Sly Bald Guys Forum

Head Shaving, Grooming & Care => Head Shaving Product Reviews => Topic started by: X The Hierophant on August 15, 2007, 12:30:54 PM

Title: Tried the Atra's on my Headblade Sport ...
Post by: X The Hierophant on August 15, 2007, 12:30:54 PM
I have been using the Headblade Triples on my Headblade sport for several weeks now and thought I'd experiment a little and give the Atra's a go.  Here are the results:

(1) Half the cost of the HeadBlade Triples
(2) Easier to find in stores (much more commonly stocked)
(3) Got the closest shave I have ever gotten.  I even got my two problem spots for the first time!

(1) I cut my head twice.  I have never before cut my head with the HeadBlade Triples in weeks of shaving
(2) I got a good bit of razor burn (also something I didn't get with the HeadBlade Triples)

In sum I got a very close shave ... a little too close really.  I plan to keep trying ... maybe I can change my technique or something to compensate for the difference...
Title: Re: Tried the Atra's on my Headblade Sport ...
Post by: Tyler on August 15, 2007, 04:22:56 PM
Yeah, I find that they give a much nicer shave than the trips.  Next, try the Sensor Excel blades.  I found they give just as close of a shave but with are less likely to get cut from them.
Title: Re: Tried the Atra's on my Headblade Sport ...
Post by: Stu on August 15, 2007, 04:53:01 PM
I wouldn't give up so quickly on the Atra blades.  It could be that since they're new/different to your head, you might just have to be more careful initially.  I'm sure I would have to adjust how I shave just a bit because of the newness of a different blade.  A blade is a blade is a blade is not a true statement.
Title: Re: Tried the Atra's on my Headblade Sport ...
Post by: xnewyawka on August 16, 2007, 08:34:15 PM
I am going to try the Atra doubles and then the Sensors.
My question is; do they both fit on the adaptor that came with the HB Sport?

Title: Re: Tried the Atra's on my Headblade Sport ...
Post by: warhawk on August 16, 2007, 08:44:44 PM
I am going to try the Atra doubles and then the Sensors.
My question is; do they both fit on the adaptor that came with the HB Sport?

xnewyawka...... yes they both fit your hb sport.  we have a lot of r sly brahs who use the atra doubles & sensors.    from researching, i think the sensors will do a better job.  keep us posted & c ya 'round the forum.

Title: Re: Tried the Atra's on my Headblade Sport ...
Post by: Tyler on August 16, 2007, 09:40:14 PM
I am going to try the Atra doubles and then the Sensors.
My question is; do they both fit on the adaptor that came with the HB Sport?

They are different adapters, but both adapters should come with the Sport.
Title: Re: Tried the Atra's on my Headblade Sport ...
Post by: xnewyawka on August 16, 2007, 10:36:04 PM
Tyler, My HB came with only one additional adaptor (black), which they say on the enclosed instructions will be compatible with the Atra's.
I bought mine at CVS. Maybe when you order from HB direct you get the extra adaptor?
I will try to see if the sensor's will fit on this adaptor too.

Title: Re: Tried the Atra's on my Headblade Sport ...
Post by: Timmay on August 17, 2007, 12:15:36 AM
NO WAY IN HELL I WILL GO BACK TO THOSE.  I went and bought some Matrix3 plus titanium....ok now there is a good blade.  Never nicked my self once wiht those.  The Atra's...i was getting 2-3 nicks per shave on those damn things.  Im sorry I know some of you all use them...but hey I got a pack of 10 and a pack of 9 left...anyone want them?  I will be glad to send them to you FREE OF CHARGE . I will even pay the postage.
I think what I really need to do is get on line and order some headblade ones.  Those were teh best.  I did give my orginal antoher try tonight...just not as close anymore...still sharp and no gashes...but it was time to retire it after about 6 weeks.  I will mount and frame it I think.  LOL   :/O
Title: Re: Tried the Atra's on my Headblade Sport ...
Post by: Tyler on August 17, 2007, 02:18:56 AM
Tyler, My HB came with only one additional adaptor (black), which they say on the enclosed instructions will be compatible with the Atra's.
I bought mine at CVS. Maybe when you order from HB direct you get the extra adaptor?
I will try to see if the sensor's will fit on this adaptor too.


If you have a sport, the black adapter fits the sensor blades and the yellow adapter fits the atra blades.

