision it is a loss of identity.
Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: David on December 14, 2006, 01:01:25 PM
The military has done countless studies the subject of hair's association to identity.  Based on my interpretation of how I heard those studies, I believe a person choosing a hair style is an extension of his/her identity and when that choice is not there the person will lose some identity.  So if a person chooses to shave their head, it makes them more individualistic, if they had no say in the decision it is a loss of identity.

Well here is the deal.   If you have the intestinal fortitude to shave your head, it directly reflects your personality.   And your attitude about being bald is totally dependent on being in control of things.   Meaning as a young person who could grow hair if he wanted, i'm in complete control of the decision to go bald permanently.   However for those with MPB, they don't feel in control, and some may feel they have no choice.    The thing is though, by shaving their heads, they are taking back control even if they just think they are "giving" in.
Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: SBG on December 14, 2006, 02:34:14 PM
well speaking from the POV of a MPB person I can only say that the act of shaving for me is defining with the understanding that before I didnt' really had a choice anymore, I could only trim it. People would constantly say "no, don't shave it all off or too short, you'll look mean/criminal/*insert pejorative noun* and now I just say fsck that, it's my life, my head, my hair and I work with what I got.

Personally I prefer and love long hair (I'm a headbanger lol) but well, you can't beat genetics. :)
Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: PigPen on December 14, 2006, 02:38:17 PM
I love it when people try to stereotype me or "class" me by the way I look. The epidermis dome always throws them off. I'm with a lot of you though, when people first meet me they're not too sure what to think of me.

I don't have to wear a suit at work, hell don't even own one. My customers were telling me that I pulled the look off quite well for professionalism and that kinda stuff. I've got one customer that will deal with only me because I shave my head.
Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: SBG on December 14, 2006, 02:43:06 PM
since we're talking appearance here: my next 'feat' will be to start wearing a kilt  ;D (not kidding, I'll do it at least semi-regularly) I think either a shaved head or long hair goes very well with that.
Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: David on December 14, 2006, 02:49:29 PM
since we're talking appearance here: my next 'feat' will be to start wearing a kilt  ;D (not kidding, I'll do it at least semi-regularly) I think either a shaved head or long hair goes very well with that.

One of my friends at the church I work at is scottish, and is getting married this summer.   He wants to wear a kilt at the wedding, but we shall see.
Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: SBG on December 14, 2006, 03:01:38 PM
I'm not scottish, I just think kilts are awesome.  :)
Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: PigPen on December 14, 2006, 03:18:53 PM
Speaking of kilts...When my wife and I got married, she had a choice. I was going to wear a kilt or Wranglers for the wedding. She decided it would be Wranglers...hahahaha. Lesser of two evils I suppose.
Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: ar3inc on December 14, 2006, 03:49:38 PM
Should have held out for the kilt that would rock.
Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: Tyler on December 14, 2006, 03:55:51 PM
I'm not scottish, I just think kilts are awesome.  :)

Maybe Vash will chime in on this topic.  He's one of our kilt wearing bald guys.
Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: PigPen on December 14, 2006, 03:59:36 PM
I WILL find one. I have a sample of the Tartan.
Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: Clay on December 14, 2006, 04:01:55 PM
Thanks to everyone for their input!  You guys rock!  This site rocks!  Bald people rock!
 :) ;) :D ;D
Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: ar3inc on December 14, 2006, 04:11:01 PM
Thanks to everyone for their input! You guys rock! This site rocks! Bald people rock!
 :) ;) :D ;D
You mean we all rock!! :) ;)
Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: AdamsvilleAce on December 15, 2006, 10:59:33 AM
I agree totally with the smile aspect. I have to let my silly and hour side a lot in order for pepole around me to feel relaxed. I admit I do scowl and keep a stern look about me.(for example,my pic) They are shocked,relaxed and sometimes fascinated whne the smile comes out.

