Sly Bald Guys Forum

New Member Section => Introductions => Topic started by: AbidingPlanet on December 19, 2012, 11:08:03 PM

Title: Shave it yesterday! While on my travels
Post by: AbidingPlanet on December 19, 2012, 11:08:03 PM
Well hello there!

 So...been noticing the crown of my head started going bald about 3 or so years ago... A few others had noticed to but I probably have a few more years where I could get away with not shaving but definitely starting to think more on top as well and I have been self conscious of it and very aware, and have not felt good about it to say the least.

  Ever since I found out it was happening I wanted to try and embrace. I have toyed with the idea of shaving for sometime but knowing that it would be so white etc., and the bit of a shock with my work place I hadn't. I'm traveling in Thailand for he next 18 days so I thought why not! See what it is like. I had a lady take it off with a razor in Chiang Mai yesterday then had a mask and face massage for an additional $10.

  Kind of traumatic for me but in kind of liking it. I travel solo, 30 years old think I've gotten a few odd stares...but don't know if that's just me ruby self conscious .

   I would really like to feel happy and comfortable with this. I usually considered myself a pretty good looking guy with hair but maybe age and stress has taken a bit of a toll!

  Anyway came across the site and thought it would be nice to talk with others:)

All the best and happy holidays to all!
Title: Re: Shave it yesterday! While on my travels
Post by: Lynchy on December 20, 2012, 01:16:12 AM
Welcome mate,

Where are you from?

Don't worry, the stares are just your subconscious messing with you. I'm sure the bald look is good one on you.

Hopefully your colleagues embrace your new look.

Title: Re: Shave it yesterday! While on my travels
Post by: Frontier Guy on December 20, 2012, 04:10:40 AM

The stares - if genuine - are only because they've never seen such a fine example of a shaved head. Enjoy the attention!

You've been given the perfect opportunity to perfect Slyness - a couple of weeks away from home to get used to the look, get some color, and prepare for the "oohs and aahs" when your usual circle of friends see the New You.

I suggest you commit to the 30-day challenge referenced elsewhere on this site. Which basically says:
* Maintain the Sly look for 30 consecutive days - whether you shave daily (my recommendation) or every other day
* Allows you to get used to the New & Improved you.
* Allows others to get used to the New, Improve and more Confident you.
* Allows your scalp to adjust from being hidden from the world to toughening up to face the world.
* Allows you to develop the skills for head shaving (they're a bit different)
* Gives you time to integrate shaving into your daily routine.

Things I think you will find:
* Huge relief from hair worries
* Ease of maintaining - you'll always look the same
* Surge of self-confidence
* Reallocation of time previously spent obsessing over hair to more fun endeavors.

Welcome to the brotherhood.
Title: Re: Shave it yesterday! While on my travels
Post by: tomgallagher on December 20, 2012, 05:03:41 AM
Welcome to the group.
Title: Re: Shave it yesterday! While on my travels
Post by: Sir Harry on December 20, 2012, 08:11:23 AM
Welcome aboard!
Title: Re: Shave it yesterday! While on my travels
Post by: mangosink12572 on December 20, 2012, 09:09:59 AM
Post a photo when you get a chance  - -You are selfconscious right now  you will get over it  - - -enjoy it - - -Nothing like being SLY BALD.
Title: Re: Shave it yesterday! While on my travels
Post by: Switchy on December 20, 2012, 09:58:21 AM
Welcome !
Title: Re: Shave it yesterday! While on my travels
Post by: Andrei on December 20, 2012, 11:50:01 AM
I think balding is genetic so it's not much what you could have done to prevent it.
Enjoy your new look!
Title: Re: Shave it yesterday! While on my travels
Post by: nuts on December 20, 2012, 11:54:24 AM
Frontier Guy's summation of the 30 day rule and benefits of shaving are succinct and should be given to all men contemplating shaving their heads.
Title: Re: Shave it yesterday! While on my travels
Post by: OzSly on December 20, 2012, 02:40:46 PM
G'Day & welcome to Sly Bald Guys mate,

Enjoy your trip to Thailand the Spiritual home of the big kahuna, the nĂºmero uno, of Slyness...BUDDHA!!!
Title: Re: Shave it yesterday! While on my travels
Post by: AbidingPlanet on December 21, 2012, 01:28:54 AM
Thank you guys all so much for taking the time to make me feel welcome. Was quite feeling the look yesterday! Especially now that the weather is quite hot too...

