Sly Bald Guys Forum

Discussions About Being Bald => Advantages and Disadvantages to being Bald => Topic started by: bella on January 27, 2013, 01:09:27 PM

Title: Advantages & Disadvantages for a Slyette
Post by: bella on January 27, 2013, 01:09:27 PM
Only one week in, but here are some observations:



I'm curious how many of these sly guys share as well. 
Title: Re: Advantages & Disadvantages for a Slyette
Post by: Crusher0209 on January 27, 2013, 01:13:32 PM
Bella this is a great contribution to this forum and will definitely help others to make the decision keep up the good work  O0
Title: Re: Advantages & Disadvantages for a Slyette
Post by: Lynchy on January 27, 2013, 03:40:21 PM
Thanks Bella,

Hopefully this helps some other Ladies on the fence. :D
Title: Re: Advantages & Disadvantages for a Slyette
Post by: slyjoe on January 27, 2013, 03:56:14 PM

Just keep in mind all the things you have learned and not think of it as a "addiction" or "obsession" think of it as more of a "masterpiece" or "stunning work of art" Lol! Shaving your head  can never be a negetive thing. So I agree with your pros, just not your cons.

I wouldnt worry about what people think of it. Over time people get used to it, and thats something no one can argue against. Dont worry about the whole"woman shouldnt be bald" thing.
Title: Re: Advantages & Disadvantages for a Slyette
Post by: slyjoe on January 27, 2013, 03:57:18 PM
I had a very good thing to say but I lost it and didnt know how to get it back. So thats why the spacing is so messed up
Title: Re: Advantages & Disadvantages for a Slyette
Post by: bella on January 27, 2013, 04:25:06 PM
Thanks Joe.  Like the new avatar -- you have a nice smile.

I get chipmunk cheeks when I smile so my pics are all pouty-like.
Title: Re: Advantages & Disadvantages for a Slyette
Post by: slyjoe on January 27, 2013, 04:52:38 PM
Thank you very much! I have huge "baby" cheeks as some people say. But I don't care, its me! Ha ha and you could post a pic of your smile. No one would mind. This forum was made for bald people to express there emotions and feelings so it wouldn't matter.
Title: Re: Advantages & Disadvantages for a Slyette
Post by: OzSly on January 27, 2013, 08:25:12 PM
Great observations Bella....totally agree with looking forward to shaving observation.
I really enjoy shaving in the morning....a little of "my time".  O0
Title: Re: Advantages & Disadvantages for a Slyette
Post by: bella on January 29, 2013, 11:04:24 AM
A couple more advantages...

--A shocking number of women have approached me with some jealousy, applauding me in my courage  O0

--I've got a bad cold so I'm working today from the couch rather than my desk.  I laid down for a bit and my head on a velvet throw pillow = AMAZING!

Title: Re: Advantages & Disadvantages for a Slyette
Post by: Crusher0209 on January 29, 2013, 03:19:25 PM
Glad to hear that you are getting positive comments and I hope you feel better O0
Title: Re: Advantages & Disadvantages for a Slyette
Post by: Frontier Guy on January 29, 2013, 05:24:55 PM
Great post.

I don't think anyone can truly understand the euphoric feeling of being sly unless you've actually done it.
Title: Re: Advantages & Disadvantages for a Slyette
Post by: slyjoe on January 29, 2013, 05:58:52 PM
Great post.

I don't think anyone can truly understand the euphoric feeling of being sly unless you've actually done it.
Title: Re: Advantages & Disadvantages for a Slyette
Post by: stasiu on January 29, 2013, 06:05:49 PM
A couple more advantages...

--A shocking number of women have approached me with some jealousy, applauding me in my courage  O0

--I've got a bad cold so I'm working today from the couch rather than my desk.  I laid down for a bit and my head on a velvet throw pillow = AMAZING!

Hope you get rest and take care.  That pillow experience CAN NOT be described !  :@` Thanks for being an avid Slyette member !
Title: Re: Advantages & Disadvantages for a Slyette
Post by: lsflipper on February 06, 2013, 06:58:44 PM
If you like being bald then keep on shaving. Most rude, negative people have an opinion, they're just too dumb to keep it to themselves. It doesn't matter who it is, some people don't like bald heads. But we don't care, do we?
Title: Re: Advantages & Disadvantages for a Slyette
Post by: bella on March 04, 2013, 05:09:35 AM
I'm finally starting to get head rubs and those are awesome too (provided not in a creepy context).  I'm surprised that I'm okay as I am with this invasion of my personal space!
Title: Re: Advantages & Disadvantages for a Slyette
Post by: slymyke on March 04, 2013, 06:50:35 AM
I'm finally starting to get head rubs and those are awesome too (provided not in a creepy context).  I'm surprised that I'm okay as I am with this invasion of my personal space!

