Sly Bald Guys Forum

Head Shaving, Grooming & Care => How To Protect Your Bald Head => Topic started by: Thunderbroom on February 07, 2008, 09:40:48 PM

Title: Help a new brother out...
Post by: Thunderbroom on February 07, 2008, 09:40:48 PM
I became Sly as well as joined this board yesterday.  I've been overwhelmed by the number of subforums here and think that my thread covers a few of them but decided to post here.  Mods...if you need to move it to Miscellaneous or some other place, that's totally cool with me!  I've read and read and read and read thread after thread after thread and realize that I may have answered my own questions (below) but thought I'd start my own thread anyway.

I bought a Headblade Sport and got the HeadSlick as well.  My first shave went pretty well (no nicks) but took  f o r e v e r.  I'm assuming that things will speed up in time.

After my first 24 hours, I now have sandpaper head.

What is the best way to keep my head smooth for the longest period of time?  Is there a product out there that will help?  Also, I want my head to shine.  Is there something for that?  How about to help my noggin have a uniform color all over? 

Any other suggestions/recommendations for a newb are greatly appreciated.
Title: Re: Help a new brother out...
Post by: Timmay on February 07, 2008, 10:11:34 PM
Practice practice practice....we all have our different ways of doing it.  You have prolly answered your questions...because like we said....there is a TON of info in here...  Good luck and just keep on it dude......not really anyway to slow down the growth process...its just all part of it.  I do think it will start to slow down somewhat.....once your noggin gets use to being sly....
hang in there bro..youre gettin there
Title: Re: Help a new brother out...
Post by: champ007 on February 07, 2008, 10:13:38 PM
I shave every morning in the shower with my headblade and will shave again if I plan on going out in the evening. I use a mach 3 around my ears. I use St Ives apricot scrub "after" I shave. Then a cold water blast on the noggin before I step out of the shower. Once patted dry I throw on some Bald Guyz moisture gel.
If I need extra shine I use the headlube glossy... some real shinny stuff!
Whole routine in the morning from wakeup to out the door is about 35 minutes.
The shower shave takes about 5 minutes, so it will improve in time.
The uniform color will come in time from sun exposer, but keep the noggin healthy and protect with sunscreen.
The 5 o'clock stubble can irritate the crap out of ya!
Title: Re: Help a new brother out...
Post by: Tyler on February 07, 2008, 10:31:24 PM
TB, it's pretty much like your face, you have to shave on a daily basis (or more) to keep it smooth all the time.  Search for the Routine topic and you'll get a good idea of all of our routines.
Title: Re: Help a new brother out...
Post by: PBurke on February 08, 2008, 02:11:47 PM
24 hous? consider yourself lucky. i get that after about 4 hours. oh yeah, welcome by the way.
Title: Re: Help a new brother out...
Post by: Timmay on February 08, 2008, 02:57:27 PM
I was thinking the same thing Pburke.....24 hours ...hell lets switch noggins............nahhh wait...I like my noggin...not that yours isnt nice looking...but I just like mine.  Usually I shave at 730 am and by noon......i gets the itch....sandpaperish.....I hate it...just been trying to think of a cheap drastic way to get rid of it....thought about the gasoline and burning off a controled burn...but nahhhhhhhh better not do that.
Title: Re: Help a new brother out...
Post by: Thunderbroom on February 08, 2008, 03:34:32 PM
Took the headblade/headslick into the shower this morning...much, much faster and very smooth.

Stopped at a Walgreen's this afternoon and picked up some Bald Guyz Moisturizing Gel.

FYI...don't know it this was just my store but the Headblade Sport was $10.99 and the Headslick for $5.99.  I paid $12.99 and $7.99 respectively at CVS a couple of days ago.
Title: Re: Help a new brother out...
Post by: fireman on February 08, 2008, 03:45:36 PM
I hate it...just been trying to think of a cheap drastic way to get rid of it....thought about the gasoline and burning off a controled burn...but nahhhhhhhh better not do that.

you'd just end up with more hair...thats what happened to the grass in the field we back burned :*)) :*))
Title: Re: Help a new brother out...
Post by: Sgt. Pate on February 08, 2008, 05:33:27 PM
I love my HeadBlade Sport.  I also shave in the shower.  HeadSlick in one hand and HeadBlade in the other.  I step back from the shower spray, apply and re-apply the HeadSlick while shaving, feel for rough spots as I go.

One thing to remember is DO NOT put downward pressure on the HeadBlade!  Just enough pressure to keep it in contact with your scalp.  The only nicks I have had are when I try to get too many shaves with an old blade or when I put too much pressure on the HeadBlade trying to go for absolute perfection.

I shave front to back on top of my head and then turn the HeadBlade around and go back to front on the back of my head.

I actually close my eyes and just feel the shave, rinsing the HeadBlade every few strokes.

My entire shave prolly only takes 4-5 minutes.

