Sly Bald Guys Forum

Discussions About Being Bald => To be or not be...Bald => Topic started by: outsider82 on August 09, 2007, 04:57:07 PM

Title: Well...... I'm Sly!
Post by: outsider82 on August 09, 2007, 04:57:07 PM
Here we go guys,

I just shaved.  The method i used was, buzzed without the guard. Then showered with a hot shower. got out, wet my head and lathered up with King of Shaves gel for sensitive skin. I started with the grain on the top with the mach3, it was ok but doesnt cut wide stripes only annoying thin ones. I persited and then though i would give the headblade a go. I have to say it takes some getting used to.

The most annoying part is trying to do the back of your head.

All in all it feels quite bizzar the feeling of no hair, i do like the feeling. Besides for the current strange sensation in my scalp. I have a feeling my scalp is cold.

Tell me what you think of the beard? should i trim in down to a goat like our new brother X the hierophant? Or leave it as is but clean the edges up?

Here come the pics :)


Tell me what you think
Title: Re: Well...... I'm Sly!
Post by: Paul on August 09, 2007, 05:18:10 PM
Really rocking the sly there, Outsider.   Looks great.  O0
Title: Re: Well...... I'm Sly!
Post by: BALDANDRE on August 09, 2007, 05:20:41 PM

Congrats bro! I think it looks SOOO much better than the buzz, it looks real natural on you ....and I like the beard with it, i would just shape up the sides a bit or go for a larger goat like X...

Really though, nice that you finally did it the bald dome should be a keeper...I hope you dig it!

BTW, I see a bit of irritation on the back...that will change and your skull will toughen up...rememebr the advice we all say here though...keep it daily razored for at least a month before calling it a stay or a grow!

Awesome bro! O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0
Title: Re: Well...... I'm Sly!
Post by: BALDANDRE on August 09, 2007, 05:22:31 PM

some bald brothers are gonna be really jealous of your very faint shadow...

another plus bro!!! O0
Title: Re: Well...... I'm Sly!
Post by: PigPen on August 09, 2007, 05:28:44 PM
Congrats Out!!!

Now you're thinkin, why didn't I do this sooner, huh?
Title: Re: Well...... I'm Sly!
Post by: outsider82 on August 09, 2007, 05:30:02 PM
I can name one of them already. Waiting for his post. LOL

I noticed a red mark on the top of my head when i buzzed it. I looked like a pimple perhaps. Not sure what it is.

My head is shiny :) LOL it looks and feels quite strange at the moment :)

I've gotta go and face the public today, need to go into the city to get my eyes checked etc. Gonna try on some frames and get my contact lenses updated.

I have this big grin on my face.  ;D

Title: Re: Well...... I'm Sly!
Post by: outsider82 on August 09, 2007, 05:33:09 PM
Congrats Out!!!

Now you're thinkin, why didn't I do this sooner, huh?

Yes and no.

Well i can't believe how smooth it feels (once you shave against the grain). I'm still undecided on the beard though. I might edge it and see how i feel during the day.

Title: Re: Well...... I'm Sly!
Post by: BALDANDRE on August 09, 2007, 05:34:23 PM
I can name one of them already. Waiting for his post. LOL

My head is shiny :) LOL it looks and feels quite strange at the moment :)

I've gotta go and face the public today, need to go into the city to get my eyes checked etc. Gonna try on some frames and get my contact lenses updated.

I have this big grin on my face.  ;D


Jealous.... our pal Jdog

Shiny head... very cool

Strange'll grow to LOVE IT!

Going out in the world...wear sunscreen!

Big smile...(can't resist)...priceless!!! O0

Enjoy your new bald head , my new BALD brutha!
Title: Re: Well...... I'm Sly!
Post by: outsider82 on August 09, 2007, 05:37:43 PM
I look like so much like a younger version of my dad is not funny ROFL!

