Sly Bald Guys Forum

Head Shaving, Grooming & Care => Beards => Topic started by: DOC_OSMC on January 01, 2014, 08:08:46 AM

Title: The Bald and the Bearded
Post by: DOC_OSMC on January 01, 2014, 08:08:46 AM
What's up y'all!

So I'm bald and bearded as you can from my profile pic.  I find the look suits me best. As you can see from the attached pic, I've had various degees of facial hair. I find that the beard balances the look of both the buzz cut and the bald head.

Being bald and bearded, I thought,  would be a fairly uncommon look. I figured most would have goatees or be clean shaven, most of my bald friends fall in one of those categories. However in perusing this forum, I seem to find more bald and bearded fellas, which is cool.

So I'm curious, why did you choose your style of facial hair, or lack of, to go with your bald look?
Title: Re: The Bald and the Bearded
Post by: Mike E. P. on January 01, 2014, 09:48:50 AM
I like my goatee best - shaved close to my face, but I get bored. Right now it's pretty bushy and my wife is telling my to trim it, but I figure I'll antagonize her a little longer ;)

But I go through periods where I want to be clean shaven. Recently I attempted the full beard and grew to like it. I had a shaving mishap and had to take it off. I think I may grow it back for the rest of the winter.
Title: Re: The Bald and the Bearded
Post by: TheSlyBear on January 01, 2014, 11:23:21 AM
Van Dyck most of the year; full beard in winter.
Title: Re: The Bald and the Bearded
Post by: nuts on January 01, 2014, 11:38:55 AM
I had had a full beard for 36+ years when I decided to shave my head and couldn't even consider getting rid of it.  A couple of years ago when travelling I did shave it down to  a goatee (to please my wife) but that lasted about one week I was back to the full beard which is here to stay.  I like the combination but also think a goatee is a good look as is a clean shaven face with sly head.   
Title: Re: The Bald and the Bearded
Post by: slybeard on January 01, 2014, 12:08:43 PM
Had a circle beard for years before going sly, but after going sly and seeing some of the photos of full beards and bald, I wanted to try it, and have been full bearded since.  I agree that adding facial hair improves the great look of sly, and currently I like the full beard/sly combo.
Title: Re: The Bald and the Bearded
Post by: Razor X on January 01, 2014, 12:16:36 PM
Bald with a goatee for many years but recently have been experimenting with a full beard. I will keep it for a while longer.  I may go back to the goatee in the spring or summer.  I haven't decided yet.



Title: Re: The Bald and the Bearded
Post by: DOC_OSMC on January 01, 2014, 12:33:43 PM
Man, Razor X and Mike E. P., i envy you guys! You guys have some great beards, nice and full. If I could grow that kind of beard, I'd never shave it off!

I have a decent beard for an Asian guy, but it's patchy in a few areas and nowhere near as full as your guys' are.
Title: Re: The Bald and the Bearded
Post by: TheSlyBear on January 01, 2014, 03:33:29 PM
Razor, the beard is looking amazing!
Title: Re: The Bald and the Bearded
Post by: slymyke on January 01, 2014, 05:27:15 PM
Razor, that beard is looking the best I can remember it O0

I was buzzing my hair pretty much bald using no guard, and had a goatee.  I saw the bald and bearded look and liked it, but wasn't sure if I would do it.   As I did a google search for "bald and bearded", I came across the thread from this forum called "Show Us Your Beard", by Beardman.  That is what led me to Sly Bald Guys.  I grew out a full beard and razor-shaved my head.   

Just recently,  I had to shave the beard off because of taking a job that required it.   (I hate not having my beard more than I can say).   
Title: Re: The Bald and the Bearded
Post by: slybeard on January 01, 2014, 06:05:06 PM
Slymyke, we need to start looking for another job for you.  Is any facial hair allowed?  I suppose they let you keep your eyebrows.  Is it a matter of appearance or is it a safety issue for your work?
Title: Re: The Bald and the Bearded
Post by: Razor X on January 01, 2014, 06:09:58 PM
Razor, that beard is looking the best I can remember it O0

Razor, the beard is looking amazing!

