Sly Bald Guys Forum

Head Shaving, Grooming & Care => Head Shaving => Topic started by: Bald Hobbit on October 18, 2012, 09:57:42 PM

Title: Shaving it off--soon. Advice, please.
Post by: Bald Hobbit on October 18, 2012, 09:57:42 PM
Hi, I'm new to the board. I've been wanting to shave it all off for a while(haven't yet) and will be going as Bane from the Dark Knight Rises, for a costume party. So, I finally have an excuse to do so. So I could use some advice.

First--How do I build up the guts to shave my head?

Second--How do I do right? Can I use liquid aloe as a shaving gel, which I do for my face? Against or with the grain? I have thick brown hair, so will that make it more difficult?
Title: Re: Shaving it off--soon. Advice, please.
Post by: Jigsaw on October 18, 2012, 11:33:08 PM
hey and welcome.
shaving your head isn\'t as hard as you might think it is.
It\'s good that you\'ve got a reason, one that will keep the crowd.
For the first time, I\'d suggest you go to the nearest barbershop for a headshave, you can also ask tips around.
The rest can be found on this website.
Title: Re: Shaving it off--soon. Advice, please.
Post by: BaldLuke on October 19, 2012, 06:42:27 AM
Hi, I bet your costume is gonna look awesome. I recommend either going to a barber and having him peel you down to stubble. Or if you have clippers, remove the guard and just start right in front and run them right back. Do this until you are total sandpaper all over. It's actually pretty fun to do. Then definitely hop in a hot shower for a few minutes, scrub with some st. Ives apricot scrub or I use a cheap nylon scrub-brush and just rub that up top to get all the dead skin off and get the stubble standing up. Now for the fun part, get 3 things you can probably get at any drugstore or Walmart, Shave secret pre-shave oil, head slick headshave cream, and schick xtreme 3 disposable razors. I've used all the razors out there including the head blade(which gave me a really nice gash :-/ none of the other razors have given me the slick smooth pleasurable and comfortable shave that the schick gives. It's the one that comes in multipacks and is teal and black. The razor can form concave to every shape of your scalp. It leaves my head feeling as if there's never been hair on there ever, I've got thick hair like you and this is the ultimate razor, trust me! So about 5 drops of the shave secret, rub that in good. Next a dollop of head slick , maybe just a little water to get it really slippery(you'll feel when it's right) and then take the razor right back forehead to crown, repeat till you are smooth as a peeled onion;) good luck and enjoy the whole process! Have fun on Halloween too!
Title: Re: Shaving it off--soon. Advice, please.
Post by: waine on October 19, 2012, 06:57:45 AM
Hey there Chris_John

Here are some basics for a first time shave:

Don't over think it, just do the Nike ad.

If you don't want to go the barber route, get a pair of clippers and shave it down, against the grain as short as possible on the 0 setting.

Wash your hair twice with shampoo and hot water.

Perhaps ask your loved one to do it for you.

Apply shaving soap.  Shave very slowlyand carefully with the grain for the first time with a brand new blade.  There are bound to be a few nicks but it is usually not that sore.

Rinse with cold water and slap some aftershave on.

Then when your scalp gets used to it after a few days, try against the grain.

It is really that simple...

Beware, Sly is addictive... ;D

Title: Re: Shaving it off--soon. Advice, please.
Post by: stasiu on October 19, 2012, 08:11:57 AM
For some strange and mysterious  reason, Halloween is always a "purr-fect" reason to shave your head for the first time ... and end up keeping it sly afterwards ...  
Title: Re: Shaving it off--soon. Advice, please.
Post by: Andrei on October 19, 2012, 09:00:06 AM
Welcome to the forum!

Halloween or no, you should still go for it since it's what you want.
Use a clipper (no guard attached) to trim down your hair. You can do it yourself or ask a friend.
For the shaving part you already have enough advices.
Or if you think it's too much, go to a barber.