Gotta go get some sun screen. Run out.

and find a hat for those occasions.
Title: Re: Well...... I'm Sly!
Post by: Paul on August 09, 2007, 05:38:34 PM

My head is shiny :) LOL

it looks and feels quite strange at the moment :)

I have this big grin on my face.  ;D


That shiny dome is going to make quite a few guys envious there, Out and that grin is the feeling of freedom and looking great.  Now get out there and show off the smooth dome 8)
Title: Re: Well...... I'm Sly!
Post by: Tyler on August 09, 2007, 05:51:46 PM
It looks great Out!!! Congrats on your new look.
Title: Re: Well...... I'm Sly!
Post by: warhawk on August 09, 2007, 06:38:56 PM
out.... looking real sly, brah!!!  keep the full beard.  let us know how everyone reacts 2 your new look. O0

Title: Re: Well...... I'm Sly!
Post by: warhawk on August 09, 2007, 06:41:15 PM the way.... not only r u  looking SLY but u r looking very confident!

Title: Re: Well...... I'm Sly!
Post by: Itsonlyinmyhead on August 09, 2007, 07:06:42 PM
Looking good.
I think you should tidy up the beard, make some thinner lines along your jaw line to the base of your ear and just generally tidy it up, thats just me though, Ive always thought full on beards look strange with shaved heads
Title: Re: Well...... I'm Sly!
Post by: Timmay on August 09, 2007, 08:08:33 PM
Congrats bro! VERY COOL.  I would have to agree....shape up the beard.  like ITS said....just tidy it up some.  Dont let it get busy and just keep it well trimmed....way to go bro.....looks awesome.
Title: Re: Well...... I'm Sly!
Post by: JohnMont on August 09, 2007, 08:39:57 PM
What Timm said about the beard.  Just tidy it up.  But don't go overboard.  That's what I did, and NOW look at me !  --actually; I did this by choice; but am now thinking of getting a beard back like yours; maybe trimmed down more toward the jawline.   

Overall; it looks great; enjoy the new feeling while getting used to it . 

Title: Re: Well...... I'm Sly!
Post by: outsider82 on August 09, 2007, 08:52:04 PM
Well guys, I've been out and about this morning.

Quite interesting feeling i must say.

I went to visit my normal barber and i showed him what i did. He said it looks good, but commented that my technique wasn't the best. I cleaned it up and gave me some pointers. He suggested i try shaving with sorboline cream as it will help with the nicks and bumps.

I really like the look and definately the feel of it, just nervous about my close friends reactions as none of them have seen it yet.

So far really positive response.

I'm dreading the work reaction LOL
Title: Re: Well...... I'm Sly!
Post by: Scott on August 09, 2007, 10:43:00 PM
Outsider, looking SLY bro!  It's a good look for you... don't worry about the reactions at work... wait til the lay-days see it... I haven't gotten a negative reaction from a female yet!  Congrats again!
Title: Re: Well...... I'm Sly!
Post by: JDog on August 10, 2007, 04:20:45 AM
Out where do I start eh . Looks awesome on you.FULLY SLICK MAAAATE. You'll find yourself going in public with a big smile on your face. That is what being Sly is all about.

Congrats my bald brutha.

P.S. Yes very jealous on your lack of shadow and natural shine. Great look ,hope you stick with it.

Title: Re: Well...... I'm Sly!
Post by: SLYinKC on August 10, 2007, 04:45:26 AM
Outsider, Looks great.  A word of advice would be to  experiment with different looks and shaving methods to find the best for you.  Enjoy the newly shaved sensation while it lasts.  It soon fades. O0
Title: Re: Well...... I'm Sly!
Post by: X The Hierophant on August 10, 2007, 07:19:07 AM
Wow man.  Looks great!  I am extremely jealous of your lack of shadow.  You look like you were meant to be sly for sure.

A lot of the previous posts mentioned that you need to "tidy up the beard."  Personally, I don't see that at all, but I'm not really a fan of shorter stubble beards as many here have guessed and think your beard already looks quite tidy (neckline and cheeklines look good and the sideburns are blended very well into the shaved head).  As for going for a circlebeard or goatee versus a beard, I think you can't go wrong either way.  The way you have the beard styled now it looks quite good, but a circlebeard would be an excellent look for you as well.  I would suggest experimenting over the next few months and try a circlebeard as compared with a beard.  I think you can easily pull off either one easily.

Also you mentioned your head feels cold ... I also had that sensation when I first shaved and I am still often surprised that I can feel drafts when I walk in a room with my head that I couldn't previously.  I do think that wears off some, but it is an interesting sensation huh?

