Sly Bald Guys Forum

Head Shaving, Grooming & Care => Safety Razor Head Shaving => Topic started by: Goatee on May 08, 2014, 09:39:58 AM

Title: DE arrived!!
Post by: Goatee on May 08, 2014, 09:39:58 AM
Guys, my DE (Edwin Jagger Double Edge Razor DE89L)and blades etc arrived today!!

I will do a review when i do my first shave with it. Got to say, the razor is pure quality! Pic for you to see what i bought. Just waiting on the Shave soap to arrive  now:

Title: Re:
Post by: geeman on May 08, 2014, 10:11:40 AM
I use the feather blades, very sharp, not telling you how to suck eggs, but don't use any pressure, the weight of the razor will be enough, what razor is that? An EJ?
Title: Re: DE arrived!!
Post by: AgentBald on May 08, 2014, 10:22:18 AM
Very cool Goatee.  Looking forward to your review as I'm thinking about getting a DE.
Title: Re: DE arrived!!
Post by: Goatee on May 08, 2014, 11:49:01 AM
Yea, its an EJ. (Updated first post now).

Very nervous about first use but i know that it will be a slow learning curve.

No pressure on the Razor, just use its own weight.

Do you guys go with the grain and against the grain?
Title: Re: DE arrived!!
Post by: Sir Harry on May 08, 2014, 01:20:15 PM
I would try it on the face first.....EJ 89's are a bit unforgiving if you aren't careful...Of the three DE's I own it's the most dangerous but I only need one pass WTG and one pass ATG for a smooth shave. Good luck and let us know how you get on!
Title: Re: DE arrived!!
Post by: greatnessinc on May 08, 2014, 02:42:33 PM
Until you get fully comfortable with the DE way I'd advise shaving with the grain then branching out to against and across the grain passes.
Do you already have a shave brush?
Title: Re: DE arrived!!
Post by: Mike E. P. on May 08, 2014, 07:17:23 PM
I've been shaving with EJ 89 since February, I think. I started with only my face. I was okay with against the grain on my cheeks ( I had a goatee at the time). I tried against the grain on my neck with terrible results at first. No cuts, but wicked razor burn. I made the decision that with the grain was good enough on the neck. Now I can go against the grain there if I go very slowly and take very short strokes, but really with the grain is good enough.

After a little practice on my face ( maybe a week) I moved on to my head. It wasn't as scary or as difficult as I thought it would be. I does take me considerably more time than a regular razor. I can do against the grain on my head, but again, I am slow and careful. The few times I got cocky, I had mishaps! So slow and steady wins the race.

Have fun. It's a beautiful instrument, isn't it?
Title: Re: DE arrived!!
Post by: Goatee on May 09, 2014, 03:12:40 AM
Well, shaved my face and head with it!!

Now, the face:

Lathered up as instructed and used that pre shave stuff first (Hate the small of it). I do use a brush to lather up.

Face shave went well except for the neck. I did go with the grain but decided to go against too on the neck of which i had razor burn. One cut on lower chin and a couple on 'Adams Apple'. To me, my 'Sensor razor' gives the same shave here. Braun i have also gives a good face shave with no irritation at all so for me the Braun wins on the face.

Now the Head:

Shaved the head a couple of hours later as i had to take wife to work and daughter to school.

I used the pre shave (Yuk!!!! Not using that again as it stinks and i saw no benefits at all).

Lathered up the head and took quite some time to shave the whole head! Re-lathering all the time.

I went with the grain first and then against the grain. Only one tiny nick overall!


Well, again, to be honest i ended up using the fusion to go over a couple of bits and then after i finished off i grabbed the braun and went over a couple of more patches!!

I was nervous at first with the EJ but soon got the hang of the angle etc. It is a slow shave as one needs to be careful etc.

Overall i would say again, i prefer the Braun and to finish off with my Fusion. This gives me the best combination. The EJ did cut the hair on my rear neck very well indeed. I think i will need more practice to get it to cut better. I didnt put any pressure on the razor. I did think it would have cut closer than it did and did have to go over a few spots a few times. Maybe my hair is hard! lol

So, there you have it. First time with a DE. Will i use it again? Yes. I will give it a shot as i need to learn to use it properly but i wont be using it on my face as the Braun does a great job there. I think that i will still use the Braun to go over my whole head and then 'tweak' with the DE.

