Sly Bald Guys Forum

New Member Section => Introductions => Topic started by: AdamzHedz on November 23, 2007, 11:29:56 PM

Title: Just Another Bald Head In The Crowd
Post by: AdamzHedz on November 23, 2007, 11:29:56 PM
I have to say that I am completely surprised by this group. I'm shocked to find such a large group of guys embracing their baldness rather than trying to conceal it or reverse it. I have been dealing with hair loss since my late teens and have to admit that I've done pretty much everything but embrace my own baldness. I was actually searching for a solution to my problem when I came across your group.
While it's not exactly what I was looking for I think this group may be the solution I've needed. I've tried all kinds of products and treatments and nothing has worked. I felt like a freak going bald in my early 20's and I told myself it would be easier to deal with when I reached 25. It wasn't. I then figured it would be easier to handle being bald at 30 and yet here I am 30 and still trying to find another solution.
Like I said earlier, this site wasn't what I was looking for but maybe it's exactly what I needed. Hopefully I can learn from all of you to first accept my baldness and maybe one day embrace it like all of you.

Title: Re: Just Another Bald Head In The Crowd
Post by: shyslyguy on November 24, 2007, 01:47:47 AM
Hi Adam

Welcome to the group, glad you found us. I would definitely suggest hanging out here for a bit & I'm sure that after only a short time you will begin to feel a lot better about yourself. If you don't mind me saying this, from your pic you are a good looking guy even as it stands but have you ever considered just shaving everything off except for maybe the goatee? I think you'd carry the look off really well & it can do wonders for the old confidence thing! Anyway, stick around & check out some of the old threads  O0
Title: Re: Just Another Bald Head In The Crowd
Post by: Tyler on November 24, 2007, 02:26:01 AM
Adam, welcome to Sly Bald Guys!  One of the main reasons for this site is so that guys can find what we consider the only real solution to hair loss, embracing it.  To many, embracing it seems like a very complex thing to do, but in reality, it's very easy.  If you haven't tried shaving your head down to the skin, I recommend you plan on doing it.  This doesn't mean that you have to keep it the rest of your life, but there's an amazing feeling of liberation that many guys feel after shaving their head.  Some guys see an instant boost in confidence.  Almost like they shaved their insecurities away. 

Again, welcome to Sly Bald Guys.  We're here for any questions you may have.
Title: Re: Just Another Bald Head In The Crowd
Post by: joergHH on November 24, 2007, 05:26:48 AM
Adam, welcome to Sly Bald Guys!

Give you a try and shave. I'm sure, you will find, that you look bald very good!

Go on the journey through this forum and enjoy.

Title: Re: Just Another Bald Head In The Crowd
Post by: Timmay on November 24, 2007, 06:57:05 AM
Adam, we dont want to fool you and tell you that by just coming here will cure all.  But I will tell you this....This site will make the transition much easier and more widely accepted.  I wasnt going bald when i decided to shave so I guess, and I have never really thought about it this way....but I have never had to deal with the going bald issue.   BUT,  in here you will find all the support, friendship, techniques and learning how to be really cool with a sly slick noggin.  I wouldnt trade this site for anything.  I just stumbled acrossed it one day and visited and never left.  I still say Tyler has some sort of gama rays or something that emit from the monitors when you find this site and it just sucks you right in.  Once you get bitten by the site....youre stuck for life.
By looking at your picture....why not...go ahead...shave it off.  Just like everyone else will tell you, follow the tips and techniques posted by our more experienced shavers, shave it off ....see how it goes....Give it 30 days....and I guarentee you will not be growing it back.   But you always have the option of regrowing if it doesnt suit you.  And another dont have to be shaved slick to be  member up give us your experiences when you finally start to shave.  Welcome to the site bro.
Title: Re: Just Another Bald Head In The Crowd
Post by: Rob on November 24, 2007, 07:06:35 AM
That's true, TimmJ.  I, too, went bald by choice,  although i was receeding a little, but I never had to face going bald and wonder what to do about it.  Its easy for us guys with hair to say 'go ahead and shave it' - we do still have a choice, after all.  I remember a mate I had who was bald, and he shaved right down, and when i did it too, he seemed pleased, but then said at the end, 'But at least you have a choice to grow it again: I'm stuck with it.'

