Sly Bald Guys Forum

Confidence and Success => Fitness/Diet => SBG Fitness Challenge => Topic started by: KC on June 24, 2007, 06:18:20 PM

Title: Ken's Fitness Regiment
Post by: KC on June 24, 2007, 06:18:20 PM
I am currently at 200 and ideally would like to lose about 15 lbs to be at my ideal body weight of 185 lbs.

More important than that is my goal of increasing my body definition.  I'm happy with my size, but want to see the actual muscles rather than just mass.

Unfortunately, I have been spending way too much time sitting and snacking around the fire station and noticed that my PT routine has eroded over the past few months.   To fix this problem, I recently joined Gold's Gym and have been put on a fairly regimented workout/fitness routine.  I am lifting three times a week and doing cardio workouts the other 3 days-- with the seventh day actively scuba diving.  My cardio focuses on running, swimming and cycling (triathalon activities). 

I am also getting back into the groove of lifting partially because the gym is close to my home and I am going there either early in the morning or before evening activities.  In the past when I was busy, my workouts went by the wayside because the gym wasn't convenient. 

I like what I am seeing between the new sly style and the workouts.  I look at this as an investment for the next thirty plus years.  It keeps getting better.


Title: Re: Ken's Fitness Regiment
Post by: Itsonlyinmyhead on June 24, 2007, 06:25:00 PM
Sounds like your doing all the right things in exercise.
But you need to look at your diet if your going to lose 15lbs. Try eating nuts and seeds for snacks (I get them in tubs), it helps with digestion as well I think. Also eat granola products as Ive been told they are healthy for you. Ontop of this you could always try chewing gum but I wouldnt recommend it as it causes your stomach to make unecessary s acid.  Also try to ration your main meals, eat more pasta and rice and protein and try to reduce fatty foods, i.e. no burgers, chips, etc
Title: Re: Ken's Fitness Regiment
Post by: KC on June 24, 2007, 06:33:58 PM
Sounds like your doing all the right things in exercise.
But you need to look at your diet if your going to lose 15lbs. Try eating nuts and seeds for snacks (I get them in tubs), it helps with digestion as well I think. Also eat granola products as Ive been told they are healthy for you. Ontop of this you could always try chewing gum but I wouldnt recommend it as it causes your stomach to make unecessary s acid.  Also try to ration your main meals, eat more pasta and rice and protein and try to reduce fatty foods, i.e. no burgers, chips, etc

All good diet advice.  Fortunately, I enjoy healthy food and know I need to limit my portions.  I love eating.
Title: Re: Ken's Fitness Regiment
Post by: Razor X on June 24, 2007, 06:52:59 PM
  ...Also try to ration your main meals, eat more pasta and rice and protein ...

Portion control is the single most important factor.  But I think the types of food you need to eat to lose weight varies from person to person; everybody is different.  I've cut way back on the processed carbs and for the first time in a long time, I can see a difference around the waistline.  I haven't had any bread, pasta, potatoes, or rice in 7 weeks -- with the exception of last weekend when I did have a bit of mashed potatoes with my dinner.  It was Father's Day and also my dad's birthday so my mom had made a special dinner. 

I find that eating more protein makes me feel more satisified, since it takes longer to digest protein than carbohydrates.  Also, not eating any bread or potatoes automatically cuts butter consumption to virtually nothing, so there's a big reduction in fat right there.
Title: Re: Ken's Fitness Regiment
Post by: Tyler on June 24, 2007, 11:32:01 PM
Stick with your plan bro, it's well worth it!
Title: Re: Ken's Fitness Regiment
Post by: KC on June 25, 2007, 07:13:35 PM
  ...Also try to ration your main meals, eat more pasta and rice and protein ...

Portion control is the single most important factor.  But I think the types of food you need to eat to lose weight varies from person to person; everybody is different.  I've cut way back on the processed carbs and for the first time in a long time, I can see a difference around the waistline.  I haven't had any bread, pasta, potatoes, or rice in 7 weeks -- with the exception of last weekend when I did have a bit of mashed potatoes with my dinner.  It was Father's Day and also my dad's birthday so my mom had made a special dinner. 

I find that eating more protein makes me feel more satisified, since it takes longer to digest protein than carbohydrates.  Also, not eating any bread or potatoes automatically cuts butter consumption to virtually nothing, so there's a big reduction in fat right there.

All good advice.  Prior to fire school, I watched what I ate and cut down on portions to get into shape and it worked like a charm.  I have gone back to my evil ways in the past year and it has translated into 15 lbs.  Shaving my head has motivated me to get back into the groove.  The good news is I feel like a new person and will keep it up.  I will concentrate on complex carbs and protein and keep away from the refined stuff.  I consider it an investment for the future and worth it.  I will keep you posted and post pictures as I get back to my fighting weight.

Title: Re: Ken's Fitness Regiment
Post by: Razor X on June 25, 2007, 07:18:15 PM

All good advice.  Prior to fire school, I watched what I ate and cut down on portions to get into shape and it worked like a charm.  I have gone back to my evil ways in the past year and it has translated into 15 lbs.  Shaving my head has motivated me to get back into the groove.  The good news is I feel like a new person and will keep it up.  I will concentrate on complex carbs and protein and keep away from the refined stuff.  I consider it an investment for the future and worth it.  I will keep you posted and post pictures as I get back to my fighting weight.

