Sly Bald Guys Forum

Sly Bald Guys Info => Site Suggestions => Topic started by: Tyler on January 10, 2013, 11:58:50 AM

Title: 504 Timeout Errors
Post by: Tyler on January 10, 2013, 11:58:50 AM
If any of you are getting 504 timeout errors, please let me know by sending me an email tyler (at) so that I can get more information from you.  Or you can post here if you're still able to.

If you do get the errors, make sure you are going to to access the forum. You can also try

I've checked my DNS settings and everything appears to look good, but if any of you do this type of stuff for a living and can provide me with any tips I'll be very appreciative!

Title: Re: 504 Timeout Errors
Post by: D.A.L.U.I. on January 10, 2013, 01:14:16 PM
One thing I noticed and e-mailed one of the Mods about--I could get to the site and navigate on my phone with Tapatalk without any problem.  I only occurred on the PC, mines a HP with DSL service.  Let me know if there are any techy things that may be available on my machine that I can relate back.
Title: Re: 504 Timeout Errors
Post by: Beardman on January 10, 2013, 11:16:48 PM
I've had it occur, but only on a handful of occasions, a refresh or going back always fixes it. I've had it using the "show unread posts" function and after clicking submit to posts, yet to lose a post this has happened on. I only surf the forum on my home pc.
Title: Re: 504 Timeout Errors
Post by: Tyler on January 10, 2013, 11:26:47 PM
I think I may have identified the problem and fixed it.  Let me know if you are still getting them.