Sly Bald Guys Forum

Discussions About Being Bald => To be or not be...Bald => Topic started by: Raiden on September 12, 2012, 04:14:21 PM

Title: 18, should I shave?
Post by: Raiden on September 12, 2012, 04:14:21 PM
Hi there everyone, I would like some advice. I'm turning 19 in October and have been noticing hair loss for about a year. It's starting to get to the point that I am styling my hair to hide it and I am cutting it shorter. It's still not noticeable but I'm getting bored with dealing with it.  At first I freaked and I still do sometimes, but lurking here has helped me change perspective and realise the years of taking meds and constantly stressing about it and my hair is not for me. Which is why I am here, I would like to shave my head. However there a few things I would like some help with.
This is me.
( (
I am 18 but still look about 12, could I pull off a shaved head?
My hairline is very high, I look odd without a fringe, I also don't have any facial hair.
How old were you guys when you took the plunge?
Did you have any facial hair when you shaved? Ideally I'd like a beard before I do it but I can't grow one.
Also, I dress quite immaturely for my age, did you guys have to change your wardrobes drastically to fit your new look?
Finally did any of you change your personality at all? I can pull of "angsty teen prettyboy" quite well, but I'm a bit apprehensive of, well, everything really.
I'm going to university in a week so it gives me the freedom to essentially do what I want, but if I were to go through with this, I would wait until after freshers week as my hair still looks good and I would like to get girls and have fun before potentially committing to this lifestyle change.
Sorry if this was a bit long-winded, and just seems like a garbled string of consciousness, writing things like this is a good stress reliever. But I digress, I thank you in advance for any tips or advice you care to leave and look forward to reading your responses :)
Title: Re: 18, should I shave?
Post by: Viking on September 12, 2012, 04:50:01 PM
Dude, don't think about it too much, it is only hair, it doesn't have to be a change of lifestyle. If you want to grow a beard but can't, then why worry about it, it isn't gonna happen, wanting or hoping it will aint gonna change that. If you chave your head it doesn't mean you have to change your wadrode or attitude, shaving your head doesn't make you some sort of badass, you're just the same but quicker to get ready in the morning!  ;D

You can still be a "angsty teen prettyboy" and you'll still be able get girls and have fun, girls dig confidence more than hairstyle, any that don't then aren't really worth it, I shaved my head at 20 and I'm getting married next summer! Personally, if your off to uni then I'd whip it all off before going, just to avoid people pointing it out and asking "didn't you have hair last week??".

Hairloss is what it is y'know, there aint anything you can really do about it so best to just get on with living life!!
Title: Re: 18, should I shave?
Post by: Bilko1 on September 12, 2012, 05:40:50 PM
I agree with Gearhead - having your head shaved doesn't change the "real" you, but it can certainly help you with your confidence.

Having a lot of hair & then going straight to bald is a dramatic change for anyone, but it will certainly boost your confidence as it means you at least had the b***s to do it.

Whatever you decide, all the best.

(P.s: since it would be your first head shave, I would advise that you ask a barber to do it for you. You will be nervous to begin with, but you will enjoy the trip to baldness, guaranteed.)
Title: Re: 18, should I shave?
Post by: Vash on September 12, 2012, 05:57:32 PM
Try looking at it from a different angle. Your hair (and hair loss) are a source of concern and anxiety as demonstrated by saying that you are styling your hair to hide it. Removing the source of anxiety is always a positive move. Your off to school soon, why not start a new chapter of your life with a new you? You get to decide who and how you are going to be in this next phase of your life?

You know what girls are attracted to? Confidence and self assurance. You think you'll be confident if you are concerned that girls notice your hair loss? Why not just take control of your situation and try it out? Think of it as freeing yourself from that worry and letting yourself be yourself.

And as a last thought, it's a haircut, not a lifestyle change. Hair grows back. One of the benefits of being young is that you have the option of trying out new things for a while without committing to it for life. Life is long, styles change, it's all part of becoming who you will be. You can shave your head, grow it back, get pierced, remove them, get tattooed, get it removed, buy clothes, buy different clothes, and so on.

Things will be changing for you, for as long as you are above the ground, but it's up to you to decide whether or not you are going to make those decisions for yourself, or let them be dictated for you by peers and fears.

