Sly Bald Guys Forum

Head Shaving, Grooming & Care => Safety Razor Head Shaving => Topic started by: Cap on September 07, 2014, 06:42:11 PM

Title: Took the plunge!!!
Post by: Cap on September 07, 2014, 06:42:11 PM
Just ordered me a Edwin Jagger DE89L for the dome. It came in a set, so I'll get their brush, soap and stand. Also ordered shave secret and a 50 razor variety pack. And a case of band aids! So hopefully that'll get me started.

I was looking at the Merkur razors, and there was a lot of good reviews, but so many people use the EJ that I figured it's got to be a good one to start with. It might take a bit to get good at, but don't they all. And, knowing me, I'll be buying another later on for variety.

Should get it next week, so I'll post my adventures with it. For the mean time, gotta catch up on the how-to videos and secrets of the art.
Title: Re: Took the plunge!!!
Post by: Mike E. P. on September 07, 2014, 08:18:27 PM
That was my first one; I started DE shaving last February.  It's a beauty.  For me, the learning curve wasn't too steep.  I paid attention to the guys here - don't apply pressure - let the razor do the work.  And small slow strokes worked for me. 

I was lucky - never really cut myself much.  I started on my face but soon went for the head.  My first shaves were so-so.  There were times I thought of going back to my Mach 3, but fortunately I didn't quit.  Now I am getting amazing shaves and really enjoy the process to boot.

Since that first purchase I've bought 2 vintage Gillettes, which I love, and also a Pearl - a brand I never heard of but saw on Amazon.  I am a sucker for good looks and a reasonable price.

Have fun, Cap!

Title: Re: Took the plunge!!!
Post by: warhawk on September 08, 2014, 09:17:08 AM
Hi Cap:  Congrats on taking the plunge on the traditional way of shaving.  Keep us posted on your journey.  You can PM me or post up any questions.  You got a great razor in the EJ89L. 

Title: Re: Took the plunge!!!
Post by: Goatee on September 09, 2014, 05:41:28 AM
I used to have one of those. Nice Razor

Been using a Mach 3 for ages now as had no DE as sold my EJ. Ordered a Progress today so i will be back to DE shaving soon!
Title: Re: Took the plunge!!!
Post by: greatnessinc on September 09, 2014, 07:27:05 PM
It takes more time, but once you've got it figured out than you can speed up the process. Everyone has varied hair growth so figure out which ways your hair grows. Go with the grain for a few weeks to get adjusted to the process before venturing into the against the grain territory.
It may seem intimidating at first but I assure you it's actually safer than other methods of shaving.
Title: Re: Took the plunge!!!
Post by: tmarion on September 09, 2014, 11:52:56 PM
I had been lurking in the DE world for months thinking about taking the plunge and did about a month back.  Purchased an M8 from Maggards and something like 35 different types of blades to try out. 

First shave didn't go too well and each shave since gets better.  I'm still far from a pro and go back to using my fusion when I need a quick shave.  I'm committed and will get my technique perfected.

Title: Re: Took the plunge!!!
Post by: Cap on September 10, 2014, 04:08:48 PM
What types of products and routine have you used so far tmarion? I just received my variety pack of blades today, but still waiting on the jagger to arrive.
Thanks for the advice. :)

I've been using the Mach3 so far. I found a mole on the back of my head the other day. It wasn't good. Talk about bleeding. Thought I'd never get it to stop. Now I'm slowing down more and taking my time, and staying away from the gash until it heals. :-/
Also waking up earlier in the morning preparing myself for the extra time I know I'll need for the DE shaving that starts next week.
Still reading everyone's posts and watching vids.
Title: Re: Took the plunge!!!
Post by: greatnessinc on September 10, 2014, 04:40:16 PM
A RazoRock alum block helps seal up cuts, In my early days I used to need it more often but not as much these days now that I'm a vet.
Title: Re: Took the plunge!!!
Post by: warhawk on September 10, 2014, 06:09:51 PM
@Cap & Tmarion:  Congrats on entering the traditional way of shaving.  It took me about a week to get comfortable with my face shaves and about a month to get comfortable with my head shaves.  Patience, good prep, no pressure on razor/blade, good prep, and did I say good prep will help out.  Good prep is neglected.  Remember to take it slow and do not rush.  Above all enjoy the process of the traditional way of shaving.  Keep us posted.

