Sly Bald Guys Forum

Head Shaving, Grooming & Care => How To Protect Your Bald Head => Topic started by: Uncle Fester on December 19, 2007, 02:30:25 PM

Title: Today's Dermatologist Appointment (Blah!)
Post by: Uncle Fester on December 19, 2007, 02:30:25 PM
Hey fellow SBG's...Happy Holiday's to all.  I just wanted to let you guys know that since I started shaving about six weeks ago, I noticed that I uncovered some skin spots up there that looked a little funky.  These were light to dark brown irregular circle looking things...some the size of peas...some as big as quarters.  I think there were  about eight of them up there.  None of them were raised so they did not impede on my shaving up top.  I work in a hospital so a couple of docs told me that I needed to have them checked out.  Fester has been really busy taking care of Fester Jr. (7 y/o) as he fractured his little elbow last week imitating some of his WWE heroes.  Needed surgery and three pins to put it back together.  Needless to say, I don't think he'll be doing any "flying elbows" off of the couch for awhile.  Fester finally had time to get to the dermatologist today.  She suggested that she take one off so that I could see how much it hurt and then come in for subsequent visits to remove the rest.
Much to her surprise...I told her to cut them all out.  Well, she did...and sent them all out to be biopsied.  She told me that I "probably" had nothing to worry about but it's all still pretty unsettling.  My head now looks like a dalmation...with black spots all over it and a definite stinging feeling...especially in the shower.  I've always used sunscreen on my scalp because prior to becoming a SBG as I always wore really short crew-cuts.  Use your  sunscreen guys!  Even in the winter!  I'm really glad I decided to shave my head...I may never have known these lesions were up there.  Take care of your head!  Fester will be wearing a bandana until the coconut heals.
By the way, the doc had to give me about thirty injections in my scalp to numb the various areas (real pleasant!)
Warmest Regards,
Your Uncle Fester   
Title: Re: Today's Dermatologist Appointment (Blah!)
Post by: Timmay on December 19, 2007, 02:34:41 PM
WOW...enlightening for sure.  Thanks for the warnings.  Sunscreen will be applied daily here..
Title: Re: Today's Dermatologist Appointment (Blah!)
Post by: BALDANDRE on December 19, 2007, 02:37:18 PM
Sorry to hear about it...but nice to know your ok!

Good advice on the sunscreen... don't go out without 30 spf, even in this here Northwest..

but the MPB dudes and "crewed" dudes that AREN'T shave totally smooth yet... wear sunscreen!

Good reminder bro O0
Title: Re: Today's Dermatologist Appointment (Blah!)
Post by: schro on December 19, 2007, 02:40:45 PM
Sound advice Fester. Hope all works out for the best.
I use an after shave that has SPF 15, so it helps. Also, we need to make sure to apply some type of protection to your ears. My father in law had a mild case of melanoma on both ears. He's the reason I wear floppy (bucket) hats or panama style straw hats when I go golfing.

Title: Re: Today's Dermatologist Appointment (Blah!)
Post by: Tyler on December 19, 2007, 02:49:20 PM
Sorry to hear about your spots Fester.  It's good that you got them checked out.

As Fester and others have said, USE SUNSCREEN!!
Title: Re: Today's Dermatologist Appointment (Blah!)
Post by: Paul on December 19, 2007, 04:27:25 PM
Great that you got those checked out Fester and that all is ok.  Hope little Fester is on the mend soon.
Title: Re: Today's Dermatologist Appointment (Blah!)
Post by: warhawk on December 19, 2007, 05:59:21 PM
fester...hope all is well with u & that your little one recovers quickly.