Sly Bald Guys Forum

Head Shaving, Grooming & Care => Head Shaving => Topic started by: Razor X on June 24, 2007, 07:44:55 PM

Title: Stocking up on blades
Post by: Razor X on June 24, 2007, 07:44:55 PM
I finally got my eBay issues straightened out and could not resist a deal that they had for 100 Mach III Turbo blades for $95 and free shipping.  I've always used the regular Mach III blades but this was the best deal they had going for any blade, so I decided to give it a try.  They arrived a few days ago.  I have not tried them yet, as I still have one fresh regular Mach III left over to use up first.

I never stopped to think until this morning that at the rate of one blade every two weeks (which is how long I typically get out of a blade), this stockpile is going to last me for about four years.   :o :o  Guess that will prevent me from defecting to the Headblade or Fusion in the meantime. 

I also remembered something that I had long forgotten:  when I first started shaving my dome, I wouldn't buy large quantities of razor blades, because I still wasn't sure if I would continue to shave on a long-term basis.  (It took me a while to totally commit to sly).  I can remember buying a 4 pack of Mach III blades (8 weeks supply) and wondering if I would ever manage to keep my head shaved for 8 whole weeks.   Needless to say, that is no longer an issue for me.    ;D
Title: Re: Stocking up on blades
Post by: SLYinKC on June 24, 2007, 07:52:56 PM
So does this mean you're finally "committed"???
Title: Re: Stocking up on blades
Post by: Razor X on June 24, 2007, 07:55:52 PM
So does this mean you're finally "committed"???

Either that or that I should be committed.   :*)) :*))

I have to admit, it took a while for me to get used to the sly look.  It wasn't that I didn't like it, but it didn't feel like it was me.  For a good while, I felt like I was wearing a disguise or something.  If this forum had been around back then, I'd probably have become comfortable with it a lot sooner. 
Title: Re: Stocking up on blades
Post by: SLYinKC on June 24, 2007, 08:11:33 PM
So does this mean you're finally "committed"???

If this forum had been around back then, I'd probably have become comfortable with it a lot sooner. 

Without this forum and support of all the SLY brothers, I would probably still be a wanna-be-SLY.  I have to say that I have alot of respect for all of you guys who had the guts to make such a change without the kind of support and encouragement that SBG's gives.  8)
Title: Re: Stocking up on blades
Post by: Razor X on June 24, 2007, 08:17:47 PM

Without this forum and support of all the SLY brothers, I would probably still be a wanna-be-SLY.  I have to say that I have alot of respect for all of you guys who had the guts to make such a change without the kind of support and encouragement that SBG's gives.  8)

You only needed the slightest of pushes in the right direction.  It did not take much arm-twisting at all to convince you to go sly.  You are such a "natural" sly guy, you seem like an old pro.  I was surprised when you pointed out not too long ago that you only took the plunge two months ago .  Seems like you have been here and sly forever. 8)

Title: Re: Stocking up on blades
Post by: warhawk on June 24, 2007, 09:01:05 PM
razorx.... glad that u got your ebay problem solved.  MAN... u got a gr8 deal on the mach 3 power razors.  u got 2 give us a review on the power machs.  wow... u sure make those razors last???  so.... u average one razor per week?  wow.... i use the regular fusion and absolutely luv it but each blade last about an average of 4 or 5 good shaves on my dome.  do u think it depends on one's head.

i don't think i'll switch 2 any blade because the fusion rocks.  maybe u can give me some tips on making a razor last if that is possible.  anyways.... what do u think?  i've been sly since april 2007 and still learning and seeking tips.

Title: Re: Stocking up on blades
Post by: Razor X on June 24, 2007, 09:29:21 PM
razorx.... glad that u got your ebay problem solved.  MAN... u got a gr8 deal on the mach 3 power razors.  u got 2 give us a review on the power machs.  wow... u sure make those razors last???  so.... u average one razor per week?  wow.... i use the regular fusion and absolutely luv it but each blade last about an average of 4 or 5 good shaves on my dome.  do u think it depends on one's head.

i don't think i'll switch 2 any blade because the fusion rocks.  maybe u can give me some tips on making a razor last if that is possible.  anyways.... what do u think?  i've been sly since april 2007 and still learning and seeking tips.


