Sly Bald Guys Forum

Discussions About Being Bald => To be or not be...Bald => Topic started by: JBZic on January 20, 2008, 10:08:21 PM

Title: A ridge on the top of my head...
Post by: JBZic on January 20, 2008, 10:08:21 PM
I have always had a ridge at the top of my head. Kind of like a little peak where the sides meet. So for instance, if you were to run your finger from one ear to the other it would be smooth and then at the top peak over a speedbump. Past girlfriends have noticed this by touch and have lovingly joked about it. Out of curiosity I've asked all my close buddies if they have it and all seem to have smooth rounded heads. Mine seems to be quite abnormal.

This never bothered me for more than a second until I started balding. I'm 19. I still have more than enough hair to not have to shave it off yet (I keep it at a 4). And I'm taking Rogaine just to slow it down a bit (I know many of you will disagree with this) However, when it does become bad I had wanted to just shave it off or at least very very close. However I am getting extremely anxious about this because of my unique head shape. I feel I will resemble a triangular conehead. It annoys me that I don't have a normal round head like so many other people, it would be so much easier to take this balding with ease. I'm used to being moderately attractive and pulling in a decent amount of girls. I know bald guys still get the ladies, but I feel that bald guys with weird pointy heads will definitely have a much harder time. To top it off I'm a white skinny guy (working on the body building now that I know I need to compensate)

Even though I said I feel "abnormal", I'm not naive enough to think I'm the only person in the world with a head like this. I'm sure there's tons more. I guess I'm just looking for bald guys with the ridge like I have. Does it look as bad and big as it feels? Do you look like a pinhead? Have you gotten comments? Are you self conscious about it? Do I just need to accept this major blow to my look?
Title: Re: A ridge on the top of my head...
Post by: Tyler on January 21, 2008, 12:47:43 AM
Hey bro, I think many of us will tell you that we don't have perfect heads either.  Actually, I feel like I have this flat wall on the back of my head that if I'm not careful, some guy will come along and tag with graffiti.  Though, every time I think about it I just remember that it's no worse than the really crooked teeth I had in middle school or the huge scar that I have on my chest that everyone saw every summer when I was at the lake or the water slides.  Why am I reminded of these other "bad" things?  Because I can then get to the point where I remember that people didn't care about these things if I didn't care about them. 

I'm not trying to give you that "there's people out there dealing with worse things so you shouldn't be so vain" type speech (unless that will help you get over this hurdle), but I am trying to let you know that people have a tendency to worry more about what others are thinking of them than trying to find flaws in others.  Sure there are the occasional people that look for flaws in others, but they're more insecure than most people as this is just a mechanism to boost their confidence. The point I'm trying to make is that once you get to the stage where you can project confidence (whether you actually have it or not) people will be so blown away with trying to figure out how you got the confidence that they won't notice anything else.  At least this what I've noticed.  So, do what you need to do to get to that point where you can project confidence (shaved or not) and you'll find wonders in they way people react to you. 

Ok, I'm stepping off my soap box now...any one else want to get on?
Title: Re: A ridge on the top of my head...
Post by: PBurke on January 21, 2008, 06:26:09 AM
...any one else want to get on?

think you covered my thoughts tyler. btw, welcome jbzic
Title: Re: A ridge on the top of my head...
Post by: Razor X on January 21, 2008, 08:00:28 AM
You should shave your head regardless of your head shape.  You have MPB; if you leave hair on the sides of your head, the top will look even more pointy.  Shaving off all the hair will de-emphasize the ridge on top, which is going to be visible no matter what.  It's probably not nearly as bad as you think it is.
Title: Re: A ridge on the top of my head...
Post by: Marz on January 21, 2008, 10:08:31 AM
I agree with the others, you are probably over focused on this and imagining it to be far worse than it actually is.

Just remember that every dent, wrinkle, scar, etc. makes you who you are. I have to large scars on the back of my head (one is an "X" the other is a "-" so it looks like I am in some sort of math gang). Sometimes you just have to say ****-it, thats who I am and love yourself for it. 
Title: Re: A ridge on the top of my head...
Post by: wpruitt on January 21, 2008, 07:31:36 PM
And remember ... we are all our own worst critic
Title: Re: A ridge on the top of my head...
Post by: PigPen on January 24, 2008, 08:16:15 AM
And remember ... we are all our own worst critic

Very true, Bill
Title: Re: A ridge on the top of my head...
Post by: ryebread on February 06, 2008, 10:52:45 AM
I have that same type ridge and mine is made worse because it looks like i have slight dips on either side of it. :-[  I have noticed though that you notice it more when I have stubble and not smooth because the light hits it and creates shadows. 8)
Title: Re: A ridge on the top of my head...
Post by: yep_yep on February 15, 2008, 02:08:12 PM
Another one with a "funny" headshape here. I'm not completely sly myself either, still hanging onto buzz cuts. My head is pretty pointy and narrow with a ridge too... to top that the side view isn't great either  :-[.
Title: Re: A ridge on the top of my head...
Post by: JDog on February 16, 2008, 08:29:39 AM
Our Dear Leader says it very well.