I never saw it that way before.  It really is a life-changing decision to go sly for all of us, but coping with the ever-increasing baldness cannot be comprehended by those of us who choose to go bald.  It's easy to just say 'go shave it', but I dont feel I'm qualified enough to give my advise when I'm only bbc.

But, do what you feel is right, and it'll be right. O0
Title: Re: Just Another Bald Head In The Crowd
Post by: Oto on November 24, 2007, 08:06:55 AM
Adam, you will look fantastic with a shaved head! If I were you, I would go for it.
Title: Re: Just Another Bald Head In The Crowd
Post by: kojakJR on November 24, 2007, 08:11:22 AM
Hey Adam first and foremost welcome. I know where you are coming from bro, I am 23 years old and I started losing my hair at the age of 19. I didn't really do anything about it until it got worse at the age of 22. When you start losing your hair you begin to notice people around you, some doing the comb over some just letting it grow and I rarely saw guys shaving their head. Well I had told myself that when I lost my hair I would never try to keep it and that I would shave it all off. Honestly from the picture you have posted the shaved look will suit you bro. Try it out I know you will be satisfied by how it makes you feel both mentally and physically.
Title: Re: Just Another Bald Head In The Crowd
Post by: PBurke on November 24, 2007, 08:33:42 AM
welcome adam. wouldn't look bad at all on ya bro.
Title: Re: Just Another Bald Head In The Crowd
Post by: Razor X on November 24, 2007, 08:38:40 AM
Hi, Adam.  Welcome to the group. I think you look OK now, but if you were to shave off the fringe, it would be a dramatic improvement.  It would make you look at least 5 years younger and a tremendous boost to your confidence.  You're in a risk-free position.  If you don't like being completely shaved, within 3 days you can have the fringe back and look like you've got a short buzz-cut.  And within two weeks it will be back at the length shown in your photo.  But I'll bet that if you try it and give it at least 30 days, you'll love it and never want to go back.

You are only a few strokes of the razor away from a whole new you.  You know that you want to try it; otherwise you wouldn't have joined this group.  The worst that can happen is you spend a few weeks with a "haircut" you don't like.  Seems like a risk well worth taking to me. 

If you need further convincing, check out the photos in the Before & After Gallery.  I challenge you to find anyone who doesn't look better in their "After" photo.  One of the best examples I can think of is our member "Champ007".  Here's a link to his "Before" photo and his steps along the way to his current look:


Now check out his profile to see how he looks today:;u=645

Dramatic improvement, isn't it?

Title: Re: Just Another Bald Head In The Crowd
Post by: schro on November 24, 2007, 08:49:23 AM
Adam, first off welcome and glad you found this site. Lots of folks from different walks of life gives you a take on most any topic imaginable. Enough about that.....

Tyler hit it right on the head (no pun intended).....LIBERATION. Based on your story, that word would probably fit. I was comfortable with my MPB as was my wife. However, I have found complete relief from the terrible dandruff-type of skin condition I have when I keep it clean shaven. For that reason alone, I plan on keeping it sly for the rest of my life.

I would always wear a baseball hat if I were out in the sun for an extended period of time. Now, I just reach for the SPF and love to show off the dome. It's a liberating feeling to be free of the burden of hair (even if it's only in a horseshoe shape).

I think Paulie, Shy, Razor and others are right. The look would look good on you and the feeling you'll have about yourself will be one that many others have shared...........WHY DIDN'T I DO THIS A LONG TIME AGO???

Title: Re: Just Another Bald Head In The Crowd
Post by: JohnMont on November 24, 2007, 11:20:21 AM
hey man.   i agree with Razor X ....    give it a try (keep the goatee ) ...  You could also try going gradually shorter on teh fringe ....  #2, #1 ;;; # 0 ...    then when you finally take a razor to it; it will be a "non-event"  as far as the world at large is concerned.    There are many "journies" to slyness on this site, mine included.  Take a look; it will help convince you and build up the confidence to 'take the next' step ... which as razorX says is not irreversable -- within days you will look like your old self if you really don't like the shaved look.

