Sly Bald Guys Forum

Head Shaving, Grooming & Care => How To Protect Your Bald Head => Topic started by: sublbc on June 12, 2013, 01:59:39 PM

Title: Going on holiday soon, need some advice on stuff
Post by: sublbc on June 12, 2013, 01:59:39 PM
As the title describe, i will be going on holiday very soon. Going from this cold environment to a close to 105 degrees, its going to be HOT!

I do use some protection for my body, like factor 15 or so. I'm looking for a good lotion to protect my dome from being burned, I was thinking of using factor 30?

I did also consider using a hat ontop of the sunblock or whatever its called in English haha, if thats the case. Do you have any advice on what looks good on a bald head?
Money is not the problem, I'm just not sure what will fit my face etc. I know its pretty much just a question of going out and try some on, but i find the selection here is very limited, i did also consider waiting until i get to the hotel then go out and look for one, not sure tho.

I hope you can help me out, i just started shaving full time like yesterday ;P

Thank you all for reading!
Title: Re: Going on holiday soon, need some advice on stuff
Post by: Cave Dweller on June 12, 2013, 03:16:30 PM
My personal choice even before I went sly has been a bandana.  It folds up nicely in my pocket when I am not wearing it, blocks the sun, covers my neck, and it fits snuggly around the head to absorb sweat - something with which I always have a problem.

Any sunscreen/sunblock below a 30 is not too useful - especially if you just recently shaved everything off.
Title: Re: Going on holiday soon, need some advice on stuff
Post by: mrzed on June 12, 2013, 06:42:35 PM
For a freshly shaved head, you're going to want a hat for the middle of the day. early mornings and late afternoon and evenings, you can show off your bald head.  But protect it at mid-day and strong sun.  Head Blade sun screen is SPF 30.  You probably don't want less than that. and if your in the water/pool/lake/ocean, you'll want to re-apply frequently.

Title: Re: Going on holiday soon, need some advice on stuff
Post by: sublbc on June 13, 2013, 12:46:06 AM
Thank you very much for the answers!

I will definitely get a hat for noon til 3, and then some good sunblock for the rest of the day :)
Title: Re: Going on holiday soon, need some advice on stuff
Post by: nuts on June 13, 2013, 01:44:50 AM
In Australia which has a very high incidence of skin cancers it is recommended that you keep your skin (especially shaved head) covered from around 9.30am until 4pm.  Sun can be very deceptive and even cloudy days can be dynamite.
Title: Re: Going on holiday soon, need some advice on stuff
Post by: Blitzed on June 13, 2013, 07:42:45 AM
As I recall, Australia used to run promos about "Slip, Slap, Slop" or in some order that had to do with slipping on a hat, slopping on sun screen and...I don't remember what or who you were supposed to slap. Struck me then, and this is many years ago, as a perfectly good way to protect yourself, and your head which is always, at least in advanced societies, considered part of yourself from melanoma, aka Skin Cancer. Having said that, I'm old and have had a shaved head for 15 years. I mention that because even though it's been that way for a long time, has that "used good wood" quality that shaved/bald heads get after time, I am NOT immune to cancer of the skin. PJ
Title: Re: Going on holiday soon, need some advice on stuff
Post by: Tyler on June 13, 2013, 05:25:46 PM
Make sure to wear sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher, even when you're wearing a hat.  Because when you're wearing your hat your going to get sun where the hat doesn't cover.
Title: Re: Going on holiday soon, need some advice on stuff
Post by: sublbc on June 14, 2013, 05:41:51 AM
Ill be sure to bring some good lotion! Thanks for all your answers!
Title: Re: Going on holiday soon, need some advice on stuff
Post by: Goatee on July 04, 2013, 11:09:34 AM
I will be using my daughters factor 50 when we go to france in a few weeks!
Title: Re: Going on holiday soon, need some advice on stuff
Post by: matt548 on July 04, 2013, 03:53:32 PM
I just got back from Va Beach...all the suggestions are good...definatly a hat and plenty of sunscreen...dont forget sunscreen on the ears!!!  bandanas are great, much less stuffy than the hat.  Bucket hats are good too, they cover it all.

have fun!
Title: Re: Going on holiday soon, need some advice on stuff
Post by: pjm789 on July 06, 2013, 05:59:34 AM
Take it from a Floridian, cover your head!