Dunno if any of this helps but hope so!  ;)
Title: Re: Help a new brother out...
Post by: Marz on February 08, 2008, 05:56:53 PM
Took the headblade/headslick into the shower this morning...much, much faster and very smooth.

Stopped at a Walgreen's this afternoon and picked up some Bald Guyz Moisturizing Gel.

FYI...don't know it this was just my store but the Headblade Sport was $10.99 and the Headslick for $5.99.  I paid $12.99 and $7.99 respectively at CVS a couple of days ago.
Yes, shower shaving is much easier and faster.

Dont rush, the one time I have taken chunks out of my scalp was when I was in a rush.

I use cold water to rinse my head when finished and an aftershave gel after that, keeps me pretty smooth.

12.99 and 7.99 is what I paid up at the local Walgreens.
Title: Re: Help a new brother out...
Post by: Tyler on February 08, 2008, 10:40:53 PM
If you can do it, it also helps to wait about 30 to 60 minutes from the time you wake up to the time you shave.
Title: Re: Help a new brother out...
Post by: joergHH on February 09, 2008, 02:21:44 AM
Welcome TB!

Before applying the Headslick use some drops of Baby- or Massage-oil.

Title: Re: Help a new brother out...
Post by: BaldRob on February 09, 2008, 09:13:36 AM
If you shave against the grain, that will help keep it smoother longer also...
Title: Re: Help a new brother out...
Post by: Thunderbroom on February 10, 2008, 06:41:55 PM
So far so good...

I'm still shaving in the shower each day and throwing on some Bald Guyz Moisturizing Gel about twice a day.
Title: Re: Help a new brother out...
Post by: mojim on February 20, 2008, 09:06:49 PM
While the head blade is pretty cool, I find that my mach 3 is a lot quicker..
Title: Re: Help a new brother out...
Post by: JDog on February 22, 2008, 04:33:56 AM
Thunderbroom, 24 hours is a great amount of time to have before u get sandpaper head.

I like to wait 2-3 days between shaves to get the best and smoothest shave! I use Headslick whipped up in a bowl with a brush and shave using a Fusion(manual). Afterwards for some killer shine I add 2 coats of Headlube glossy and if I REALLY want to shine like a bulb, I put on a thin layer of Baby Oil.
Title: Re: Help a new brother out...
Post by: Mikekoz13 on February 22, 2008, 07:42:18 AM

      I agree with the others.... 24 hours is pretty good. I start to feel my "sandpaper" about 6 or 8 hours after the shave. Shaving against the grain, as well as with it, will definitely help.

          I love my headblade! If you have CVS near you, the CVS 3 shaving system blades work with the headblade.
Title: Re: Help a new brother out...
Post by: SonOfKrypton on February 22, 2008, 09:06:54 AM
Hey guys...I was just readin this thread and wondering what the hell you guys mean by "sandpaper head".  What is that meant to describe?  I immediately envision little bumps all over your head when you say that...Is taht what it is?
Title: Re: Help a new brother out...
Post by: SLYinKC on February 22, 2008, 09:53:55 AM
Sandpaper is that feeling when stubble starts to grow.  Also know as "Velcro".

And yes, it really does feel like that.  Maybe that's why we all have such an obsession with having total smoothness.
Title: Re: Help a new brother out...
Post by: D.A.L.U.I. on February 22, 2008, 10:07:58 AM
Sandpaper is that feeling when stubble starts to grow.  Also know as "Velcro".

And yes, it really does feel like that.  Maybe that's why we all have such an obsession with having total smoothness.

I'm a newbe, just over 4 months, but sandpaper for me has been the feel of finishing sandpaper, like 000 grade, vecro is longer--it catches your damn shirt as you try to pull it over your head--first time it happened to me I nearly twisted my neck.  With Fusion power, Headslick & baby oil, it's sandpaper 8 to 10 hours out on the top where it's sparce (the follicles are dying but putting up a strong finish!) and twelve or more on the side & back provided I wait an hour or so after getting up or go to the gym before shaving.  The velcro is all over my head the next morning, and I'm VERY careful taking off my shirt, as opposed to pulling, after the gym before hopping into the shower and thence to smooth Sly-City.
Title: Re: Help a new brother out...
Post by: Timmay on February 23, 2008, 02:49:25 PM
its when your hair starts to grow out and it sorta acts as "velcro" when taking off tshirts and the like.  Just really short stubble is all it is. 

Title: Re: Help a new brother out...
Post by: charlesh1609 on February 23, 2008, 03:29:12 PM
If you shave against the grain, that will help keep it smoother longer also...

I waited about 3 shaves to "toughen" my scalp before I went counter to the grain.  It makes a HUUUGE difference in the slick quotient and the longevity of the slick effect.  But you better have learned to employ a light touch on that blade or your WILL take a few divots out of the topsoil.