Title: Re: Just Another Bald Head In The Crowd
Post by: Paul on November 24, 2007, 05:13:03 PM
Welcome Adam, glad to have you with us.  Take the plunge bro, you can always grow it back, but as many of us have found, you probably won't want to.
Title: Re: Just Another Bald Head In The Crowd
Post by: SLYinKC on November 24, 2007, 06:11:18 PM
Welcome, Adam, Glad to have you with us.  I totally agree with everything that has been said.  I think you'll find that your best solution is just to shave it all off.  Do it gradually, if that helps.  But just do it!!!
Title: Re: Just Another Bald Head In The Crowd
Post by: BALDANDRE on November 25, 2007, 09:21:12 PM
Welcome bro!

I say this with the utmost respect..

you're too young to look THAT old brutha! You owe it to yourself and life to try shaving your head clean dude...

trust all the dudes here..

You'll LOVE having a COMPLETELY slick bald head...BY YOUR changes everything!
Title: Re: Just Another Bald Head In The Crowd
Post by: BALDANDRE on November 25, 2007, 11:49:28 PM
Here ya go bro..

on request from another bald brother on this site...

Here's a good idea of what you'll look like ...

consider it an early Christmas present! ;)

Very stone cold if you ask me...shave the dome bro, you'll look great!
Title: Re: Just Another Bald Head In The Crowd
Post by: Razor X on November 26, 2007, 08:07:21 AM
Here ya go bro..

on request from another bald brother on this site...

Here's a good idea of what you'll look like ...

consider it an early Christmas present! ;)

Very stone cold if you ask me...shave the dome bro, you'll look great!

Wow -- good job, BA!!   O0

I would say we should put to a vote as to whether "before" or "after" looks better, but I suspect there'd be a very one-sided result in favor of "after".

Adam, you gotta give it a try!!
Title: Re: Just Another Bald Head In The Crowd
Post by: herronm on November 26, 2007, 08:10:32 AM
Welcome Adam!!!  Grab your razor as fast as you can and make yourself look like BA's version of you.  You will look great SLY.

Title: Re: Just Another Bald Head In The Crowd
Post by: KALBO on November 26, 2007, 08:28:25 AM
Welcome to SBGs, Adam! 8)
Title: Re: Just Another Bald Head In The Crowd
Post by: Marz on November 26, 2007, 09:59:16 AM
Welcome Adam...

You really should shave it clean man.
Title: Re: Just Another Bald Head In The Crowd
Post by: Rob on November 26, 2007, 10:06:08 AM
Yeah just go for it.
Title: Re: Just Another Bald Head In The Crowd
Post by: Stu on November 26, 2007, 10:43:15 AM
Here ya go bro..

on request from another bald brother on this site...

Here's a good idea of what you'll look like ...

consider it an early Christmas present! ;)

Very stone cold if you ask me...shave the dome bro, you'll look great!

Wow, I'm already jealous of how good you look, and you haven't even shaved yet.  Good job Andre; you gotta be convinced now, Adam.  Go for it.
Title: Re: Just Another Bald Head In The Crowd
Post by: joergHH on November 26, 2007, 01:07:56 PM
Here ya go bro..

on request from another bald brother on this site...

Here's a good idea of what you'll look like ...

consider it an early Christmas present! ;)

Very stone cold if you ask me...shave the dome bro, you'll look great!

Very good visualisation, BA!!!

Stew, just do the deed!

Title: Re: Just Another Bald Head In The Crowd
Post by: PigPen on November 26, 2007, 04:20:43 PM
How can you deny that Adam?
Title: Re: Just Another Bald Head In The Crowd
Post by: Hawk on November 26, 2007, 04:40:28 PM
WOW!  Based on BA's chop of your pic with a clean shaved head
I think you should do it!  It looks good brotha!  DO IT!   O0
Title: Re: Just Another Bald Head In The Crowd
Post by: AdamzHedz on November 26, 2007, 08:13:29 PM
I can't thank you guys enough for all of your support and encouragement. I only wish I had stumbled upon this group a long time ago. You're an amazing support group, I'm sure you would have made the entire balding process much easier to deal with.

BALDANDRE, Thanks for the early Christmas gift, I'm completely shocked at how good it looks. It definitely does take a few years off doesn't it? Thanks man, you have no idea how much I appreciate it.

Title: Re: Just Another Bald Head In The Crowd
Post by: Geekstr on November 26, 2007, 08:30:43 PM
They are right. It's the best thing I ever did. I had a receding hair line starting at about age 20 and I looked at my Dad's hairline and said "not me", so I shaved it before it got me. I didn't have to and I probably would have been fine but now I won't ever go back. I love it and I think you will too once you do it. It only takes a short time to get used to it and your friends and family will get used to too.

