Sly Bald Guys Forum

Discussions About Being Bald => Reactions to being Bald => Topic started by: Sully on June 20, 2007, 08:57:41 AM

Title: A Simple Case of Vanity
Post by: Sully on June 20, 2007, 08:57:41 AM
A Simple Case of Vanity

I shaved my head for the first time two weeks ago today.   It’s been an interesting experience to say the least.  Never have I done anything related to my personal appearance that has drawn so much attention and commentary.
Most of it has been positive, but I’ve also had a few honest detractors. I’ve even had to get used to seeing my reflection in the mirror.  Sometimes I like it and sometimes I wonder.

I decided to take the leap because I was tired of the Kelsey Grammar look.  You know the guy from the 90s TV series, Frasier.  That was me without the hit show and adoring fans.  About the move, my concerns were many but they have been completely unrealized. I was concerned about the general social acceptability of the look.  Unfounded.  My business partners, colleagues, employees and clients have all offered remarks of one kind or another but none of them has looked at me like I’m some kind of miscreant.  This is really important to me because I earn my daily bread working with clients and making a good impression is important.  I’ve been told I look younger, more confident and more businesslike.  All of that makes me feel good.  My wife is the one who encouraged me to do it, and she loves it.  My two kids are down with it and, in fact, my son has said he’d like to get a low cut buzz for the summer.  He’s heard me talking about how nice it is not to have to deal with hair.  And it is.  Showering is simple. I live in Texas and spend a lot of time outdoors and it’s so nice not to have sweaty hair matted to my head after working outside or riding my dirt bike. And I love how cool it feels. 

And all that having been said, I’ve realized something important – something so simple that by the age of 42 you’d think I’d know by now.  Anxiety over personal appearance is driven solely by vanity.  I’ve never considered myself vain, but then again who does?  As long as your appearance doesn’t fall too far outside what looks healthy or normal nobody really gives a rat’s behind what you look like – except, of course, you.  We tend to grossly overestimate the consideration others give to evaluating our appearance. 

So it all boils down to this:  What do I think of me?
Title: Re: A Simple Case of Vanity
Post by: SLYinKC on June 20, 2007, 09:02:43 AM
Looks good, Sully,  Your words are very insightful and TRUE.  Welcome to the forum.  Sounds like your experience is a positive one.  I can relate to the walking be the mirror experience.  After a couple of months, I'm starting to forget what I looked like before. 8)
Title: Re: A Simple Case of Vanity
Post by: wpruitt on June 20, 2007, 09:07:42 AM
Damn good post.  The dome looks good.  Wht did you shave with?

You are right.  No ones opinions but our own should matter.  99% of the world could care less if we have a 5 billion or 0 hairs on our head.  It's what we like that is important.

Keep 'er sly my bald friend
Title: Re: A Simple Case of Vanity
Post by: BALDANDRE on June 20, 2007, 09:11:35 AM
Good for you dude...just goes to show how truly powerful this whole thing can be ...or how matter of fact the whole process can be...depends on you....

either way simply having a totally bald head can be a very cool thing! O0
Title: Re: A Simple Case of Vanity
Post by: Tyler on June 20, 2007, 09:12:04 AM
Sully, welcome to Sly Bald Guys bro!!  That was an awesome statement for sure.   YR*(k
Title: Re: A Simple Case of Vanity
Post by: PigPen on June 20, 2007, 09:25:23 AM
That was an excellent post Sully. You should read the SLY affirmations post from Vash as well. I think your insight will fit right in with us.

Congratulations on your liberation and welcome to SBG
Title: Re: A Simple Case of Vanity
Post by: Paul on June 20, 2007, 09:47:11 AM
That was an extremely articulate and thoughtful post Sully, should be recommended reading for any guy hesitant about going sly.  Congratulations on joining the world of the sly. 
Title: Re: A Simple Case of Vanity
Post by: Sooner Steve on June 20, 2007, 10:16:18 AM
Sully:  You are the man.  What a great post.  Should be required reading for anyone considering whether to go SLY.  I just went sly 12 days ago and I share a lot of your thoughts.  Especially the part about getting used to the new look.  Like you, my wife and kids are great with it.  However, my 10 year old boy is not about to get rid of his curls for anyone. 

At any rate, thanks again for your post.  I look forward to visiting with you.
Title: Re: A Simple Case of Vanity
Post by: Sgt. Pate on June 20, 2007, 10:57:46 AM
Right on Sully and by the way you look great!   O0

You hit the nail on the head bro... nobody likes rejection, we all want to be accepted.  I guess part of being SLY is not only understanding that but extending acceptance to others.   O:O
Title: Re: A Simple Case of Vanity
Post by: Sully on June 20, 2007, 12:05:33 PM
Thanks for the feedback.  This is a great forum and I can tell from the posts that the Sly community is full of cool guys. Look forward to participating and spreading the word on it.
Title: Re: A Simple Case of Vanity
Post by: Kajun on June 20, 2007, 02:19:44 PM
great post sully and welcome to SBG' hit the nail right on the head! vanity plays a big part in our fears about going sly...glad i was able to get over excuse me while i go shave for the second time today and give my beautiful noggin a good waxing and buffing
Title: Re: A Simple Case of Vanity
Post by: schro on June 20, 2007, 02:59:59 PM
Great post, Sully. Welcome to the group.
You are spot on when you say our concerns about others perception are greater than the actual perception others have of us (if that makes any sense).  :/O

Bottom line you look mahvelous, I look mahvelous, aw heck....we all look mahvelous .... well, except for BaldRob. He's just slightly above average.  :*))

Title: Re: A Simple Case of Vanity
Post by: YOSP on June 20, 2007, 03:34:14 PM
Sully...welcome to the site! O0

Great post, it took me 7 yrs of wearing a cat on my head to realize what you least I realized it before it was to late....or too windy :o
Title: Re: A Simple Case of Vanity
Post by: Itsonlyinmyhead on June 20, 2007, 06:26:18 PM
Good post especially pointing out how vain we can be about our appearance but it is part of our animal instinct to attract females so humans cant solely be blamed for that
Title: Re: A Simple Case of Vanity
Post by: warhawk on June 20, 2007, 07:40:44 PM
1st of all...welcome 2 the sly fraternity...sully!!!  GR8 post and well said.  u r rocking the sly dome!!!  glad that u have joined this gr8 bunch of guys.  this is a fun site 2 visit.  anyways... keep it SLY.

Title: Re: A Simple Case of Vanity
Post by: Darrell on June 20, 2007, 08:15:14 PM
Welcome, Sully. You certainly look great sly. Your post is very insightful. Very true that it comes down to what you think of yourself. When you are confident it really comes across to other people and it influences how they perceive your appearance.

Title: Re: A Simple Case of Vanity
Post by: Scott on June 21, 2007, 12:02:12 AM
Sully, welcome to the sly fraternity!  Your post was very insightful and I think all the sly bros can relate easily to what you said... congrats man, looks great!
Title: Re: A Simple Case of Vanity
Post by: MagmaBabe on June 21, 2007, 04:28:05 AM
Welcome, Sully. You certainly look great sly. Your post is very insightful. Very true that it comes down to what you think of yourself. When you are confident it really comes across to other people and it influences how they perceive your appearance.


I concur!! Welcome bruvva!