Sly Bald Guys Forum

Head Shaving, Grooming & Care => Trimming Your Head/Hair => Topic started by: Tyler on February 25, 2008, 05:14:34 PM

Title: Is that a booger? No, it's just your nose hair.
Post by: Tyler on February 25, 2008, 05:14:34 PM
Hey guys, check out my latest blog post on nose and ear hair.  Any of you have to deal with this?,-its-just-your-nose-hair..html (,-its-just-your-nose-hair..html)
Title: Re: Is that a booger? No, it's just your nose hair.
Post by: Sgt. Pate on February 25, 2008, 06:52:14 PM
I've been looking for something the actually works... I think I'll give this unit a try.  Thanks!  O0
Title: Re: Is that a booger? No, it's just your nose hair.
Post by: Alexander215 on February 25, 2008, 07:16:07 PM
I saw a guy with hair growing from the top of his nose!
Title: Re: Is that a booger? No, it's just your nose hair.
Post by: Tyler on February 25, 2008, 07:20:09 PM
I saw a guy with hair growing from the top of his nose!

Yeah, I have seen that before also.  I was thinking, "tweezers man, tweezers!"
Title: Re: Is that a booger? No, it's just your nose hair.
Post by: Razor X on February 25, 2008, 07:49:18 PM
I need a new one of these.  Maybe I'll order this one.  Thanks for the review, Ty.

I hate to admit it, but more and more often I find myself standing in front of the mirror looking for -- and sometimes finding -- hair in places where it really shouldn't be.   I even have to run my electric razor over the tops of my ears from time to time.  They're not overly hairy but there is a little fuzz that shouldn't be there.  It tends to be more noticeable up against a bald head.
Title: Re: Is that a booger? No, it's just your nose hair.
Post by: SLYinKC on February 25, 2008, 07:51:45 PM
Those nose hair and the ones in my ears seem to grow faster that I can pluck or trim them.  I use my personal trimmer on them now.  Wish I could find something to stop these boogers from growing so fast. :Xo!
Title: Re: Is that a booger? No, it's just your nose hair.
Post by: Timmay on February 25, 2008, 07:53:36 PM
I have nose hairs...but I keep them trimmed or plucked out....ouch..yelp it hurts...sometimes it feels liek the root of the hair is embedded into my brain.  I never have the trouble of it looking like a booger...but if you look closely at any of my pics you can see that i have a deviated septum.  I am looking into getting it fixed because it is causing the right side of my nasal passage to somewhat close off. People often see it and say I have a booger in my

Title: Re: Is that a booger? No, it's just your nose hair.
Post by: Sgt. Pate on February 25, 2008, 09:28:30 PM
...but if you look closely at any of my pics you can see that i have a deviated septum.  I am looking into getting it fixed because it is causing the right side of my nasal passage to somewhat close off.

Hey Timm,

My bride just had the splints removed today from having her deviated septum repaired last week.  Not all that bad to have it done and she says, "WOW, this is what it feels like to be able to breath!"  She's not one for going through things like this but she said she'd do it again.   :o 
Title: Re: Is that a booger? No, it's just your nose hair.
Post by: TheSlyBear on February 25, 2008, 09:30:11 PM
Yeah, I got the nose hairs. And I need to shave my ear lobes. And without trimming, I'd have a killer unibrow.
Title: Re: Is that a booger? No, it's just your nose hair.
Post by: Mikekoz13 on February 26, 2008, 05:29:48 AM
I saw a guy with hair growing from the top of his nose!