Congrats man ... looking very sly  O0
Title: Re: Well...... I'm Sly!
Post by: Sgt. Pate on August 10, 2007, 08:22:59 AM
Well done!  Looks good on you too!    O0
Title: Re: Well...... I'm Sly!
Post by: Stu on August 10, 2007, 12:11:07 PM
Looks great man!  I am a fan of the goat -- alas, if only I could grow a decent one.  You might want to give it a try.  Don't worry about your friends -- a little ribbing is to be expected.  Maybe if you have friends who are thinning, they might be inspired by you.
Title: Re: Well...... I'm Sly!
Post by: outsider82 on August 11, 2007, 06:46:41 PM
Well guys it's Sunday morning. I have work in the morning, and am quite nervous about the reaction.

So far everyone has loved the look, I got heaps of head rubs last night at the football. However the one thing I think will come with in time is the smoothness of it. I've found I can only get that smooth feeling when i rub my head from back to front. Does anyone else get this or am I doing something wrong?

Like i said before in the post, i'm dreading the inital walk into the office tomorrow.


PS. I haven't shaved this morning as my scalp is not happy after the shave.

Title: Re: Well...... I'm Sly!
Post by: jusbnme on August 11, 2007, 07:03:24 PM
Good for you bro.  Looks great.  Welcome to the "sly side."
Title: Re: Well...... I'm Sly!
Post by: OzPete on August 11, 2007, 07:58:01 PM
Congrats Out, you were born to be sly! O0
Title: Re: Well...... I'm Sly!
Post by: SLYinKC on August 11, 2007, 08:10:16 PM
Hey, outsider, I think all of us remember that first morning going back to work.  And for almost everyone that I can remember, it is way overblown in our minds.  No one will probably fall over, laugh, or say any type of negative comments.  You'll probably get a few comments, or like in my case, not a whole lot of reaction.  Just remember that the way you carry yourself and your attitude are the things that will come across most to those you run into.

Best of luck and let us know how it goes.  Although, I'm fairly confident of what you're going to tell us. O0
Title: Re: Well...... I'm Sly!
Post by: warhawk on August 11, 2007, 08:45:52 PM
out.... u r rocking the sly look, brah.  i know that u will share with us all the positive comments from your job.  good luck.   O0

Title: Re: Well...... I'm Sly!
Post by: outsider82 on August 11, 2007, 11:48:50 PM
Hey, outsider, I think all of us remember that first morning going back to work.  And for almost everyone that I can remember, it is way overblown in our minds.  No one will probably fall over, laugh, or say any type of negative comments.  You'll probably get a few comments, or like in my case, not a whole lot of reaction.  Just remember that the way you carry yourself and your attitude are the things that will come across most to those you run into.

Best of luck and let us know how it goes.  Although, I'm fairly confident of what you're going to tell us. O0

I'll just have to walk in like normal and act like nothings happened. Last time I got a haircut i got a few comments but nothing special.

As for the feel of the sly dome, is it meant to be rough in one direction? or am i cutting it wrong? or will that come in time once the scalp settles?

Title: Re: Well...... I'm Sly!
Post by: JDog on August 11, 2007, 11:52:51 PM
Out, when you shave against the grain(front to back), you will get a much smoother shave than shaving with the grain.

Title: Re: Well...... I'm Sly!
Post by: outsider82 on August 12, 2007, 12:03:06 AM
I decided not to shave this morning to let my scalp calm down as the last two times i've shaved it feels quite raw afterwards.

I'm going to do some reading in the sections on shaving and care etc to get a better idea of what i should be doing.

So far i haven't gotten any bad responses from people, My brother told me yesterday that he was unsure if he liked it at first but by the end of the night lastnight he said he loved it. :)

He suggested I trimmed down the beard because it looks strange having a face of hair and a head without hair. I'm going to try some shave oil as many have suggested. It might work better than the gel i've been using so far.
Title: Re: Well...... I'm Sly!
Post by: JDog on August 12, 2007, 12:08:18 AM
Out,what I find works well is a layer of shave oil beneath the shaving gel. Or even baby oil works good. I know Lance uses this combination as well.

I agree Out,the Technique area of this forum has some great routines that have worked for other Sly bros.

Stoked again that you did the deed,looks awesome on you.