I think most of us would agree... Our reaction is mostly determined by whom this head-rubbing is coming from.  -lol

Title: Re: Advantages & Disadvantages for a Slyette
Post by: gutsygirl on March 11, 2013, 01:32:58 PM
I decided to add my slyette advantages and disadvantages too!  :D  Being really honest...

What's to love about being bald?

Bad hair days?  Extinct!  Bed head?  Nope.  Hat-hair?  Uh-uh.  Tangles?  Never.  Lice?  Can't get those either!

Much less itching.  :)  Dandruff?  What's dandruff?

Change my 'do any time I want to with a hat, scarf, bandana, etc.  I can even wear different color/style wigs, all in the same week!

I can pretend to be badass and get away with it for the first time ever.

I make earrings look awesome!  And I enjoy dressing up girly more than I used to.

You can't see my gray hairs....(nanny nanny boo boo)

Who needs an umbrella?  Not me.

Saving lots of $$$ on haircuts and products

Showers are fast and easy, just swipe my head with a towel and it's all dry.

Getting ready in the morning is faster too.

I really like my head's shape, as do many others.  I think I look cute bald just as well.

Focus on my eyes/face/what I'm saying rather than my hair.

Keeping a cool head in the summer.

Interesting coversation-starter, since I've never known a stranger.

Head rubs.

Most women like it or are "ok" with it and envy teh ease and worry-free lifestyle.

What's to hate about being bald

Bumping my head hurts more (and bruises show up too).

People constantly sharing their opinions (the negative ones anyways) of my head though I never asked.

People getting weirded out, not sure what to say or if they can look at me when out in public.

Getting mistaken for a cancer patient/lesbian/political activist.

Mosquitos like a bald head too...what's for dinner?

When I'm really tired or really sick...I think I sometimes look even sicker.

Getting mistaken for a guy just sucks (I usually pretend I didn't hear it...).

Winter without a hat can be really really cold.

My head is like velcro and tends to attract fuzzies from my environment (hats, others' clothing, lint) etc and friends have to pick my fuzz out because I can't see it myself or I go around all day with knots of various colors of fuzz stuck to my head...

This velcro effect can also make hats/shirts/bandanas/scarves difficult to remove!

Some places/events just aren't socially appropriate for a woman sporting the sly look - weddings, funerals, certain parties, many churches...

Men tend not to be fans.

Head rubs.

Nicks. Enough said.

Title: Re: Advantages & Disadvantages for a Slyette
Post by: gutsygirl on March 11, 2013, 01:38:24 PM

People getting weirded out, not sure what to say or if they can look at me when out in public.

Sometimes I wonder if they think I don't know I'm bald?  ::) LOL.  Like my hair ran away and I wasn't fast enough to catch it?  I did tell a little boy that the other week...his eyes got really big.  I didn't tell him it may very well happen to him later in life...didn't want to scare him.   :-X  LOL.   

People's reactions when they see me range from:
 :D to  :/O   :o   O0   :-\   ???   O:O  and :@`  It's funny to watch their faces as I go through Walmart.
Title: Re: Advantages & Disadvantages for a Slyette
Post by: TV guy on May 03, 2013, 09:45:22 AM
I work with kids and they are really not judgemental. I DO get asked all the time "Do you know you're bald ?". Of course the sarcastic me wants to say "No I wasn't there at the time" but I always give a polite, age appropriate and true answer - kids see right through lies - and they love the fact that you will talk to them about something "embarrassing". I love the look of horror on a parent or teacher's face when a kid asks and I don't act like a typical grown-up and actually do answer them.
Title: Re: Advantages & Disadvantages for a Slyette
Post by: bella on May 03, 2013, 10:13:17 AM
I've heard kids around and about "whisper" (since most kids are pretty bad at whispering) "Mom does that girl know she doesn't HAVE ANY HAIR!?"  I'm kind of awkward around kids so I don't say anything but just smile at them.  The kids always grin back. 

My favorite "innocence of children" moment ever was when one of my cousins was about two and my aunt had her pug over to play with the kids.  The two year old yelled "that dog has a hole in it!" and then proceeded to stick his finger three-knuckles deep into the poor pug's butthole.  Poor Pippi was never the same, and Tyler will never live that down.