Sly Bald Guys Forum

Head Shaving, Grooming & Care => Safety Razor Head Shaving => Topic started by: Lo on September 03, 2013, 09:15:01 PM

Title: best razors to use for black men!!
Post by: Lo on September 03, 2013, 09:15:01 PM
hey guys just went bald this weekend and love it. It slowly but surely getting more smoother but I need to know what will be the best razors to use for black men while shaving? Im currently using magic shave cream but I don't want to continue to use chemicals and rather use the gel or foam. Any suggestions for a beginner
Title: Re: best razors to use for black men!!
Post by: Sir Harry on September 04, 2013, 02:27:42 AM
Just about any razor will do as long as it has at least three blades. (unless it is a DE safety razor). Believe it or not, the shave prep can go a long way towards preventing bumps. I would invest in Shave Secret (sold at WalMart). It's a small bottle, but mix in a few drops with your shaving soap/gel/cream, and it makes for much smoother and less bumpier shaves. Also, you can invest in Bump Patrol and a Shaving Brush. The Bump Patrol comes in a blue bottle and heals breakouts within two to three days, and the shaving brush makes for a better lather and a smoother shave. Feel free to PM me if you need anymore tips. Good luck!
Title: Re: best razors to use for black men!!
Post by: Lo on September 04, 2013, 04:35:34 AM
Wow thanks a lot man very informative. I heard black men couldnt use certain razors so was curious.  Hows the Mach 3? Is that good to uses?
Title: Re: best razors to use for black men!!
Post by: Mikekoz13 on September 04, 2013, 05:24:05 AM
Welcome Lo!

Harry gave great advice, as usual. I will also recommend a good brush. You can buy a cheap one at Wally World but if you try a good brush (about $20 or so) you will be amazed at the difference.
I also recommend getting rid of any canned shaving creams or gels that you can buy off of a shelf somewhere. I'd get a mug to go with your brush (an old coffee cup will even do) and get some shave soaps. You can also buy soaps in tubs that can be lathered right in the tub so no mug is needed. Most GOOD soaps and creams have little or no junk in them that is bad for your skin.

Go to and check out their stuff. I recommend RazoRock shave soaps (between $6 & $9 a tub but worth it!) or Cella shave soap. Also, for a good but inexpensive brush look at the Vulfix 1001. Very nice for the price.

Don't worry about them being in Canada... they are legit. I just ordered from them again last Friday AM. Had my package yesterday (Tuesday). Spend $60 and shipping is free.
Title: Re: best razors to use for black men!!
Post by: Sir Harry on September 04, 2013, 06:42:16 AM
The Mach 3 is pretty good, though I have only used it once since acquiring a DE razor. I also have both versions of the HeadBlade which can give you a nice shave when you're in a hurry. Adding to what Mike posted (thanks, Mike!). as a beginner, you can get a starter brush at Walgreens for less than $10. They also sell soaps for $3 for a small tub (Remember, these are only starter versions, when you become a better shaver, you may want to get into the more advanced equipment). Also, some bottles of the Bump Patrol may come with a free shaving brush. If you have a bad problem with bumps, you can also get a small bottle of Tea Tree oil at Walgreens for $10. Good luck!
Title: Re: best razors to use for black men!!
Post by: Lo on September 04, 2013, 09:30:38 AM
Thanks guys what exactly do the brush do. Does it help to lather?
Title: Re: best razors to use for black men!!
Post by: Mikekoz13 on September 04, 2013, 10:29:21 AM
ush will help the soap lather and if you load the brush with soap properly you will not have to re-load it.... just grab and make a second pass.
The hairs of the brush are also a natural exfoliator.

AND........ it just plain feels good!
Title: Re:
Post by: geeman on September 04, 2013, 01:11:35 PM
Some good advice from the brothers.... Not much to sir harry I use a de.. its old school retro and gives a great the blades are so cheap...using a brush and real shaving cream is so much better than just wiping on that crap in a mike exfoliates and gets the lather well and truly spread evenly and thickly...i use an alum block to sort out any razor rash and witch hazel followed by aloe vera after sun really gets rid of razor burn....welcome to the club...
Title: Re: best razors to use for black men!!
Post by: wutwutman on September 04, 2013, 01:18:19 PM
Welcome!  I typically use Fusion Proglide razors. I like the way they feel in the hand and they cut really smooth.  I also like the Schick Hydro 5 razors.  I use Headslick shaving cream mostly and some locally made shaving soap.  If you want to not use chemicals, stay away from any canned foam or gel.  I also use Bump Stopper 2.  It stops any breakouts, altho I really haven't had any since I started blade shaving ;)
Title: Re: best razors to use for black men!!
Post by: baldjoeg on September 04, 2013, 06:14:02 PM
Welcome to Sly Bald Guys.Great advice, Sir Larry, Mike-koz and Geeman.