Just to clarify -- these are the Mach III Turbo, not the Mach III Power (haven't tried that one).  I usually get two weeks out of a blade.  No magic secret; I just keep using them for two weeks and then throw them away.  I don't know how people only get one or two days out of a blade.  Maybe the amount of hair that needs to be shaved and the texture have something to do with how long the blade lasts.  I don't have a whole lot of hair on top, but it still needs to be shaved and I have a lot around the sides and back.  I also use the same blade for my face.
Title: Re: Stocking up on blades
Post by: Tyler on June 24, 2007, 11:12:41 PM
That's a great deal RazorX!!  I'm going to have to go hunting for some sensor blades on eBay soon.  I have my stock of Fusion, but I use the Sensor Excel on my HeadBlade.
Title: Re: Stocking up on blades
Post by: Paul on June 25, 2007, 05:20:19 AM
So does this mean you're finally "committed"???
I have to admit, it took a while for me to get used to the sly look.  It wasn't that I didn't like it, but it didn't feel like it was me.  For a good while, I felt like I was wearing a disguise or something.  If this forum had been around back then, I'd probably have become comfortable with it a lot sooner. 

Man, that is hard to believe Razor, I mean the sly is so you and your support of it so outstanding.  I wouldn't have ever thought you had doubts about taking the plunge.    That's great info to share for those guys who think they are the only ones hesitant about going sly.    And great deal on those blades.  I am also a sensor user and will have to see if I can get that good a deal.  Thanks
Title: Re: Stocking up on blades
Post by: SLYinKC on June 25, 2007, 06:11:38 AM
so.... u average one razor per week?  wow.... i use the regular fusion and absolutely luv it but each blade last about an average of 4 or 5 good shaves on my dome.  do u think it depends on one's head.

i don't think i'll switch 2 any blade because the fusion rocks.  maybe u can give me some tips on making a razor last if that is possible.  anyways.... what do u think?  i've been sly since april 2007 and still learning and seeking tips.


I just  purchased a fusion power phantom last week and I noticed that I could not get a full week out of the first blade.  Don't know if this is a fluke.  I have always gotten a week out of the Mach 3.  Also, I noticed that since using the fusion I have nicked myself several times.  This never happened with the Mach 3.  I'll probably go back to the Mach 3 if the rest of my fusion blades give me the same experience.
Title: Re: Stocking up on blades
Post by: Razor X on June 25, 2007, 06:58:57 AM

Man, that is hard to believe Razor, I mean the sly is so you and your support of it so outstanding.  I wouldn't have ever thought you had doubts about taking the plunge.    That's great info to share for those guys who think they are the only ones hesitant about going sly.   

I really didn't get a lot of feedback when I shaved, which was fine at first because I really didn't want to draw a lot of attention to myself.  But then the doubts started setting in and I started wondering if the lack of comments was because people didn't think it was a big deal or if I looked stupid and no one wanted to tell me.
Title: Re: Stocking up on blades
Post by: Razor X on June 25, 2007, 07:00:31 AM

I just  purchased a fusion power phantom last week and I noticed that I could not get a full week out of the first blade.  Don't know if this is a fluke.  I have always gotten a week out of the Mach 3.  Also, I noticed that since using the fusion I have nicked myself several times.  This never happened with the Mach 3.  I'll probably go back to the Mach 3 if the rest of my fusion blades give me the same experience.

Every once in a while, you come across a bad blade that doesn't seem to have the normal lifespan.
Title: Re: Stocking up on blades
Post by: SLYinKC on June 25, 2007, 07:05:58 AM

I just  purchased a fusion power phantom last week and I noticed that I could not get a full week out of the first blade.  Don't know if this is a fluke.  I have always gotten a week out of the Mach 3.  Also, I noticed that since using the fusion I have nicked myself several times.  This never happened with the Mach 3.  I'll probably go back to the Mach 3 if the rest of my fusion blades give me the same experience.

Every once in a while, you come across a bad blade that doesn't seem to have the normal lifespan.

I thought of that.  I'll wait to see what the other blades are like.  I got a good deal on the razor and 4 blades, otherwise, I probably wouldn't have spent the extra money on the fusion.  Just have been disappoited with this first week with it.
Title: Re: Stocking up on blades
Post by: jusbnme on June 25, 2007, 01:06:30 PM
I went ahead and gave in to the price of the Fusion.  I've been using that since giving up on the HB the last time.  I found that at my local CostCo, which is a whole sale store, they sell Fusion blades in bulk.  It's not as cheap as I could get off of Ebay but I'd rather pay a few extra bucks than take a chance on a scam. 
Title: Re: Stocking up on blades
Post by: warhawk on June 27, 2007, 09:37:11 AM

I just  purchased a fusion power phantom last week and I noticed that I could not get a full week out of the first blade.  Don't know if this is a fluke.  I have always gotten a week out of the Mach 3.  Also, I noticed that since using the fusion I have nicked myself several times.  This never happened with the Mach 3.  I'll probably go back to the Mach 3 if the rest of my fusion blades give me the same experience.

Every once in a while, you come across a bad blade that doesn't seem to have the normal lifespan.