Oh by the way,  hello ,I'm AdamsvilleAce!!!!!
Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: BaldRob on December 15, 2006, 11:06:44 AM
Hi and Welcome AdamsvilleAce!
Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: PBurke on December 15, 2006, 12:18:58 PM
welcome ace.
Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: PigPen on December 15, 2006, 04:49:05 PM
Welcome AdamsvilleAce! Glad you decided to join us
Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: Moon on December 16, 2006, 08:33:57 PM
My experience was a fun one.  I lost my hair, long hair to boot over a Superbowl bet I guess three years ago.  Another Sly blad guy was there for the cutting so to say.  pburke.  He was the one that actually made me honer the bet.  It was not a complete shave but it was taken down to a Mo-hawk. The sides were taken down with a trimmer with out a guard.  I had to wear the mo-hawk to work for three weeks.  The reaction with the mo-hawk was not what Ihad expected.  I am a big man naturally.  I fill out a 3x t-shirt and make it look good.  I've got some gut but haven't been accused of being skinny for sure, but poeples reaction to the new haircut was not good.  Smaller children were scared and the mothers would pull there kids away and move to the other side of the room.  If you know me, you would know that I love children and people in general.  This was more than I could stand and decided to cut it all off then and there.  I love being bald.  People see your soul through your eyes and I think that they can see better without hair distracting them.  I have never had someone turn away from me since I am shaved.  And I seems like people listen to me more now too.  I like being BALD.  I like who I am without hair. 

Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: Vash on January 06, 2007, 04:34:30 PM
Do you think shaving your head makes you more or less of an individual?

I think the individuality question is contextual. In a situation like prison, concentration camps or even the military shaving the head can be a powerful component of robbing people of their sense of self image and individuality. But in those situations, shaving the head is involuntary and is only one part of taking away the sense of self.

Conversely, in modern American society, where the societal norm for men, and indeed the image of masculinity is a well groomed and styled full head of thick hair, then it is indeed an act of individuality to remove all the hair on your head (no matter how little may be left) and proudly and confidently be bald.

So it kind of goes both ways depending on the context of the head shave. I think the personal CHOICE to do it or not is the key part of it all. Nobody likes being told what they are going to look like. The power of personal expression in our looks is a mighty freedom and something that we don’t often think of, but we enjoy it every day.

Consider how much is tied up in the way we look. All of the ideas, judgments and stereotypes mentioned above in this thread are made not only from hairstyle, but from clothes, posture, etc. When someone feels like they are in a rut and in need of a radical personal change, they will often change their hair cut or color, buy some new clothes, get a tattoo; they change the way they look to change the way they feel.

I happen to be friends with a couple of pretty serious dread heads. They tell me that they see their dreads as being a part if their personal expression and when one of them chose to shave his head after being dready for over 20 years, he said he just needed to feel free. He said that everything about you is tied up in your dreads. All your thoughts grow from your head into your hair and so cutting off all his dreads and starting from scratch was an act of cleansing and release.

So I think it CAN make you more of an individual and it can be USED to make you feel like much less of one.

Maybe Vash will chime in on this topic.  He's one of our kilt wearing bald guys. (

As for Kilts.... kilts are fantastic. Comfortable, stylish and defiantly a little different in this day and age. Though they aren’t necessarily for everyone. Wearing a kilt, much like shaving your head, can garner you quite a bit of attention in public, and not everyone is ok with that.

 I own 3 “traditional” Scottish Tartan kilts and 5 UtiliKilts (think kilts with pockets). (Outside of work) I think I have worn pants maybe 3 times in the past 3 years. I only wear my tartan kilts for formal dress occasions as they are expensive and have to be dry-cleaned. My UtiliKilts are very convenient, durable and easy to care for. I’d be happy to answer any questions you might have about kilts and kilt wearing.

If you are looking for affordable tartan kilts I highly recommend Matthew Newsome  ( And I’d seriously suggest looking into UtiliKilts ( as a modern American alternative to a tartan kilt. 
Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: Robmeister on January 06, 2007, 04:46:14 PM
Vash!  You are one articulate bald dude!