Thanks guys for all your advice.
Title: Re:
Post by: geeman on May 09, 2014, 08:00:00 AM
It took me a few shaves to get the hang of it, I also used to get razor burn on my neck, and only went with the grain, but I can now go across the grain then atg, gives a super smooth shave that my Mach 3 can't match
Title: Re: DE arrived!!
Post by: Goatee on May 09, 2014, 11:37:41 AM
I used the 'Feather' blade as i forgot to mention that in my review.

So, if i give it time all should come good?

Any other preps i should think about to help? The pre shave cream i bought is horrid in smell and i dont think it does any good
Title: Re: DE arrived!!
Post by: TSE on May 09, 2014, 01:58:14 PM
Very nice set up  O0

I use a DE on my head as well as Face. My face routine is typically to go with the grain for a pass or two and then against.  For my head, i do a couple passes with the grain and then a third 'polishing' pass with the headblade.   

In both instances it took awhile to get used to. Once used to it, I find that I'm getting much closer shaves with this routine. 

I'm not sure if anyone else experienced this ... but even if I cut myself on the head using a DE razor, I don't find it as severe as a 2, 3, 4, etc blade cartridge.  Once one those blades dig in, the other 3 or 4 act like a cheese grater and just slice.  DE's I usually just a scratch or small nick.

Personally, I believe if you give it time you'll have a technique that works for you and you'll wind up with BBS shaves :)


Title: Re: DE arrived!!
Post by: Goatee on May 09, 2014, 02:17:35 PM
Thanks TSE.

So, short movements are best?
Title: Re: DE arrived!!
Post by: TSE on May 09, 2014, 05:24:35 PM
Short strokes are probably best.

I had my head shaved at a barber earlier this year and that's what he was doing (shavette using short strokes WTG).  He then did a final ATG pass with a disposable.  So, I've just been trying my best to emulate what the barber did.
Title: DE arrived!!
Post by: Bluebriz on May 09, 2014, 08:29:30 PM
It's a skill that needs to be learned Goatee.  Anybody can use an electric shaver, but with one attempt not many can get perfect shaves with a DE.

I wouldn't advise ATG at all yet.  And make sure you're aware which way is with and against the grain on your neck.  Mine swirls all over the place so it took a while to learn.

With practice, you'll wonder why you ever used the Braun on your face.  One thing you might never have imagined will probably happen: shaving will become a pleasure rather than a chore.  (I still don't like DE shaving on my head though!)

Out of interest, what's your prep?  Do you shower before shaving?  What's your soap? How's your lather?
Title: Re: DE arrived!!
Post by: Goatee on May 10, 2014, 02:31:31 PM
I shaved again with the DE today. But, i shaved all over with the Braun 340 first.

I then put that yucky pre-shave on first, lathered with the Wilkinson Sword shower soap and brush. Then i shaved all the areas that needed touching up (quite a lot) and continued to re lather as i went. Finished off using the Fusion on the top as a little was rough and DE couldnt get it smooth!

I then washed head and used an alum block. Stung like mad but no nicks this time! The i used some bump patrol and then finally put some moisturiser on the head (King of shaves).

The 2nd shave this morning was with the DE but this time using the Braun first. Went well. Top of head is hard for me. Got to experiment and get the right angle with the DE. Using the Braun works great for behind the years and some bony bits!

Will try same again tomorrow.   
Title: Re: DE arrived!!
Post by: Goatee on May 10, 2014, 02:34:57 PM
It's a skill that needs to be learned Goatee.  Anybody can use an electric shaver, but with one attempt not many can get perfect shaves with a DE.

I wouldn't advise ATG at all yet.  And make sure you're aware which way is with and against the grain on your neck.  Mine swirls all over the place so it took a while to learn.

With practice, you'll wonder why you ever used the Braun on your face.  One thing you might never have imagined will probably happen: shaving will become a pleasure rather than a chore.  (I still don't like DE shaving on my head though!)

Out of interest, what's your prep?  Do you shower before shaving?  What's your soap? How's your lather?

Why dont you like using a DE on your head?
Title: Re: DE arrived!!
Post by: Goatee on May 11, 2014, 09:34:32 AM
3rd go at DE shaving today.

Like i said previously, i used the Braun first then lathered really well and went over with the DE (Feather blade). Cut myself once today!

Not sure i am happy with it to be honest as i had to go over a few patches quite a few times. And once again, i had to finish with my Fusion!

My head stung quite a bit afterwards too. I used the Alum block which stung all my head! lol

I am not sure if DE is for me guys.