Let us know how it went!
Title: Re: Shaving it off--soon. Advice, please.
Post by: theman on October 19, 2012, 09:24:21 AM
Title: Re: Shaving it off--soon. Advice, please.
Post by: Bald Hobbit on October 19, 2012, 09:27:39 AM
Alright then. All I have access to at present is aloe, clippers, and a 3-5 blade razor. Is that enough, or is that just a bad idea?
Title: Re: Shaving it off--soon. Advice, please.
Post by: theman on October 19, 2012, 11:52:53 AM
Alright then. All I have access to at present is aloe, clippers, and a 3-5 blade razor. Is that enough, or is that just a bad idea?
  Sounds good take your time.  Only bad idea is not doing it.   ;D
Title: Re: Shaving it off--soon. Advice, please.
Post by: -Doug- on October 19, 2012, 11:59:13 AM
Welcome. The others have given good advice. Like they've said, just clipper is as short as you can before taking the blade to the scalp and you should be good.
Title: Re: Shaving it off--soon. Advice, please.
Post by: mrzed on October 19, 2012, 04:03:38 PM
Welcome. Do post a before and after photo.

Good advice above.

It is addicting! Be prepared to love the new look and likely want to keep it for a long time.

Expect a slight shadow that you will see but most others won't notice.

Any shave cream or gel will work. Even just bath soap if necessary.

Title: Re: Shaving it off--soon. Advice, please.
Post by: Bald Hobbit on October 19, 2012, 09:50:19 PM
Also, I have a large skull--24 in. around. Could this affect the way it looks?
The three things I'm worried about: Parents' reaction, razor burn, and shape, in that order.
Title: Re: Shaving it off--soon. Advice, please.
Post by: nola44 on October 20, 2012, 05:09:09 AM
It took me about a year to get the balls to shave it off. I didn't have much hair left to begin with but it was still a difficult decision. What did it for me was I checked the back of my head with a hand held mirror and say the old man syndrome (kinda like terry bradshaw) and I didn't like it.
SO that was the nail in the coffin for me.
I;ve gotten possitive reviews from co-workers and family so it made it a little easier to adjust.
To be honest, if I had a full head of hair, I would not have shaved. But since it was almost half gone, figured it would hurt and if I didn;t like it I would let it grow back.
Title: Re: Shaving it off--soon. Advice, please.
Post by: mrzed on October 20, 2012, 06:55:28 AM
Also, I have a large skull--24 in. around. Could this affect the way it looks?
The three things I'm worried about: Parents' reaction, razor burn, and shape, in that order.
i have a large skull too. Bald suits.

For razor burn just use a fresh blade and take it easy.don't scrape it too hard.

The family will get used to it. See 30 day rule. Do your best to ignore the first 30 days of comments.the listen to the comments.
Title: Re: Shaving it off--soon. Advice, please.
Post by: theman on October 20, 2012, 11:20:22 AM
Day 3, hope to see some pics. today.
Title: Re: Shaving it off--soon. Advice, please.
Post by: Bald Hobbit on October 21, 2012, 02:23:59 PM
Don't know if I'll take pics, I don't trust myself to the entire internet. Not saying anything's wrong with you guys, but I'm precautious as to this. I believe I'll do it tuesday, when I have the house mostly to myself and can take my time.
Title: Re: Shaving it off--soon. Advice, please.
Post by: mrzed on October 21, 2012, 07:10:30 PM
Do your pix with shades or block out your face.our take a behind view.

