Sly Bald Guys Forum

Discussions About Being Bald => Bald Stories => Topic started by: warhawk on January 30, 2008, 04:53:28 AM

Title: i was at the UPS STORE...
Post by: warhawk on January 30, 2008, 04:53:28 AM
hello fellow chrome domes.... i was at the UPS store yesterday & some guy walked in with a very bad looking toupee.  i noticed he kept looking at my shiny dome.  he kinda looked a little embarrassed because i think he sensed that i noticed how bad his rug looked. :-[  thank goodness...i kept my composure and didn't laugh at his rug. O0

so....what do u guys do when u c a bad looking rug?  do u have funny thoughts running thru your heads?  r u laughing inside?  what's your story?

Title: Re: i was at the UPS STORE...
Post by: Mikekoz13 on January 30, 2008, 05:00:53 AM
Hey WARHAWK............. cheers!

              I work down the hall from a guy that has had a really bad rug for years. Everybody always joked about it behind his back.

Last July 1st when I went on vacation i shaved my head. When i came back to work I got the "OH MY" comments and stares but really didn't care. Saw the rug guy looking at me in the hall a few times.

             About a week later he came back from vacation, no rug, shaved clean as a whistle! I just smiled and nodded as I pased him in the hall. He smiled back and nodded...........

                              Cool............ O:O
Title: Re: i was at the UPS STORE...
Post by: warhawk on January 30, 2008, 05:13:11 AM
mikekoz....that is one awesome story.  i wonder if that guy will do the same. :-\

Title: Re: i was at the UPS STORE...
Post by: SLYinKC on January 30, 2008, 06:06:08 AM
Great stories Mike and Warhawk.

This past Saturday, I took my 2 sons to get their haircuts at the local GreatClips.  A guy walks in right behind us that I could tell was a "fencer".  This guys was buzzed down to somewhere betweek a #1 and #1/2.  He came in to get it scrapped down to a #0.  Took all of about 2 minutes.  I leaned over to my wife and told her that I could save that guy $15 and a lot of trouble with a good razor.

The guy kept looking over my way quite a bit on his way out.  I just smiled and gave him the nod.  Hope maybe he'll get the cajones to just do it.
Title: Re: i was at the UPS STORE...
Post by: Robmeister on January 30, 2008, 07:44:05 AM
do u have funny thoughts running thru your heads?  r u laughing inside?

Actually I kinda cringe in embarrassment for him.....followed by pity.
Title: Re: i was at the UPS STORE...
Post by: Timmay on January 30, 2008, 08:15:16 AM
I have a story that happened to a friend of mine ...way before I even thought about shaving my noggin.  This has probably been at least 10 years ago.  But a funny one at that
Friend of mine his name is Larry.  At the time he was probably oh i would say 28 or 29 years old.  Very thin hair..always was, even in school.  Well he went to one of these expensive salon places and got a pretty prices hair piece, the kind where it was woven into his orginal hair.  Well I mean come on...what do you think people are going to say.  You always come to work and you have then hair ..then you take a weeks vacation and you come back and you have this full head of hair.  WE joked with him about it.  I did feel somewhat sorry for wasnt nice to joke about the time no one was shaving their head...well not like they are today.  He wore it I would say for about 3 days and finally he got tired of all the bad comments.  So here it is a friday night and we are all at a friends house playing cards and drinking.  He sits down at the table and almost immediately someone makes a comment about his "piece".  He gets all pissed off....rips the damn thing off his head...taking some of his hair with it...and slams it in the middle of the table.  His only comment was that was a freakin waste of about $500 bucks.  So from then on..when we would play cards or drinking games...some of the rules was the dealer had to wear the piece.  To this day.....the piece still sits in a box with the cards and stuff at this friends house.  It has sorta became  an icon.  He still hasnt shaved his head bald..not even to this day..but he keeps it down to maybe a #1.  Some may find this story funny and others may not...but I guess you just had to be there to get the full understanding of the story.
Title: Re: i was at the UPS STORE...
Post by: Marz on January 30, 2008, 10:17:47 AM
I honestly feel sad when I see someone with a rug. I feel like I have the key to set them free but I don't want to embarrass them or make them feel bad. I just look at it and with every ounce of my being try to give the guy a look that says..

"I know, everyone knows, get rid of that thing man, its terrible."
Title: Re: i was at the UPS STORE...
Post by: Tyler on January 30, 2008, 12:05:43 PM
The other night I was at the airport and this guy had a REALLY BAD wig.  He looked at me, I looked at him and then just gave him that look Marz was talking about.  I actually tried to get a picture of it on my phone, but the zoom wouldn't work so I couldn't do it on the Sly.
Title: Re: i was at the UPS STORE...
Post by: Cy on January 30, 2008, 06:06:46 PM
There's a checker at the grocery store I shop at and he's got this rug on and I swear it's on BACKWARDS sometimes!
I never say anything but he seems like the self concious type, since he's not much older than I am.

Title: Re: i was at the UPS STORE...
Post by: JDog on January 31, 2008, 04:23:02 AM
I honestly feel sad when I see someone with a rug. I feel like I have the key to set them free but I don't want to embarrass them or make them feel bad. I just look at it and with every ounce of my being try to give the guy a look that says..

"I know, everyone knows, get rid of that thing man, its terrible."

Geez Marz, you stole the words straight from my mouth bro.

I have so many times wanted to say to guys with horrible hair pieces "Cmon man,a sharp razor to the dome to set yourself free!!!"