7 hours after the shave now as i write this and rough patches are coming through and my skin does feel tender to touch. A bit sore all over.

I only use the weight of the DE to shave. Lather loads in between sweeps of the blade.

I may give my head a rest over the next couple of days and just go back to my usual routine.

Anyone want to buy an EJ and a couple of packs of baldes? lol
Title: Re: DE arrived!!
Post by: greatnessinc on May 11, 2014, 11:25:04 AM
You gave it a try. Not everyone has the patience to learn the craft. I say stick to what works best for you. Hang on to it though, you may get the desire to try again one day or pass it on to somebody in your lineage.
Title: Re: DE arrived!!
Post by: Mike E. P. on May 11, 2014, 02:34:12 PM
I think it's still too early. Give it a little more time. I felt like you, too. I am still not 100 percent convinced wet shaving is for me, but I am getting better an d better.
Title: Re: DE arrived!!
Post by: Bluebriz on May 11, 2014, 06:58:22 PM
It's a skill that needs to be learned Goatee.  Anybody can use an electric shaver, but with one attempt not many can get perfect shaves with a DE.

I wouldn't advise ATG at all yet.  And make sure you're aware which way is with and against the grain on your neck.  Mine swirls all over the place so it took a while to learn.

With practice, you'll wonder why you ever used the Braun on your face.  One thing you might never have imagined will probably happen: shaving will become a pleasure rather than a chore.  (I still don't like DE shaving on my head though!)

Out of interest, what's your prep?  Do you shower before shaving?  What's your soap? How's your lather?

Why dont you like using a DE on your head?

Maybe my head shape? Not sure, but I find my Headblade or extreme III blades much quicker and easier there.

I really wouldn't recommend using a DE on your head until you've mastered it on your face.

Go onto YouTube and look up DE shaving videos by Mantic59 or Geofatboy.  They will guide you through prep, lather, shaving etc.
Title: Re: DE arrived!!
Post by: Goatee on May 12, 2014, 04:10:51 AM
Cheers guys.

I have seen those chaps on youtube. Watched quite a few video by them.

Decided to sell the DE!!

On the For Sale section guys!
Title: Re:
Post by: geeman on May 12, 2014, 01:06:32 PM
Its not for everyone... I nearly ditched mine, but stuck with it, after laying off for a couple of weeks....I use it on my face all the time...but only on my head at weekends....I find having a hot shower and using a scrub helps....then some oil before the lather....nothing gives me a closer may find the feathers were the problem....I can't use Wilkinson sword blades, they give me a lot of burn, the 89 is fairly aggressive... But finding the right blade made all the difference.... Why not put it in the cupboard.... Buy an assortment of blades, Amazon do some "taster" packs....then give it another go?
Title: Re: DE arrived!!
Post by: Goatee on May 14, 2014, 02:41:22 AM
Well, decided to keep the EJ!!

Waited a couple of days before i shaved again. No cuts etc this time! Alum block didnt pick up 'as sensitive' as last time.

Used the new Shaving cream this time and did 4 passes with a few touch ups. Still have areas of tiny roughness but i am going to persevere!! Maybe shave head every other day for a while to get used to DE shaving as for me its getting the right angle. Ordered a sample pack of blades too and a nice new brush!

So, i am going to try and knuckle down and go for it!

Shaved my face with the DE today too, 2nd time and it went great! Blade was a lit tuggy on the hairs. Only went with and across the grain.
Title: Re: DE arrived!!
Post by: Goatee on May 16, 2014, 11:48:07 AM
2nd shave today with the Derby blade. All went superb!

I took my time. Again it took 4 passes and then touching up over certain areas. Applied the Alum block and hardly any sting at all! So pleased.

My sample blade pack came so may try an Astra next. Super Stainless or Super Platinum? Which one?
Title: Re: DE arrived!!
Post by: Crowbar on May 17, 2014, 04:42:49 PM
Hang in there, it will pay off, I have now fully converted to either using my EJ89B or a Dovo cut throat but I had to give them a chance

Also you don't necessarily need the shave cream to thick, try a bit watery and (as has already been said), light strokes
Title: Re: DE arrived!!
Post by: Goatee on May 18, 2014, 04:59:31 AM
Thanks. 3rd shave today with DE. Again, went great. As before though, 4 passes and touching up. This time with the Astra SP. Still plenty of bits to go over a few times! No cuts, no irritation though.