Title: Re: Shaving it off--soon. Advice, please.
Post by: BaldHDbiker on October 21, 2012, 09:30:04 PM
You've received some good advise. Just take it slow and easy. You coukd use an electric after you cut it off with a 0 clipper if you want then go to a blade.
Title: Re: Shaving it off--soon. Advice, please.
Post by: Bald Hobbit on October 23, 2012, 08:03:48 AM
Todays the day. ;D

I'm freakin' out.
Title: Re: Shaving it off--soon. Advice, please.
Post by: Frontier Guy on October 23, 2012, 11:08:26 AM
You'll feel relief once you make that first pass ... and remember, it's only a haircut.
Title: Re: Shaving it off--soon. Advice, please.
Post by: Bald Hobbit on October 23, 2012, 09:56:48 PM
I did it! Got razor burned, and it took half an hour longer than it should have, but I like the result.  About how long does it take for the scalp to toughen, and how long for the skin to get color?
Title: Re: Shaving it off--soon. Advice, please.
Post by: clarinetguy on October 23, 2012, 11:19:50 PM
great you did it man! The first time takes a while and there is some discomfort as your scalp is not used to it. After a few days you will notice a difference and it will get easier. Just continue to take your time at the beginning. Color on the scalp is an issue when it is not summer. I am BBC so there is a shadow but suffice it the shine of your scalp will show through. Fresh blades and good lube for your scalp. Welcome- I got the nerve up to post a pic on here - this is the only site I've done it on.
Title: Re: Shaving it off--soon. Advice, please.
Post by: mrzed on October 24, 2012, 04:31:39 AM
I did it! Got razor burned, and it took half an hour longer than it should have, but I like the result.  About how long does it take for the scalp to toughen, and how long for the skin to get color?


Razor burn is probably pretty common on first head shave. Due to inexperience and excitement for a smooth head.

Take it easy the first week. Use some lube afterwards to soothe your scalp. The razor burn won't last long. You'll feel like a pro in a week or so. 30 day rule!

I don't even remember how long it took to develop color. And i first shaved my head in January.

Your speed for shaving will improve over the first month. 5 to 10 minutes will become the norm

Title: Re: Shaving it off--soon. Advice, please.
Post by: Frontier Guy on October 24, 2012, 05:24:53 AM
Well done.

When I first started I think it took me about 20 minutes to shave - slow going and took quite a while to figure out the various directions needed to get everything smooth. This morning (5 months later) I wasn't in any particular hurry and it was only 4 or 5 minutes to shampoo / exfoliate / shave. Now the motions are all routine - but the morning transformation is still revitalizing.

Razor burn ... some are more susceptible than others. Personally, I think using a pre-shave oil (like Shave Secret) is very helpful.

Scalp color ... it will come with time, depending on season and geography. After a week or so you will be so accustomed to seeing the "New You" that you won't notice or think about the color.

Enjoy. I never thought of a haircut as being "fun" - but I have so much more fun than previously I wouldn't consider going back.
Title: Re: Shaving it off--soon. Advice, please.
Post by: baldjoeg on October 24, 2012, 11:16:56 AM
Congradulations and welcome. You will love the new look on you. Shavers secret is great stuff to use as a pre shave. You can find it at Walmart.

Mrzed, Your rolls are making me hungry.
Title: Re: Shaving it off--soon. Advice, please.
Post by: baldjoeg on October 24, 2012, 06:14:38 PM
Glad to hear that you are ready to take the plunge. I have never regretted doing it myself.

It sounds like you are all set. I would recommend getting some witch hazel to put on after the shave. I also use headblade glossy lube for an after shave.

I would definitely recommend going to a barber for a straight razor head shave some time. It is such a great experience.

Looking forward to seeing a picture after you do the deed.

Welcome to SBG. It is a great forum and you can get a lot of good advice here.

 O0 O0 O0
Title: Re: Shaving it off--soon. Advice, please.
Post by: mrzed on October 24, 2012, 06:40:03 PM
Congradulations and welcome. You will love the new look on you. Shavers secret is great stuff to use as a pre shave. You can find it at Walmart.

Mrzed, Your rolls are making me hungry.
I'm making more rolls this week! Very very relaxing.

Title: Re: Shaving it off--soon. Advice, please.
Post by: Bald Hobbit on October 25, 2012, 12:31:17 AM
Posted pictures here:

Thanks a lot for all the advice.