Here's the sensor:  (

Here's the atra: (
Title: Re: Tried the Atra's on my Headblade Sport ...
Post by: Paul on August 17, 2007, 04:09:02 AM
Hey Joe, when I got my sport it only came with the yellow adapter and I order directly from HeadBlade.  I emailed Mac at HeadBlade and they sent me Sensor adapters at no charge.
Title: Re: Tried the Atra's on my Headblade Sport ...
Post by: JDog on August 17, 2007, 10:19:12 AM
I use my HB classic with Sensor double blades and get a really close shave. The Atra blades work okay but I find them to not last as many shaves and they tend to jump a bit during the back to front against the grain shave.

I got the HB sensor adaptors free when I bought the 20pack double HB kit.
Title: Re: Tried the Atra's on my Headblade Sport ...
Post by: xnewyawka on August 17, 2007, 11:46:24 AM
Thanks Guys, I am clear on the adaptor's now. I will try my Atra double with much trepidation seeing as how many of you are not fond of them.
I do believe the Sensors will be much better because I have used them on my face and find them to be one of my favorite blades.
I will be sure to let you know the outcome when I change it.

My Original HB triple is still working pretty well tho'.
I have been getting my smoothest yet, but that could also be because I am getting better at using the HB period.
I can't stop rubbing my smooth dome! You guy's were right!

Title: Re: Tried the Atra's on my Headblade Sport ...
Post by: Timmay on August 18, 2007, 10:42:03 AM
told ya "New"  after a clean fresh shave ...I think it is just customary to rub the noggin....just be careful not to rub the skin off. 
Today is the first day I didnt shave when I woke up.  I was too tired after a full night of taking my son to WWE and seeing his "IDOL"  LOL John his arms are HUGE
Anyways...I dont like the atra's  I have been using the matrix 3 blades...they seem to be doing fairly well...but still I get a few nicks here and there ...but as with the headblade original blade..i didnt get those.
Title: Re: Tried the Atra's on my Headblade Sport ...
Post by: xnewyawka on August 18, 2007, 10:48:44 AM
Hey Tim, I have seen the matrix 3 in My local CVS, was wondering about them. Do they fit on the original adaptor on the HB sport, or the Atra adaptor?

Title: Re: Tried the Atra's on my Headblade Sport ...
Post by: Timmay on August 18, 2007, 11:49:09 AM
I use the yellow adapter. You have to take the silvery gray thing off of the matrix3 and then it will fit on the yellow adapter.  Good luck
Title: Re: Tried the Atra's on my Headblade Sport ...
Post by: xnewyawka on August 18, 2007, 12:50:20 PM
Well guys I just got finished shaving with the Atra plus on my HB, and am happy to announce it went very well.   O0

I am so relieved I can use my atra's. After I read X's review I was worried, but like I said, I took it slow and deliberate, and I found they shave quite well and I got good feedback from it.
I changed up my routine today and used the Sensor to shave my face and then clean up. Overall, I feel I got very close today, one of the closest yet, especially in back. I will continue to try all combinations, I think it will be good to be able to handle using all blades; if any one else has noticed each one has a different feel and heft.
I am very psyched that I got through it without being " peeled" like X felt. But I do agree on all the other points.
One thing you guys, did you make sure you put the cartridge on the right way? That may have been an issue if you were heading the wrong way.
Just a thought.

Title: Re: Tried the Atra's on my Headblade Sport ...
Post by: JDog on August 20, 2007, 08:57:14 AM

Glad to hear you had good results with the Atras. I guess there is a lot of different variables that might cause one blade to work well for someone and not so well for another. I think head shape and the various,scraps,scars,dents etc will affect this. I found when I used the Atras I always nicked this keloid scar that I have right smack dab on back of my melon.

Shine On O0
Title: Re: Tried the Atra's on my Headblade Sport ...
Post by: X The Hierophant on August 20, 2007, 09:03:51 AM
Glad it worked for you man.  Yeah, I had it put on the right direction ... I just don't think that blade and my head get along.  Every head is different and I'm glad it works with yours  O0

As a side-note I took Tyler's advice and gave the sensor blades a go.  I was hesitant since the sensors are double blades (just like the dreaded atras  :Xo!) but they worked like a charm.  No nicks and a close shave.   ;D
Title: Re: Tried the Atra's on my Headblade Sport ...
Post by: xnewyawka on August 20, 2007, 08:38:49 PM
Hey X,  glad to hear you found a blade you can"live" with, lol.