Title: Re: DE arrived!!
Post by: wutwutman on May 18, 2014, 06:49:57 PM
Glad you're hanging with it!  I watched a ton of videos when I first started lol
Title: Re: DE arrived!!
Post by: Goatee on May 19, 2014, 12:22:59 PM
Glad you're hanging with it!  I watched a ton of videos when I first started lol

Thats all i am doing now is looking on youtube at guys shaving! lol
Title: Re: DE arrived!!
Post by: Crowbar on May 19, 2014, 05:13:42 PM
I just shave with mine pretty much the same as I would with a cartridge razor, all I had to do was ease off with the pressure,

fast light short strokes
Title: Re: DE arrived!!
Post by: Goatee on May 20, 2014, 11:18:26 AM
Still taking many passes and touching up. Even then i am left with a few rough patches!

Thinking that i need a more aggressive razor once i have mastered DE shaving! 37c looks interesting. Anyone?
Title: Re: DE arrived!!
Post by: greatnessinc on May 20, 2014, 02:01:51 PM
Hunt eBay for a deal on a Gillette slim. Even if you go with a different razor check eBay. I've gotten a few higher end Merkur razors on there for almost half price of retail value.
Title: Re: DE arrived!!
Post by: wutwutman on May 20, 2014, 07:48:10 PM
Ebay is dangerous for me.  I have biditis  :*))
Title: Re: DE arrived!!
Post by: Goatee on May 21, 2014, 02:07:16 AM
Hunt eBay for a deal on a Gillette slim. Even if you go with a different razor check eBay. I've gotten a few higher end Merkur razors on there for almost half price of retail value.

Is that an antique shaver? I was born in 1964 so may be able to get one from that year? It is better than EJ89L?
Title: Re: DE arrived!!
Post by: Crowbar on May 21, 2014, 04:02:18 AM
I am yet to hear of anyone else here owning an EJ DE89B

I feel special :)
Title: Re: DE arrived!!
Post by: greatnessinc on May 21, 2014, 12:15:25 PM
Yes Goatee it's a vintage razor.
Crowbar, I believe a few of us have an EJ89. I have one but prefer the use of a TTO instead of a 3 piece like the 89DBL.
Title: Re: DE arrived!!
Post by: Goatee on May 21, 2014, 12:29:31 PM
I think my next razor will be the 37c. Read up quite a bit about it on the net and youtube and i am hoping it will mean me making less passes as tried a few different blades in my EJ89L and it always take 4 passes and lots of touch ups. Ok, i know i am still learning but always nice to have a new Razor! lol
Title: Re: DE arrived!!
Post by: greatnessinc on May 21, 2014, 08:57:56 PM
Brace yourself DE collecting is a Common side effect of learning the skill.
Title: Re: DE arrived!!
Post by: Crowbar on May 21, 2014, 10:07:39 PM
Yes but does anyone here have the "B" (Barley knurled handle) that is what I have...
Title: Re: DE arrived!!
Post by: andrewswenson on May 30, 2014, 02:18:46 PM
Hey Goatee, DEs are quite a journey aren't they? The first DE I bought was the same as yours. Personally, I think that DE sucked. It was what made me quit DEs altogether and go back to cartridge/electric. I learned Merkur is the way to go, but I'm glad you are finally getting good shaves dude!!
Title: Re: DE arrived!!
Post by: Goatee on May 31, 2014, 12:40:45 AM
Thanks. Getting a 37c next week hopefully.
Title: Re: DE arrived!!
Post by: andrewswenson on May 31, 2014, 08:57:04 AM
From what I've read, you definitely wanna get used to the regular DE for awhile before you start using that slant bar. You'll start slicin' off your face if you don't haha.
Title: Re: DE arrived!!
Post by: Goatee on May 31, 2014, 11:55:56 AM
Was looking at the 34c too. I am after a more aggressive razor as the EJ is not aggressive enough for me.
Title: Re: DE arrived!!
Post by: andrewswenson on May 31, 2014, 01:40:46 PM
I would highly recommend the Merkur 34C or G. I got the gold just cause it's so damn beautiful. I think it's definitely more aggressive than the EJ89bl but I still want something that will get close with only one pass. I think the 37G will be my answer down the road.
Title: Re: DE arrived!!
Post by: Bluebriz on June 01, 2014, 05:05:35 AM
Having used the 37C a lot, my own opinion is that it isn't really aggressive.  It's more efficient than aggressive.
Title: Re: DE arrived!!
Post by: Goatee on June 01, 2014, 06:37:50 AM
Having used the 37C a lot, my own opinion is that it isn't really aggressive.  It's more efficient than aggressive.

