Sly Bald Guys Forum

Discussions About Being Bald => General Discussion => Topic started by: Runningman586 on November 24, 2020, 09:30:55 AM

Title: The 2nd wave
Post by: Runningman586 on November 24, 2020, 09:30:55 AM
I've been hearing talks about a second wave of a 4 to 6 week quarantine that might happen after the holidays. If this happens do you guys think there will be a second wave for guys shaving their head like the first go around?
Title: Re: The 2nd wave
Post by: reddog on November 24, 2020, 11:19:08 AM
In Minnesota, the Gov rolled things back last Friday. Bars, restaurants, gyms, etc closed for four weeks. Barbershop still allowed to operate.

I think most of the men(and women) that wanted to try a baldie haircut have done so. But maybe those that tried it for awhile will try it again. Honestly, everywhere you go there are several guys with smooth shaved heads. I liked it alot  more when I was one of the few guys that had the guts to wear a shaved head. Now I'm just another short haircut guy.

Title: Re: The 2nd wave
Post by: Runningman586 on November 25, 2020, 04:48:29 AM
That is true. There are a lot of bald guys now including me. Im hoping that if there is another one, that I can get some of my friends to take the plung this time around.
Title: Re: The 2nd wave
Post by: Semi-Sly on November 26, 2020, 06:57:30 PM
O well even in areas where the lockdowns have been lifted for a long time out of the barbershop certainly back to about 30 to 40% of their normal visits .   So many guys would never have dreamt about getting a buzz cut or shaving their head down so during Covid and I’ve now become used to it that they’re not going back to longer they’re just a bus and shaving their own heads from now on
Title: Re: The 2nd wave
Post by: clint902 on November 26, 2020, 10:23:17 PM
Oh I don't know much about human nature but in my case back in 98, my daughters school had an epidemic of bugs and were passing it around so the parents, grandparents and kids were putting that stuff in their hair so I just shaved my head...problem solved! :)  So I think people look for a way to explain why they shaved their head.  I also think that maybe everyone wants to try it at least once but needs a reason for doing it.  At least I did!