The 30 day challenge...I just got my head razored again today:) this time however the experience was t so smooth. The lady that did it first really took her cuts what so ever, felt totally fine. The time around.. Was in and in under 10 minutes in pain and blood. She had to get a cold towel and I had it one for about 10 minutes. I was quite dissapointed.   They say the razor was hopefully I won't catch anything as I was a little concerned about that as well with all the small Knicks. When I go back tomorrow I'm going to have the original lady that did it do it again..

Anyway, thanks again for the wishes...slyness will be living strong over here in Chiang Mai:)!

Title: Re: Shave it yesterday! While on my travels
Post by: AbidingPlanet on December 21, 2012, 01:30:17 AM
And yes happy to post a pic as soon as I can. Only working from my iPhone don't think allows but I will as soon as able!
Title: Re: Shave it yesterday! While on my travels
Post by: AbidingPlanet on December 21, 2012, 02:01:17 AM
I posted a pic, nice to meet you all:)! sorry it's side ways, working with limited computer access and couldn't manage to adjust.

My head has some small cuts on it due to the shave I recieved. I was thinking about putting coconut oil on it as I have some available to me.

Title: Re: Shave it yesterday! While on my travels
Post by: Frontier Guy on December 21, 2012, 04:06:34 AM
Abiding ... you are well-suited to the Sly look.

It will take a little time for your scalp to toughen a bit and become more resistant to nicks and such.

You may want to take over the razoring duties yourself - then you can take your time to go slowly and learn the subtle changes in your scalp's terrain. Also, it's just a great experience. Most of the guys here report they get a better shave when they do it themselves - though having it done my someone is an occasional treat. {For me, the first couple weeks of shaving required about 30 minutes each time.}

I'm glad you are enjoying the Sly life.
Title: Re: Shave it yesterday! While on my travels
Post by: mrzed on December 21, 2012, 04:39:51 AM
i visited chiang mai several years ago. was buzzing my head at the time. fun city to visit.

enjoy your bald head. it looks god on you.  the sun there should give you some color quickly. 

welcome to being sly.  may you keep it for life.

Title: Re: Shave it yesterday! While on my travels
Post by: wpruitt on December 21, 2012, 11:22:04 AM
Title: Re: Shave it yesterday! While on my travels
Post by: mangosink12572 on December 21, 2012, 12:49:48 PM
Great shot  - -and you look  great  - - -Nothing like a shiny smooth dome - - -enjoy
Title: Re: Shave it yesterday! While on my travels
Post by: AbidingPlanet on December 21, 2012, 02:04:44 PM
Kop koon khrup (Thank You- as they say here in Thailand)

Thanks for the advice...I shall try to try and start shaving myself if I get the time shaves are relatively cheap so don't mind getting it Done...but shaving myself is definitely a skill I will need so I'll try to get a few in!

QUESTION- is there anything I should be doing to take care of it? Basically they have used shaving cream slowly go about with a razor and then I'm off. I hae some face lotion (Nivea) is that good?

 Or some coconut oil- the dresser first rubbed that on... Seemed to moisturizer it well and lube it up nicely and smells good too! Thoughts...

  I haven't used sunscreen as trying to get some color and spending probably 30min to 2 hours give or take out in sunlight.. Biking, walking, etc.

 I looked in the forum for some guidelines and some people seem to use a lot of product that probably aren't available to me here, so just looking for essentials. Also time researching is also done from my iPhone so not the easiest to look things up.

Thanks again sly guys! It's nice to have thus forum to discuss with pe
People who have been there..huge help
Title: Re: Shave it yesterday! While on my travels
Post by: Frontier Guy on December 21, 2012, 02:20:32 PM
A.P. - you'll know your head best, so adjust as appropriate.

Lots of guys use moisturizer ... my scalp is oily enough I don't need to add to the chaos up there. As I recall, Natedawg is a fan of coconut oil.

Be cautious of the amount of sun if you don't use sunscreen. I'm in subtropical Florida and made it a point to be outside 2 or 3 times a day, for 40 minutes to an hour. Worked for me - I don't sunburn easily.