So, it would be better than a 34c or EJ? Less passes?
Title: Re: DE arrived!!
Post by: warhawk on June 01, 2014, 12:13:42 PM
Having used the 37C a lot, my own opinion is that it isn't really aggressive.  It's more efficient than aggressive.

So, it would be better than a 34c or EJ? Less passes?
From my experience, I don't judge a razor by the amount of passes.  I will say from my experience that although the EJ89L is a great razor; I get better shaves with the slant razor most especially on the head shaves.

Title: Re: DE arrived!!
Post by: Goatee on June 01, 2014, 12:37:00 PM
I will try the 37c. Cheers
Title: Re: DE arrived!!
Post by: warhawk on June 01, 2014, 12:41:38 PM
I will try the 37c. Cheers
Keep us posted with pics of course.  Be prepared to have a great shave with the 37C.  I like to pair my 37C and 37G with a Feather. 

Title: Re: DE arrived!!
Post by: greatnessinc on June 01, 2014, 12:58:51 PM
Which is better the 34c or 37c?
Title: Re: DE arrived!!
Post by: Goatee on June 01, 2014, 01:01:52 PM
I have read that the 34c is very close to the EJD89L
Title: Re: DE arrived!!
Post by: warhawk on June 01, 2014, 01:57:21 PM
Which is better the 34c or 37c?
I have not tried out the 34C but I have many friends who have and they love the performance of the 34C.  However, since you have the EJ89, I would go with the 37c because it is a slant.  Slant razors are a different class but itself because of the "slanted" blade alignment.

Since you are already comfortable with DE shaving, I would go with the 37c.  They say it is aggressive but it is not.  Most 37c or slant users will say that it is a very efficient razor meaning it mows your whiskers with ease but in a very smoooooooth way!!!

Title: Re: DE arrived!!
Post by: K5mow on June 01, 2014, 02:30:28 PM
I have been reading a lot about the 37c. I think I will have to order one of those also in the near future.

Title: Re: DE arrived!!
Post by: Goatee on June 02, 2014, 01:49:40 AM
I ordered one today! Will do a review when i get it.
Title: Re: DE arrived!!
Post by: warhawk on June 02, 2014, 01:53:02 AM
I ordered one today! Will do a review when i get it.
Congrats!  We look forward to your review.  Hope you enjoy it.

Title: Re: DE arrived!!
Post by: digitaldome on June 02, 2014, 12:21:41 PM
Goatee...stay with it brother.
In my experience with Wetshaving with a DE, the most common problems for skin irritation are Razor Pressure and Going over an area too many times without adequate lather, and Blade angle.  A good slick lather will certaintly help in protecting the skin...On the Dome as well as the face.

RE Blades:  My skin doesn't get along with the Feather.  YMMV  I get alot of skin irritation with the Feather.
The blades that work well for me in all my razors are Gillette Silver Blue, Polsilver, Astra SP, Voshkod, and Israeli Red Personna.
A good idea is to pick up a sample pack of blades.  One blade that works for me, may not work for you.

You have a good set up...The EJ DE89 is a great razor.  
Shaving with a DE is all about technique...and technique takes time.  Hang in there and stay with it.
All the best,
Title: Re: DE arrived!!
Post by: greatnessinc on June 02, 2014, 04:32:33 PM
I'll add the 37C to the wish list. I just got my E3 Fatboy so I'm eager to try that beast out.
Title: Re: DE arrived!!
Post by: K5mow on June 02, 2014, 04:42:22 PM
I ordered one today! Will do a review when i get it.

Looking forward to your review.

Title: Re: DE arrived!!
Post by: K5mow on June 02, 2014, 04:44:12 PM
I'll add the 37C to the wish list. I just got my E3 Fatboy so I'm eager to try that beast out.

I also got 37C in my Amazon wish list. Also I recently got a E 4 Fatboy and love the razor.

Title: Re: DE arrived!!
Post by: digitaldome on June 02, 2014, 06:05:07 PM
I'll add the 37C to the wish list. I just got my E3 Fatboy so I'm eager to try that beast out.

I also got 37C in my Amazon wish list. Also I recently got a E 4 Fatboy and love the razor.