I used to work with a guy that had a little island of hairs growing off of his nose. It was distracting when talking to him.... your'e eyes would just tend to stare at those damn hairs. I alwyay thought that he would be cross eyed one day from his own eyes constantly being tugged toward those hairs....... much like when Steve Martin invented that little gizmo for people's eyeglasses in "The Jerk".
Title: Re: Is that a booger? No, it's just your nose hair.
Post by: mindfungus on March 25, 2008, 07:54:01 PM
  I'm only 35 and I've had to shave my ears and pluck my nose for years.
  I shave all along the tops of my ears, and the entire lobe. I also have to roto-rooter out the inside of my ears as well. On more than one occasion I have had a loved one pluck a hair out of my ear that felt like it was rooted in my brain.
  The hair in my nose is so course it will actually bog down my  rotary trimmer. Once that's done I have to pluck the small black hairs that occasionally sprout out of the tip of my nose for no reason. God I sound like a wicked witch.
  Now I'm not vain, and I'm not a pretty boy who is obsessed with tiny little hairs but give me a break. Uni-brow? I have to shave a distinction not only between my eyebrows, but also between my eyebrows and my sideburns! Hell the only place I can't grow hair is the top of my head. Doesn't seem right does it.
  I swear one of these days I'm just going to stop shaving and let the hair take over my whole face just to see what nature had intended!

Title: Re: Is that a booger? No, it's just your nose hair.
Post by: Cam on March 25, 2008, 10:03:50 PM
Did you know that if you pluck your nose hair you can get an infection that can kill you? It's crazy as hell to me, but true. My grandmothers neighbor got an infection so bad his face didn't even look human. I highly recommend using something like this to avoid freakish mutation and/or death.


That is all.
Title: Re: Is that a booger? No, it's just your nose hair.
Post by: herronm on March 26, 2008, 06:27:31 AM
It is the pits!  Too bad we can just shave those areas.
Title: Re: Is that a booger? No, it's just your nose hair.
Post by: mojim on March 26, 2008, 02:17:54 PM
Hey guys, check out my latest blog post on nose and ear hair.  Any of you have to deal with this?,-its-just-your-nose-hair..html (,-its-just-your-nose-hair..html)

They work well, no ear hair but nose hair is a pain in the  $#$#@..
Title: Re: Is that a booger? No, it's just your nose hair.
Post by: Timmay on March 26, 2008, 10:54:43 PM
Did you know that if you pluck your nose hair you can get an infection that can kill you? It's crazy as hell to me, but true. My grandmothers neighbor got an infection so bad his face didn't even look human. I highly recommend using something like this to avoid freakish mutation and/or death.


That is all.

What?  Hell i have done that alot...get the tweezers and get ahold of one of them thick ass nose hairs....yank that baby out.  Sometimes it feels like it is embedded into my brain....but damn I feel like I have won the battle with that lil sh*
So are you really serious about getting an infection?  I need to read up on this...anyone know were to go to find info on this??

Title: Re: Is that a booger? No, it's just your nose hair.
Post by: mojim on March 27, 2008, 11:16:48 AM
Did you know that if you pluck your nose hair you can get an infection that can kill you? It's crazy as hell to me, but true. My grandmothers neighbor got an infection so bad his face didn't even look human. I highly recommend using something like this to avoid freakish mutation and/or death.


That is all.

What?  Hell i have done that alot...get the tweezers and get ahold of one of them thick ass nose hairs....yank that baby out.  Sometimes it feels like it is embedded into my brain....but damn I feel like I have won the battle with that lil sh*
So are you really serious about getting an infection?  I need to read up on this...anyone know were to go to find info on this??


I ain't plucking nuthin'''
Title: Re: Is that a booger? No, it's just your nose hair.
Post by: rickybobby on April 01, 2008, 10:43:11 PM
ok about the only metro type deal i do is trim the nose hairs and tweeze my ear hair....looks real goofy w/shaved head but hairy ear problem
Title: Re: Is that a booger? No, it's just your nose hair.
Post by: Timmay on April 01, 2008, 10:52:39 PM
LOL....and you did wax your eyebrows! LOL

Hey rickybobby...welcome to the forum. Glad you found us.  I have to ask your would be your left that an earring or is that just something in the back ground?? LOL