When I first started shaving I used a lot of different products. Now, six months in, as various items are exhausted I'm not replacing them. All in all, I'm a pretty simple guy. Some say "complicated" - but that's a whole 'nother discussion!
Title: Re: Shave it yesterday! While on my travels
Post by: mrzed on December 21, 2012, 02:54:07 PM
Kop koon khrup (Thank You- as they say here in Thailand)


sawati kup... and a bow of the head.

yes, personal services in thailand are inexpensive. 
Title: Re: Shave it yesterday! While on my travels
Post by: tomgallagher on December 21, 2012, 03:46:59 PM
Try not to over complicate something that is really simple and watch out for those dang tuk tuk's...LOL.
Title: Re: Shave it yesterday! While on my travels
Post by: baldjoeg on December 21, 2012, 08:31:33 PM
Welcome to Sly Bald Guys. You really look great sly.
Title: Re: Shave it yesterday! While on my travels
Post by: Beardman on December 23, 2012, 08:41:43 PM
Welcome mate, you sure did the right thing there! Enjoy the rest of holidays!
Title: Re: Shave it yesterday! While on my travels
Post by: Gary~ on December 26, 2012, 01:53:55 AM
Was in and in under 10 minutes in pain and blood. She had to get a cold towel and I had it one for about 10 minutes. I was quite dissapointed.   They say the razor was hopefully I won't catch anything as I was a little concerned about that as well with all the small Knicks. When I go back tomorrow I'm going to have the original lady that did it do it again.

You look great but in my opinion it is not worth the risk of contracting blood borne diseases in third world countries. Buy some new disposables or cartridges or whatever and do it yourself -- then you are sure. I have been told by my old barber that here is Australia [at least in Tasmania] it is now illegal for a barber to shave anyone with a straight razor and by inference a used disposable or cartridge. A few years ago there was a huge and successful anti-aids campaign here.

Just adding this: if you really want to have someone else shave it for you over there then buy some disposables and give one to the barber to use. Everything is probably fine, they probably did use a new razor but when you get home it might be wise to get an aids test.
Title: Re: Shave it yesterday! While on my travels
Post by: AbidingPlanet on December 26, 2012, 04:54:28 AM
Thanks guys:) all your encouraging words have definitely helped me in this transition and helped me embrace. Quite adjusting to the new sly me. I always Travel solo, helps me meet new people easier locals and other travelers alike. I have met many people while being sly and we have become friends and they didn't think I was sole weird beast. Lol. I think they really liked me. A few people have thought I was a singer, musician and into yoga are a few of the comments . All of which are slightly true. I guess my attire here in Thailand is quite relaxed too, so we will see how I get on when I have to put on the monkey suit:).

  My head is more tan than it was...I'll try to update a pic when I get back home perhaps.

  I'm thinking my mom may take issue with it but hopefully when she see in person she won't mind so much. I'm not going to post any pics on Facebook so she won't know until airport pick up. Haha suprise! Doing a bit of meditation over here in land if smiles...people will really think I've embraced the culture:)

  GARY- thanks for your thoughts on the head shaving. Ever since then I bought a Mach 3 razor and I'm learning the beautifully creative contours of my head. Since I can't see the back of my head I feel with my hand and then shave. Seems to take about 10-15 minutes best after warm shower and shaving cream used. Maybe a warm towel would be a nice treat for the pre-doming. I really do hope I didn't catch anything...quite scary and was/am definitely a little petrified:()

I didn't get a chance to shave it today but I will tomorrow, almost everyday ... Usually use a bit of coconut oil...smells nice and moisturizes it nicely.

You guys rock as does the slick dome. 

I went out last night, met some people and we were going to a restaurant.. I used to be concerned that they would see the back of my balding head...but now there is no hiding, they have accepted me and like me for what I am (these were good quality people by the way not just after money- as some may be familiar with Thailand:) but that was nice to not have to worry about - at the dance club .. Uh oh where a hat, don't give away the secret. Lol! The madness!!

Hope everyone had a great Christmas and an even better new year


Title: Re: Shave it yesterday! While on my travels
Post by: mrzed on December 26, 2012, 05:18:22 AM
david, best wishes as you return home to show off your shiny dome.

that is so fun.

you look great bald
Title: Re: Shave it yesterday! While on my travels
Post by: isleepinthebuff on December 26, 2012, 06:32:08 AM
Look good matey. Welcome to the forum
Title: Re: Shave it yesterday! While on my travels
Post by: kalbo on December 26, 2012, 06:40:49 PM
Welcome tot he bald brotherhood. Looking great with the shaved dome.
Title: Re: Shave it yesterday! While on my travels
Post by: Crusher0209 on December 26, 2012, 10:51:16 PM
I say you look better and think it suits you O0