Thanks, guys.  I started letting it grow out on October 23, so this is the longest time I've ever had a full beard.  I'll keep it for the next few months at least but at times I do miss the goatee look. I'm not sure why.
Title: Re: The Bald and the Bearded
Post by: slymyke on January 01, 2014, 06:29:20 PM
Slymyke, we need to start looking for another job for you.  Is any facial hair allowed?  I suppose they let you keep your eyebrows.  Is it a matter of appearance or is it a safety issue for your work?

They claim it is for safety reasons, although I'm not sure when/if I would be in a situation to where it would be an issue.  They seem to be old fashioned and lean toward the "clean-cut" look.  A mustache is allowed as long as it is neatly trimmed and doesn't go past the top lip.   :/O
Title: Re: The Bald and the Bearded
Post by: DOC_OSMC on January 01, 2014, 06:47:52 PM
Slymyke, reading what you had to do to the beard hurts my soul! I couldn't do it! I never liked the way I looked clean shaven when I had hair, I can't even imagine being clean shaven and sly! You are a better man than I to make that sacrifice.
Title: Re: The Bald and the Bearded
Post by: Sir Harry on January 01, 2014, 07:41:32 PM
I'm currently bald and bearded....but being in the military, for more than two decades I could only carry a mustache, but grew a goatee in between weekend drills. Once I joined this forum, I saw some of the members with nice beards, and when I retired in summer 2012, I started growing a beard. I only have shaved it once since (back in April to attend a military ball with my stepdaughter). My current beard is about 3 months but I want to see how far I can resist shaving it again....
Title: Re: The Bald and the Bearded
Post by: DOC_OSMC on January 01, 2014, 07:52:53 PM
My current beard is about 3 months but I want to see how far I can resist shaving it again....
Don't do it Sir Harry! Us Bald and Bearded gotta stick together!
Title: Re: The Bald and the Bearded
Post by: marshd1000 on January 01, 2014, 08:05:33 PM
Razor' the beard is a keeper!  Very flattering!
Title: Re: The Bald and the Bearded
Post by: imaginary on January 01, 2014, 11:24:49 PM
Razor, I think it happens to just about anyone who is used to what has become a trademark look.
Title: Re: The Bald and the Bearded
Post by: Mr Jules on January 02, 2014, 02:28:37 PM
Bald with a goatee for many years but recently have been experimenting with a full beard. I will keep it for a while longer.  I may go back to the goatee in the spring or summer.  I haven't decided yet.

Great beard, Razor X

Well shaped and clean neck line. Perhaps a little more growth ?

(got carried away myself...)
Title: Re: The Bald and the Bearded
Post by: Mr Jules on January 02, 2014, 02:30:00 PM
Razor, I think it happens to just about anyone who is used to what has become a trademark look.

Agree with you there, Imaginary.

Bald and bearded can be a "trademark". You feel that you own the look and are defined by the look.
Title: Re: The Bald and the Bearded
Post by: greatnessinc on January 03, 2014, 07:33:04 AM
I grew one for no shave November and decided to keep it a while, I do like to trim it and keep it short with clean lines. I'm sure eventually I'll slip and mess up one or both sides and have to start over.
Title: Re: The Bald and the Bearded
Post by: BBCESQ on January 03, 2014, 08:16:38 AM
Since shaving my head, I've experimented with just about every type of facial hair.  I even grew a mustache for Movember, and hated it. 

I've decided that I like the clean shaven look the best for me personally.  I am very gray (at 35) and having an almost fully gray beard just makes me look older.  I know the gray shouldn't bother me, but I don't want to look older than I already do :)

So, I am going to keep rocking the completely shaved look, until I get another wild hair and start growing my beard again.
Title: Re: The Bald and the Bearded
Post by: DOC_OSMC on January 03, 2014, 10:50:43 AM
Yeah, I've know several people who can pull off the sly and clean shaven look.  Seems to suit you BBCESQ.  I myself, as I stated earlier, never liked the way I looked clean shaven when I had hair, that I can't even imagine being clean shaven and sly. 

But, that's the beauty of this whole thing, there's something that works for everyone.
Title: Re: The Bald and the Bearded
Post by: BBCESQ on January 03, 2014, 11:31:43 AM
But, that's the beauty of this whole thing, there's something that works for everyone.

