Sly Bald Guys Forum

Discussions About Being Bald => 30 Day Rule / Beginners Section => Topic started by: Ryhaines on January 14, 2016, 09:14:09 PM

Title: 19 w/ shaved head. Feedback? Tips? Opinons?
Post by: Ryhaines on January 14, 2016, 09:14:09 PM
Hello all, I am 19 years old & have been facing the dreaded hair loss since I was about 17. Ever since, I've been cutting my hair with no guard & recently shaved it all off. This seems to be my only option because when I do try to grow my hair out, there is a huge bald spot on the crown of my head & my hair is receeding. I've decided being bald is how I'm destined to be. I've always been self conscious about my appearence & hair loss, always trying to avoid talking about it. Do you guys think my shaved head looks even half decent, or am I completely screwed? (
Title: Re: 19 w/ shaved head. Feedback? Tips? Opinons?
Post by: nuts on January 14, 2016, 10:30:04 PM
I think the bald head looks fine but personally  I  would  trim the beard a bit  neater.  Not bad for 19 year old and you should  persevere with bald/bearded combo.
Title: Re: 19 w/ shaved head. Feedback? Tips? Opinons?
Post by: Sir Harry on January 14, 2016, 11:28:15 PM
I think it looks great with the beard.
Title: Re: 19 w/ shaved head. Feedback? Tips? Opinons?
Post by: Hingatao on January 15, 2016, 01:25:27 PM
I think you look good bald.
Title: Re: 19 w/ shaved head. Feedback? Tips? Opinons?
Post by: mrzed on January 15, 2016, 08:39:20 PM
Bald looks good on you. The beard looks a bit unruly.  Keep the beard, but a trim will sharpen the look.

Title: Re: 19 w/ shaved head. Feedback? Tips? Opinons?
Post by: beardbald on January 16, 2016, 02:51:33 AM
Looks great! Love the beard!
Title: Re: 19 w/ shaved head. Feedback? Tips? Opinons?
Post by: Hieu Tran on January 16, 2016, 09:04:23 AM
I think trimming the beard a bit shorter would be great and you will look younger since your face seem so young for the beard.
Title: Re: 19 w/ shaved head. Feedback? Tips? Opinons?
Post by: Slim_ on January 16, 2016, 01:27:47 PM
There is no reason you should feel self-conscious about your look. You look good. I too started showing signs of hair loose around 19 and began hiding my head under a hat when I was 23. I wish so much I had manned-up back than. My life would've been so much better.

My hat is off to you metaphorically speaking.

The bread looks good. But I agree with others, a trim might improve it. Not sure. Experiment with it. See what works and what suits your personality/life style. You've got a domed head that looks good shaved -- a monument to cranial architecture -- wear it proudly.
Title: Re: 19 w/ shaved head. Feedback? Tips? Opinons?
Post by: invaray on January 17, 2016, 03:07:49 PM
Kind of hard to comment, it is quite blurry like a photo shopped image, but from what can be seen you look fine.
Title: Re: 19 w/ shaved head. Feedback? Tips? Opinons?
Post by: Ryhaines on January 17, 2016, 10:54:42 PM
Hello everyone, thank you for your comments. Yesterday, I went to the barber & had my beard trimmed. Wasn't too confident in my beard trimming abilities, lol. It was funny though, walked into the barber shop with my bald head and asked for a #3 all around, haha. Have been letting my beard grow for the past 5 months & just didn't want to mess with it. But it looks a lot better, sideburns were trimmed and looks very neat.
Title: Re: 19 w/ shaved head. Feedback? Tips? Opinons?
Post by: Ryhaines on January 17, 2016, 10:57:53 PM
Kind of hard to comment, it is quite blurry like a photo shopped image, but from what can be seen you look fine.
& I know. It's not photo shopped, my camera is broken on my phone. Think my camera lense got water in it, and now it's sensitive to the light. & thank you.
Title: Re: 19 w/ shaved head. Feedback? Tips? Opinons?
Post by: 4fit on January 18, 2016, 04:35:59 PM
I dont think you have anything to be worried about. You are a good looking guy, you'll do fine.
Title: Re: 19 w/ shaved head. Feedback? Tips? Opinons?
Post by: Jordan1991 on January 28, 2016, 04:15:54 AM
Looks awesome! I must say that's one epic beard  O0
Title: Re: 19 w/ shaved head. Feedback? Tips? Opinons?
Post by: amatlock2778 on March 02, 2016, 10:44:18 PM
Hello everyone, thank you for your comments. Yesterday, I went to the barber & had my beard trimmed. Wasn't too confident in my beard trimming abilities, lol. It was funny though, walked into the barber shop with my bald head and asked for a #3 all around, haha. Have been letting my beard grow for the past 5 months & just didn't want to mess with it. But it looks a lot better, sideburns were trimmed and looks very neat.

Im in agreement with everyone here, bald suits you. The beard did look kinda unruly, glad you got it trimmed, would love to see how you look now with the trim.
Title: Re: 19 w/ shaved head. Feedback? Tips? Opinons?
Post by: kuzio on March 03, 2016, 12:30:22 AM
Epic facial hair and great look, I wish I could grow it out like that! 😆
Title: Re: 19 w/ shaved head. Feedback? Tips? Opinons?
Post by: peachnasty82 on March 04, 2016, 08:18:58 AM
I'm with the other guys, you look perfectly fine with a bald head, but clean the beard up. You have a clean, smooth head from the looks of it.