I thought of that.  I'll wait to see what the other blades are like.  I got a good deal on the razor and 4 blades, otherwise, I probably wouldn't have spent the extra money on the fusion.  Just have been disappoited with this first week with it.

slyinKC..... let me know how u r liking the power fusion and blades.  baldrob.... did a review between the regular fusion blades & the power fusion blades.  basically there was NO difference except that the power fusion blades were an extra $2 more.

although.... i get 4-5 good shaves (on my dome) on my regular fusion blades.  it still gets the best shave 4 both dome & face.  i have the regular fusion.  how do u like the power??? does it really make a difference????  so far.... i'm content w/ the regular fusion razor and blade..  what do u think???  oh... and lance this question goes 4 u 2 since u r using the fusion.

Title: Re: Stocking up on blades
Post by: SLYinKC on June 27, 2007, 12:09:53 PM

slyinKC..... let me know how u r liking the power fusion and blades.  baldrob.... did a review between the regular fusion blades & the power fusion blades.  basically there was NO difference except that the power fusion blades were an extra $2 more.

although.... i get 4-5 good shaves (on my dome) on my regular fusion blades.  it still gets the best shave 4 both dome & face.  i have the regular fusion.  how do u like the power??? does it really make a difference????  so far.... i'm content w/ the regular fusion razor and blade..  what do u think???  oh... and lance this question goes 4 u 2 since u r using the fusion.


Warhawk, I seem to be having better results with my second fusion blade.  Although I don't seem to notice that much of an improvement over the Mach 3.  Not sure if I'll fork out the extra after my initial stash is exausted.

As for the Power function: I don't like it.  It seemed to cause me to get several nicks and cuts.  I've been shaving without the power on and have had better results.  However, it's kinda awkward and the power comes on when I accidentally hit the switch.  I guess I need to take the battery out.
Title: Re: Stocking up on blades
Post by: warhawk on June 27, 2007, 05:50:44 PM
slyinKC.... thanks 4 your input on the power fusion.  i will b sticking 2 the regular fusion(for now).  i'm always looking 4 suggestions on razors.  when my fusion blades run out.... i'm considering trying the mach 3 (either regular or turbo but NOT the power).  4 now... the fusion rocks 4 me.

Title: Re: Stocking up on blades
Post by: jusbnme on June 28, 2007, 06:39:31 AM
I agree with KC on this one.  I've been rotating between the Fusion and the Mach 3 for the past few weeks now trying to see if the Fusion is actually worth the extra cash.  I honestly can't see any difference in the two.  I do notice a slight difference as far as the Fusion giving a more comfortable shave.  But very little.  Not enough to justify the crazy price difference.  When I say "comfortable" I mean it seems I get a little less drag from the Fusion but I notice if I just take a little more time with the Mach 3 I can get just as smooth and close of a shave.  The main thing I look for when I'm comparing the two, other than a comfortable shave, is how long I can go between shaves.  I have noticed no difference in either razor.  My head stays smooth just as long with the Mach 3 as it does with the Fusion.  So as far as the Fusion cutting closer or getting more of the hair, I don't notice it.  I've decided that after I'm done with this last Fusion cartridge I'm going back to the old Mach 3.
Title: Re: Stocking up on blades
Post by: warhawk on June 28, 2007, 08:40:50 AM
I agree with KC on this one.  I've been rotating between the Fusion and the Mach 3 for the past few weeks now trying to see if the Fusion is actually worth the extra cash.  I honestly can't see any difference in the two.  I do notice a slight difference as far as the Fusion giving a more comfortable shave.  But very little.  Not enough to justify the crazy price difference.  When I say "comfortable" I mean it seems I get a little less drag from the Fusion but I notice if I just take a little more time with the Mach 3 I can get just as smooth and close of a shave.  The main thing I look for when I'm comparing the two, other than a comfortable shave, is how long I can go between shaves.  I have noticed no difference in either razor.  My head stays smooth just as long with the Mach 3 as it does with the Fusion.  So as far as the Fusion cutting closer or getting more of the hair, I don't notice it.  I've decided that after I'm done with this last Fusion cartridge I'm going back to the old Mach 3.
lance.... thanks 4 your review on the fusion as well.  i bought a bulk of regular fusion cartridges last week but when i run out i may experiment w/ the regular mach 3 blades.  as much as i luv the fusion.... if the mach 3 is equal than i might switch.  thus saving me a little $$$.  i'm always open for any suggestions or tips.

Title: Re: Stocking up on blades
Post by: warhawk on July 03, 2007, 10:30:51 PM
razorx.... let us know your review on your newly purchased mach 3 turbo razors that u got on ebay.  do u like the regular mach3 razor or turbo razor?  which is better?  is it worth the extra $$$ 2 buy the turbo?

i'm a fusion user and luv it but i'm ALWAYS researching future products 4 my keeping the dome smooth.