It is true everyones head will have a different shape, or bumps , scars etc. , like JDog has said. Thus, nicks and cuts, slices, peels? 
I will be trying the Sensors next and hope I do okay with those as well. You never know. I have said in other posts I will continue to use each blade as long as I get a good shave from it; In the Headblade, of course.
I will have to give shaving with a razor like Mach III or Fusion a try, as some guys swear by them. Cleaning up with the Mach III and Sensor has been good, so I imagine a shave will be the same. Anyway, keep the head slick and smooth!
And that is one eerie avatar, those atra's really got to you , huh? lol.

Title: Re: Tried the Atra's on my Headblade Sport ...
Post by: Medic aka Rocko on August 20, 2007, 09:04:26 PM
When I first started headblading, the atra was the only blade that you could use, so that's been my workhorse.  I rarely cut or nick myself.  I think its a matter of not only preference but what you're used to using, (like muscle memory).   I've tried the Headblade triple, it kept skipping over.  I've tried the sensor excel, it wasn't bad, and I could get used to it if I had to.  On a straight handle, a Sensor Excel and Mach III are good.  I didn't like the feeling at all shaving the head with the Fusion, although that's what I use after my headblade to get the bad angle areas.
Title: Re: Tried the Atra's on my Headblade Sport ...
Post by: frostillicus123 on August 22, 2007, 12:30:41 PM
my sensor blade broke on me, i'm going to put in an order, but i'm figuring what else i want from HB, think i might order a couple of T's and maybe a hoodie...

Tyler you should hook up with HB and get some adaptors in your online store here, that way i can get a few SBG T's with sensor adaptors.
Title: Re: Tried the Atra's on my Headblade Sport ...
Post by: JDog on August 23, 2007, 07:01:03 AM
Has anyone ever purchased the 20pack HB double blade accessory pack? There is 1 Sensor adaptor included in it and 2 Atra adaptors.

Yeah a HB/SBG alliance would be cool as hell.
Title: Re: Tried the Atra's on my Headblade Sport ...
Post by: X The Hierophant on August 23, 2007, 07:17:19 AM

And that is one eerie avatar, those atra's really got to you , huh? lol.


Yep, I was so pissed after the Atra's I had to be restrained  gu!l+)

I am wanting to give the headblade doubles a shot before I settle down on one razor.  So far the Sensors are my favorite.

I'm curious to find out how you will like the Sensors as well...
Title: Re: Tried the Atra's on my Headblade Sport ...
Post by: xnewyawka on August 23, 2007, 09:40:39 AM
X, awaiting your review of the HB doubles. I think this may push you over the edge. Call in the team of psychiatrist's, Dr. Lecter is at it again,lol.
Title: Re: Tried the Atra's on my Headblade Sport ...
Post by: Bald_freak on August 23, 2007, 02:23:50 PM
yeah X, it sucks when the skin comes off with the hair  :o
Title: Re: Tried the Atra's on my Headblade Sport ...
Post by: X The Hierophant on August 23, 2007, 03:54:37 PM
X, awaiting your review of the HB doubles. I think this may push you over the edge. Call in the team of psychiatrist's, Dr. Lecter is at it again,lol.

You know it man.  When a razor repeatedly causes blood to flow from my head I get pissed.  (H@
Title: Re: Tried the Atra's on my Headblade Sport ...
Post by: X The Hierophant on August 23, 2007, 03:56:05 PM
yeah X, it sucks when the skin comes off with the hair  :o

Agreed man.
Title: Re: Tried the Atra's on my Headblade Sport ...
Post by: Bald_freak on August 24, 2007, 05:43:48 PM
I forgot to shave for work one time. my boss took a cheap razor off the shelf and made me go shave. My dumb @$$ decided to do the melon too. Damn thing took a strip of flesh off. it was dangling from the razor. Right at my hairline!!! I had to spend the rest off the day with a friggin sesame street bandaide on my fore head.
Title: Re: Tried the Atra's on my Headblade Sport ...
Post by: xnewyawka on August 24, 2007, 07:50:14 PM
That must have really s**ked.   g@@4  I haven't had any serious nicks yet. knock wood.
Title: Re: Tried the Atra's on my Headblade Sport ...
Post by: Tom.Net on August 31, 2007, 06:02:14 AM
I started with the HB Classic and Atras, but switched a few moths back to the HB Sport and Sensor 3s (use the black adapter that comes with the HB Sport). I get way fewer nicks and cuts (almost none) with the Sensor 3s, and I get a a week's worth of shaves from each blade (I only got 2-3 shaves from the Atra).