We are all very focused on our perceived "flaws".

And as wpruitt validly points out, There is no one on earth more criticial of our own self than ones self.

Title: Re: A ridge on the top of my head...
Post by: DaveM on February 18, 2008, 07:35:05 PM
Hi JBZic,

Yes, there is something you may be able to do about the ridge.  Read on...

I'm in the same boat as you, in that I too have an unsightly pointy ridge on my head.  For a long time I was very self-conscious about buzzing down/shaving my head.  I finally did, and unfortunately I really hate the way the ridge looks.  I know how upsetting it is to be dealt a double whammy...first you're dealt the hairloss gene, and now you have to deal with a head shape that causes you to feel even more self-conscious about your appearance.  I wear a baseball most of the time, and I have to admit it looks pretty ridiculous because I'm in my 30s.  What's amazing is that if you saw me with a full head of hair, you'd never in a million years guess that my skull underneath was so pointy. 

Anyway, the first step in dealing with this problem is to actually see what the ridge looks like.  If I read your post correctly, you haven't actually seen this ridge yet, only felt it.  You'll probably have to shave your head or at least buzz your hair to a very short length of 1/4" (clipper attachment #1 or #2) or less in order to see it.  Since you currently wear your hair at a #4 (which I think is 1/2") it will take about a month to regrow your hair from completely shaved (or two weeks from 1/4") to its current length of 1/2".

Once the ridge becomes visible, decide how you feel about it.  If you like the way your head shape looks or you're able to accept that it's not ideal, then that's the end of the problem.  If not, then it may possible to eliminate or reduce the ridge by surgically contouring the skull bone.  Basically, a surgeon will burr the skull ridge through a small scalp incision of approximately 2cm (8/10ths of an inch) in length.  The upside of this procedure is that you should have a more aesthetically pleasing skull shape assuming the surgeon does a good job.  The downside is that you'll have to live with a scar on your scalp.  Also, the surgeon may want to take a CT scan beforehand in order to examine your skull thickness and to make sure it's safe to perform the procedure.   Unfortunately, a CT scan delivers a comparatively high dose of radiation, so having this image taken isn't risk free.

I have not undergone this procedure, however I have consulted with two craniofacial surgeons about my case.  Both said they could safely reduce the size of the ridge without taking an image beforehand.  I plan to consult with at least one additional surgeon who may be able to do the procedure through an incision smaller than 2 cm. 

Again, if you're able to accept your hairloss and the shape of your skull, then you shouldn't do anything.  Surgery should really be your last resort.  If you decide to go for a consultation, try to consult with at least two or three craniofacial surgeons.  Most craniofacial surgeons are plastic surgeons who received additional fellowship training in problems of the face and skull bones.  This type of work is probably outside the scope and experience of what the typical plastic/cosmetic surgeon does.

Good luck and please let me know if you have any questions.

Title: Re: A ridge on the top of my head...
Post by: Tyler on February 20, 2008, 12:32:00 AM
Dave, welcome to Sly Bald Guys!  Thanks for posting up and pointing JBZic in the right direction.
Title: Re: A ridge on the top of my head...
Post by: blondeguy on February 22, 2008, 10:12:50 AM
Many people have bumps and ridges they worry will stand out when shaved, but those things tend to blend in with the rest of your skin.
Title: Re: A ridge on the top of my head...
Post by: DaveM on February 24, 2008, 06:29:25 PM
Hi blondeguy,

I agree that some bumps and ridges don't stand out once the skull is shaved.

For JBZic, I think it all depends on how big the bump/ridge is, how much it bothers him, and how well he can adjust to his new appearance.  If he can live it, then that's great.  If not, there may be an option to do something.
Title: Re: A ridge on the top of my head...
Post by: Timmay on February 24, 2008, 08:39:52 PM
Hey bro, I think many of us will tell you that we don't have perfect heads either. 

Hey Tyler...speak for yourself...My head IS perfect....empty sometimes...but Perfect..LOL....

Waddaya all say??????????????? is it ................TIMMAYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: A ridge on the top of my head...
Post by: Mikekoz13 on February 25, 2008, 04:26:28 AM
I think you're right Tim! Your head is perfectly empty! ;D