I sure appreciate this web site and all the information I have learned,

Take care and enjoy your new look,
Title: Re: best razors to use for black men!!
Post by: Lo on September 05, 2013, 06:31:18 AM
Thanks for the advice I'm definitely using it to help keep my head nice and smooth
Title: Re: best razors to use for black men!!
Post by: Lo on September 05, 2013, 10:00:09 AM
Another question how do you close your pores? Most of my head is completely smooth but the top part and a patch in the back I feel stubbles daily only time its completely smooth is after I shave. Than the next day I feel the stubble again
Title: Re:
Post by: geeman on September 05, 2013, 10:43:28 AM
Same here, cold water rinse and ice cube rub helps, but you can't stop the stubble..hey a new catch phrase lol...
Title: Re: best razors to use for black men!!
Post by: Lo on September 05, 2013, 10:48:17 AM
Lol " can't stop the stubble" its weird my whole head is smooth except thosee areas
Title: Re: best razors to use for black men!!
Post by: wutwutman on September 10, 2013, 10:02:09 AM
I get the same issue.  All smooth except for patches over both ears and just above the crown lol
Title: Re: best razors to use for black men!!
Post by: g_bald on September 10, 2013, 12:53:27 PM
I use an ice cube rub to close the pores, but still, the stubble does return... and WAY too fast.

The only alternative I can see is to let it grow out until it's long enough to pluck them out with tweezers (ouch!) and afford more time smooth. I don't think I can spare the two weeks to do it though, and by the time your finished... where you started will probably be starting to grow back in!!  :*))
Title: Re: best razors to use for black men!!
Post by: DC on September 11, 2013, 09:43:58 AM
Welcome! I'm currently using the Headblade ATX, and so far, so good. The Mach 3 is also a good choice. Like the other Bros said, make sure you at least have a triple blade shaver-makes it so much easier.

With shaving stuff, I recommend either Headslick, Bald Guyz, or Shave Secret. The Headblade/Headslick stuff and Bald Guyz you can get at Walgreens, whereas you can get Shave Secret at Walmart.

Again, welcome, and keep it Sly Bro!  O0
Title: Re: best razors to use for black men!!
Post by: antoniom on November 16, 2013, 02:20:11 PM
I use whatever shave lubricant is on sale at the supermarket,, walmart, target. Plus a schick xtreme III is good for head shaves not just face especially for beginners or a schick, gillette twin blade or bic single blade. Cold water rinse to shut down everything do wash or do any shave prep before or after the shave?
Title: Re: best razors to use for black men!!
Post by: zulu on December 18, 2013, 10:09:32 PM
Found this forum looking for product reviews on shave cream/pastes for head shaving and stumbled upon this thread. Figured I'd give my .02 after a year of a new routine. Like many black men I suffered from the ill effects of PFB when shaving. I tried everything except Magic Shave.... electrics never gave me that satisfyingly close shave, tried the rotaries, 3,4,5 blades and I still had issues. Then, one day I stumbled upon the straight razor and it all changed. I've been using a cutthroat for about a year now and have had no razor burn or ingrowns.

Like others here have said, prep is very important as the brush raises the hairs and has an exfoliating effect but using that hot towel prior to the shave to soften the hair goes a long way to getting a smooth shave (or taking a hot shower prior to shaving). I also use pre-shave oil because I tend to have very dry skin and it gives me a great barrier as well as ensures my skin is moist prior to passing a blade over it. I've been using Dovo's Shavette with the black holder and long blades which more closely mimic a traditional straight razor.

Between shaves I use pure coconut oil as a moisturizer because I hate heavy lotions which seem to increase my skin irritation by the end of the day. I could go on and on, but that's pretty much the basics.

Nice to meet you all. I'll go back to lurking now.  ;)