I was pretty much in the same situation.  I shaved my head and realized I still wasn't satisfied with my appearance and realized that I needed to get into better shape to make the whole look work for me, so indirectly, going sly has made me a healthier person.

Good luck with the fitness regimen!!
Title: Re: Ken's Fitness Regiment
Post by: jusbnme on June 25, 2007, 09:39:04 PM
Good luck on your fitness goal.  O0
Title: Re: Ken's Fitness Regiment
Post by: KC on July 28, 2007, 11:18:01 AM
I'm pleased to say that I have lost 4 lbs over the past month.  Have been hitting the gym about 5 times a week and feel great.  Love going to the gym right after I shave my head in the morning; sort of motivates me  :x!.
Title: Re: Ken's Fitness Regiment
Post by: Meathead on July 29, 2007, 04:53:10 AM
Keep at it man. I'm right with ya, at 200, trying to get down to about 180. I work out basically the same as you, except I train in MMA and Brazilian Jui Jitsu in replacement of running and biking. I like to keep my meals like that of a caveman's- meat, fruit, and veggies are my staples, along with some nuts like almonds. Fiber is your best friends. So far it's helped me loose 55lbs. Keep us posted man.  O0
Title: Re: Ken's Fitness Regiment
Post by: Tyler on July 29, 2007, 10:02:09 AM
I'm pleased to say that I have lost 4 lbs over the past month.  Have been hitting the gym about 5 times a week and feel great.  Love going to the gym right after I shave my head in the morning; sort of motivates me  :x!.

Awesome bro!
Title: Re: Ken's Fitness Regiment
Post by: Robmeister on July 29, 2007, 10:37:53 AM

...So far it's helped me loose 55lbs. Keep us posted man.  O0

 :o :o :o

Meathead, that's awesome, brutha  O0
Title: Re: Ken's Fitness Regiment
Post by: rex on August 02, 2007, 03:06:52 PM
Way to go meathead O0 O0 O0 O0
I am off to the dietitian in the morning, as now it is time for me too I will open a comment tomorrow after she reads me the riot act

Title: Re: Ken's Fitness Regiment
Post by: Timmay on August 11, 2007, 11:03:47 AM
I wish I had the willpower most of you have.  I have never been to a gym.  When i was in school..i was sorta the whimp....i couldnt lift weights very well....I dont have much upper body legs now thats different....but doing chin ups...tramatizing for me.  I just couldnt do it it sorta has effected me in the long term.  I see all these people in the gyms...and i sorta feel that it is off boundries for me.  The fear of getting noticed ..hey look at the dude over there...he cant do sh*t.  Everything else in life i feel fairly confident in ...just that area is like a no zone for me.   I guess I could just start doing it in my garage or something.  I did buy some of those old fashioned weights like 20 years ago..the grey weights filled with concrete...I have set them out by the trash now several times..but they seem to always make it back into my garage.  Maybe its telling me I will eventually use them some day.  Any motivation for my sly bro's at all?  Anything to help me get over that hump. 
Title: Re: Ken's Fitness Regiment
Post by: KC on August 11, 2007, 11:56:29 AM
I wish I had the willpower most of you have.  I have never been to a gym.  When i was in school..i was sorta the whimp....i couldnt lift weights very well....I dont have much upper body legs now thats different....but doing chin ups...tramatizing for me.  I just couldnt do it it sorta has effected me in the long term.  I see all these people in the gyms...and i sorta feel that it is off boundries for me.  The fear of getting noticed ..hey look at the dude over there...he cant do sh*t.  Everything else in life i feel fairly confident in ...just that area is like a no zone for me.   I guess I could just start doing it in my garage or something.  I did buy some of those old fashioned weights like 20 years ago..the grey weights filled with concrete...I have set them out by the trash now several times..but they seem to always make it back into my garage.  Maybe its telling me I will eventually use them some day.  Any motivation for my sly bro's at all?  Anything to help me get over that hump. 

Timm, as the Nike Commercial says, "Just do It".  In the short time I have been serious, I have lost 10 lbs-- I am now at 190 and more importantly, I have gone from 24% body fat to 17%.  I feel like a new person and have a lot more get up and go.  I am far from the baddest gym rat, but there is constant improvement.  And in my humble opinion, a fit body compliments the Mr. Clean look I enjoy sporting. 
Title: Re: Ken's Fitness Regiment
Post by: Razor X on August 11, 2007, 12:46:57 PM
I wish I had the willpower most of you have.  I have never been to a gym.  When i was in school..i was sorta the whimp....i couldnt lift weights very well....I dont have much upper body legs now thats different....but doing chin ups...tramatizing for me.  I just couldnt do it it sorta has effected me in the long term.  I see all these people in the gyms...and i sorta feel that it is off boundries for me.  The fear of getting noticed ..hey look at the dude over there...he cant do sh*t.

Everybody has to start somewhere.  Start with a weight that you can handle and gradually work your way up.  I've been doing this for three years now and could not lift very much in the beginning.  I've come a long way but still can't lift what some other guys can, but so what?  I've never seen anybody at the gym laughing at anyone else -- with the exception of one or two oddballs who exhibit some extremely bizarre behavior.  Most people are too focused on their own workouts to pay much attention to anyone else.

Most gyms have trainers who can show you what you need to do to obtain your goals and how to lift weights and use the equipment  properly so you don't hurt yourself.  It's worth paying for a few sessions to get started on the right foot.