Sly Bald Guys Forum

Head Shaving, Grooming & Care => Beards => Topic started by: Todo Duro on February 06, 2013, 04:11:33 AM

Title: Beard and 'stache experts, I need your advice
Post by: Todo Duro on February 06, 2013, 04:11:33 AM
Ok, here's the story. My facial hair has always been on the patchy side, so I've spent my teens and most of my twenties completely clean-shaven. It only started filling in a few years ago and since then I've been swinging between either a closely-trimmed stubble or a short Van Dyke with no mustache, only ever shaving clean for job interviews.

Now a few days ago I got it into my head to grow a 'stache. Partly because why the hell not, partly because it's a bit of a family tradition (every male on my dad's side has been sporting a chevron since dinosaurs roamed the earth) and I'd like to follow it up.

This is the result of about 8 days growth.

Still pretty much a rat tash effort and that's the question: based on the amount of growth, does it look like it can it be a keeper eventually? I know it may take time to fill in and I'm prepared to wait, but then again, some people can and some people can't, and being new to the scene I'm not really sure which field I'm in.

On a side note, I should say that even though it's ratty, I freaking love it :D
Title: Re: Beard and 'stache experts, I need your advice
Post by: Beardman on February 06, 2013, 04:36:30 AM
I'm sure you've learned by now that facial hair is a big patience game. From what I can tell, you certainly have some potential there.

Have you heard of the 30 day rule for head shaving? We like to apply a similar rule here with facial hair. Let it grow for 30 days, by then you will definitely have a pretty good idea of how it's going to look. So give that a go, and I hope by then you'll be pleasantly surprised  O0
Title: Re: Beard and 'stache experts, I need your advice
Post by: Todo Duro on February 06, 2013, 04:43:32 AM
Thanks Beardman! Yeah I've read about it so I'm playing the waiting game now... the 24-hour rule especially is making all the difference, usually in the past whenever I wasn't happy with my scruff I'd just go "ah sod it" and get the blades out.
Title: Re: Beard and 'stache experts, I need your advice
Post by: D.A.L.U.I. on February 06, 2013, 06:59:49 AM
On a side note, I should say that even though it's ratty, I freaking love it :D
Although you may consider it a side note--if you like it--own it! O0
As Beardman pointed out facial hair is patience.  You may find additional information that can assist you and answer questions at 
One of the pairings that seems to hold true is that if your genetic makeup has provided you with a tendency to mpb, it will often also provide you with a substantial ability for facial hair--although it can come in later years.  The hairs on your face may also grow at a slightly different rate depending where they are, staches can often be a slow growth area.  If you're showing 8 days--I'd place a wager that in 30 days you'll see where you're going and in 3 months you will have added a great addition to your family's upper lip development collection. 
Title: Re: Beard and 'stache experts, I need your advice
Post by: Switchy on February 06, 2013, 10:12:31 AM
I know it will look great, agree with the other guys.  Let if grow for 30 days and I am sure you will like it.   O0
Title: Re: Beard and 'stache experts, I need your advice
Post by: Lynchy on February 06, 2013, 04:03:01 PM
Slow and steady definitely wins that race!

My mo is still filling out and it's been nearly a year I think?
Title: Re: Beard and 'stache experts, I need your advice
Post by: Todo Duro on February 06, 2013, 04:31:50 PM
Then I'll just sit back and wait... will post pictures soon as I see some progress. Thanks everyone for the encouragement :)
Title: Re: Beard and 'stache experts, I need your advice
Post by: Beardman on February 07, 2013, 12:50:46 AM
That's the best way to do it mate, just sit back and enjoy the ride.

the 24 hr rule is one of my favourites, it saved my beard many times in the early days, and I am so much happier for it.

My most favourite rule though (not exactly a beard rule, but could work), If it sounds like the best idea in the world after 2am, it probably isn't.

I look forward to the progress reports  O0
Title: Re: Beard and 'stache experts, I need your advice
Post by: Lynchy on February 07, 2013, 02:27:44 AM
That's the best way to do it mate, just sit back and enjoy the ride.

the 24 hr rule is one of my favourites, it saved my beard many times in the early days, and I am so much happier for it.

My most favourite rule though (not exactly a beard rule, but could work), If it sounds like the best idea in the world after 2am, it probably isn't.

I look forward to the progress reports  O0

+ 1 on the 24 rule. I still miss mine :*(
Title: Re: Beard and 'stache experts, I need your advice
Post by: Switchy on February 07, 2013, 10:58:04 AM
That's the best way to do it mate, just sit back and enjoy the ride.

the 24 hr rule is one of my favourites, it saved my beard many times in the early days, and I am so much happier for it.

My most favourite rule though (not exactly a beard rule, but could work), If it sounds like the best idea in the world after 2am, it probably isn't.

I look forward to the progress reports  O0

+ 1 on the 24 rule. I still miss mine :*(
  +3 O0
Title: Re: Beard and 'stache experts, I need your advice
Post by: Todo Duro on February 26, 2013, 12:36:02 PM
I promised an update and now it's been almost a month since i started out with the stache, here it comes - there have definitely been a few changes of plan along the way! So now it's a Balbo (sort of), but I've decided just yesterday to let the chinstrap grow out too and see what comes of it. Still some patchy spots but it's filling out a bit more each day and I'm very pleased with the progress so far... now I just can't wait for the heating engineer to come fix up my faulty boiler so I can get some hot water and start shaving the dome again  :P
Title: Re: Beard and 'stache experts, I need your advice
Post by: leighmundo40 on February 26, 2013, 01:40:29 PM
Really suits you, keep it up!