Title: Re: Took the plunge!!!
Post by: Goatee on September 11, 2014, 02:18:08 AM
As for the mole, i had one on the side of my head which bled so i had it sliced off! Massive difference now as can relax shaving that area.
Title: Re: Took the plunge!!!
Post by: Cap on September 11, 2014, 05:28:28 AM
That's a good idea Goatee!!!! I'll get the doc to get it next time I'm in. Thanks. :)
Title: Re: Took the plunge!!!
Post by: Goatee on September 11, 2014, 05:32:09 AM
Great. Took a week to heal and then tender shaving but after a very short time i was shaving normal. Such a relief!
Title: Re: Took the plunge!!!
Post by: on September 11, 2014, 03:40:35 PM
Congrats -  also the goatee is great.  I have had mine now for 3 months and finally like it.
Although salt and pepper, it looks better than the few times I used just for men beard.
Title: Re: Took the plunge!!!
Post by: Cap on September 11, 2014, 08:52:25 PM
Thanks 02. Yeah, I no like just go men. El natural is always better. :)
Title: Re: Took the plunge!!!
Post by: Cap on September 18, 2014, 11:45:39 AM
The Jagger should be coming today. So I'm waiting to shave.
Question: can you use wet soap and brush with a Mach 3. I was going to shave with DE WTG and then use the Mach ATG till I get used to the DE. Will the Mach work?
Title: Re: Took the plunge!!!
Post by: Cap on September 18, 2014, 06:41:23 PM
Finally received my Jagger. Beautiful razor. Pictures don't do it justice.
I loaded it up with a Murkar Platinum, jagger brush and Jagger soap and went at it. I didn't get a good lather, something I have to practice, but the shave was great!
I had plans to just go WTG and then use my Mach for against. But it went so good I lathered back up and went at it ATG. Wow. Talk about close.
It is a lot more aggressive than a Mach.  I can tell it will take my dome a little bit to get used to it.
But it's not as difficult as I thought it would be. If it's not cutting, then the angle is wrong. I did find out that it will cut you. But not too bad this time. :)
Title: Re: Took the plunge!!!
Post by: Mike E. P. on September 19, 2014, 02:10:38 PM
I found the same thing. SHaving with a DE was not as scary as I thought. Slow and steady with little pressure has kept me mostly nick free. When I do have a mishap, it's usually when I am daydreaming or in a hurry.
Title: Re: Took the plunge!!!
Post by: on September 19, 2014, 03:16:25 PM
What shaving device is it you are talking about.  Is it a razor?  I am very interested so let me know and where to get it.
Title: Re: Took the plunge!!!
Post by: Cap on September 19, 2014, 03:41:23 PM
The razor I'm using is a Edwin Jagger DE89bl, (
I got mine in a set that had a brush and stand.
Title: Re: Took the plunge!!!
Post by: Mike E. P. on September 19, 2014, 04:51:46 PM
02, we're talking about double edge safety razors, what our dads or granddads probably used.
Title: Re: Took the plunge!!!
Post by: Cap on October 06, 2014, 07:36:30 PM
I've been shaving with my Jagger every day since receiving it. Trying different techniques and razors. I usually go WRG then XTG with safety razor and then ATG with Mach 3. I've been going ATG the last week with Razor, but would have to go back with the Mach and get all that I missed. The one thing I've learned is that all the razors shave differently. The ones I've found that I like are Murkor, Astra and Dorco. Derby and Feather is unusable to me for some reason.
Today was the very first day I tried the Dorco 301's and didn't have to use my Mach 3. It's probably has more to do with just getting experience with DE shaving. But for a low cost razor, Dorcos are great.
One more day closer to tossing the cartrages!!!
Title: Re: Took the plunge!!!
Post by: Goatee on October 07, 2014, 01:48:07 AM
I would love to stick with a DE 100% but for now that is a no no. Been using a DE for quite some time now but i do find the Mach 3 an easier shave as no worries about cuts etc however hard i go!

I always tend to be a bit nervous with the DE but that is only ever at the front of my head, by the front sides as that is where i tend to cut myself with a DE. I wont give up with a DE though as it does give a close shave. I have lots of different blades and do try dif ones now and again. I am careful to not press with the DE, only letting the weight of the razor do the work. This i dont have to worry about with the Mach 3.

Just went a couple days without shaving head and hated it!! Shaved this morning with the Mach 3 and so much better.

Guys, have to just say, this forum is awesome!! You are such a great bunch of guys. God bless you all!!
Title: Re: Took the plunge!!!
Post by: reddog on October 07, 2014, 05:57:43 AM
Thanks Cap, I haven't tried the Dorco,s yet. I agree with you Goatee, and I enjoy your posts.
Title: Re: Took the plunge!!!
Post by: warhawk on October 07, 2014, 07:36:55 AM
Hi Cap:  Glad that you are enjoying your safety razor journey.  Kindly post some pics in the Safety Razor Section of the Forum.

Title: Re: Took the plunge!!!
Post by: Cap on October 13, 2014, 12:33:10 PM
I'll try to Mel. Haven't done the pic thing on here. I use my phone.
Title: Re: Took the plunge!!!
Post by: Cap on October 13, 2014, 12:38:33 PM
Something I've found useful while starting out with a DE... I've gotten nicks and burns since starting. The best thing to do is not shave and let them heal. But who likes to walk around without being sly?!? So I use a technique I've named The Safe Shave. I go WTG the XTG both ways. Then I skip the ATG for a few shaves till I heal up. I can still feel the stubble, but it's not see-able right away.
Hope that helps. :)
Title: Re: Took the plunge!!!
Post by: reddog on October 13, 2014, 01:00:06 PM
I don't Nick myself often, but if I do, I put a fingertip on it and try to shave around it.
Title: Re: Took the plunge!!!
Post by: Goatee on October 13, 2014, 01:13:06 PM
Alum block is good for nicks
Title: Re: Took the plunge!!!
Post by: Cap on December 03, 2014, 07:33:16 PM
Just an update on all that's been going on. Shaving has been great. Trying lots of soaps and blades. The top 3 blades in interchange are Kai, Astra and Feather. Also use the Personna's but have to use mild soaps with it, very aggressive blade for me. Looking at getting a Semogue Boar and a Whipped Dog Silver Tip Badger.

The soaps I've been using are DR Harris and a Cube soap that has a honey scent. And the Old Town of Bond Street is a great scent, but I've been leaning toward soaps account better shaves.  I have Barrister and Mann Bay Rum coming in. The soaps I'm wanting to try are P160 by Razorock, Cello, Senergy, Arko, Mikes Natural soaps and Sterling.

Also shopping for another razor. Maybe a 34C or the Weber. Short and heavy.

Thanks for all the info you guys have given me so far. Shaving has become my Zen.

Still going daily!
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