I appreciate the depth of your posts, man.  Gotta sit down with a cup-o-coffee or martini to soak it all in  ;)

I'm Scotch/Irish/Brit....never even considered wearing a kilt.  HHHhhhmmmm....I'll have to check out them websites.
Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: Tyler on January 06, 2007, 05:08:05 PM
Great post Vash! 

I would like to add that I think if you choose to make you an individual by shaving your head, then it will. 
Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: Vash on January 06, 2007, 06:35:56 PM
Great post Vash! 

I would like to add that I think if you choose to make you an individual by shaving your head, then it will. 

Absolutly Tyler... if YOU choose it, then it does. If someone else chooses it for you, then it would seem it doesn't
Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: happyharry on January 07, 2007, 07:50:06 PM
Aaah (sigh), that's quality content at its best. Bravo! Great post, Vash. Keep 'em coming.

Ah, and now you got me all curious about them kilts. I'll check them out. If I like what I see, and
if they are indeed comfortable, then I might give it a try...

Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: frostillicus123 on January 08, 2007, 04:01:12 PM
I am a bouncer, and being slick with a goatee I have an intimidating factor. I bet being a pretty big guy helps too.. however no one messes around when I'm near by and all the girls seem to love me. I get more hugs and kisses on the check than all you combined.... some of the girls even call me teddy bear but that's ok cause they are hot.
Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: PigPen on January 08, 2007, 04:08:52 PM
I'm definitely lookin into some kilts. I need to find my family tartan again.
Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: Tyler on January 08, 2007, 04:10:49 PM
I think a shaved head does help bouncers add some intimidation factor.  Though, now having a shaved head, I seem to get a lot more leeway from bouncers, especially the ones that shave their head.

all the girls seem to love me. I get more hugs and kisses on the check than all you combined....

That's a pretty bold statement.  Though, I could believe it if you bounced in a strip club.

When I dated a couple of dancers they were always nice to the bouncers so they were watched over throughout the night.
Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: Hawk on January 08, 2007, 04:14:51 PM
I get more hugs and kisses on the check than all you combined..

I don't one year old daughter sure kisses and hugs me a lot!   

Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: BigJeffrey on January 08, 2007, 04:20:08 PM
It's been a while since anyone has said anything to me about it but I used to get comments that I looked meaner with a shaved head.  These comments always came from people who didn't know me though.  I don't think I can go 10 seconds without smiling, laughing or cracking a joke.  It's hard to pull off mean and intimidating with my kind of personality though. 

Now that I think about it....pretty much all the bald dudes I know are the nicest guys.  The guys on the forum here seem to be the same way too. 
Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: Tyler on January 08, 2007, 05:03:51 PM
It's been a while since anyone has said anything to me about it but I used to get comments that I looked meaner with a shaved head. 

Yeah, one of my buddies tells me that people always think I'm mean until I start talking.
Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: PBurke on January 08, 2007, 05:05:01 PM
damn chickenhawk. she must look like her mom huh? way to cute to look like dad.  ha ha
Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: wpruitt on January 08, 2007, 05:49:49 PM
As long as she doesn't have dad's hairline
Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: PigPen on January 08, 2007, 05:54:30 PM
Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: Robmeister on January 09, 2007, 07:57:06 AM
people always think I'm mean until I start talking.

HHhhhmmm.....people seem to like me until I start talking ???
Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: PigPen on January 09, 2007, 08:27:51 AM
people always think I'm mean until I start talking.

HHhhhmmm.....people seem to like me until I start talking ???

That could be bad in your line of work Robmeister
Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: frostillicus123 on January 09, 2007, 10:53:11 PM
I get more hugs and kisses on the check than all you combined..