Best of luck in all things...
Title: Re: 18, should I shave?
Post by: Viking on September 12, 2012, 06:06:52 PM
^^^^^ What he said!!  O0 O0 O0
Title: Re: 18, should I shave?
Post by: Slynito on September 12, 2012, 06:17:18 PM
Give it a very close buzz and see if you like it. If you don't let it grow back. You got lots going for you with those pretty blue eyes...welcome to the forum.
Title: Re: 18, should I shave?
Post by: Frontier Guy on September 12, 2012, 06:56:40 PM
Another voice of encouragement to shave now, before you arrive at Uni. Let the first impression there be of the new you - it will make it all so much easier and avoid the questions in a week or two about "What happened to your hair?"

Clearly you're adventurous ... let this be your next adventure!
Title: Re: 18, should I shave?
Post by: Hingatao on September 12, 2012, 08:51:12 PM
Welcome to the club, Raiden.

Gearhead gave you the best possible advice. Another point to consider: if you shave or go with a buzz cut before uni starts, the other students won't have a chance to see you with hair thereby reducing the chances of being teased about being sly.

Good luck with whatever you choose.
Title: Re: 18, should I shave?
Post by: Paul the Headblader on September 12, 2012, 10:20:59 PM
I am sincerely sorry for not reading your whole post, are you a ..male or a femele?
If you are a male, imho, take it slow.
Don't go straight to a buzzcut, the diffrence will be too big.
"level down" your hair
Title: Re: 18, should I shave?
Post by: mahaw90 on September 13, 2012, 12:18:43 AM
You seem like you have a good head of hair from the photo. If I was you I would buzz it first.
Title: Re: 18, should I shave?
Post by: Raiden on September 13, 2012, 02:18:11 PM
You seem like you have a good head of hair from the photo. If I was you I would buzz it first.
Only temple recession at the moment, but my high hairline makes it look worse than it would on a "normal" hairline. But yes, I think that is the best option.

I am sincerely sorry for not reading your whole post, are you a ..male or a femele?
If you are a male, imho, take it slow.
Don't go straight to a buzzcut, the diffrence will be too big.
"level down" your hair
Haha, I am a dude. Yeah, I was talking to some friends who though this would be best.

Thank you everyone else for your responses, I think I will probably buzz before going full on sly, see how it is and keep cutting it shorter if I don't like/suit the buzzed look.
One other question, I know my confidence will take a hit as I adjust simply because no hair is quite uncommon for my age group and I had BDD when I was younger. Does anyone have any good methods or books or whatever to recommend for boosting self esteem and confidence during the early days?
Title: Re: 18, should I shave?
Post by: Frontier Guy on September 13, 2012, 04:47:15 PM
I'm no expert, but I suspect you will find - despite your previous BDD - that you experience a surge in confidence simply by demonstrating the courage to take control and make the change. That's quite empowering of itself. Most guys have reported that, and I don't see any reason you will be any different.
Title: Re: 18, should I shave?
Post by: Slynito on September 13, 2012, 06:17:54 PM
From your photo you indeed have a nice head full of hair...there are organizations that are always in need of hair donations to make wigs for people taking Chemo treatments...if you are interested and have a mind to helping those in need. Myself and many others chose to do this when we went BBC. Good luck!

Title: Re: 18, should I shave?
Post by: Sir Harry on September 14, 2012, 12:28:37 AM
From your photo you indeed have a nice head full of hair...there are organizations that are always in need of hair donations to make wigs for people taking Chemo treatments...if you are interested and have a mind to helping those in need. Myself and many others chose to do this when we went BBC. Good luck!


+1....Wishing you the best with whatever you decide.
Title: Re: 18, should I shave?
Post by: marty22 on September 26, 2012, 02:06:16 PM
Are u sure u want to go throughw ith it?
Title: Re: 18, should I shave?
Post by: Slynito on September 26, 2012, 02:12:58 PM
Are u sure u want to go throughw ith it?

Congratulations Marty22 on reaching your 2,000 posting. Y'all done good!

    !B@ !B@ !B@
Title: Re: 18, should I shave?
Post by: Slyfive on September 26, 2012, 02:30:28 PM
2000... Woah. Also welcome Raiden, I was the same at your age, same kind of hairstyle, and I guess, a bit of a prettyboy. But I waited till 23 till I did something about it, I only wish I'd done it when I started uni, then I wouldn't have have 5 years of worrying. Did you go through with it?
Title: Re: 18, should I shave?
Post by: Raiden on October 01, 2012, 11:54:28 AM
I did not go all the way, I've cut my hair down and will probably do this until I am an NW2, then shave it all off. I already feel a lot better not having to worry about the wind and rain all the time