Title: Re: Well...... I'm Sly!
Post by: outsider82 on August 12, 2007, 12:18:17 AM
Out,what I find works well is a layer of shave oil beneath the shaving gel. Or even baby oil works good. I know Lance uses this combination as well.

I agree Out,the Technique area of this forum has some great routines that have worked for other Sly bros.

Stoked again that you did the deed,looks awesome on you.


Nice Tattoo, (if that's a tattoo) when did you get that done?
Title: Re: Well...... I'm Sly!
Post by: JDog on August 12, 2007, 12:24:58 AM
Out,what I find works well is a layer of shave oil beneath the shaving gel. Or even baby oil works good. I know Lance uses this combination as well.

I agree Out,the Technique area of this forum has some great routines that have worked for other Sly bros.

Stoked again that you did the deed,looks awesome on you.


Nice Tattoo, (if that's a tattoo) when did you get that done?

Thanks Out,got it done at Illustrated Man in the city
Title: Re: Well...... I'm Sly!
Post by: outsider82 on August 12, 2007, 12:44:01 AM
Out,what I find works well is a layer of shave oil beneath the shaving gel. Or even baby oil works good. I know Lance uses this combination as well.

I agree Out,the Technique area of this forum has some great routines that have worked for other Sly bros.

Stoked again that you did the deed,looks awesome on you.


Nice Tattoo, (if that's a tattoo) when did you get that done?

Thanks Out,got it done at Illustrated Man in the city

Looks great, you should check out X's new tattoo that he just got on his left arm/shoulder. Its in his Blog on myspace.

I'm gonna change my beard to a goatee i recon. Just think it might suit the sly look better.
Title: Re: Well...... I'm Sly!
Post by: JDog on August 12, 2007, 12:49:04 AM
Out are you going to get a round goatee or clean the beard up? I am in the process of growing out my goat.
Title: Re: Well...... I'm Sly!
Post by: outsider82 on August 12, 2007, 12:57:56 AM
Going to go the round goatee, it will suit better i believe. It will be sad to trim it as i've had it for 12 months.
Title: Re: Well...... I'm Sly!
Post by: shyslyguy on August 12, 2007, 01:26:48 AM
Sorry I am a bit late chiming in here but just had to say :

LOOKS AWESOME outsider82! Welcome to the sly side!

Don't worry about the reactions from work. I'm sure they'll all be positive  O0

Title: Re: Well...... I'm Sly!
Post by: outsider82 on August 12, 2007, 01:38:38 AM
Sorry I am a bit late chiming in here but just had to say :

LOOKS AWESOME outsider82! Welcome to the sly side!

Don't worry about the reactions from work. I'm sure they'll all be positive  O0

Thanks Shy.

I was just chatting to my flatmate and he and i agree that i should try the round goatee for a time. I think it will suit me.

My work mates last saw me (on thursday) with a number 1 buzzed head, it will be a bit of a change for them to see another sly bald guy walk into the office. Yes we have one other :) My boss knows i was thinking about it so he may not be that shocked.

Title: Re: Well...... I'm Sly!
Post by: shyslyguy on August 12, 2007, 02:53:04 AM
Go for it Out

I think your beard looks fine in the pic but why not give it a try anyways - I think half the fun of going sly is deciding on what facial hair looks best with it ... you can then decide to stick with one look or just keep changing between them if that suits you better.
I quite often grow a little goatee chin beard myself but it tends not to last as I like it best after only a few days growth, & when it gets too thick I get fed up with it & usually end up shaving it off again ... then a few weeks down the line I'll let it grow for a bit again

I did once try a 'tache too for a while (a circus master type that I used to twirl at the ends) but that's probably best forgotten about!  :-[

Anyway, you're rockin' the look or ... as we say in England ... "looks dammed good on you old chap!"  I think your workmates will be impressed!
Title: Re: Well...... I'm Sly!
Post by: outsider82 on August 12, 2007, 08:28:23 AM
Hey guys,

I shaved the beard to a circle beard/goatee. With the sly head I actually dont recognise myself in the mirror. It doesn't feel like me.

My flat mate says i look quite polished now. hehe i dont know if he was refering to my head. It feels funny to have no hair on my cheeks now. I'll get used to it in time.