I don't one year old daughter sure kisses and hugs me a lot!   


she's beautirul dude.. congradulation..... holding her you sure don't look mean
Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: gearhedguy on March 26, 2007, 04:26:46 PM
I'm bald, goateed, muscled, drive a big ol' pickup truck and I find strangers (mostly guys) referring to me as "Boss." Makes me chuckle cuz you just might catch me sniffling in a Hallmark Card store (but don't tell them that!). And if I'm in there buying a Mother's Day card - bring me the tissues!! Gotta love it, visual perception means a great deal in our society. :*))
Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: MR. CLEAN on March 27, 2007, 06:17:31 PM
I find that "Hard" look to be an advantage.  Often times, first impressions are everything, I find that its alot easier to establish that I am a Goof and a Nice Guy after the fact with them originally recognizing me as Business or "Hard".  Makes it easier to be taken seriously by those who you wish to deal with in that mindset. 

Another Advantage: some women are attracted to the "BadA$$" at first, when all that they really want is a good guy... Give them what they need to see at first, and then let them see what they really want later when that becomes their main focus!  Change with the Rules of the Game  O0
Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: Bald_freak on June 01, 2007, 06:10:20 PM
I love being bald. Generally ,I get more respect now then when my hair was long,  and  I  get a lot more attention from the fairer sex. But the assumption that I get put upon me that I can't stand, which comes from people with different ethnic backgrounds than I, is that I'm a skinhead . I'm not a racist. I only hate stupid people, of any race including my own.
Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: Tyler on June 02, 2007, 12:14:05 AM
I love being bald. Generally ,I get more respect now then when my hair was long,  and  I  get a lot more attention from the fairer sex. But the assumption that I get put upon me that I can't stand, which comes from people with different ethnic backgrounds than I, is that I'm a skinhead . I'm not a racist. I only hate stupid people, of any race including my own.

Bald_Freak, welcome to Sly Bald Guys!
Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: NotoriousSEG on June 02, 2007, 12:55:06 AM
i've had some interesting experiences (to say the least) since going sly.

TODAY:  this very day, i walked into my lexus dealership to check on my car (brake problems) and asked the guy behind the counter if i could see 'mike" (a guy i have spoken with on several occasions, but never met).  he went into the service area and i saw him talking to a guy---they were both looking in my direction, but i pretended not to notice.   the counter guy came back alone and said "mike stepped out for a while, maybe he could call you later?"   so i sighed and told him who i was and why i was there, when all of a sudden "mike" comes running in the room and (laughingly) told me he was sorry for the mix up but that he owed "some money" and wasn't sure who i was.  i laughed.

i'll admit my default expression isn't exactly approachable.  if they only knew that my personailty is more like a goofy 3rd grader all hopped up on grape soda.   i will also freely admit i use my appearance to my advantage.  i walk slowly,  i move deliberately and i take up space.  i don't appear to be in a hurry for anyone.   i don't go out of my way to intimidate, nor do i look for trouble, it's just a good feeling to be given a wide berth.  be it fear or respect or whatever, i'll take it.   i bounced a little in college ---never threw one punch.  never had to.   i prefer to talk---you can reason with almost anyone.   they just listen better if you're huge.    shaving my head has really just added the cherry on top, so to speak.

i guess i also kind of enjoy the dichotomy of the gruff-looking exterior and the class clown interior.  people are always pleasantly surprised and i think that's part of the fun.
Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: Tyler on June 02, 2007, 01:07:13 AM
Great story dude!  I love being able to influence a situation by using posture and my look.
Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: Scott on June 02, 2007, 01:09:13 AM
I love being bald. Generally ,I get more respect now then when my hair was long,  and  I  get a lot more attention from the fairer sex. But the assumption that I get put upon me that I can't stand, which comes from people with different ethnic backgrounds than I, is that I'm a skinhead . I'm not a racist. I only hate stupid people, of any race including my own.

Welcome to the brotherhood!
Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: MR. CLEAN on June 02, 2007, 02:21:49 PM
I love being bald. Generally ,I get more respect now then when my hair was long,  and  I  get a lot more attention from the fairer sex. But the assumption that I get put upon me that I can't stand, which comes from people with different ethnic backgrounds than I, is that I'm a skinhead . I'm not a racist. I only hate stupid people, of any race including my own.

