Sly Bald Guys Forum

New Member Section => Introductions => Topic started by: 6marcos9 on May 29, 2018, 12:22:27 PM

Title: New guy!
Post by: 6marcos9 on May 29, 2018, 12:22:27 PM
Hello! I'm new here and just kinda curious about everything.

I'm not bald, but every couple of years I have to shave my hair off as part of a check to make sure I don't have skin cancer. I've always buzzed it down just short enough to meet the doctor's requirements before, but this year I've been thinking about going all the way.

I would be delighted to hear anything anyone would like to share: what it's like, how it feels, what to expect, etc... Any and all advice is most welcome too. I've always wanted to go totally bald, but never have.

Thanks in advance!
Title: Re: New guy!
Post by: wpruitt on May 29, 2018, 12:55:22 PM
Title: Re: New guy!
Post by: 6marcos9 on May 29, 2018, 01:25:40 PM
Thank you!
Title: Re: New guy!
Post by: nuts on May 29, 2018, 01:32:06 PM
Have a look at all the different topics and posts and you will find lots of information from thers who have  made  the  same journey.  As you have already been used to a very short buzz going with the razor is only a small  further  step.

Although many of us here are possibly  a bit biased the recurring  theme  is  "why didn't  I  do  this  sooner".

Adding some facial hair is also popular with many.

Go for it and good  luck.   Don't foget sunscreen.
Title: Re: New guy!
Post by: 6marcos9 on May 29, 2018, 01:45:40 PM
Thank you! I appreciate your suggestions!
Title: Re: New guy!
Post by: reddog on May 29, 2018, 01:52:30 PM
I'm not sure how short you've been cutting it, but if you clippered down to a 1 or 2, shaving won't look much different but the feel will be awesome. Also, it will grow back to a buzzcut in a couple of weeks.

You have a good reason to try a headshave for your exam! I used the dermatitis I get on my head to shave it off as it disappears when I shave daily, as an excuse. Now I just tell people I love sporting a bald head.

I would say try a shaved head. Most guys here love it, and won't go back to hair.
Title: Re: New guy!
Post by: 6marcos9 on May 29, 2018, 05:44:56 PM
Thanks for the input. I'm like 99% sure I'm going all the way this time. I just want to make sure I get it right when the time comes.
Title: Re: New guy!
Post by: Semi-Sly on May 29, 2018, 10:48:07 PM
Hello! I'm new here and just kinda curious about everything.

I'm not bald, but every couple of years I have to shave my hair off as part of a check to make sure I don't have skin cancer. I've always buzzed it down just short enough to meet the doctor's requirements before, but this year I've been thinking about going all the way.

I would be delighted to hear anything anyone would like to share: what it's like, how it feels, what to expect, etc... Any and all advice is most welcome too. I've always wanted to go totally bald, but never have.

Thanks in advance!

I have the same situation!

I shave my for at least half of every year anyway but I do exactly the same thing for the same reason.  But I always shave it all the way down because that way the Doc can hit it with the laser and not not have to worry about a hair follicle starting on fire, etc.  In fact, since I am right dow n to the skin when I see him he uses his laser to but to break up the brown pigmented  (oldman) "liver spots he sees on my scalp - so my beautiful bald head can look its very best!

And I don't understand that if you have already buzzed it down really close why you would deny yourself the pleasure of  getting and having your head clean shaven.  Your almost there so why miss out on such a great look and feeling?
Title: Re: New guy!
Post by: Magoo on May 30, 2018, 07:53:40 AM
Just a comment on the brown spots. It’s caused by sun exposure and age. I worked out doors all my life and have the spots on my hands only a few faint ones on my head. Would have had them if I didn’t wear a hat in the sun . If you want to avoid them wear a hat , sun block alone really not enough protection. Just my two cents.
Title: Re: New guy!
Post by: 6marcos9 on May 30, 2018, 01:33:34 PM
Thanks for the input. I agree it's not really that big a deal to razor it down the rest of the way, considering how short it is already. Rationally, I know this, but it's always seemed like such a huge step that I've never been able to actually take it. I'm not sure why I make such a big distinction between the two, but I can't seem to shake it.
Title: Re: New guy!
Post by: Magoo on May 30, 2018, 02:13:02 PM
Not being bald and having a reasonable head of hair makes shaving a bigger decision . When your half bald like myself , not that bigger deal.

Welcome to SBG .
Title: Re: New guy!
Post by: 6marcos9 on May 30, 2018, 03:18:52 PM
Thanks for the welcome! I think you hit a big part of my hesitation. I'm not even remotely thinning. I have a full head of hair and probably won't ever thin, looking at the rest of my family. I just really want the nerve to try being bald.