Title: Re: Well...... I'm Sly!
Post by: Stu on August 12, 2007, 04:56:05 PM
Out, when you shave against the grain(front to back), you will get a much smoother shave than shaving with the grain.

Don't you mean back to front when shaving against the grain?
Title: Re: Well...... I'm Sly!
Post by: blondeguy on August 13, 2007, 09:57:24 AM
Go for it Out

I think your beard looks fine in the pic but why not give it a try anyways - I think half the fun of going sly is deciding on what facial hair looks best with it ...

This is quite true!  I'm always changing up how I wear my beard, if any at all.  I think I've settled on a style I like.
Title: Re: Well...... I'm Sly!
Post by: jp_bald on August 13, 2007, 11:17:45 AM
hi bro!!!
looks amazing on you!!!
wellcome to the forum!!!
Title: Re: Well...... I'm Sly!
Post by: X The Hierophant on August 13, 2007, 11:46:40 AM

Looks great, you should check out X's new tattoo that he just got on his left arm/shoulder. Its in his Blog on myspace.

I'm gonna change my beard to a goatee i recon. Just think it might suit the sly look better.

Thanks man.  Yeah, I've been meaning to post a pic of that here in the Ink/Tattoo section...  >:D
Title: Re: Well...... I'm Sly!
Post by: outsider82 on September 06, 2007, 03:45:29 PM
Hey guys, Just an update.

I saw my parents the other week for my mum's birthday. Well this was the most unexpected surprise, My dad of all people said that my hair was too short. My mum said that she agreed. My dad is bald himself, I was expecting him to say that he liked it. Most of the other guys in my family said that it made me look like a younger replica of my Dad.

I'm currently in europe on a work trip, and unfortunatly have let my hair grow back. But never fear, you haven't lost a Sly brother, I intend  on going back to  the slick dome once i'm back in Australia.

Just thought i would check in and say hi to all you guys.

Title: Re: Well...... I'm Sly!
Post by: warhawk on September 06, 2007, 04:02:54 PM
out....glad 2 c ya checking in.  post up when ya get back home 2 australia.

Title: Re: Well...... I'm Sly!
Post by: Paul on September 06, 2007, 04:33:16 PM
Glad to hear from you out, hope you're having a good trip.  Great that you thought to give us an update.   Get back safe, get back sly. 8)
Title: Re: Well...... I'm Sly!
Post by: Stu on September 06, 2007, 05:58:28 PM
Good to hear from you, outsider.  Maybe you can do a before and after photo shot when you get to the land down under.
Title: Re: Well...... I'm Sly!
Post by: SLYinKC on September 06, 2007, 06:45:29 PM
Great to hear from you, Out.  Make sure we get a "fresh" pic when you get back home and return to SLY....
Title: Re: Well...... I'm Sly!
Post by: xnewyawka on September 06, 2007, 08:28:56 PM
Hey Out, good to see you back. Thought maybe you threw in the towel.
Post up new un-sly and back to sly pics if you can.
Title: Re: Well...... I'm Sly!
Post by: BALDANDRE on September 06, 2007, 11:29:56 PM
Wow, what's all this talk of Out throwing in the towel..

I'm glad you haven't lost your sense rock the bald head...and the goat looks cool too...

so why aren't you properly represently "sly" on your vacation...dude there may be a price to pay :x!

Naw j/k...looks too good bro, I hope you keep the  slick bald head!
Title: Re: Well...... I'm Sly!
Post by: JDog on September 06, 2007, 11:52:29 PM
Hey Out glad to hear everything is going well for you.

You arent missing anything in Sydney.It has been locked down all week because of the APEC forum. Dubya and Hu Jintao are in town
Title: Re: Well...... I'm Sly!
Post by: shyslyguy on September 07, 2007, 03:03:26 AM
Hey Out ......

We do stock razors over here in Europe too y'know!  >:D There's really no excuse bro!

Anyway, good to hear from you ... just make sure you shave it FIRST THING upon your return to Oz or we may have to review your membership!   :x!