But what can you do eh? Its like you dont know how they will take it if you did say something to them.
Title: Re: i was at the UPS STORE...
Post by: WannaBePadre on February 03, 2008, 08:03:39 AM
When I was in college, one of the friars had a rug. It was so bad, that you could see the plastic woven material under the hair. I felt bad for him ... he was probably in his late 50s, early 60s. I just made sure that I didn't sit behind him in chapel ... it was too distracting counting the holes in his wig.
Title: Re: i was at the UPS STORE...
Post by: Razor X on February 03, 2008, 08:31:38 AM
The other night I was at the airport and this guy had a REALLY BAD wig.  He looked at me, I looked at him and then just gave him that look Marz was talking about.  I actually tried to get a picture of it on my phone, but the zoom wouldn't work so I couldn't do it on the Sly.

What do you suppose guys like that are thinking when they see one of us?
Title: Re: i was at the UPS STORE...
Post by: Tyler on February 03, 2008, 11:14:04 PM
The other night I was at the airport and this guy had a REALLY BAD wig.  He looked at me, I looked at him and then just gave him that look Marz was talking about.  I actually tried to get a picture of it on my phone, but the zoom wouldn't work so I couldn't do it on the Sly.

What do you suppose guys like that are thinking when they see one of us?

I wonder that as well.
Title: Re: i was at the UPS STORE...
Post by: Mikekoz13 on February 04, 2008, 08:10:31 AM
I think most of them are thinking one of two things:

1) Man that guy has NO hair.... I'm so glad I still have mine. :*))

2) I wish I had the balls to shave my head like that guy because he looks cool........

                                            Mike 8)
Title: Re: i was at the UPS STORE...
Post by: Timmay on February 04, 2008, 10:30:04 AM
Yesterday ..Sunday....I went with my wife and two daughters shopping.  Yeah..that was a hoot and a half..but youngest daughter decides she needs a hair cut.  So we walk into this beauty shop and there are like 3 women in there ...2 hairstylist and one guy was getting highlights or something...not sure what was going on there...just looked like a lot of trouble.  Anyways this guy was in his late 40's at least...getting highlights???  He just kept looking over my way and when he would notice i seen him looking he would look the other way.  The whole time I was like dont have much hair up there anyways ( from what I could tell) Well just before my daughter got finished up I heard him over there complaining to the hairstylist that it wasnt what he really wanted...blah blah blah...she was trying different stuff to his hair. He still occasionally would look over at me and I would just shrudge my razor wil take care of all that.  Well as we were walking out the door, I could hear him arguing with the hairstylist and then I heard him say..Well I should just shave it all off.  I heard that and my ears perked up....i turned back to look at him and he was giving me one of those dead straight stares....all I did was give him Thumbs Up and walked out the door.  So I dont know if he did it or not.  I should call that place today to find out.
Title: Re: i was at the UPS STORE...
Post by: charlesh1609 on February 04, 2008, 02:44:03 PM
What to do when you see the obviously artificially enhanced crown?

Well, I think I'm going to steal one from Yoda.  Remember that scene where he goes "hmm" and s  - l - o - w - l - y and thoughtfully rubs his dome?  Well, I think the public head rub when you know the guy is looking your way is the way to go.  (It's not like we don't walk around rubbing our own heads anyway, right?)  BTW, George Lucas totally STOLE that scene from the lead character in Seven Samurai, Takashi Shimura.

Takashi Shimura, far left

Of course, if you're out with a lady friend, it's MUCH more effective to have her lovingly rub your dome while the guy is looking on...
Title: Re: i was at the UPS STORE...
Post by: Razor X on February 04, 2008, 07:07:49 PM

.2 hairstylist and one guy was getting highlights or something...not sure what was going on there...just looked like a lot of trouble.  Anyways this guy was in his late 40's at least...getting highlights??? 

That's always been a pet peeve of mine.  I don't think any guy should get  highlights or bleach his hair.  It looks particularly ridiculous on anyone over the age of 23 (as do "bumpers").  Same goes for some of these spiky, over-gelled do's that news anchors tend to sport a lot.  D#tG3t

End of rant.   
Title: Re: i was at the UPS STORE...
Post by: Nick912 on February 09, 2008, 10:34:19 AM
Great stories Mike and Warhawk.

This past Saturday, I took my 2 sons to get their haircuts at the local GreatClips.  A guy walks in right behind us that I could tell was a "fencer".  This guys was buzzed down to somewhere betweek a #1 and #1/2.  He came in to get it scrapped down to a #0.  Took all of about 2 minutes.  I leaned over to my wife and told her that I could save that guy $15 and a lot of trouble with a good razor.

The guy kept looking over my way quite a bit on his way out.  I just smiled and gave him the nod.  Hope maybe he'll get the cajones to just do it.

Yea I know quite a bit of dudes like this. They will take it down to a #0 and be fine with that but cant get the stones to razor it! Its not that much different but it is soo much better
Title: Re: i was at the UPS STORE...
Post by: Spleener on February 12, 2008, 07:42:58 AM
To me, a bad rug is like a road accident. It's impossible not to look.

The last place I worked, our chief engineer had a toupe that looked like roadkill. It was hideous. After a couple years, he got a new one, which if anything was even more blindingly, fakely awful. I think he noticed my buddy and I staring at him. My friend had just dyed his hair from black to blonde, and the engineer said, "If you can change your hair, so can I." We'd always assumed he didn't know how bad his rug was, but I guess he actually did know. He worked outside a lot in SW Michigan (extreme heat and humidity in the summer, very cold in the winter) and his car didn't have air conditioning...I really don't know how he could stand it. He'd give his toupe a little tug to adjust it when he thought nobody was looking...I don't know why, but that always kind of creeped me out. I guess it was a reminder that real hair wouldn't move like that.