Sly Bald Guys Forum

Discussions About Being Bald => Reactions to being Bald => Topic started by: Adamski1972 on March 08, 2013, 12:26:44 AM

Title: Week one done!
Post by: Adamski1972 on March 08, 2013, 12:26:44 AM
Well, I'm one week into my 30 day challenge! I've noticed a few things that I didn't expect, maybe you had the same experiences as me?

1/ I didn't expect the numbness after I shaved the first couple of times. Seems to be less each time now though!
2/ I thought my bald head might make me less approachable but the opposite seems to have happened. Bonus!
3/ I still can't believe the boost in confidence I have had so far! People are even commenting on it!

Bring on the next 23 days!!!
Title: Re: Week one done!
Post by: Lynchy on March 08, 2013, 02:10:55 AM
Awesome stuff,

Keep up the good work!

The funny feeling goes away pretty quick.
Title: Re: Week one done!
Post by: Sir Harry on March 08, 2013, 04:17:34 AM
Congrats! Glad to hear the good news!
Title: Re: Week one done!
Post by: OzSly on March 08, 2013, 05:18:17 AM
Well Done Adamski mate  O0

Great to hear the boost in confidence the Sly look is giving you.

Keep it going mate!!
Title: Re: Week one done!
Post by: bennett11 on March 08, 2013, 05:36:06 AM
I never noticed initial numbness but that has been long time ago.  I experienced your two other observations.  Enjoy.
Title: Re: Week one done!
Post by: mrzed on March 08, 2013, 03:08:51 PM
Well, I'm one week into my 30 day challenge!
3/ I still can't believe the boost in confidence I have had so far! People are even commenting on it!

Yep. Going out with a shaved head just seems to put a smile on your face and a glide in your stride.

Met two shaved bald guys at lunch today. They were both beaming! Gave one of them a Head Blade coupon for $1 off. Sorry I did not have another in my wallet to give the others.
Title: Re: Week one done!
Post by: Laser Man on March 08, 2013, 03:31:20 PM
1/ I didn't expect the numbness after I shaved the first couple of times. Seems to be less each time now though!

Congrats on your first week.  I experienced "numbness" at first - actually it wasn't numbness as much as it was just that my scalp felt different from the rest of my skin.  Without looking in a mirror, I knew exactly where my hairline had been.  The feeling of difference subsides fairly quickly as the scalp adjusts to being shaved and exposed to the elements.  Soon you won't be able to tell the difference.

Good luck with your new look!
Title: Re: Week one done!
Post by: Billy on March 08, 2013, 03:35:27 PM
I never experienced numbness but I sometimes feel 'phantom' hair blowing with a window down if I've let it grow a week or two then shave it clean.  I always end up checking for missed spots even though I know I got it all.
Title: Re: Week one done!
Post by: Adamski1972 on March 12, 2013, 04:45:45 PM
Got told I look good with my shaved dome and earrings in last night at a rock gig. Enjoying the positives of finally looking the way I've wanted too. Thanks to all you guys for the amazing support you've been giving me!
Title: Re: Week one done!
Post by: slymyke on March 12, 2013, 05:46:55 PM
I never experienced numbness but I sometimes feel 'phantom' hair blowing with a window down if I've let it grow a week or two then shave it clean.  I always end up checking for missed spots even though I know I got it all.

I experienced a little numbness at first and thought my head felt like leather... and wasn't sure about it.. but I got used to it.  I used to like the stubble, though. 

Also, before I started shaving or even buzzing my hair, the hair on in the front was the first to go in my balding process.  For quite a while, I used to have what I called 'phantom bangs' that used to drive me crazy!   I'm glad that went away.

Adamski, you're looking great! I'm glad you have had such a positive experience so far.  I'm sure you will continue to get this reaction, as the look suits you. O0

Title: Re: Week one done!
Post by: Adamski1972 on March 16, 2013, 05:55:22 PM
I'm half way through the 30 day rule now and you were all right about the numbness getting less and less each time I shave. There is a definitely toughening/tightening of the skin happening through repeated shaving and it feels great. 15 days of the rule left and I have now started on a new project to grow out a thick full beard over the next 5 months. Will keep you all posted of course!