Title: Re: Well...... I'm Sly!
Post by: outsider82 on September 07, 2007, 09:26:11 AM
I'll post some pics when i get back. I know that europe has cought on to the razor bandwagen. It all started when i went to pick up my Passport from my parents place. After taking a look at the pic on my passport it made me realise that i didn;t look anything like the Young kid that was represented on the ID page. So I let it grow back just enough for me to get past Customs.

I know that we've had this conversation before in another thread, but I didnt want to risk any trouble since i was traveling though the UK and Germany (regarding the Security levels in those countries recently).

I will shave it again when i get back because I loved the smooth feel. Although i did have a problem where i was getting an irritated head when I shaved which does detract from the whole experience.
Title: Re: Well...... I'm Sly!
Post by: xnewyawka on September 08, 2007, 10:02:39 AM
Out, the irritaton should go away with regular shaving, but you can always try different products for after your shave.
Have you used Bald Guyz moisture gel or HB Headlube yet? Most of our bro's here use one of these. Some guys have said they prefer just aloe vera gel. Check out the other threads to get some info.
And get back to the smooth noggin' soon as you can!   ;)
Title: Re: Well...... I'm Sly!
Post by: MLNHD on September 10, 2007, 05:12:42 PM
Outsider -- great to see your post from Europe.  You were one of the guys whose deliberations and transformation I observed while a lurked on this site for a couple months before I joined.  The Sly look suits you well, particularly with the goatee, in my opinion.  Regarding the irritation you get when you shave -- I feel for ya. 

(I'm 6 wks. Sly yesterday.)  My solution has been to go electric (yeah, I know, I feel like such a wuss).  I love the slickness of a blade shave, and did the headblade thing for a good while, but my pate just never really took to it on a daily basis.  The aggravation seemed to compound and after a week of blade shaving, it just looks very annoyed.  (I have followed much of the great advice on this forum and tried a variety of approaches.)  What is working best for me is to use the Norelco daily (often 2X) and about once a week pull out the HB.  The electric does NOT give me the smoothness of the blade shave, but I don't think it looks any different...and my scalp doesn't look mad -- so the look is actually superior.  Anyhoo, Out, it might be worth trying electric to see if your scalp likes it better. 

Safe Travels,

Title: Re: Well...... I'm Sly!
Post by: jusbnme on September 10, 2007, 07:51:41 PM
Good to hear from you man.  Don't sweat the hair thing.  A lot of us let it go from time to time.  Hope you have a safe trip back man. 
Title: Re: Well...... I'm Sly!
Post by: outsider82 on September 11, 2007, 03:15:19 AM
Good to hear from you man.  Don't sweat the hair thing.  A lot of us let it go from time to time.  Hope you have a safe trip back man. 

Hey lance.

I realise now how much i like the Sly look on me after letting my hair grow back. It feels weird to have hair there again (even though i had only been sly for three weeks before i had to come here).

Europe is definately (and especially the Scandinavian countries) is the place to be sly, there are heaps running round here.

The dumb thing is that did actually bring my Headblade with me (and spare blades).


Keep it sly guys and gals.

Title: Re: Well...... I'm Sly!
Post by: outsider82 on September 11, 2007, 04:27:45 AM
Outsider -- great to see your post from Europe.  You were one of the guys whose deliberations and transformation I observed while a lurked on this site for a couple months before I joined.  The Sly look suits you well, particularly with the goatee, in my opinion.  Regarding the irritation you get when you shave -- I feel for ya. 

(I'm 6 wks. Sly yesterday.)  My solution has been to go electric (yeah, I know, I feel like such a wuss).  I love the slickness of a blade shave, and did the headblade thing for a good while, but my pate just never really took to it on a daily basis.  The aggravation seemed to compound and after a week of blade shaving, it just looks very annoyed.  (I have followed much of the great advice on this forum and tried a variety of approaches.)  What is working best for me is to use the Norelco daily (often 2X) and about once a week pull out the HB.  The electric does NOT give me the smoothness of the blade shave, but I don't think it looks any different...and my scalp doesn't look mad -- so the look is actually superior.  Anyhoo, Out, it might be worth trying electric to see if your scalp likes it better. 

Safe Travels,



I haven't tried the electric shaver yet, but i'm willing to put up with the irritation untill it settles down.

My hair is probably grown out to a number 2 at the moment as i've not had a chance to go to the hairdresser to get it cut off yet. I will in the next few days.