Isn't that the truth.
Title: Re: The Bald and the Bearded
Post by: marshd1000 on January 12, 2014, 05:04:48 AM
For much of my adult life I had a full beard.  Then MPB started happening and ultimately I went Sly.  So initially I did the circle beard as that was more popular.  Eventually I saw full bearded men with shaved heads and got the courage to try it.  Now, not only do I have a full beard, but I am now in the process of growing a monster beard with the bald head!
Title: Re: The Bald and the Bearded
Post by: baldjoeg on January 12, 2014, 11:25:52 AM

Your beard looks awesome. You are doing a great job of keeping it groomed. You llok great both ways: with a full beard and with the goatee. Glad to her that you are hangion in there witht he full beard for awhile. It really looks sharp with your smooth bald  noggin.

I only have a goatee and mustache myself. I had a hard enough time getting the goatee to look good eouugh to keep. I really think that facial hair enhances the bald noggin.

Sir Harry, your beard looks great. Mike, you are looking good too. Slymeke, Sorry to hear that you had to shave your beard. It looked awesome on you.

Take care guys and Happy New Year to all of you.

WE finally have some mild weather here again in Minnesota. It was really brutal here last Monday with -20 degree tempswith -40 to - 50 degree wind chills. Burr!!!! Can't wait until we leave here for Claifornia and Arizona on February 17th.

Take care all.

Take care all.
Title: Re: The Bald and the Bearded
Post by: EarlBald on January 12, 2014, 04:51:42 PM
I have a goatee, which has lasted a LONG time, thru various hair (and scalp!) styles.  I had a mustache in college, shaved it off briefly, then grew a full beard.  That lasted ten years, then I went without a beard for a year.  In 1985 (yes 28 years or more years ago!), I grew a goatee and have liked the look ever since.  I regret the graying of the goatee, but I don't want to shave it off or dye it.  However, I'm glad that I got rid of my gray hair (by shaving).  I'm partial to beards, so everyone posting looks good, especially Razor X.
Title: Re: The Bald and the Bearded
Post by: Mike E. P. on January 12, 2014, 06:33:27 PM
Earl,  I like the gray in your beard. I think it adds character.
Title: Re: The Bald and the Bearded
Post by: Razor X on January 12, 2014, 08:20:59 PM
Earl,  I like the gray in your beard. I think it adds character.

I like the grey in everybody's beard ... except my own.  :-[
Title: Re: The Bald and the Bearded
Post by: EarlBald on January 12, 2014, 09:10:42 PM
Thanks, Mike.  I think that your beard looks good, too.  The mixture of gray and blond works well.  I don't know if it's just the photography, but you seem to have the smoothest scalp--I'm jealous!
Title: Re: The Bald and the Bearded
Post by: nuts on January 12, 2014, 09:34:31 PM
I don't mind that my beard is whitish not grey. At 72 one can't be choosy and as I have had a beard since May 1966 it has gone through many colour changes.  As earlbald says the bald head is much better than having grey hair.

I agree RazorX really shines - I manage to get mine like that on occasion with aloe vera.
Title: Re: The Bald and the Bearded
Post by: Rusty Shackleford on February 05, 2014, 01:16:15 AM
They claim it is for safety reasons, although I'm not sure when/if I would be in a situation to where it would be an issue.  They seem to be old fashioned and lean toward the "clean-cut" look.  A mustache is allowed as long as it is neatly trimmed and doesn't go past the top lip.   :/O

Safety? It sounds like B.S. to me.  Any company where the management is regulating the shape of a mustache is a management team that is not spending enough time doing actual work.  With nearly every business now facing some degree of global competition at the same time litigation and regulation have never been as intense, it is nothing but gross incompetence for any employer to sit around focusing on ways to regulate facial hair (it's even offense to believe they have the right to regulate it anyway).  I mean this is something straight out of Dilbert!

Could you imagine this scenario?

Bill Johnson, CEO: "Yes, last quarter our earnings sank to a new low because our poorly-designed and under-tested product resulted in the deaths of dozens of people, and the new regulations forcing us to drop our workforce to 50 full time employees means we'll never get it corrected, but you have to focus on the big picture.  Of the male employees that we did manage to keep who insist on growing facial hair, they are now mandated to trim it into a geometically-perfect trapezoid of hair on their upper lip.  This is the protractor, marker, and ruler I use to enforce compliance!"