First off, welcome Bald_Freak... Second, I feel you brother.  In alot of ways Caucasians fare the blunt end of the stick when it comes to racial steriotyping of a bald head.  As a Minority, I can say that we don't get it anywhere near as bad because the instant assuption that is made is either "O, thats the style" or "Their an Athlete"; whereas ya'll are labelled for a hate group.  Its getting better thanks to IFC and other popular X-Games.  As alternative athletes begin to replace the mold, I definitly hope the old stigma of the SkinHeads can just fade out.
Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: Razor X on June 02, 2007, 02:34:24 PM

 As alternative athletes begin to replace the mold, I definitly hope the old stigma of the SkinHeads can just fade out.

I thought it already had.  I've never had that reaction from anyone.  Nor can I ever remember seeing an actual skinhead in person.  The only ones I've ever seen have been in the movies and on TV.  Those of you who have been mistaken for skinheads -- where do you live?  Maybe it is a regional thing?

As an aside, people from multi-ethnic backgrounds are more and more common nowadays and it's not always easy to tell the ethnicity of a guy who shaves his head.  Nobody's ever going to mistake me for anything other than a white guy, but if you hadn't said something about being a minority, Mr. Clean, I wouldn't have known and actually would not have even thought about it.
Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: YOSP on June 02, 2007, 02:48:29 PM

 As alternative athletes begin to replace the mold, I definitly hope the old stigma of the SkinHeads can just fade out.

I thought it already had.  I've never had that reaction from anyone.  Nor can I ever remember seeing an actual skinhead in person.  The only ones I've ever seen have been in the movies and on TV.  Those of you who have been mistaken for skinheads -- where do you live?  Maybe it is a regional thing?

As an aside, people from multi-ethnic backgrounds are more and more common nowadays and it's not always easy to tell the ethnicity of a guy who shaves his head.  Nobody's ever going to mistake me for anything other than a white guy, but if you hadn't said something about being a minority, Mr. Clean, I wouldn't have known and actually would not have even thought about it.

Razor, I agree with you 100%. I think the skinhead stigma is no longer an issue, I think it was BaldAndre that said it that if you were wearing doc martins and suspenders, that is one thing, but in this day and age being label as a "skinhead" I would think is very I think it is just the way you carry yourself as a person and the ignorance comes from the closeminded. I see the "SLY" look everywhere I go, spread across every ethnicity...   
Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: RichardN. on June 02, 2007, 03:36:35 PM
I see SLY guys all over the place.  Honey, bald is in.  It might have been a little unusual several years ago but it's now main-stream.  It's very rare to see a guy with longish hair these days.  I don't think that anyone would give it a second thought.  Maybe I'm wrong?!.
Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: Gone on June 02, 2007, 09:53:26 PM
The one thing I notice is that some of the younger, fit guys get looked at like they are one of the ultimate fighter guys...I think that is the only stigma left these days - shaved head = fighter or if you are bulky = bouncer/security.
Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: Stu on June 02, 2007, 10:02:58 PM
I won't ever be mistaken for a fighter... a lover maybe?!? :D
Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: NotoriousSEG on June 02, 2007, 10:17:10 PM
I think RichardN is right on this one.  it's not really much of a novelty anymore to see a guy with a shaved head---not that it's overdone or too mainstream either.   its just right--and its a nice alternative for guys who are going bald anyway to take control of their appearance.  if i don't shave my head, i have two choices in hair styles:  1. i can leave it longer and look like a clown    or 2.  i can cut it shorter and look like an accountant (not that there's anything wrong with that)   OR i suppose i could be the long-haired bald guy with a pony tail, but nobody really wants to be that guy.   if i DO shave my head, i am choosing to set myself apart by my anti-hairstyle and consequently becoming a sexy-beast.  yeah, you heard me.

i knew i was making the right decision even as i was shaving it for the first time, but joining this site and hearing your stories has cinched it for me.
Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: Razor X on June 02, 2007, 10:28:10 PM
The one thing I notice is that some of the younger, fit guys get looked at like they are one of the ultimate fighter guys...I think that is the only stigma left these days - shaved head = fighter or if you are bulky = bouncer/security.

