Sly Bald Guys Forum

Discussions About Being Bald => 30 Day Rule / Beginners Section => Topic started by: tafinney on March 22, 2016, 07:30:06 PM

Title: Today was the day!!!
Post by: tafinney on March 22, 2016, 07:30:06 PM
Hi! Long time lurker, first time poster.... I made the decision to that my follicle issues into my own hands today.

I must say, be careful what you wish for as you just might get it.
I have had Alopecia for about two years now. I do not grow hair (except the immature clear/white ones) on my face anymore, save for my "soul patch" which is about 1/8 of an inch long after almost two months of growth. I loved having a goatee, but those days are sadly gone. I have never enjoyed shaving my face and always wished that I would stop growing facial hair so I could stop shaving.... well.... I got it.... now I don't want it.
I have always had short hair by choice. My hair had not grown past two inches or so on top since 1989 when I entered the Army. After I got out, I still maintained a very short, neat haircut (0 or 1 on the sides and 1.5 to 2 inches on top).
Well... the Alopecia went north and gave me fist sized bald spots on top of my head. The one that bugged me most was right at the front, between my eyes. When the wind blew across me, the hair that I had grown out would fly up in the air and it was like a small spotlight on my head. About a quarter of the back and sides of my head were also affected.
I grew my hair out so that it would cover these annoying patches, but I was still very self conscious about them. I told my wife I wanted to shave my head about a year ago and that was met with... resistance... to put it mildly.
 The other week I mentioned it again and she said that I should not go bald for one spot on the front of my head and a small one on the back. I lifted the back of may hair to show her the extent and she said, "oh, crap." I finally had her... "permission"... sort of. (read both resistance and permission with dripping sarcasm)

So, I decided to plan a grand farewell party for my hair at a local barbershop. I figured I would get it done professionally the first time, then I will take over after that.
At 5:35pm EST, I got Sly.
It feels weird, shocks me in the mirror when I look, and I think I am not somewhat shorter... but I am free of the burden of embarrassment over what happens when someone sees my condition. It is still visible because there is minor stubble on my head... but it looks good overall.

I have taken the advice of the people that commented on Alopecia here, bought the Headblade ATX system with the Slick, will get set up with the standing order delivery when I figure out how fast I go through products for shaving, and would like to order a 2XL SBG tshirt in grey when they are in stock (or even a window decal if there are any).

Thank you for this site and its members as I feel more calm and confident in my decision to be Sly about my brain pan.
Title: Re: Today was the day!!!
Post by: warhawk on March 22, 2016, 08:24:00 PM
Hi Tafinney:  Welcome to the sly fraternity.  Congrats and enjoy the sly life.  I know I am.

Title: Re: Today was the day!!!
Post by: Sir Harry on March 22, 2016, 08:48:58 PM
Welcome aboard and congratulations! Give the Mrs. time, the 30 day rule is for you and others to adjust.
Title: Re: Today was the day!!!
Post by: kerryman on March 23, 2016, 05:19:13 AM
well come .A mate of mine had those patches for while but they eventually stopped appearing .He is still sly anyway as MPB got him as well !!!lol . Best of luck to you and look grand 
Title: Re: Today was the day!!!
Post by: armiller17 on March 23, 2016, 07:48:10 PM
Congrats on taking the plunge!  We both went for total shave about a day apart.  See you on the  other side of the 30 days.
Title: Re: Today was the day!!!
Post by: Razor X on March 23, 2016, 09:14:27 PM
Welcome to the sly side!
Title: Re: Today was the day!!!
Post by: tobler1 on March 24, 2016, 04:28:06 AM
Welcome.  I hope you're enjoying the new look.
Title: Re: Today was the day!!!
Post by: stasiu on March 24, 2016, 05:27:45 PM
Title: Re: Today was the day!!!
Post by: tafinney on April 26, 2016, 07:22:45 AM
I have recently crossed the 30 day mark for shaving my head. I did miss one day due to illness, but I am still good with it. My finding are that the 30 day project is a great idea.
It gets you into a consistent habit, which is necessary for any long term task, and it toughens up, or conditions, your scalp for daily shaving.
I am very happy with my decision to go sly because I no longer have to worry if my Alopecia spots are showing due to the wind blowing my hair up... I just don't have that problem anymore.
You can definitely see the spots now, as you can see where the hair is growing and where it is not... but I am bald... so who the f#ck cares? I love it. My confidence is through the roof where the top of my head is concerned.
Now... my wife on the other hand... not real happy with it. She has touched my head maybe once in the last 6 weeks or so. But... it was not her problem to deal with, so IDGAF.
I started with the Headblade gear for the first week before I realized that it was not made for my type of head. My hair grows in every direction imaginable, so I have to attack my hair in every way possible. The Headblade, while a great concept, is not for me. I immediately moved to the 6 blade Gillette Fuzion Proglide razor with the dual lube strips. LOVE IT!!! I had a few nicks the first couple times, but none thereafter.

Thank you for having this page available. It helped me to make the transition from follically challenged to sly.
Title: Re: Today was the day!!!
Post by: Cave Dweller on April 26, 2016, 10:55:24 AM
Sorry I missed your first post, Tafinney, but congratulations on taking control of your situation and on finishing the thirty days. I am glad you are happy with the look.

I also found my old Fusion worked better for me than the HeadBlade. We all have our own style and method.
Title: Re: Today was the day!!!
Post by: AJ Q-Ball on April 26, 2016, 07:35:15 PM
Congrats tafinney! It's an awesome feeling. I also found the Headblade to not suit me.
Title: Re: Today was the day!!!
Post by: mrzed on April 26, 2016, 07:51:42 PM
Welcome, as well.

Missed your earlier posts, too.

Maybe your wife will need more than 30 days.

My wife was not too crazy at first. Did not like the feel of the shaved head. But now she likes it. Also says she can find me in a crowd if there are not too many other sly bald guys present!