I'd like to own a slant... may have to wait until the Razorock Stealth goes into mass production.
I look forward to reading how you like the Merkur slant
Title: Re: DE arrived!!
Post by: greatnessinc on June 02, 2014, 06:19:13 PM

I also got 37C in my Amazon wish list. Also I recently got a E 4 Fatboy and love the razor.

I've been hunting for one in my desired price range for a while and now that I have it in hand I feel like I got an absolute steal. I paid $81 on eBay, it came with the case. The description said used, so I was expecting some rust spots and soap scum build up, but it's in great condition (no rust or deterioration).
Title: Re: DE arrived!!
Post by: Goatee on June 11, 2014, 11:43:44 PM
Well, originally i dismissed the slant. Not tried it since but shaved with the EJ today and i think that the slant gives a closer cut! So, keeping it and going to give it another shot!
Title: Re: DE arrived!!
Post by: Mike E. P. on June 19, 2014, 03:29:06 PM
I have been wet shaving since February and I am definitely a convert. I have been using my EJ89 religiously and love it. I finally bought a new razor - it came today. Instead of reading around SBGs to see what is good, I bought this razor from Amazon on a whim. I never heard of the brand before, but it looked beautiful in the photo and looked different from the EJ.

Anyone hear of or have a Pearl SBF 11? It's made in India. The price was right ($29) and it came with a pack of Super Max super platinum Tiger blades. The razor got only a few reviews on Amazon but all were good.

I know I should have come here for advice; hopefully I haven't wasted my money!
Title: Re: DE arrived!!
Post by: Goatee on June 20, 2014, 01:42:05 AM
I have been wet shaving since February and I am definitely a convert. I have been using my EJ89 religiously and love it. I finally bought a new razor - it came today. Instead of reading around SBGs to see what is good, I bought this razor from Amazon on a whim. I never heard of the brand before, but it looked beautiful in the photo and looked different from the EJ.

Anyone hear of or have a Pearl SBF 11? It's made in India. The price was right ($29) and it came with a pack of Super Max super platinum Tiger blades. The razor got only a few reviews on Amazon but all were good.

I know I should have come here for advice; hopefully I haven't wasted my money!

Let us have your review. What do you think of it?
Title: Re: DE arrived!!
Post by: Mike E. P. on June 21, 2014, 05:27:59 PM
Had my first face and head shave with the Pearl SBF 11 this evening. I'm a guy who is attracted by aesthetics and this is one nice looking razor. I've got nothing to compare it to except my EJ89. The weight is about the same. The handle on the Pearl is longer which I like and there is significantly more blade exposed than on the EJ. Is that what is meant by the term "aggressive?" The razor came with the Super Max platinum Tiger blades and so I used one of those.

The end result was a very nice, very close shave - just as good or better than what I typically get from the EJ89. Not sure if the great shave resulted from the razor, the blade or both. I'll have to try this blade in the EJ. I was a little nervous with the amount of blade exposed, but in the end, no nicks or cuts.

So a good purchase. Now I have two safety razors. This may be the start of something.
Title: Re: DE arrived!!
Post by: Goatee on June 22, 2014, 09:45:22 AM
Had some good results with the 37c this last couple of shaves.
Title: Re: DE arrived!!
Post by: warhawk on June 22, 2014, 01:01:45 PM
Hi Mike:  Congrats on your SBF 11.  Kindly post up some pics and participate in the SOTD thread.  Glad that you are liking the SBF 11.  I never heard of that one.  Looking forward to seeing pics of of it. O0

Title: Re: DE arrived!!
Post by: warhawk on June 22, 2014, 01:03:03 PM
Had some good results with the 37c this last couple of shaves.
@Goatee:  Glad that you were patient with the 37c.  Kindly post in the SOTD thread.  We would love to see it. O0

Title: Re: DE arrived!!
Post by: Mike E. P. on June 22, 2014, 01:05:04 PM
Hi Mel,

I am terrible with photos but I'll try to get my daughter to do it for me.  This was my "on a budget purchase." I haven't posted in SOTD because I pretty much had one razor and one brush - kind of boring.  I am hoping to learn more and branch out a bit.
Title: Re: DE arrived!!
Post by: warhawk on June 22, 2014, 01:12:43 PM
Hi Mike:  That's good.  Not boring at all, there is nothing wrong with being consistent.  The EJ89L is never boring IMO.  One thing about posting pics here on SBG is that it is challenging (because of the size limit)  however; if you have Tapatalk, it is very easy to post pics.  I'm sure your daughter will be able to do it.  I just got lucky.
However; you got me intrigued about the SBF 11. O0