I think a lot depends on your build, demeanor and the way you dress.  A really muscular guy might be thought of as a fighter, whereas a really skinny guy might look sickly.  Put the muscular guy in a business suit and suddenly he looks more sophisticated.  Put the same guy in a leather jacket and he suddenly looks more thuggish.

Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: Sgt. Pate on June 02, 2007, 11:02:31 PM
Clay, with my kisser... it's either "hard" or "really pissed off"!   >:(

I work hard to make my self smile and be the first to "break the ice".  :*))
Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: MR. CLEAN on June 03, 2007, 04:23:50 PM
Clay, with my kisser... it's either "hard" or "really pissed off"!   >:(

I work hard to make my self smile and be the first to "break the ice".  :*))

All I got to say is "FAT PENGUIN"...

Thought I would toss something out that would break the Ice  :*)) 8) O:O ^-^
Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: Sgt. Pate on June 03, 2007, 09:39:56 PM
 fF##  Can I use that CLEAN?
Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: MR. CLEAN on June 04, 2007, 05:21:12 PM
Nock yourself out my friend!  :x! O0

Use Away.
Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: Bald_freak on June 07, 2007, 04:24:26 PM
thanks for the warm welcome fellow baldies
Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: Scott on June 08, 2007, 02:15:34 AM
i knew i was making the right decision even as i was shaving it for the first time, but joining this site and hearing your stories has cinched it for me.

Me too Notorious, this site definitely cinched it for me!
Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: Tyler on June 08, 2007, 02:18:01 AM
i knew i was making the right decision even as i was shaving it for the first time, but joining this site and hearing your stories has cinched it for me.

Me too Notorious, this site definitely cinched it for me!

That's so awesome to read!!
Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: Bald_freak on June 16, 2007, 03:56:07 PM

 As alternative athletes begin to replace the mold, I definitly hope the old stigma of the SkinHeads can just fade out.

I thought it already had.  I've never had that reaction from anyone.  Nor can I ever remember seeing an actual skinhead in person.  The only ones I've ever seen have been in the movies and on TV.  Those of you who have been mistaken for skinheads -- where do you live?  Maybe it is a regional thing?

As an aside, people from multi-ethnic backgrounds are more and more common nowadays and it's not always easy to tell the ethnicity of a guy who shaves his head.  Nobody's ever going to mistake me for anything other than a white guy, but if you hadn't said something about being a minority, Mr. Clean, I wouldn't have known and actually would not have even thought about it.

I live in michiana (northern indiana/lower Michigan) Unfortunately there are real skin heads around here and I have had some of theme approach me thinking I was one of them.
Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: Kajun on June 16, 2007, 05:11:10 PM
welcome to SBG's Bald up an introduction post when ya can so we can give you an official welcome  O0
Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: BALDANDRE on June 18, 2007, 11:06:31 AM
I live in michiana (northern indiana/lower Michigan) Unfortunately there are real skin heads around here and I have had some of theme approach me thinking I was one of them.

Hmmm, that's uncomfortably scary..I'm thinkin' thanks, but no thanks...

all I can picture is this one cat I saw in Utah at a theme parks...he was a buzzed skinhead and had "skin- head" tattoed over each, good look.....that's think past age 22....

BTW, welcome Bald Freak! 
Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: Bald_freak on June 30, 2007, 02:54:50 PM
welcome to SBG's Bald up an introduction post when ya can so we can give you an official welcome  O0

cool, I'll do that,  but which section on here do I post it under?
Title: Re: Appearance???
Post by: PBurke on June 30, 2007, 02:59:29 PM