Title: Re: Is that a booger? No, it's just your nose hair.
Post by: rickybobby on April 01, 2008, 10:56:38 PM
yeah i noticed the"earring" too no its a plant in my auntie's backyard...although i once did have a nice lil' hoop in my ear at 1 point...thinking of doing it again....yeah i got my eyebrows waxed ONCe for a friends wedding that i was bestman in...not sure i'll ever do that crap again.
Title: Re: Is that a booger? No, it's just your nose hair.
Post by: jusbnme on April 01, 2008, 11:03:09 PM
Thanks for the review and share bro.  I have a Whal brand that I've been using for a couple of years that does pretty well.  I use it for nose hairs.  Haven't had too many problems with the ear hair yet but I know it's coming. 
Title: Re: Is that a booger? No, it's just your nose hair.
Post by: Scott on April 04, 2008, 01:19:50 AM
I gotta keep the ear and nose hair at bay too... apparently I'm like the hairiest guy on the planet, except for on my head!
Title: Re: Is that a booger? No, it's just your nose hair.
Post by: slyinglide on August 14, 2008, 11:13:41 PM
I'm tellin you guys, when you think your going bald, your not.  The hair is just relocating itself to a different part of your body........ears.......nose........back.......knuckles.............
Title: Re: Is that a booger? No, it's just your nose hair.
Post by: Tyler on August 15, 2008, 12:20:49 AM
I'm tellin you guys, when you think your going bald, your not.  The hair is just relocating itself to a different part of your body........ears.......nose........back.......knuckles.............

I call it the landslide effect.
Title: Re: Is that a booger? No, it's just your nose hair.
Post by: slyinglide on August 15, 2008, 12:39:25 PM
I'm tellin you guys, when you think your going bald, your not.  The hair is just relocating itself to a different part of your body........ears.......nose........back.......knuckles.............

I call it the landslide effect.
Yea....But I think that the hair follicles stay were they are and the hair grows thru the body and comes out at another spot.  I know this because I pulled a nose hair out the other day and I could have sworn it was attached to the big toe on my left foot............ :D
Title: Re: Is that a booger? No, it's just your nose hair.
Post by: TheSlyBear on August 15, 2008, 12:43:21 PM
I know this because I pulled a nose hair out the other day and I could have sworn it was attached to the big toe on my left foot

Hmm, for me it's the right foot. Are you left-handed?

I have a nose hair trimmer and need to use it often. It's also good for getting rid of ear fuzz and for shaping errant eyebrows.
Title: Re: Is that a booger? No, it's just your nose hair.
Post by: D.A.L.U.I. on August 15, 2008, 12:58:09 PM
Did you know that if you pluck your nose hair you can get an infection that can kill you? It's crazy as hell to me, but true. My grandmothers neighbor got an infection so bad his face didn't even look human. I highly recommend using something like this to avoid freakish mutation and/or death.


That is all.

What?  Hell i have done that alot...get the tweezers and get ahold of one of them thick ass nose hairs....yank that baby out.  Sometimes it feels like it is embedded into my brain....but damn I feel like I have won the battle with that lil sh*
So are you really serious about getting an infection?  I need to read up on this...anyone know were to go to find info on this??


It's true at least I believe it.  One guy at the gym several years ago got a really resistant strain and had some heavy duty antibiotics to get rid of it.  I have used my wife's needle work sissors ever since or one of the electric rotary things--sissors are better, hers is a thin small set that lets me get in there and clip away.  Ears, I've given up and keep a bottle of Nair for men under the sink and soak the edges  and the little nub in front about every two weeks and in 10-15 minutes that fur is gone.  You begin to think you didn't lose hair, it just decided to move to a different environment!
Title: Re: Is that a booger? No, it's just your nose hair.
Post by: Razor X on August 18, 2008, 09:46:09 PM
Did you know that if you pluck your nose hair you can get an infection that can kill you? It's crazy as hell to me, but true. My grandmothers neighbor got an infection so bad his face didn't even look human. I highly recommend using something like this to avoid freakish mutation and/or death.


That is all.

What?  Hell i have done that alot...get the tweezers and get ahold of one of them thick ass nose hairs....yank that baby out.  Sometimes it feels like it is embedded into my brain....but damn I feel like I have won the battle with that lil sh*
So are you really serious about getting an infection?  I need to read up on this...anyone know were to go to find info on this??


It's true at least I believe it. 

I find it kind of hard to believe, too.  There has to be something else wrong with a person if they can catch an infection that easily and can't fight it off.  People yank nose hairs all the time and how often do you hear of something like this happening?  And wouldn't the same thing hold true for plucking eyebrows or any other unwanted hair elsewhere on the body?