Sly Bald Guys Forum

Head Shaving, Grooming & Care => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: JohnMont on July 25, 2007, 09:33:15 AM

Title: The Day-Old Shave
Post by: JohnMont on July 25, 2007, 09:33:15 AM
Immediately after my first shave my head was of course smooth as silk.  As the day wore on, though, it was beginning to feel more like sandpaper.  Next morning, this roughness was even more pronounced--my hand drags across my dome when i rub it.  And , I noticed when changing my t-shirt the cloth stuck to my head; wouldn't just slide right off.  i was thinking that shaving every other day would be the way to go, but now; I can see why so many guys shave every day !

Title: Re: The Day-Old Shave
Post by: PigPen on July 25, 2007, 09:52:05 AM
That would be the velcro effect John. Yes, that is why most of us shave everyday.
Title: Re: The Day-Old Shave
Post by: BALDANDRE on July 25, 2007, 10:09:05 AM
Yes I guess it's safe to say today you are "officially sly"...

There is nothing like the feeling of a new fresh shave on the's got to be everyday for me! O0

Sounds like you're diggin' it....very nice!
Title: Re: The Day-Old Shave
Post by: Paul on July 25, 2007, 10:34:14 AM
Oh, oh John, sounds like you have already developed that sly addiction we warned you about....I see nothing but a sly future for you now 8)
Title: Re: The Day-Old Shave
Post by: Sooner Steve on July 25, 2007, 10:52:37 AM
Hey John, I was exactly like you.  When I became sly my plan was to shave every 2 to 3 days depending upon my schedule.  I think that lasted about 1 week.  I liked the smooth feel so much better that I have developed into a "shave a day" kind of guy.  Enjoy.
Title: Re: The Day-Old Shave
Post by: Timmay on July 25, 2007, 11:15:21 AM
Definitely shave everyday.  Like i said before I was even shaving in the rest stop bathrooms on the way home from florida. YOu dont think it will be a big deal to let it go a day or so...but arggggggggg i hate the velcro effect.  I bet i could clean the rims on my truck with my head it  get so prickly. yes definitely shave everyday here soemtimes TWICE.  Just depends on what Im doing after work.  Like tonight...Im going to a ball game..gotta look good so the razor will coem back out at 5pm
Title: Re: The Day-Old Shave
Post by: Da_Rev_Juggalo on July 25, 2007, 12:09:38 PM
Well Brother i Work Offshore And While Im Out There I Shave Every other Day But On Land I Do The Every Morning Shave And Then MayBe A Second Shave If Im Going Out That Night. The Lingerie Models Love Kissing A Smooth Head.
Title: Re: The Day-Old Shave
Post by: PBurke on August 03, 2007, 12:36:57 PM
by lingerie models, don't you mean strippers? what up bro?
Title: Re: The Day-Old Shave
Post by: Razor X on August 03, 2007, 02:58:45 PM
.so yes definitely shave everyday here soemtimes TWICE.  Just depends on what Im doing after work.  Like tonight...Im going to a ball game..gotta look good so the razor will coem back out at 5pm

I can't shave more than once a day.  There isn't enough stubble for the razor to grab onto if I try. Even if I'm getting a little sandpapery, I can't get it any smoother if it's been less than 24 hours.  It also seems to screw up the next morning's shave, which won't be as smooth if I try to do the twice a day thing.

I guess my hair just doesn't grow as quickly as some people's.  I shaved around 6 am this morning and it is now almost 5 pm and I am still pretty smooth, with just a hint of roughness in one or two of my "problem areas."
Title: Re: The Day-Old Shave
Post by: Timmay on August 03, 2007, 03:09:07 PM
OK I DONT LIKE YOU!  I can shave at 7 am and by noon or so well at leas 2 pm Im ready for another shave.  It still looks smooth..but the hand says NO!....Wanna switch scalps?
Title: Re: The Day-Old Shave
Post by: Razor X on August 03, 2007, 03:23:49 PM
Wanna switch scalps?

Ummm ....... no.  ;D

If it's any consolation, the stubble should start emerging any minute now. I usually start getting rough after about 12 hours and by morning will definitely need to shave again.

Every once in a while, when everything is perfectly aligned in the universe, and the gods smile upon me, I can get a really close shave that stays smooth for nearly 24 hours.  Usually this occurs after I've skipped a day, am using a brand new blade and have hydrated my scalp extra-thoroughly in the shower.  Doesn't happen very often, but it's a real treat when it does.

Title: Re: The Day-Old Shave
Post by: warhawk on August 03, 2007, 03:32:41 PM
john..... i knew when u started shaving that dome that u were gonna get addicted. ;D  yeah.... i agree with andre.... u r officially  SLY.  yep.... the dreaded velcro head is why most of us shave everyday.  i usually get my dome shaved everyday but every now & then i skip a day.  however, i can only go 2 days without shaving the dome.  i start feeling "dirty" and "grimy" after that.  ya gotta luv a smooth slick dome. O0

Title: Re: The Day-Old Shave
Post by: Bald_freak on August 03, 2007, 04:28:27 PM
I wish I could shave it everyday, but if I don't wait at least a day and a half I end up scraping the       
F!@# out of my melon.