It will make a world of difference with your self image and like I always say, the chicks dig it!
Title: Re: Just Another Bald Head In The Crowd
Post by: Razor X on November 26, 2007, 08:47:57 PM
I can't thank you guys enough for all of your support and encouragement. I only wish I had stumbled upon this group a long time ago. You're an amazing support group, I'm sure you would have made the entire balding process much easier to deal with.

BALDANDRE, Thanks for the early Christmas gift, I'm completely shocked at how good it looks. It definitely does take a few years off doesn't it? Thanks man, you have no idea how much I appreciate it.


Hey, Adam.  Pretty soon you'll be posting a picture of the Real McCoy.  Now that you've seen how good it will look, it will be hard to resist taking the razor to your scalp. 
Title: Re: Just Another Bald Head In The Crowd
Post by: nomad on November 26, 2007, 08:56:55 PM
Welcome Adam.

As someone who went through the going bald thing, I would say go for it bro'

I believe you'll be saying to your self "why didn't I do this sooner!"
Title: Re: Just Another Bald Head In The Crowd
Post by: BALDANDRE on November 26, 2007, 10:40:11 PM
I can't thank you guys enough for all of your support and encouragement. I only wish I had stumbled upon this group a long time ago. You're an amazing support group, I'm sure you would have made the entire balding process much easier to deal with.

BALDANDRE, Thanks for the early Christmas gift, I'm completely shocked at how good it looks. It definitely does take a few years off doesn't it? Thanks man, you have no idea how much I appreciate it.


No problem Adam...Thank RazorX too, he's the one that made the initial suggestion..

You're a natural though dude..if I saw you running around with a shaved head like the one I "shopped", I would shave my head clean the second I got home...

that is if I was stupid enough to have hair! ;)

You'll look real cool bro..get rid of that last bit of that former you..

a much cooler , "slyer" guy is waiting to come out and life brutha!

Post a pic of the real McCoy when you do the deed!
Title: Re: Just Another Bald Head In The Crowd
Post by: R o b 6 on November 26, 2007, 10:58:51 PM
Welcome, Adam! You've received some great advice, not to mention a sneak peek at the real Sly you thanks to the skill of BALDANDRE. Stick around, it only gets better.
Title: Re: Just Another Bald Head In The Crowd
Post by: AdamzHedz on November 26, 2007, 11:25:57 PM
Thanks Rob.
Title: Re: Just Another Bald Head In The Crowd
Post by: yep_yep on November 27, 2007, 06:07:06 AM
I agree with the rest of the guys; get rid of the sidehair, dude. You're the poster boy for the bald look! I know I haven't yet done the deed myself either, but as you can see in my avatar I still have some hair left on the top (I'm 25 btw so I can relate to you). I'm thinking about buzzing my hair to #0 though when the hairloss progresses.
Title: Re: Just Another Bald Head In The Crowd
Post by: D.A.L.U.I. on November 27, 2007, 10:00:22 AM
Adam, why wait, you admit you look younger Sly, and one thing all the MPB guys can guarantee is that the most consistent compliment, and there are many, that you'll get is how much younger you look.  Take it off, take the years off and live Sly!
Title: Re: Just Another Bald Head In The Crowd
Post by: warhawk on November 27, 2007, 12:56:48 PM
adam....welcome 2 the sly fraternity.  glad that ya found us.  i already know that it won't b long until u take that plunge and scrape that dome smoooooth.  why take "baby steps" when u can do and look SLY!  BA's after pic of u makes u look better but i'm sure that u already now that.  anyways.... give us an update when u finally do the deed.  i promise that u won't regret it.

Title: Re: Just Another Bald Head In The Crowd
Post by: JohnMont on November 27, 2007, 03:42:04 PM

after BA's excellent work and all the encouragement you've been given; I can't believe yu havent' done it yet !     What a radical difference.   Currently you look 'ok'   but definitely a somewhat dowdy mpb.  At least it looks dowdy compared to the sly pic ! !    what a difference!   

You know we're all right on this.  So go out and get a Fusion; lather up and be done with it.  Sly is YOUR look ...   You will never regret it