BTW I thought you were making a porn film reference with the Plumber fixing the boiler thing!
Title: Re: Beard and 'stache experts, I need your advice
Post by: slybeard on February 26, 2013, 01:56:00 PM
It has really filled in nicely.  Looks like you have a keeper started.  Just avoid the temptation to become too aggressive with trimming.  It will thicken more over the next two months or so (my rule of thumb is to always give facial hair at least 3 months).
Title: Re: Beard and 'stache experts, I need your advice
Post by: Todo Duro on February 26, 2013, 02:15:17 PM
Really suits you, keep it up!

BTW I thought you were making a porn film reference with the Plumber fixing the boiler thing!

Thanks Leigh. As to the boiler thing, I'd be happy enough if it was just that (no heating/hot water during a cold spell in London is no fun) but then again if the engineer turns out to be a tall blonde Amazon, and brings a friend or two, I guess I won't be too disappointed >:D
Title: Re: Beard and 'stache experts, I need your advice
Post by: Todo Duro on February 26, 2013, 03:01:43 PM
Thanks for the encouragement and the advice Slybeard! rest assured there's no trimming planned until at least the end of March, then we'll see... to be honest I'm not really aiming for anything epic like yours or Beardman's (that'd be a problem at work too) but if I can get a decent-looking Riker style thing going on by summer I'll be more than happy enough.
Title: Re: Beard and 'stache experts, I need your advice
Post by: Beardman on February 27, 2013, 04:30:22 AM
As Slybeard said, it looks like you are filling in nicely  O0. I normally recommend 30 days without trimming, and by the 3 month mark you should be at full coverage, and have some good growth to work with.

Something like my beard, or Rusty's is a very long term thing haha, you've really got to be dedicated to the cause and have the right growing conditions aka no partner or work troubles.  Beards this big also aren't for everyone anyway, as they say, different strokes for different blokes  ::)
Title: Re: Beard and 'stache experts, I need your advice
Post by: Todo Duro on February 27, 2013, 03:17:46 PM
I normally recommend 30 days without trimming, and by the 3 month mark you should be at full coverage, and have some good growth to work with.

Sounds sensible! guess if I eventually settle for this style I'll keep it trimmed pretty short (1 inch max) but as you say, need to see what I'll be working with first.

Something like my beard, or Rusty's is a very long term thing

Can definitely say that and hat off to you. There's a point where a beard stops being "just" facial hair and becomes something that's part body art part lifestyle choice, a bit like getting seriously into tattoos or body modification... might not be something I'd choose to do myself but I admire the sheer dedication it takes.
Title: Re: Beard and 'stache experts, I need your advice
Post by: sahil15 on February 27, 2013, 03:37:07 PM
Looks great Todo.
Title: Re: Beard and 'stache experts, I need your advice
Post by: Sir Harry on February 27, 2013, 10:28:40 PM
I think both the chinstrap and moustache enhance your sly style!
Title: Re: Beard and 'stache experts, I need your advice
Post by: Beardman on February 27, 2013, 11:04:28 PM
Something like my beard, or Rusty's is a very long term thing

Can definitely say that and hat off to you. There's a point where a beard stops being "just" facial hair and becomes something that's part body art part lifestyle choice, a bit like getting seriously into tattoos or body modification... might not be something I'd choose to do myself but I admire the sheer dedication it takes.

That is a pretty good way of thinking about it anyway. I've never thought of it that way.
Title: Re: Beard and 'stache experts, I need your advice
Post by: slymyke on February 28, 2013, 07:37:23 AM
Looks good, TD!   O0
Title: Re: Beard and 'stache experts, I need your advice
Post by: Mr Jules on March 02, 2013, 06:36:23 AM
Let it grow for 30 days, by then you will definitely have a pretty good idea of how it's going to look. So give that a go, and I hope by then you'll be pleasantly surprised  O0

Agree with that one Beardman and this is what I did. Didn't touch it all for the 30 days, then went to the barber for a shape and trim. Worked wonders.
Title: Re: Beard and 'stache experts, I need your advice
Post by: Adamski1972 on March 23, 2013, 04:41:53 PM
Looking good, suits you.
Title: Re: Beard and 'stache experts, I need your advice
Post by: Todo Duro on May 27, 2013, 03:43:40 PM
Hullo all, resurfacing on the forum after a couple of months away due mostly to insane work / study schedules, might as well post a beard update as promised... here's where I'm at after 2 months growing (had to shave and reboot at the end of March because of a horrific trimming accident that took off a quarter of the goatee in a fell stroke :( lesson learnt).

I haven't got the easiest beard to manage that's for sure as it's curly and wiry but it's filling in nicely and with a bit of care it looks the part (hopefully). The plan is to grow for another month, see what it's like then and make a decision whether to keep on growing, try for a full beard or trim back to the current length, which I'm ok with... and see if I can turn the stache into a monster, Josif-Stalin-like handlebar perhaps :D

Feels good to be back by the way, I've missed the forum!

Title: Re: Beard and 'stache experts, I need your advice
Post by: Lynchy on May 28, 2013, 03:51:26 AM
Looking good mate,

Trimming is a dangerous game!
Title: Re: Beard and 'stache experts, I need your advice
Post by: Blitzed on May 28, 2013, 05:41:55 AM
I grew my 'stache the easy way; I had a shoulder replaced and, when finally, I was coherent enough to remember things like who I was where I was, you know, stuff like that, I'd not only grown a very, very short silver-white butch cut but had facial hair that depended from my newly sprouted fur. Here's what hospitals won't do-shave your head and, only reluctantly, your face. I got an orderly who finally did the job but suggested the 'stache was a "keeper". He cut in a horseshoe and that's what it still is. And, yes, trimming, particular with only one hand, is an art not easily or simply learned; I'm on my second styptic pencil....